روی سخنم با شما پیروان اسلام است که همیشه باعث دردسر بوده اید، نه تنها در این زمان بلکه از صدر اسلام و روی کارآمدنتان. برای اثبات مدعای خودتان دست به هر جنایت و خشونتی زده اید، آدم می کشید و سر می برید. زبان می برید و سنگسار میکنید. اگر توهین به مقدسات شما بد است، چرا پس توهین به مقدسات دیگران را شایسته می دانید؟ زورتان نرسید نوروز و سیزده به در را از فرهنگ ایران بیرون کنید بجایش آمدید و دعای سال تحویل ساختید و رنگ و بوی مذهبی اش دادید و بردیدش داخل حرم. اعتقادات مسیحیان راجع به پسر خدا بودن را تمسخر می کنید. یهودیان را نجس میدانید. اعتقاد هولوکاستشان را هم دروغ می پندارید و برای اثباتش کنفرانس می گیرید. اونجا که میشه ناگهان آزادی بیان برایتان معنا و مفهوم پیدا میکنه!!! زرتشتیان را آتش پرستان خرافه گرا می پندارید. هموطنان بهایی هم که اصلا آدم نیستند از نظر شما. نه حق داشتن قبرستان دارند و نه حق تحصیل و خدمت به وطن. (نوشته های بلاگ نویسان در همین سایت را برای نمونه میتوان دید). القاب نژادپرستانه "قوم عجوج و مجوج" (یا بقول خودتان "چشم بادامی ها") را هم که وللش. شما حتی نمی تونید از لعنت کردن اعتقادات اهل سنت و یا بالعکس هم خودداری کنید.
شما غلط می کنید که حرف از احترام به عقاید دیگران میزنید! حتی تحمل دیدن یک خانقاه را هم ندارید! مثل یک قوم وحشی می ریزید و اقلیتهای مذهبی را هتک حرمت میکنید. آنجا برایتان احترام به عقاید دیگران اهمیت ندارد؟ اصلا شده اعتقاد یک فرد "خارج از دین" (آنهم دین شما) برای شما محترم باشه؟
از روز اولش هم همینطور بوده آخه. نمونه اش هم حمله وحشیانه تان به ایران 1400سال پیش و توهین به مقدسات و اعتقادات ایرانیان که در آن زمان زرتشتی بود. شما که با زورِ شمشیر اسلامتان را گسترش دادید، چنانکه اگر کسی به دینتان ایمان نمی آورد خونش را مباح وقتلش را واجب می دانستید، الان هم همین کار را میکنید. طبیعیست! خُب قرآنتان نوشته! از آیه 89 سوره نسا واضحتر؟
مگر در بازگویی تاریخ اشکالی است؟ مگر شما می توانید تاریخ را پاک کنید؟ این تاریخ خود شماست که از بازگوی اش اینگونه هراسان می شوید و آن می کنید که اکنون شاهدش هستیم! آخر مگر این گفته ای که ازدواج با دختر 9 ساله جایز است از سخنان پیامبرتان نیست؟ چرا که دختر خود او در سن 9 سالگی با علی ازدواج کرد. گفتن حقیقت اهانت است؟؟؟؟؟ مگر این حقیقت را می شود کتمان کرد؟ مگر حکایت زید، پسر خوانده ی محمد را که در قرآن خودتان نوشته شده نخوانده اید؟ مگر می توانید منکر آن شوید؟ شما را رجوع می دهم به سوره ی احزاب آیه های 36 تا 38.
مگر جز این بود که پیامبر، زینب زن پسر خوانده اش را می بیند و از او خوشش می آید و سرانجام او را به زنی می گیرد؟ آیا می توانید سوره ی بقره آیه ی 191 را از قرآن حذف کنید؟ این را از آن جهت گفتم که کشتن کافران که همانا ایمان نیاورندگان هستند در آن به صراحت گفته شده و دست شما را برای کشتن آنها باز می گذارد و به عملتان وجاهت قانونی و شرعی می دهد. آیا این سخنان توهین به دیگر ادیان نیست؟ یعنی کسانی که دین شما را باور دارند خوبند و دیگران بدند؟ از این سوره ها فرت و فراوان در قرآن ریخته و انتظار دارید ما به آن احترام هم بگذاریم. اونهم وقتی خودتان برای اعتقادات دیگران کوچکترین ارزشی قائل نیستید!!
