«سخن های روز : »مرگ بر سكولار


«سخن های روز : »مرگ بر سكولار
by David ET

 ابراهيم سالك - خودنويس

دوستي تعريف مي‌كرد كه .. پدرش – كه كشاورزي بود ساده و اهل شهري كوچك در كردستان و از قضا هم‌دلي هم داشت با حكومت جمهوري اسلامي ومعتقد بود «اينها بد مردم را نمی‌خواهند»-  جمعه روزي با اصرار دوستم را همراه  می‌كند با خودش براي نماز جمعه. بعد از نماز، به مناسبتی راه پيمايی‌ای می‌شود و در ميان مرگ باران‌هاي معمول از قضا شعار «مرگ بر سكولار» هم داده مي‌شود، كه پدر دوستم و خود دوستم هم آن شعار را با هيجان مي‌دهند. بعد از بازگشت به خانه پدر مي‌پرسد: «پسر! حالا ما اون شعار رو داديم. ولي حالا خودمونيم، سكولار اصلا يعني چي؟». دوستم براي پدرش سكولار را توضيح مي‌دهد و مي‌گويد: «پدرم چند دقيقه‌اي به فكر فرو رفت و بعد گفت: “اين كه چيز خوبيه!” وبعد ساكت شد.» دوستم تعريف مي‌كند كه از آن به بعد پدرش هيچ گاه از جمهوري اسلامي تعريف نكرد و ديگر هيچ وقت به نماز جمعه نرفت…   

من ديگر در هيچ حرکت اعتراضي “الله ‌اکبر” نمي‌گويم – اندیشه

قبل از هرچيز الان دقيقا وقت اين حرف‌ها است. در اعتراضات خياباني سال 88 من در خيابان بودم. به همراه بسياري از همفکران خودم که هيچ اعتقادي به الله نداشتيم، شعار الله اکبر سر داديم تا از نمادي اعتراضي براي ايجاد اتحاد استفاده کنيم. اما همين شعار بعدها چماقي بر سر ما شد که جنبش سبز اسلامي بوده است و هرکس به اسلامي بودنش معتقد نيست، سبز نيست! حتي همين دستمايه‌اي براي جانب‌داري از حکومت اسلامي شد. بنابر اين من هرگز از اين پس چنين نمي‌کنم و چيزي را که به آن اعتقاد ندارم ( از سر مصلحت و براي اتحاد)  بر زبان نمي‌آورم. به نظر من بايد شعار همه‌گير تري براي سرداده شدن در حرکت‌هاي اعتراضي  انتخاب شود.

تا دیر نشده باید انتخاب کرد: مردم یا حکومت؟ – الاهه بقراط – کیهان لندن

هنگامی که سخن از «آزادی، عدالت، حقوق ملت» (سخنان میرحسین موسوی) به تیتر نخست خبررسانی‌های مخالف حکومت تبدیل می‌شود، از آزادی چه کسانی، از عدالت برای کی و از حقوق کدام ملت سخن می‌رود؟ این پرسش بسیار اساسی است زیرا پاسخ حکومت به آن کاملاً روشن و صریح است: آزادی یعنی آزادی نه حتی موافقانش بلکه فقط آزادی مریدانی که چاپلوسی‌شان دیگر به سطح تهوع‌آور رسیده است. عدالت نیز برای همان‌هاست. ملت‌‌اش نیز همان‌ها هستند. بقیه، «ضدانقلاب» و «فراری» «وابسته» و  . س و خاشاک»اند.  پاسخ مدافعان دمکراسی و حقوق بشر نیز کاملاً روشن و صریح است: آزادی یعنی آزادی دیگران. عدالت برای هر آن کسی که حقی از او پایمال شده است و ملت یعنی همه ایرانیان حتی آنها که با دمکراسی و حقوق بشر مخالفند و باید حقوق‌شان در چهارچوب همان دمکراسی و حقوق بشر حفظ شود. ولی در لابلای انبوه سخنان آزادی‌خواهانه و عدالت‌جویانه «سران جنبش سبز» به غیر از آن بخشی که در هفته‌های  اخیر صراحت بیشتری یافته و صرفا به ایستادگی آنها در برابر دولت کنونی مربوط می‌شود، نمی‌توان فهمید منظور کدام  خودی و کدام ناخودی است که مرزشان در حال از میان برداشته شدن است.

