Wipe Iran off the map


by Fred

Role reversal is a technique where, to have better insight into a situation, a person exchanges role with another, in other word, walking in someone else’s’ shoes.

To understand the other side and have an edge on the opposition, this technique is often used by politicians and particularly militaries of different countries.

Having that in mind, as difficult as I know it is for some to even think of it, but I strongly suggest the use of the technique in the current face off between the sane world and IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

Most of the advice coming from the usual talking heads, the lobbyist and gofers has been about seeing it from the Islamist Rapists’ perspective.  They say, if only they were respected enough, given security guarantees, a seat at the table and unconditionally engaged in wide ranging subjects of their choosing, them Islamist Rapists would behave differently.  Well, how about a role reversal for a change?

What would a red-blooded Iranian do if for over three decades U.S. government organized Americans to chant death to Iran?

What would Iranian politicians who love their country and compatriots, are responsible for their safety and security, do if a country openly stated its national goal was to wipe Iran off the map and was strongly suspected of making the tools to do it with?

What would Iranians do if a regime held annual conferences where rabid anti-Iran and Iranian guests were flown in from all over the world to read out their essays on how much they hate Iran and Iranians and what they like to do to them?

What would mucho Iranian men feel about another country labeling Iranian women as fornicators and her First Lady as a harlot?

Islamist Rapists are playing with fire, imposing a hefty price on Iran and Iranians, again.

Before it is too late, the sane world has to help enslaved Iranians with material support to overthrow the weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamists who are bent on “managing the world.”


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Fred - You must have hit a nerve

by Onlyiran on

The Palestinian camel is out to regurgitate his cut and paste comments, and Tahgord Deerooz is also out to call you Israeli, etc., etc.  I guess that accusation never gets old.  Well, if they can call Mousavi an Israeli agent, and have a whole exhibit about it, complete with posters of him with the Star of David, who are we not be to be worthy of that honor?  But you're correct.  I wrote a blog on a similar issue sometime ago:



And to you, Mola Palestine:

 1. Who is Occupying Whose land? Answer: Zionist Jews occupying Muslim's land. Solution: Stop occupying Plaestinians' land, stop building thousands and hundred of thousand settlement housing on their land, withdraw from Lebanon's and Syria's land, have shame, have humanity for the natives who've lived there for tens of thousand of years.

Here's your answer:

Israel has occupied Palestinians' and other nations' lands for half a century and has committed, and is committing, unspeakable crimes against humanity against them, including apartheid, murder, torture and other crimes.  Hopefully, one day, the world will have the courage to put them on trial for their crimes.  BUT, it has done NOTHING to Iran.  Therefore, the Iranian people should not be the sacrificial lambs for this cause.  You, and other Arabs, need to save your own kind.  Iranians will need to focus on their own problems, and the crimes against humanity committed against them in Iran.  

Now, shoo away. 

Mola Nasredeen

Tactic # 2 by FredCompany

by Mola Nasredeen on

"Oh my God! poor us always under attack by such a...blah blah blah"

The real questions are:

1. Who is Occupying Whose land? Answer: Zionist Jews occupying Muslim's land. Solution: Stop occupying Plaestinians' land, stop building thousands and hundred of thousand settlement housing on their land, withdraw from Lebanon's and Syria's land, have shame, have humanity for the natives who've lived there for tens of thousand of years.

2. Who is manipulating the Western powers political machine to suppress the natives for her own unjustified gains. Answer: Zionist jews of Israel.

3. Who is overthrowing whose government? Stop overthrowing popular governments (such as Dr Mosaddegh's) and replacing them with your stooges (named Shah in Iran's case).

4. Who is pushing other nations to follow her orders? Stop ordering independent nations in the Middle East to follow you that leads to political subjugation.

5. Who is playing the part of a 'victim' while she is the real aggressor? Stop playing the role of The Victim when you are not. Halocaust industry tactics have lost its effects even among some jews.

6. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Chew on these few points for now.


Israeli presence on blogosphere!

by Disenchanted on


      It is way too naive to assume Israeli propaganda machine doesn't have an agent or two assigned to Iranian.com considering it is one of the most popular web sites among Iranians abroad. Enough said!


Anonymous Observer

Nice blog Fred- you are correct

by Anonymous Observer on

One can only imagine what the usual suspects on this site alone would do if a country chanted "death to Iran" out there day and night--as official government policy--burnt Iran's flags on the streets for 31 years, held conferences going after Iran, saying Iran as a country doesn't have the right to exist, etc., etc.  They already tear themselves about when something negative is said about the IR.  They write blog after blog, play the victim card, sing "naneh man ghareebam". call everyone an imperialist and a Zionist, etc.

What you talk about here my friend in exposing IR and its lackeys' arrogance, ignorance, belligerence, double standard and hypocrisy.  Thanks for the post.

PS- in the future, you may want to write your blogs in Farsi.  It keeps the distractions of mostly foreign IR agents who can't read Farsi to a minimum. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

to chant death to Iran?

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Thanks for this very insightful and well written piece.


Don't worry about us Sargord

by Simorgh5555 on

Try being a good 'American' which you constantly boast that you are based on questionable maternal lineage. Not even one percent of the American public will agree with your sympathetic views about the Islamic Republic.

Practice what you prach to others: You voted. You lost. Accept the system. Support your government and its policies. What the majority says goes.

Sargord Pirouz

Nothing like an anti-Iran

by Sargord Pirouz on

Nothing like an anti-Iran post written by Israelis to bring out the truly treasonous in the crowd. I suppose there's an element of utility in that. lol

Hoshang Targol

ARI, indeed

by Hoshang Targol on

Any military attack on IR could just prove to consolidate it even more.

Not only that, if all other options for its survival is blocked, IR itself might launch a military provocation, just to prolong its most misreable life.

Our problems are indeed a bit more complex than some rhetorical tropes might suggest. There's only one and one way out of IR ( short of creating another hell worse than IR itself) namely self-organization of Iranian people ( at every level of society ) with the explicit, unconditioanl aim of overthrowing IR, AND replacing it with a democratic system.

Anything less than this could creat a hell much worse than IR, as we currently see in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Down with Islamic Republic.

Stop all executions in Iran.

Free all political prisoners in Iran



by comrade on

For "Arsonist Republic of Iran". The regime "plays with fire" as catalyst for her own solidification. There is no evidence which proves that regime will implode under military attack.

I despised Saddam for consequential mulla-fortifying effects which his attack brought about, more than any other patriotic reason. I don't want to detest anyone else for the same reason. 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Maryam Hojjat

Excellent, Fred As usual!

by Maryam Hojjat on

& True. 


the only solution

by calais on

The only solution is total destruction of Islam. 

In Terms of medicine, Arab and islam are like a cancer for a peacefully world, it promotes not only fanaticism, but also affects other cells vigorously, thus, removal of such malignant cancer is a must. 

Sargord Pirouz

What do eastern Europeans of

by Sargord Pirouz on

What do eastern Europeans of Jewish descent like the people at Fred do when Iranians are not intimidated by their wars of aggression in the region?

They, the Israelis at Fred, waste their time propagandizing against Iran here on the IC twice a day.

Pathetic, these cowardly Israelis that make up this "Fred" effort.


Good one Fred!

by Simorgh5555 on

Good one Fred!