"Speculation", Your Honor!

by HBPM1

Judges are humans, like the rest of us, and as such are subject to making errors in judgement, being ignorant of facts, having biases and prejudices, and being vulnerable to foibles that plague all of us. The heavy responsibility that they carry on their shoulders might call for a review of the structuring of judicial systems such that in no event shall any one judge or arbitor individually have the final say on any legal matter, but that all legal matters must pass muster with a three member majority of a five member judicial tribunal. Had such a mechanism been implemented or in place it may well have led to a more rational ruling than the one recently witnessed where a sole judge single-handedly saw it fit to issue a ruling calling for the seizure and auction of the archeological heritage of Iran, on loan to the University of Chicago, to satisfy a very very tenuous and far-fetched judgement...a faulty judgement, itself the creature of a flawed verdict reached most likely at the hands of a jury with minds poisoned with all sorts of misinformation, bias and prejudices.


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