Some folks on just don't get it!


by Disenchanted

This was originally a comment in response to Roosbeh_Gilani blog but I decided to make a blog out of it as this is an issue that surfaces on IC often and I don't think is going to go away anytime soon. Here it is addressed to Roosbeh and his comrades: 

Funny thing is you complain of obsession with Arab-Israel issue on IC and first thing you do after coming back from vacation/exile write yet another blog on it (Roosbeh was banned from IC for a week or so for reasons unkown to me)! I was hoping you'd use your sabbatical and learn about the subject a bit! :-)

        In case you missed the UN meeting last week, obsession with Israel occupying Palestinian lands is way beyond IC domain. The whole world is obsessed with it! I wonder if you question such a claim.

      Would you please tell me why Erdogan of Turkey is obsessed with that? Why president of Brazil in her commencement speech at UN last week expressed her sorrow that she cannot welcome Palestine as an independent state to UN? Are these people hypocrite as you call rest of us?! Now you have to answer these questions before writing another blog or another comment expressing disappointment over Palestine issue not going away!

       Hillary Clinton recently was saying she is facing a different world when she travels around the world nowadays compare to when she was traveling as the first lady. She was saying nowadays even at places far from Middle East politicians are telling her to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict! No one asks her about Tibet or Chechnya! You must wonder why?! The Human/Islam/Arab/Palestine conflict with Israel has the most potential for blowing up in a regional or nuclear war. But what is a blogger on IC to know?!

        In case you missed it this is a conflict that not only has territorial element in it, it has also a strong religious component. It's a battle over holy land as both sides of the conflict believe it to be. Also Israel regularly and with total impunity attacks and kills citizens of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and recently even Turkey! Lebanon war of 2006, Attacking Syrian Nuke facilities in 2009(?), Killing Egyptian border guards (2011), Killing Turkish citizens on sea (2010), Killing Iranian scientists (2009, 2011) and of course killing Palestinians on a daily basis!

        I guess world knows something our political analysts in IC are clueless about despite the fact that they ascribe that -being clueless- to others!

       Now let me give you another angle of this Israel issue! Opposing Israeli aggression and occupation is in human nature. We all abhor oppression and injustice. We all admire anyone who stands up for justice and truth. Iranian people like many other nations are sick and tired of decades of Israeli aggression and violation of human rights and UN resolutions. That means when IRI opposes Israel it gains legitimacy among Iranians! Now Iranian people are not just those PUNKs who have underground parties, drinking and dancing and watching satellite shows. Most of the Iranian people are religious. Because of that they abhor Israel (That was the case even when Shah was in power). So Israel pillage of palestinians' rights and IRI opposition to it brings legitimacy to IRI. That is a fact and if you deny it its because of ignorance or bias. Same is true about MEK (another subject you complain about). MEK is despised by 99% of Iranian people. IRI gains legitimacy by opposing those traitors.

     That is why people who are longing for freedom and democracy in Iran have to add their voice to the international cry for justice in the Palestine issue. It is not only our obligation as a human being but in the long run it benefits the democracy movement in the whole region. 

     Bottom line is this issue is way beyond just an obsession by Iranians and is not going to go away so you may as well get used to it!


more from Disenchanted

But we do 'get it'

by Simorgh5555 on

I don't intend to regurgitate the same post which I had written on Roozbeh's blog so I will try and be concise.
1) Erdogen cab go hang himself. He should first acknowledge the Armenian genocide and pay compensation towards a trust fund for its victims. Israel will take no lessons froman Erdogen aboutah human rights especially as his country has also sytematically persecuted Kurds through military action.
2) Your humanitarian concern for the Palestinians is not genuine because you would condemn Lebanon, Syria and Egypt for preventing many Palestinians from obtaining citizenship and discriminating against them practiseing professions such as doctors
3) Your concern for Palestinians is a masquerade hiding your hostility towards Jews because if you were a genuine humanitarian let alone a Muslim you would denounce the genocide of Muslim Sudanese in Darfur which is TWICE the size of Israel proper.
YOUR silence as well the entire Muslim word speaks volumes of your hypocrisy.
4) You'very mentioned hiw many Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians have been killed but Israeli deaths through two Interfadas, terrorist outrages on buses and pizza parlours are not worth a dimension
5) Israelis kill Shrians but Your and your Iranians have killed more Syrians than Assad has ever done in the space of six months and the government of the Iranian people has actively sullorted the cold blooded murser of innocent protesters because Assad is not a Jew which makes fhe difference.
6) Palestinian rights are not as important as reovering our territory from Russia and Hilding them to account for Chechnya and Aghanistan.
Just lool at the map of Palestine which provokes such an outcry and righteous anger in you why can't you show the same passion for Iran which has been destroyed and sucked dry by the Mullahs for the last 30 years? Why is this Holy Land not as important as Iran? Why do you bed over backwards for a people who are making it clear that they don't want y help and even spurned you as its leadership sided with SaddamHussein as young Iranians perished to fight back Iraqi's army?
If Iranians are

Anahid Hojjati

Good blog Disenchanted

by Anahid Hojjati on

Yes, Arab-Israel issue is important and you have good examples about how others see its importance also. Thanks.


MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan LOL :-)

by Disenchanted on


        I am glad I got your attention! :-) As Georgee W used to say: Bring it on! :-)

      Now, I have not followed your posts so I don't have a ready made sticker for you, Shahi, Mojaahed, Melli, Basiji, Mossad agent and rest of stickers! :-)

       But you highlighted some of the key points. Lets see how it goes by tomorrow sunset :-)

       By the way disenchanted atleast has two meanings: One is disappointed, that I am not (may be with some bloggers on IC :-)). The second meaning is free from Illusion. That is my intended meaning! FREE FROM ILLUSION!

  "Oh, Oh everyone come see this" Good call :-)

    I have to catch some zzzzzs! Only GOD knows what I should expect here tomorrow as Israel "the single true and triving democracy" in Middle east, ehem, has many supporters, agents, junkies on this site! :-)


Oh, Oh. Hey everybody, come see this:

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

You are gonna get broiled, fried, and well done by the end of the day. It's gonna be fun following this thread. If you are dischanted now, wait till you read the responses.

You indirectly called some members here clueless. No popular votes there either.

And you call the majority of Iranian people Muslims? How dare you confront us with facts! You must surely be an IRI agent, sorry, junky.

And then this: "PUNKs who have underground parties..."  LOL, show some mercy towards us other junkies since we are never gonna hear the end of this.

P.S. All those killings you mention have been in self defense -- wink, wink.