با این همه به نظر می‌رسد با حساس‌تر شدن موقعیت جهانی ایران، این صراحت و در نتیجه صف‌آرایی ناشی از آن، شدت می‌یابد. فرصت اما تنگ است. این حکومت با توصیه‌های «مشفقانه» و «دلسوزانه» ی میرحسین موسوی بر سر «عقل» نخواهد آمد. حکومت عقل و محاسبه‌های خود را دارد. اینکه ممکن است حسابش مانند همهء دیکتاتوری‌ها غلط از آب در بیاید، فکر آن را به خود مشغول نمی‌کند زیرا خود را دمکرات‌ترین و بهترین حکومت جهان می‌پندارد، به ویژه آنکه رسالت جهانی نیز برای خود قائل است. این دیگران هستند که باید تصمیم بگیرند و انتخاب  کنند که آیا عقل خود را در اختیار حکومت قرار می‌دهند و یا آن را در خدمت مردم به کار می‌گیرند. در آن سوی بحث بی‌سرانجام خودی و ناخودی و «توصیه‌های دلسوزانه و مشفقانه» یک واقعیت مسلم وجود دارد: راه این حکومت و این مردم، دیگر هرگز یکی نخواهد شد. حکومت راه خود را خواهد رفت و مردم نیز راه خویش را در پیش خواهند گرفت. شخصیت‌های مؤثر نیز باید دیر یا زود انتخاب کنند: حکومت یا مردم؟! هر دو را با هم، نمی‌توان داشت! اهمیت این انتخاب، اگر به سود حکومت صورت گیرد در این است که مردم (و برخی از نیروهای سیاسی که نقش ستاد پشتیبانی را بازی می‌کنند) تکلیف خود را می‌فهمند و به فکر چاره‌ای دیگر خواهند  افتاد. و اگر این انتخاب به سود مردم انجام شود، اهمیت‌اش  در نقشی است که می‌تواند در راندن خطر از فراز کشور بازی کند و سبب تغییرات اساسی در داخل و سیاست جهانی نسبت به ایران شود. تا ابد اما نمی‌توان در سیاست داخلی روی دو صندلی نشست و فکر کرد می‌توان بر سیاست خارجی تأثیر گذاشت چرا که سیاست جهانی سرانجام یکی از آنها را از زیر این شخصیت‌های مؤثر خواهد کشید

پیش بسوی انسان – فیروز نجومی – حزب مشروطه ايران

اگر ما شاهد یکی از تاریک ترین لحظات در تاریخ خود هستیم به آن دلیل است که نظام ولایت را هنگامی خلق کرده ایم که نا آزاد بوده ایم. نتیجتا نه تنها خود را ر از قید و بندهای استبداد رها نساختیم بلکه غل و زنجیر احکام دین را بدست و پا و گردن خود نیز بستیم. آزادی را نباید سطحی بنگریم و یا به تعبیر و تعریف الله و الله پرستان از آزادی تن دهیم. در گفتمان اسلامی تنها یک نوع آزادی میتواند وجود داشته باشد و آنهم آزادی در اطاعت است و عبودیت. این نوع آزادی را دین قرنها پیش از آنکه بر مسند قدرت بنشیند نهال ش را در ذات ما کاشته بوده است………اطاعت و عبودیت است که انسان را به فساد میکشاند، نه آزادی. بنا براین پیش از آنکه به حکومت و نوع آن بیاندیشیم، پیش از آنکه به نیازهای مادی و فقر و محنت و تنگدستی پاسخگو باشیم، باید انسان را بجوییم. باید شان و مرتبت انسان را دو باره تعریف و تعیین کنیم. و این را زمانی به ثمر میرسانیم که یو غ الله را از گردن انسان بر گیریم و یو غ انسان را بر گردن الله بیاندازیم. تنها در آزادی ست که انسان میتواند خود را شناسایی نموده و بر خود چیره شود. ما باید به زندگی گوسفندوار نه بگوییم. ما باید حیثیت و حرمت را به انسان باز گردانیم و بجای آغازیدن با نام الله با نام انسان آغاز کنیم. پس پیش بسوی انسان.


more from David ET
David ET

Mammad also:

by David ET on

you wrote: " there are also secular republicans, secular leftists, secular Muslims, etc. The writings by such people never get reflected in your blog. "

I have had writings by variety of views. In fact I am a republican and not monarchist.

If you provide me some of the websites, blogs or links to those that you think should have more coverage please list so I can use them. I would very much appreciate that.

Here are only some of the sources I regularly check :

balatarin, Khodnevis

بنیاد سیمای آزادی اندیشه و بیان

سازمان خودرهاگران

 حقوقدانان جنبش سبز مردم ایران

 سکولاريسم نو

سکولارهای سبز ايران

ندای آزادی



شکوه ميرزادگی

 ایران لیبرال


اتحاد جمهوریخواهان ايران

جبهه ملی ایران


تغيير برای برابری

         سایت آیت الله بروجردی

مرکز مطالعات دفاع استراتژیک بی خشونت



حزب مشروطه ایران

جمهوری خواهی

جبهه دمکراتیک ایران 

حزب مرز پرگهر

حزب دمکرات کردستان ایران
جنبش آذربایجان برای دموکراسی و یکپارچگی ایران

آزادی و برابری جنسیتی در ایران

کارزار تدارک دادگاه رسیدگی به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی

کانون همبستگی ملت ایران برای براندازی جمهوری اسلامی

which are all listed here: //iransecular.org/LinksP.aspx

David ET

Dear Mammad

by David ET on

First I thank you for caring and paying attention to the blogs.

