She is no more

by Fred

Zahra Bahrami, the Iranian-Dutch national is no more. Like so many others in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, she was murdered by the state.

Her offense does not really matter; just take your pick from the menu:  “drug trafficking”, “activities against national security”, “participation in illegal gathering”, “membership in banned organization”…

What is surprising is that some people and organizations acting all surprised, asking how come she was executed before “the legal process” having run its course.

Listen up, it is the Islamist Rapists Republic, when and where did anything “legal” have anything to do with what Islamist Rapists do to Iran and Iranians?

Name one.


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Azadeh Azad

Those Islamists who killed Zahra and our other compatriots

by Azadeh Azad on

after accusing them of drug traffiquing, are in fact in charge of the drug traffiquing and the traffiquing of women and children for the purpose of their sexual exploitation in Iran!


Where is Mehdi to answer?

by Researcher on

He is late. He really gives good answers to Fred. Where is he?


We Are Listening!

by Demo on

With Your Honor vast knowledge of the "judicial due pocesses," & as Your  Magestrial Court predetermined rulings with the indicated court case Your Honor's summary review of "at least one" of the below "legal??" cases is being  greatly appreciated: 1) the "legally" indiscriminated drone bombings of the Afghani/Paskistanian Villagers by the well known elements; 2) Israeli bombings of defenseless Gaza strips' residents; 3) the 10 years holding ups of the remaining GITMO prisoners with no charges against them; and 4) the 10 years occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan with the pretense of fightings terrorisms. The request is lerading, Your Honor, we know that, but look where it is leading!!!!

G. Rahmanian

Death To IR

by G. Rahmanian on

In the IR confession under duress is nothing new. As long as the murderous regime of IR is in power, these crimes will not end.


I'd add mohareb to the list of offences

by Rea on

It always works.


I say so I say so I say so

by comrade on

It's not wise to trust someone's single idea, when doing a single click seems beyond his/her capability.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



There is one solution

by Simorgh5555 on

The regime must end by way of military action through an Iranian Liberation Army supported by air strikes. The Islamic Republic MUST be destroyed. No ifs no buts. 


There is one solution

by Simorgh5555 on

The regime must end by way of military action through an Iranian Liberation Army supported by air strikes. The Islamic Republic MUST be destroyed. No ifs no buts.