The next step: National Strike

The next step: National Strike
by David ET
  • Stack up on Food , water and necessities
  • Workers, Farmers, Teachers, Students, Truckers, Oil Industry, Bazaar, businesses, Bus drivers, Police, Security Forces, gas stations, Government Employees (except emergency and health services): Do not go to work.
  • Withdraw All Your Funds From Banks

and watch the regime collapse

Show them who owns Iran


more from David ET
David ET

Dear Mina

by David ET on

There is no official comments but this is coming from Twitter: "Soon Mousavi will announce full national strikes, probably starting with Petrochemical - prepare for this... Expect food shortage - transport stoppage - money shortage in bank... Gov will respond with electric power cuts - prepare and have gas cylinders at home or gasoline for light/cooking "

The talk is there will be a National strike on Tuesday.

Also please read the news and my comment here:  



Dear David

by minadadvar on

I am not politically savy.  But I deeply care about Iran and Iranians.  Why does not Mousavi ask for strike now?  

P.S. I hope you don't waste your time on Jaleho.  She is playing a mind game with people, by being provoking them into posting comments on her blogs.  Twisted way to get attention.   


Already in the works...

by Marg Bar Khamenei (not verified) on

The oil workers are going to be the tricky mob to convince. But once they go on strike, it's all over...