I really do not pay attention to who the writer is as much as I pay attention to what the message is. It really does not matter to me if the person is religious , socialist, monarchist, republican etc but if they are offering any new thoughts, ideas, solutions, means even small ones to get us closer to a common goal.

Unfortunately often in the articles of some religious people who claim to be secular, I see collusion of facts , repacking the old ideas and most importantly at the end trying to sell another version of a religious government (or so called moderate or democratic one) . Therefore since I this is not a news organization, I can not with good conscious post their articles and in fact often I end up posting those who show the truth about those who yesterday were selling their ideas using religion and today selling the same ones dressed as secularism.

and then there are some articles that even factual offer nothing new but just a so called analysis of what we already know. For example the recent article on Iranin.com //iranian.com/main/2010/sep by Dr. Bagherzadeh with all due respect served no purpose expect Tekran mokararat and pages of internet, media , etc are filled with those...

I want solutions, suggestions, or at least raising awareness not just analysis for the sake of saying somthing or plain emotions, words that gets us one step closer to a free and democratic future.

But at the same time I do not have the time or capacity to read everything and therefore I have asked others to email me articles that they seem fit to be posted here or on //iransecular.blog.com ( email to info@iransecular.org)

As for your 2nd point, unlike many seculars I am against any religious leader or group having an official role in the branches of a secular government. I have discussed this in detail many times while drafting the secular constitution and in summary I believe if a political organization which puts spreading religion in its fundamentals joins the government , it will either cheat its own party's principles or will cheat the principles of secularism and either way can not remain honest.

An individual can be religious or believe in God and be secular but if they as a group form a part that in nature is to be religious obviously their goal is to spread their religion which is in contrast with secularism. The same applies to an ayatollah and alike.

Article 8

The government of Iran is secular and there shall be no official religions or ideologies. The government of Iran shall remain independent of any religious institutions and influences. Government shall not promote any specific religions, ideologies or personal beliefs. In order to secure the Separation of religion and the state, the secular constitution of Iran strictly prohibits participation of any religious based groups and parties in all local, regional, provincial and national institutions of the government. This would also extend to anyone who holds a religious title or leadership, clergy and alike. Religion and religious groups will have freedom to practice their religion peacefully. Individuals within the government may have personal religious preferences but they cannot enforce any religion based laws and restrictions.

 Article 9

Secular government of Iran observes no official religions for the country. Secular in nature, everyone in Iran is treated the same, regardless of their religion or lack of it. All religions within the limits of the law and without limiting or violating the guaranteed individual and human rights within the constitution are free to perform their religious rights, and to act according to their own canon in matters of personal affairs. The individual and human rights as guaranteed by the constitution shall always prevail and take precedence over religious and ideological preferences and beliefs.  

and your final point:

Unlike many in the two extremes ( the religious and the anti-religious), I do not mix people's belief in a religion with their belief in forcing that religion upon others in the form a government.

Majority of people of the world are secular, Iran included and especially nations such as Iranians having lived in a multi cultural, lingual, racial society and within empires of one sort to another , are much used to living with one another in peace despite the divisions that often were created among them by the religious or political authorities.

I have seen and experience this among people (and I do not mean those in the cities) in Urumieh, Kurdistan, Khuzestan, Fars, Isfahan, Tabriz, Gilan, Lorestan and Tehran.

Islamic Republic since its inception to present days has attempted to divide Iranians (even to the family core) by any means possible (divide and conquer) and that is why today we have been lead to believe that we are so ideologically, religiously, geographically, politically divided when if fact what we have in common way supersedes what divides us.

Those who think we are not secular , either are against secularism or do not understand it.

Some are either against religion and want to use secularism as a tool to fight religion (which secularism is not) or are fanatics who think secularism is against religion (which again secularism is not)

Secularism is the only guaranteed path to assure the freedom to chose and practice what we want without forcing it upon others or being forced .


I do not agree with you David

by Mammad on

As I said the other day, I read you blog and it is useful. But let me point out a couple of points here, without meaning to start a big debate, because then the usual suspects jump in and change the subject:

1. Look at what you have posted: Two of them are by certified monarchists. One - Boghraat - often rants, instead of writing something useful. The other - Nojoomi - sees everything from a very narrow angle of a Shahollahi. Aside from the fact, in my opinion, that the monarchists - all of them - make a small minority, there are also secular republicans, secular leftists, secular Muslims, etc. The writings by such people never get reflected in your blog. Perhaps, that is why the blog never starts a good debate in which a lot of people take part - which should be the goal of any good blog.

