Three destinies But One Fate: Reza Shah, Mossadegh, Mohamed Reza Shah

Three destinies But One Fate: Reza Shah, Mossadegh, Mohamed Reza Shah
by Darius Kadivar

It is said that ancient Roman citizens  wisely reminded their Emperors or Generals before their coronation or moment of Triumph by saying Memento mori : 

"Remember That Thou Art Mortal ..." 

There is a tragic and yet Ironic similarity between these three photos of respectively Reza Shah the Great (Island of Maurice), Mossadegh (Home Exile, Tehran), Mohamed Reza Shah (In Panama).

All three dedicated their lives to Iran in their own way. All three equally enjoyed the Triumphs of Political Success only to be followed by tragic Defeat and disillusionment not only for themselves but their followers. They also ended their lives in isolation and bitterness.

The Iranian Nation seems to have been often ungreateful to its "Great" Men ...  


more from Darius Kadivar
Darius Kadivar

Ex-LandanNeshin Its Without an "H" ...

by Darius Kadivar on


Thank you for sharing your assessment !

I beg to differ ...




Are you serious Mr. Khadivar???

by Ex-LandanNeshin (not verified) on

All three dedicated their lives to Iran in their own way. ????? I guess the 'their own way' part was carefully placed in that sentence.
I certainly respect each individual's right to their political beliefs and opinions, but let's not confuse the egoistic self serving monarchs with Dr. Mossadegh and all that he stood for, shall we? A bit of a stretch there to say the least I think.

Darius Kadivar

Thank You Both !

by Darius Kadivar on

Truly Appreciate your kind support and words.

Warm Regards,


Shazde Asdola Mirza

moment agha moment: momento mori

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Darius jaan: beautiful as usual, especially the Reza Shah one which I hadn't seen before. Keep up the good work and don't forget us on IC, hocked on your pictories ;-)


I know 2

by hossein.hosseini on

Mr. Kadivar,

I see your point.  The only people I kow are Bijan Khalili (Ketab) and Ahmad Jabbari of Mazda Publishing.  I don't know if they can be of any help.  You can check Mazda's website.  He lives here in Orange County, CA.

Darius Kadivar

Thank You Hossein Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

Well that is the kindest Compliment I ever got ! ;0)

Thank You Sir and my pleasure to see that you enjoy my contributions.

Yes I actually have the intention of publishing two books in relation to the pictory section. I actually have finished a book manuscript on films but I have not been able to find an editor ready to publish it, all claim it is too expensive to put together etc ...

So I have given up on trying to convince Iranian publishers like MAGE, IBEX etc ... cause they all seem too insecure.

I hope I will be able to convince an International editor instead so that it can target at least a wider audience.

If You have any ideas or names I could contact I would appreciate it very much.

Warm Regards,



Nice Pictures

by hossein.hosseini on

Mr. Kadivar,

Nice and meaningful pictures.  Where do you get all these photos? Have you thought of publishing some of your work?  I am amazed at the number of photos, videos, and old articles you have collected.  Maybe we should change your screen name to encyclopedia iranica!  You sure have done more to share the work than those who run the Iranica.  I for one am so grateful.  Keep them coming.