یهودیان قبیله "بنی نظیر" که از ترور شدن یکی از روساي خود بنام "کعب ابن اشرف" توسط مسلمانان و به دستور محمد، خشمگین بودند آماده طغیان شدند ولی محمد دستور به کشتار آنان داد، آنان را محاصره کرده و نخلستان هایشان را نیز به آتش کشیدند و در پایان، آنان توسط مسلمانان غارت شدند و افراد آن قبیله ،تصمیم به ترك آن دیار گرفتند. سوره ی حشر آیه های 3 ،4 و 5 این کشتار توسط محمد را به روشنی شرح و کار محمد را درست و به جا جلوه می دهد. آیا تاریخ را می توانید به گونه ای دیگر نشان دهید؟ آیا این سخنان که همگی گفته ی قرآن است را می توانید دروغ بخوانید؟ خیر! اینها تاریخ است و نمی توان آنها را عوض کرد! حال چرا آن چیزی را که به درستی از تاریختان به شما می گویند، توهین می دانید و در صدد انتقام از گویندگانش بر می آیید و آن می کنید که می بینیم: کشتن، غارت کردن، به آتش کشیدن و همه ی این کار های زشت. تمامش هم درقرآن شما (تحت لوای مبارزه با "کفار") توصیه شده، و یادآوری این حقایق شما را خشمگین می کند!
همین جا میگویم: از اهانت به محمد ناراحتید؟ کون لق شما و محمد با هم که به غیر از قتل و آدم کشی خدمت دیگری به بشریت نکردید! تف بر آن ائمه اطهارتان که ایران و ایرانی را ذلیل کرد. نفرین بر آن قرآنتان که بجای هدایت بشر باعث فلاکتش شد! ما حکومت اجباری اسلام بر شما تحمیل کردیم یا شما بر ما؟ ماییم که با باتوم و چماق و گشت ارشاد به شما امر (و نه دعوت) به معروف میکنیم و به زور شما را می خواهیم به بهشت ببریم یا بالعکس؟ مرده شوی علی و حسین و سیدعلی تان را ببرند که هر چه بدبختی کشیدیم از اینان و خاندان معممشان است! خیالتان راحت شد؟ حالا بروید و سفارت آتش بزنید و آدم بکشید. اما این بار باید یک سفارت ایرانی آتش بزنید....چون کسی که این قرآن را آتش می زند و نفرین میکند تری جونز نیست بلکه یک ایرانیست. خوب نگاه کنید: "گور پدر دین کثیف اسلام!"
Recently by Fesenjoon2 | Comments | Date |
Wright Brothers? Never heard of them. | - | Oct 21, 2012 |
Yogi Bear insults Noah the prophet | 7 | Oct 16, 2012 |
3 signs you're reading off IRI's script | 2 | Oct 12, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
It's about Time
by rain bow movment on Thu Sep 20, 2012 04:51 AM PDTIt's long overdue,but Muslim need to read their Quran thoroughly and think deeply and ask themselves ,what is these verses are good for . why Muslim countries control by the east and western super power ,despite the wealth of these countries their people living in misery & oppression.
Quran is a mixed copy of Jewish and Christian book.if Islam has billion follower ,it's not by choice just by birth,like follower of the other religion.
Mercy fesenjoon,may be your article give them a reason to read the Quran.
The Temperature is riisiiiing... LOL
by Dr. Mohandes on Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:08 AM PDTSomebody's body temp and BP is getting way outta control. I am a doctor and i recommend 10 year old Torshi for that!
well, well, when the going gets tough and in this case, tight and rough as well, the tough gets going and as we can see expressing one's view in total freedom that everyone MUST BE ABLE to enjoy regardless of the state - funded and propagated drivel, has pissed some people in a major way, to the point that they can not even hold back from insulting one of the greatest physicists the world has seen.
