Fred an alter ego of Q

by Faramarz_Fateh

Today I received an email which included some very "out there" claims.  The guy in the email suggested that paid IRI internet agents write anti regime blogs to get people to respond to them.  From repeated responses, using spyware etc on sites such as and many other blog sites (non as popular) they eventually get into people's computers and hence find anonymous poster's real identity.

Then they get black listed and targeted.  Although this is very far fetched and something seen in the movies, it got me thinking. Thinking about it, here was that one story in Wall Street journal about a blogger's family members in Iran being arrested. 

Could this blogger called Fred be an alter ego, if you will, of Q ?  Could they be the same guy?

JJ jan, please install the latest and greatest anti spyware software on your servers.  I don't want the IRI regime to know who I am.

Or wait, maybe JalehO and Faramarz Fateh are the samle people.  Jallah Khaalegh!!! 


more from Faramarz_Fateh

Faramarz jan

by sag koochooloo on

Dont they have bigger fish to fry than a bunch of moaning expats? Although what you say is very concerning. I know of 2 people who have left the site for this very reason as they have loved ones in Iran and do not want to risk anything.

If JJ is reading this, what does he think?

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Dear Faramarz..... don't believe this hype and rumors

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

do you remember this summer when their tokhmi sites were destroyed by a couple hundred visitors? I wrote this elsewhere and I will repeat it here: IRI is a cancer and it's dead. They have no ability to do the things you're writing about. That's not to say it wouldn't be genius and sinister at the same time! But not this government. No way. I can't even make simple phone calls to Iran! I can't even get through to speak to friends and family at a decent pace. I don't believe for a minute that nuclear arming is possible in Iran. Get a freaking phone system in place you idiots. Priorities please! There are so many engineers in Iran. I don't understand how this is happening.

I don't think Fred is Q. No way. I do think it would be a cool novel though! The spy who blogged me. twice!


Glad you enjoyed it Marge

by Faramarz_Fateh on

I have learned not to be surprised by anything anymore!

dingo daddy En passant

this is the first thing I thought of

by dingo daddy En passant on

"The guy in the email suggested that paid IRI internet agents write anti
regime blogs to get people to respond to them.  From repeated
responses, using spyware etc on sites such as and many other blog
sites (non as popular) they eventually get into people's computers and
hence find anonymous poster's real identity"


this is exactly what I thought when I saw that US Centcom is now blogging on this site. Anything is possible. 


please post your email, we should share as much information as possible with each other.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

This is my favorite blog by you so far.