The resurrection of Pahlavi

by Fred

I’ve had this question on the back of my mind for many years and suspect there are others in the same predicament.

I know some thirty one years ago a massively popular revolution took place in Iran ousting the Pahlavi Dynasty and with it monarchy replacing it with a mixture of non-hereditary absolute lifetime rule of a Mullah with a veneer of a Republican system of governance.

I know after thirty one years of being ruled by the arguably despised IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic if not all, a good chunk of Iranians wish the end of IRR as passionately as was the case for the end of Pahlavi Dynasty.

Also, IRR and others have been trying to discredit the ousted Pahlavi Dynasty from day one to the present day.

My question is why, that is I can understand IRR doing it, but can’t get my mind around other Iranians who say they  despise IRR doing it. Do they know something that is not apparent, like the chances of Pahlavi dynasty resurrecting is so great to warrant them opposing it so vehemently over opposign the murderouse Islamist Rapists?

And if that should be the case, would they prefer the extension of life of IRR over the return of Pahlavi as those are the only two choices they seem to allow?


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Not all are ungrateful believe me. I am very grateful to have been raised when Shah was around. I will not forget his love of Iran and patriotism. He did a lot for us. We should all acknowledge this and remember it. One day his memory will be restored and honored have no doubt. People are realizing this more by the day.


very good question

by fozolie on


Total lack of ensaf and no sense of decency by Iranians, the more they owed MRP the higher the treachery. 

Mr. Fozolie


But pahlavis are already

by fooladi on

But pahlavis are already ressurected in the form of Islamic republic. The only difference is that shah wore a taj and openly sucked up to USA, but khamenei wears a  turban and rather discretely (so he thinks!) sucks up to US by sending ahmadi to NYC to host dinner parties for american officials! Both pahlavis and islamic regime enjopy wide support of "masses" of "persian americans", mostly with poor command of farsi Language, scattered from west to East coast of USA!

Maryam Hojjat

Mahmoudg is Right

by Maryam Hojjat on

on this issue & I am with him.  I also wish Islam to be abolished from Iran & Iranian's life for ever.  We must salvage our culture which has been ruined by these Barbaric Islamists.



by timothyfloyd on



Palestinian Marge,

by Spear on

I already exposed you for a Palestinian, with your biased agenda in favor of the IRI -- you want the IRI to survive so that it can give billions of dollars of Iranian treasure to your countrymen and women in Gaza ("Gazans" as you put it, Palestinians as we Iranians in America call them).

You're a fraud, Marge, I already established this fact clearly. You pass yourself off as an Iranian on this site 24/7, but you're a Palestinian, so you have absolutely no right to opine on the efficacy or legitimacy of a possible Pahlavi restoration.

So go bash Israel, you phony, it's what you do best -- it's about all you do on this anyway!

Long live the Pahlavi Dynasty,

 and Reza Shah II!



by Fred on

Actually the lovelies haven’t answered my very specific question.

Here it is in lovely-friendly format, why the triumverate prefer to attack a system which they constantly claim is dead and done with?

BTW, stale lovelies, keep up the good work.

Real McCoy

Rennick, Father of Love...

by Real McCoy on

Peace out Father!

You are right Dino was far better.

This one, not a Dino, but for good old times...

pastor bill rennick

Brother Real McCoy (i.e., thing)

by pastor bill rennick on



is it an earthquake? or simply a shock?
is it a good turtle soup? or merely a muck?
is it a cocktail, this feeling of joy?
or is what i feel, the real mccoy?

is it for all time? or simply a lark?
is it granata i see? or only raspberry pie?
is it a fancy, not worth thinking of?
or is it at long last love?

is it an earthquake? or simply a shock?
is it a good turtle soup? or is it merely the muck?
is it a cocktail, this feeling of joy?
or is what i feel, the real mccoy?

is it for all time? or simply a lark?
is it granata i see? or only raspberry pie?
is it a fancy, not worth thinking of?
or is it at long, long, long last love?


Dino was better though!??!!?

Real McCoy

Father Rennick

by Real McCoy on

Everybody, in this world loves somebody. I'm sure you know!