Alla ho akbar My brother immoral guard. Ahlan va sahlan ya akhi, marhaba, marhaba.
I suggest that we convene and devise a constitution immediately whereby we declare SHOLOMISM as a new concept in the arena of new and modern philosphies.
Who is with me?
Hezb faghat Sholbollah...rahbar faghat Sholomollah.
Good one dude
by Anonymous Observer on Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:42 AM PDTDo you know where I can find that toilet paper? :-)
Shlomo sit back, relax and reflect for a minute!
by Immortal Guard on Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:34 AM PDTGeorge Galloway is doing a better job on a wider scale in pushing the buttons of the Muslims than you are doing. Just watch this clip:
And this will be the result for you in the Middle-East:
And guess what is waiting for you in the US:
Also Holocaust is not the only sacred cow of yours that is being questioned. Albert Einstein is being touted as the biggest cheater and plagiarizer who basically only put together the works of multiple true scientists together! It's all about advertisement when it comes to Einstein!
If I were you Shlomo instead of alienating Persians more I would concentrate my efforts more on Arabs! Or maybe you already have thrown in the towel when it comes to Arabs and consider them a lost cause for further Zionist lobbying! I admit Shlomo feed the Arabs more and they will vomit at the end big time on you!
but muslims love junk food too!
by Fesenjoon2 on Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:39 AM PDTWonder what Colonel Sanders would say to this:
oh that's right. Muslims really really love camel burgers:
Now, why in the world would anyone want to flag my comment?
by IRANLOVESISRAEL on Sat Sep 15, 2012 09:52 AM PDTIs my comment more offensive than other comments? So, equating Mohammad to a Donkey is worse than calling him a pedophile or a murderer?
And, that's a true story! Our teacher in Iran used to tell us that story!
Let's see the formula the Admin is going to use to decide to remove my comment versus removing others!?
Shlomo is becoming desperate!
by Immortal Guard on Sat Sep 15, 2012 09:41 AM PDTShlomo is constantly hitting below the belt. It shows his desperation!
Of Junk Books, Junk Movies and Junk Food!
by Immortal Guard on Sat Sep 15, 2012 09:29 AM PDTThat's why they call it the American trash culture. And I wonder who are the shapers and shakers behind the scene of this American trash culture!
Keep eating the junk food and you'll end up suffering from obesity like 74 percent of Americans and keep watching their Hollywood junk movies and reading their junk books and you will end up a emotionally sick and a zombie!
An old man, his old & sick Donkey, and existance of Mohammad!
by IRANLOVESISRAEL on Sat Sep 15, 2012 09:23 AM PDTHistorians and archeologists have proven through scientific methods the existence of Lord Moses and Lord Jesus! But, when it comes to Mohammad and the 12 Imams, no one has been able to scientifically ascertain if these people actually existed or not. In fact, during the operation Iraqi freedom, many of the blown up religious sites examined for the derbies showed that the remains buried there belonged to animals of four legged types. This brings me to the crux of the story that one of our teachers in Iran used to tell stories about how in 1400 years ago merchants valued and worshiped their donkeys, horses, and camels. After all, these animals were everything to these people. There were their means of transportation, commerce, and most importantly of all their friends and maybe even lovers in the cold and lonely nights in the deserts. So, whenever these animals would get old and sick and possibly die in the middle of nowhere, the owners would erect a shrine in their honors and hold 3 to 7 nights and days of morning ritual. When passerbys would see these events they would gather around to sympathize with the owner. The owners would tell all sorts of the stories about their beloved companions and friends and how these donkeys and camels made them happy, rich, and protected them. Many of these donkeys and camels had names such as Mohammad, Ali, Hassan, Hossein. Of course, generations later, monuments and other structures on the place of burial of these animals have come to represent what belonged to those old merchant men in the middle of desert!
