DISSECTING PERSEPOLIS : ARTE TV Documentary on Shah’s 1971 Celebrations


DISSECTING PERSEPOLIS : ARTE TV Documentary on Shah’s 1971 Celebrations
by Darius Kadivar

French German Cultural Channel ARTE aired an episode of Mystère D’Archives dedicated to the Persepolis Celebrations marking 25 centuries of the Iranian Monarchy. The Series aims at dissecting official films made on major events of the 20th Century by putting them in perspective and highlighting details that have been ignored or were unnoticed when aired. For DVD see details available below. Season 2 includes other well known events such as Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, Kennedy’s visit to Berlin, Grace Kelly’s royal wedding to name a few.

Mystères d'Archives -1967 : Les fastes du Shah d'Iran à Persepolis:

Also Available on ARTE Website Here

French Description :

1971. Les fastes du Shah d’Iran à Persépolis

Réalisateur : Serge Viallet

Octobre1971. Les ruines de Persépolis, dans le sud de l’Iran, sont le décor de cérémonies fastueuses célébrant le 2500ème anniversaire de l’Empire Perse.

Pendant trois jours, le Shah et l’Impératrice Farah accueillent dans un camp de luxe au pied du site antique, une soixantaine de têtes couronnées et de chefs d’Etat venus des cinq continents.

Quel est l’enjeu de ces fêtes pour le Shah ? Leurs retombées politiques ? Et pourquoi autant de chefs d’Etat et de représentants de gouvernements étrangers ont-ils accepté de venir passer plusieurs jours dans ces ruines au milieu du désert ?

DVD of Mystère D’Archives Season 2 Including this Episode available for Purchase Here

Recommended Readings:

Opposite Views on the Celebrations from an Iranian Perspective:

We are Awake : 2500 years Revisited by Cyrus KADIVAR

Shah Bee Shah : When you think "monarchy", "freedom" is not the first thing that comes to mind By Jahanshah JAVID

Iran's Ahmadinejad wants to rebuild spectacular tent city at Persepolis by Robert TAIT (Guardian)

Movie Scripts On Ancient Persia:

Persia? Ancient Persia's virtual absence in Hollywood By Darius KADIVAR

He is Awake: Close Up on Cyrus KAR by Darius KADIVAR

XERXES : Ren A.Hakim’s Screenplay on the famed Persian Emperor by Darius KADIVAR

The Persian Empire Strikes Back by Darius KADIVAR


more from Darius Kadivar
Darius Kadivar

Glad you enjoyed it Rea Jan

by Darius Kadivar on

Actually I was thinking of you when I posted this blog given Tito's presence in this documentary.







by Fatollah on



Quelle grandeur

by Rea on

Really interesting, thx DK.

PS. what a surprise to see Tito was there too.