The other two seem to be in the blog just to give the impression that everyone else thinks like them. That is not true.

This is important for the following reason. I am a practicing Muslim, but secular. I believe that for the sake of Iran and my religion, religion and governance must be totally separated. There are many people like me. But, there are many issues that are far more complex than the black and white that you always seem to present.

One, for example, is, suppose that religion and governance are separated. Does that mean that religious people cannot form their own political parties and be active in politics? Remember that Christian Democratic Parties - parties that have their roots in religion - are powerful in Western Europe and south America; they are in fact in power in many countries.Remember that even in the US the evangelical Christians have political action committees, influence the Republican Party, force schools to teach "intelligent design" and doubt evolution, support invasion of Iraq, etc.

Another is, what would happen to religious traditions, laws, etc., that have permeated the society over a long time?

Such issues do not disappear, or can be addressed, in a blink of an eye.

If you want your blog to be really useful, rather than having the usual suspects say "bah bah" and "chah chah," then in my opinion you need to make it broader. In my opinion, you need to be much more inclusive in what you post.

2. Unlike what you say, the majority of Iranians are not secular. Your mistake and people like you is that you think that anybody who opposes the IRI is a secular. That cannot be farther from the truth. The reasons for opposing the ruling elite vary. They depend on where one lives in Iran, what one's economic class is, what one's level education is, etc. I am not saying that there are not a large number of seculars in Iran. There are. But, they do not even come close to being in the majority. 

The first principle of becoming a viable political force is to be realistic, knowing your weaknesses and strengths, not exaggerating your strength, and downplaying your weaknesses. You and I have had our friction in the past, but I come to this website to read, to debate, to teach - if I can - and to learn.


Anahid Hojjati

Dear David, your blog was good. Your comment is great too.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear David, I like your comment. I think that you should blog it if you have never written a similar blog. You mention many important ideas in your comment which I agree with,some of them are:

1.  "For too long due to.., seculars, instead of
forming their own effective leadership, have tactically supported
promise of others only to later become the first victims of false

2. " largest Jewish population for years lived in Iran peacefully just as
Armenians in North and South and even Baha'i's when not interfered by

3. "We were secular before "secularism"."

Thanks for your blog and also your comment.

David ET

Dear Anahid

by David ET on

Indeed. For too long due to liberal nature of many seculars, instead of forming their own effective leadership, have tactically supported promise of others only to later become the first victims of false promises.

1979 revolution, khatami's presidency and also the events of past year are only few examples of it.

Indeed seculars must support the human rights of everyone and form coalitions when needed but should also learn to withhold their principals and most importantly form their own unified coalitions and leaderships, otherwise forever will remain in the shadow of ideological and religious others or become tools for bringing them to power only before being pushed out of the scene or denied . 

Majority of Iranians are in fact secular and democrat regardless of their religion or where they live. This has been an Iranian trait for more than 2500 years inherited from living within an empire from many races and nations and religions for so long.

It has been the ones in power (such as Arabs , safavid's, IR, etc) and mullahs who tried to make religion the dividing factor among Iranians. For example, end largest Jewish population for years lived in Iran peacefully just as Armenians in North and South and even Baha'i's when not interfered by Government. The same applies to Zoroastrians, Hindus etc.

Iranians in fact are very open (and Mehmannavaz) to others. The fanatism has always been forced on us by mullahs and once and for all we must stand for our own principles of freedom, secularism and equality , principles that we believed in since 1000's of years ago.

We were secular before "secularism". Only a look at first article of human rights by Cyrus the great proves that.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear David ET, thanks for a great blog

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear David, thanks for your blog. I especially like the items about the father who realized Secularism is not bad once he knew its meaning and also about not saying "Allaho Akbar". I believe those who are not religious should not resort to "God is great" slogans, since later the fact that so many people said this slogan will be used and abused to claim Islamic nature of a movement.  Thanks for sharing. 

جنبشی باید داشت

بی صدای الله اکبر

در دل شب  از نا مسلمان


هموطن , اکنون یاد آور

چگونه به نامِ دین

هزاران کشتند

یا کردند فراری

یا فکندند در بند

نمی خواهم دگر دین 

در بسترِ سیاست

فرزند آن عشق بازی

پاسداری خواهد بود

یا بسیجی

حجت الاسلامی

به سرعت گشته آیت اللهی

تا کند وقیحانه جنایت به اسم ِ ولایت

نمی خواهم  دین  را در بسترِ سیاست