Shlomo has a pet camel named Mehdi.
oh, there's already an answer to that
by Fesenjoon2 on Sat Sep 15, 2012 08:55 AM PDTYou question their Holocaust. And they'll question your Mohammad:
Iranians were proudly ridiculing Islam 700 yrs ago
by Fesenjoon2 on Sat Sep 15, 2012 08:56 AM PDTHere's one or two samples from Obayd Zakani's Collected Works:
Anecdote No.79. English translation:
A man went to a scholar and complained: My d*ck gets an erection each time I stand to say my prayers to Allah. What should I do? The scholar said "think of your elders and death". The man replied "it has no effect". The scholar said "then try thinking of The Resurrection and fear of the eternal Judgement Day". The man replied "it wont work either". The scholar tried telling the man of other remedies, but the man kept giving the same answer. Finally, the scholar grew angry and said "well then why dont you stick your d*ck in my ass?" The man replied "I came here in hopes of visiting his eminence to do whatever he tells me to do."
Anecdote No. 49. English translation:
It is said when Allah created Adam and Eve, he sent an angel so that Adam could have intercourse with. After having sex with the angel, Eve asked, "Adam, what is this that you just did?" Adam replied "it's called having sex". Eve said: "wow, that's so cool. I want to do it too."
Holocaust? what?
by مآمور on Sat Sep 15, 2012 08:08 AM PDTthis is the best way to answer zionists propaganda!!
it is so exaggerated!!
I wear an Omega watch
Muslim Hyper sensitivity in 21st century...
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sat Sep 15, 2012 07:55 AM PDTDear Vildemouse: Poking satire at islam, has in fact been always part of our culture. The satitical quote on Islam, from Obeid Zakani, which you liked, was written nearly 700 years ago, by this Qazvini Iranian, of arab heritage. It's translation:
"Islam is an strange Religion..
When you enter it, they chop the end of your male organ...
when you decide to leave it, they chop your head off.... "
Has anyone on this blog thought why is it that we Iranians, have enjoyed reading Obeid's satires on shiat islam all this timeReally, but now, all of a sudden, we get this kind of rage and anger about a third rate movie?
Really at which point Islam became holyer than the God himself? Was it at the foundation of Al-Saud dynasty in saudi arabia? or Khomeinist Vali faghih regime in Iran in 1979? Who was behind all this? who is benefitting most from this whole pathetic game of burning flags, attacks on diplomatic missions, taking diplomats hostage and worse, killing them?
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Arrrright! Kitty is back 8^))
by Fesenjoon2 on Sat Sep 15, 2012 07:33 AM PDT...
Why insult when you know what the reaction will be?
by Immortal Guard on Sat Sep 15, 2012 07:16 AM PDTWhy insult when you know what the reaction by the ignorant masses will be?
I think that if the Zionists want to insult Islam they should give it a try on an Arab website and see what the reaction will be. I mean most Iranians don't even understand Arabic which is the language of Koran and also the percentage of Iranians faithfully practising Islam is much lower compared to the Arabs. Particularly the Iranian Diaspora living abroad is least religious of all.
By contrast all the Jews that I have come across practise their religion regularly, go to the Kanissa and also to their Yeshiva sessions.
I have studied and worked with Jews and I have tested their tolerance threshold. On an individual level they have a far lower tolerance threshold than an average Iranian Muslim! The Sephardim are more tolerant but the Ashkenazim tend to look down their nose at all Muslims without distinguishing even between an Arab or a Persian!
""Islam must be
by vildemose on Sat Sep 15, 2012 01:00 AM PDTPress Release, September 14th 2012, 3:17 pm
This is a press release by The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain would like to make public its support for Tom Holland’s Channel 4 documentary ‘Islam: The Untold Story’. We are indignant to learn that due to threats made on Holland, Channel 4 has cancelled a repeat screening of the historical inquiry into the origins of Islam similar to the kind of inquiry that has been applied to other religions and histories in Britain for many years.
The threats and concerted attempt to stigmatise the documentary and its producers by attacking its credibility and even legitimacy as a field of inquiry is nothing less than an attempt to impose a blasphemy taboo by stealth and coercion against programming that scrutinises Islam....
