Obama, AIPAC and history!

by Disenchanted

Obama has to realize that he is entrusted with hopes and aspirations of a generation and can not irresponsibly sacrifice all that goodwill and trust for selfish and hegemonic agendas that AIPAC advocates!

It would be a shame for a free and proud nation of America who has been icon of freedom and democracy in recent history to be enslaved by extremist policies of bunch of fanatics, in charge of a Jewish lobby that is not even representative of majority of Jewish population in US or Israel.

I think dignity and self respect demands that Obama influence AIPAC rather than the other way around. Now, that would be "change"!

Americans and the world over indeed are savoring this momentous occasion in US history when a "black" man gets to run for the highest office in this land. Lets make sure AIPAC is not taking that away from all of us. Best of luck to Barak in general election.


more from Disenchanted
Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

Dear author,

American presidential candidate do not try to appease AIPAC for any other reason than politics! American Christians who support Israel are the majority of the voting block in the US. Beside this there are also Jewish Americans who are probably more split, but they too support Israel as a nation, though they can disagree with its policies at times. So, Obama and McCain, and other candidates, try to look favourable toward Israel because the majority of American voters are in favour of a pro-Israeli policy. Why? Because of their faith and what they share with Judaism and how they believe in the holy hand bla bla bla! They don't believe they share anything with Muslims in this regard, so they support Jewish 'ownership' of the holyland rather than Muslim ownership. I know it is bullshit, but this is politics, full of bullshit :)


Well put!

by Anon123 (not verified) on

He should not allow AIPAC exploit his preceived weakness!