how would iran be different today if the arabs had never invaded ?

by hoomangolshan

how would iran be different today if the arabs had never invaded ? 

feel free to express your opinion...


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We'd have been better off

by Cost-of-Progress on

P E R I O D 




Kill Mouse Traps

How would Iran be different,,,

by Kill Mouse Traps on

How would Iran be different 1,400 years from now if this blog was never written?  That's what I want to know.

salman farsi

Salman Farsi would have remained Rouzbeh Kazerouni :))

by salman farsi on

or perhaps Rouzbeh Esfahani

The real question is this: 

What would it be like if Hooman Golshan asked less speculative and more realistic questions?

 Answer: then he wouldn't be Hooman Golshan :))

 For an Islamic democracy