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
مازیار گرامی
shahrvand2Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:56 PM PDT
است که با شنیدن خبر بی حرمتی به پیامبر اکرم، کف بر دهان و
مشعل به دست دنبال سفارت های آمریکا ودیگر ممالک غربی نمیگردد!
داستان خطا های مکرر روشن فکران پیش از انقلاب اسلامی البته داستان و مقوله دیگری است.
CNN reports: As
by vildemose on Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:55 PM PDTCNN reports:
As outrage spread, the film’s origins still remained murky. Whose idea was it? Who financed it?
At the heart of the mystery was the filmmaker himself, a man identified in the casting call as Sam Bassiel, on the call sheet as Sam Bassil and reported at first by news outlets as Sam Bacile.
But federal officials consider that man to be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who was convicted in 2009 of bank fraud.
According to Huffington Post: “In reality, he is an Egyptian Coptic Christian who has gone by at least six other false names and has served time for creating fake bank accounts with stolen Social Security numbers…”
When news of his movie first broke, the filmmaker identified himself as Sam Bacile and told the Wall Street Journal that he was a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California. He said Jewish donors had financed his film.
But Israel’s Foreign Ministry said there was no record of a Sam Bacile with Israeli citizenship.
The filmmaker told the Wall Street Journal Jewish donors contributed $5 million to make the film. Based on the trailer, however, the amateurish movie appears to have been produced on a low budget.
Anti-Muslim activist Steve Klein, who said he was a script consultant for the movie, said the filmmaker told him his idea was to make a film that would reveal “facts, evidence and proof” about the Prophet Mohammed to people he perceived as radical Muslims.
“Our intent was to reach out to the small minority of very dangerous people in California and try to shock them into understanding how dangerous Islam is,” Klein said.
Klein is known in Southern California for his vocal opposition to the construction of a mosque in Temecula, southeast of Los Angeles, in 2010. He heads up Concerned Citizens for the First Amendment, a group that contends Islam is a threat to American freedom.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, says Klein, a former Marine and Vietnam veteran, helped train militant Christian fundamentalists prepare for war.
The movie got even more notice after it was promoted by anti-Islam activists, including Egyptian-born Coptic Christian Morris Sadek and Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose Quran-burning last year sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan.
Jones said he had been contacted to help distribute the film.
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
vildemoseFri Sep 14, 2012 11:49 PM PDT
تازه مسلمان شده اى را گفتند:
اسلام راچگونه يافتي؟!
گفت: دين عجيبى است، چون در آن داخل شوى، سر آلتت را ببرند!
و اگر خارج شوى سر خودت را!
"عبید زاكاني
Excellent quote...thanks.
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
Don't get caught in sectarian war
by ahosseini on Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:51 PM PDTThere is no doubt we are all againt the Islamic regime and backward religious rules. But, fighting backward religious rules in a rational and logical way is one thing and supporting those who createse intimidating films or writing intimidating articles is another. There are those who want war situations so they can sell arms and intimidation is the best tool for them. There are Islamists who love these kinds of games because they can rally religious people around these kind of issues. We must condemn those who intimidate and the Islamic hardliners equallly. Taking side under the pretext of freedom expression is absolute nonsense. However, those who support freedom expression do not necessarily support expressions that create chaos in society. The expressions could range from excellent, very good , ......, bad to absolute rubbish. For example one may be against Quran, but burning Quran is a terrible thing. We have seen examples of this by ultra right wing individuals and sections of US army in Afghanistan. Only warmongers persue such politics.
Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.
ایران ، مسلمانان و صنعت فیلم سازی
مآمورFri Sep 14, 2012 10:18 PM PDT
شخصی پیشنهاد داده که بجای تظاهرات مسلمانان و یا همین ایران خودمان میباسیت فیلم ضد موسی(ع) بسازد!!
فیلم که ساخته اسمش هست ' حضرت مریم ' !! موسی علیه السلام پیغمبر خداوند است و احترامش واجب بر مسلمین!!