This will be a sign
between me and you... Exod31:12-13

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

IRR discredited Pahlavis? Shah did a great job himself

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

This is my favorite blog by you yet, chickenhawk Fred! 

pastor bill rennick

Brother McCoy

by pastor bill rennick on

Ask your abji and bibi!?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Response to Fred

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


My question is why, that is I can understand IRR doing it, but can’t get my mind around other Iranians who say they  despise IRR doing it. Do they know something that is not apparent, like the chances of Pahlavi dynasty resurrecting is so great to warrant them opposing it so vehemently over opposign the murderouse Islamist Rapists? 

Because there are some people who were passionately for the revolution. After 31 years they know the revolution was a disaster and a failure. But they are not willing to admit their mistake. They don't want to say mea culpa. Therefore they are looking for excuses to justify their old position. Blaming the Pahlavis is a simple way out. 

It takes real integrity and courage to say: I was wrong; I screwed up. Only a few like Jamshid are strong and honest enough to do this. It takes a big man or woman to admit a mistake. The rest will hide behind excuses and not take responsibility.

That in short is my response to your question. Not being one of them I can only guess.

Maybe there are other reasons that I don't know.

Real McCoy

"Your sin prompts your mouth;job15: 3-6"

by Real McCoy on

I'm sure Father Rennick used to be a cute choir boy.

pastor bill rennick

Pastor Rennick's blessing is with Mr. Reza Pahlavi

by pastor bill rennick on

But first, we need to take of the brothers and sisters who are in charge in the Islamic Republic, maybe something like the treatment we gave brother Sad'dam!



Okay Fred

by benross on

We have Marge, the Comrade, Sargord and Marjan who jumped on the occation to say no.

I guess you got your answer! 

Marjan Zahed Kindersley

Charity for the unhinged

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

Even a remote chance is rather doubtful. (Referring to paragraph 5. By the way, I like the efficient way you write.) In reality really.

On however, I believe this to be charity work, a sort of Care in the Community job creation scheme for court jesters 

at Bedlam.



Reza Pahlavi has a good chance

by mahmoudg on

In a democracy Reza Pahlavi, as a monarch, president, catalyst, or just a plain old civilian working hard towards toppling this regime, has a very good chance.  Our efforts should be directed in toppling this regime and if Mr. Reza Pahlavi (and i will call him his Majesty as he is royalty whether people like or not), has a very good chance.  he has more of a backing in iran than the MKO or any other candidate does.  Closing our eyes to this fact is like having our heads in the sand.  But we all have one thing in common, and that is an Iran free of the Islamic Rapist Republic.  In my case, i want to go a step further, which might be accomplished, although a far cry, and that is the annihilation of Islam; this pathetic A-rab cult whose book the Quran is litteraly not even worth the pages if was written on.  Alhtough as some one who loves books, i do have one in my library, albeit next to Mein Kampf and the Satanic Versus.  God bless.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

LOL.... it's only getting more funny with you chickenhawk fred

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I love it! Keep up the hilarity. As long as you're not discussing starving the Iranians, keep it up chickenhawk fred :)


You should burst your bubble, so to speak. He can't.

by comrade on

How do you consider a person who was catered inside a bubble, for nineteen long years in order to replace his dictator father, as an alternative to another dictatorial regime?



pahlavi ressurection for sure

by mehdi79 on

RP is on the top of IRR hit list (thats what Saeed Emami former regime intelligence guy confessed) ... that's why he is the most harmful opposition to islamic regime .. so was Bakhtiar, Fattokhzad, Ghasemlou & so ons ... if they get the chance they will assassinate him cuz they know he can gather ppl around him ...

Sargord Pirouz

Fred... Who on earth beside

by Sargord Pirouz on


Who on earth beside a jaded few takes RP seriously? It's like I tell our friend Darius, if RP is the only outside contender in town, the Islamic Republic is home free. That is to say, RP is absolutely harmless and the IRI knows it full well.

Don't mistake for a moment the high emotions of some displayed here at IC, in giving you the false impression that RP is any way taken seriously by most of the diaspora, let alone inside the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he is regarded as a totally disconnected character, out in the cold, political wilderness.