Just Curious

by darius
  Is there any reason that  all Fred's blogs immediately are posted on  front  page? Is he a paying blogger?   Iknow this is an enterprise and JJ is the publisher and free to choose or refuse.I have nothing against that. my question is not  forwarded to question your integrity but just curious to a trend that been going on for quite sometimes.  

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Dear Soosan Khanoom

by darius on

All I know , the only way out of this situation is that  for once  deal with the situation at hand with  honesty. Put all the facts on the table and pave the way for a better Iran.   I assure you, all these movements in Middle East is just a case of Tsunami control. The only truth is told and said is that people are upset and feel betrayed but the out come is a temporary promise and soon will disappear .There will be no real change, it will go back to where it was very soon but  different way .  The result of these recent movement is only identifying the underground and potential political figures and then neutralising them by all means .      This is what we need to stay away from it , we should seek real change,where the future Iranian government is transparent and does   not  sell the Iranian interest for  promise of  political power.  (The Iranian march after election was request for real change but unfortunatley Mousavi and Karroubi were slow , lacked leadership and credential  and movement is left as a molten lava ,only  a new eruption moves it forward).   I am for those Iranian who find the solution independently and tailor made for Iranian ,not dictated and copied from outside .I only know our "imaginary, temporary Vatan parast" waiting  to see  every single Iranian on their knees ,helpless and needy .       It is at tha tpoint of time that we will know their real identity and that they were only pretenders and leave us behind with IRI traitors.      

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Most are against 1979 Revolution to start with yet alone any recovery afterwards ......  !!   They do not have any respect for all the bloods that shed during Revolution and most are crying to go back but never move on !



dear I-123

by darius on

I Knew , I will not get an answer. Those who always influnece the truth by bribe, fabrication , creating  fear are the first who become the casualty of their lies. Remember 1979 revolution,the first casualties of it were MKO,Jebhe Meli, Fadaeian , etc.         Those who  regularly   appears in IC  under the cover of  so called   "   Vatan Parast"  , pure Aryans ,  are nothing but "imaginary and temporary Iranians",all they need is the assurance that Iran and Iranian will never  again recover from 1979  and beyond.    I promise you all disappear as soon as Iran is in ruin.    Cheers    



by Iranian123 on

You will not get an answer to your question, but you are not the first or last to wonder. IC has a Donation campaign like many operations, and it may be that some Organisations use these setups to output material on a regular basis.

Kill Mouse Traps

"Is he [Fred] a paying blogger?"

by Kill Mouse Traps on

The idea that Fred might be paying JJ to publish his blogs is preposterous.  It just is, and let's just leave it at that.  I can't stop laughing my friend (no insolence is intended).



by darius on

 I meant , if he pays IC to get his blogs  on the first page. 

 I  was expecting an answer from JJ and I don't know if I would really

want to beleive  on  what you are saying but it is o.K with me. I wish ,I

could love whatever you mean(  sometimes imaginary  love ) as much as you and Fred. 



Kill Mouse Traps

The reasons are,,,

by Kill Mouse Traps on

The reasons his blogs are featured everyday is that he writes original content, he is not a copy-and-paster, he is articulate, he writes well both in Farsi and English, he wants his opinion to be known, his blogs are well documented and there are links to pertinent subjects he is discussing, and he is using the means that is available to him to propagate his beliefs.

I am sure he is not being paid by this website to write these blogs, since this site hardly makes any money to pay themselves, let alone paying someone to write blogs for this website; however whether he is paid by someone else to wrote these blogs is another issue.

Now, if we want to do good for Iran, to prevent a military attack on Iran, but at same time want to promote a way to topple the regime in Iran, and bring democracy to Iran without a war, I suggest that anyone who has his tenacity to do the same thing, on a daily basis, instead of complaining about why others are taking advantage of the opportunities that is provided to them by this website.