I wear an Omega watch
Immortal Gurad, FYI
by Demo on Fri Sep 14, 2012 09:57 PM PDTIf Zoroaster was a prophet of GOD, then Zoroastrianism becomes the long ago etablished GOD's religon which later had been renamed by Ibraham as Islam & finally had been restored by Muhammed. There is no such thing as conversion in GOD's religion.
Unpreachable Fesenjoons, Inc.
by Demo on Fri Sep 14, 2012 09:42 PM PDTHow could you preach one like Fesenjoon whose known hatred towards others have made him/her so blind that does not even check his/her own blog contents?
For instance, did Fesenjoon read what DEMO wrote in Farsi about 'Mola Nasere-deen's Le-hauf' well below all others' comments? NO! DIDN'T NEED TO! As DEMO-N's name was good enough for him/her to push the attack bottom!
by Iran Paidar 1st on Fri Sep 14, 2012 09:00 PM PDTفسنجون عزیز، دستت درد نکنه. خیلی حال کردم. خوب ر.دی به اسلام و اسلامیون. درد دل ما رو که مدتهای طولانی در دل داشتیم ولی فرصت به روی کاغذ آوردنش را نداشتیم تو به زیبایی قلم زدی (تایپ کردی). دمت گرم
by Fesenjoon2 on Fri Sep 14, 2012 08:43 PM PDTMake sure you don't miss the YouTube clip at the end of this blog. Let's see how many Iranian embassies get burned and looted for that.
Islam is full of it ... like most other religions
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Fri Sep 14, 2012 08:38 PM PDTSadly, we Muslims take ourselves way too seriously. As a result, everyone thinks that we are crazy.
DemoYou can preach to me
by Fesenjoon2 on Fri Sep 14, 2012 08:30 PM PDTDemo
You can preach to me about "hate" whenever I force you and people like you to convert and/or live by my religious rules, beat and flog you and slaughter your tribe if you don't, and force your children to learn my religious history and books, and demand that you respect my beliefs, while I shit on yours. Please, you and your kind have no moral ground here to argue with me of.
When did I try pulling Islam down in favor of another religion? My attack is focused on institutionalized religion. Police enforced sharia. Political religion. The religion of the mob, and rule of the cleric. The ideology of parcham-e Islam and Marg bar Amrika. The judicial system of state sanctioned misogyny. And in that respect, Islam is behind every other major faith by hundreds of years.
Muslim's rationalization of Islam's Barbarism
by IranFirst on Fri Sep 14, 2012 08:14 PM PDTMany times, Muslims justify and defend Islam's barbarism based on I am just doing the bad thing that others did hundres and thousans of of years ago, therfore you can't criticize me!
This "me too" non-argument does not acknowledge that fact that savagery is bad, just because someone else did it (if they did it), does not make it right. Other major religions have evolved over centuries and have adapted themselves to concepts of human rights and freedm. Islam has not, and it can NOT. Because Muslims beleive the cult of Islam should be unchanged. That is why in 21st century Islam is the only major religions that stones, maimes, cuts limbs, executes , puts women in body bags (hejab),comits terrorism ... all, while following Quran. shame on Islam and Muslims who support these acts and impose them on others
تازه مسلمان شده اى را گفتند:
Roozbeh_GilaniFri Sep 14, 2012 08:06 PM PDT
تازه مسلمان شده اى را گفتند:
اسلام راچگونه يافتي؟!
گفت: دين عجيبى است، چون در آن داخل شوى، سر آلتت را ببرند!
و اگر خارج شوى سر خودت را!
"عبید زاكاني"
by Rea on Fri Sep 14, 2012 07:36 PM PDTTo start with, my only "lord" is my employer. For whom I work hard, btw.
As far as Church is concerned, yes. Burning people, women in particular, at stake was for a long time its sole prerogative. But that time is gone, finished!! Church has no longer any say in how the country, any X-tian country, is run.
When will Mosque get out of politics and leave it to politicians? When will muslim countries separate mosque and state ?
That's the issue here, not who's done what over the centuries.