Sha'aban Jafari[Bimokh] Dead but his Spirit lives in Many Monarchy Supporters


Sha'aban Jafari[Bimokh] Dead but his Spirit lives in Many  Monarchy Supporters
by capt_ayhab
Sha’aban Jafari, [Bimokh – Brainless] 1921 – 2006 But he lives in spirit in many of Monarchy supporters.

Two words that some times are used synonymously in Iranian Urban dictionary are Jahel[literally translated as uneducated] and Laat[hooligan, Ruffians] though both represent two different subculture that still exists in Iran.

A Jahel  represented the ultimate in Iranian machismo, Iranian [mardanegi], or "manliness," in an overtly macho culture. They lived by certain code of conduct. Even though they gave into certain vices of life, such as alcohol, womanizing and even patronizing with prostitutes, but in general they were law abiding, often religious and family oriented people.

A Laat in contrast were groups of knife wielding petty criminal gangsters who made their living by trafficking in elicit drug, larceny, theft, pick pocketing, prostitution, extortion, burglary pedophile, child molestation and all sorts of criminal acts.

Sha’aban Jafari[Bimokh] was a LAAT, Born in 1921 to a religious family, came to fame in the summer of 1953 when he was hired by the CIA covert operation code name Operation Ajax, under direct orders of President Eisenhower to topple democratically elected government of Dr.  Mosaddeq.  What is ironic about this Laat,   that before he sold his soul [that is if he ever had any]  he was allegedly a pro Mosaddeq element.  

Sha’ban Bimokh and his hired mercenaries [with the money provided by CIA]  were able  to successfully  counter the uprising in the streets of Tehran  by brutally and  mercilessly beating any anti-Shah demonstrators they came across. Being the LAATs they were, the weapon of choice was knives, machetes, clubs and such.

At one point, Sha’aban Jafari PERSONALLY, viciously and with ever so animallike savagery stabbed Dr. Fatemi, close confidant and compatriot of Dr. Mosaddeq and a true patriot to constitution of Iran, while Dr. Fatemi's  hands were tide behind his back by Shah Pahlavi’s own dreaded security Gestapo called SAVAK.

The focal point of this thread is not to revisit the bloody 1953 coup and the treacherous betrayal by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the late and last monarch of  Iran, but it is to demonstrate while Sha’aban Jafarie's are dead but their spirits live today in many of Monarchy supports.

Tactics and means might have change, after all this is the age of information’s system, black berries and online publications, unlike the 1953’s where the the tool of the trade these people[Monarchist] employed were knives and machetes . Now a days, supporters of Monarchy, just like their predecessors Sha'aban Bimokhs, resort to intimidation, censorship, spamming, trolling, word policing and personal attacks against anyone who does see the world through their monarchy prism.

Shameful absurdity of the charade this group [Monarchist] conducts is where they, including their leader Reza Pahlavi, claim to be supporters of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech.





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Correction and apology

by capt_ayhab on

Article should read  [Secret police] instead of [SAVAK], it wasn't until  1957 that the secret police was named SAVAK after receiving expensive training from Israeli intelligence services.

My apology for oversight.



Ms. Jaleho

by capt_ayhab on

Please do not take me wrong, This is by no means to broad brush all Monarchist. Vast majority of them are decent and Iran loving people, Such as many that are here, Ms. Farah Rusta, our own  DK.

Asides from that many of my own Dear friends are supporters of Reza Pahlavi both here in US and even couple back home.




Ms. Farah

by capt_ayhab on

If you take a look at THIS LINK You will find host of answers to most all of your questions. One more LINK HERE with many great resources.



Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Excellent observations about "Jahels" and "Latts". Shaban was a Latt for sure.


So true Captain!

by Jaleho on

There was a time that I thought calling someone "shaban bi mokh" is a very bad insult. I think I was wrong and there are a good number of monarchist who have a big pride in their bi-mokh father.

What a video, thanks! I have to design a better biting insult now :-)

Farah Rusta

A few question for Captain

by Farah Rusta on

Dear Captain


This subject and a number of related topics have been discussed on this site many times. So I am not going to repeat myself but I would like to see your evidence and facts behind some of the allegations in your story. Here are my questions:


1. Do you know why Sha'ban switched sides? 

2. Any evidence that he was recruited by the CIA?

3. Any source to suggest that Sha'ban had personally stabbed Fatemi?

4. When was SAVAK created?

5. How was it that Mossadegh was democraticly "elected" and his predecessors were not?

Thank you,



Kojaie to bi-vafa???

by capt_ayhab on

Fadat salar, you are greatly missed


marhoum Kharmagas

Ayhab, damet garm!

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Ayhab jaan, damet garm la'nati! But be careful, Shazeh parastan are going to shoot your shadow (sayeda baa teer mizanand).


Mr. Kamran Ramyar

by capt_ayhab on

See if this helps


and in this clip, check out the LAAT's gatherings. 

These type ruined one chance we had for real democracy and brought us to the Islamic tyranny that is killing our children.



Genghis Khan

A character for all seasons

by Genghis Khan on



Make no mistake, and don't flatter yourself if you don't belong in the
same camp as Sha'boon did.

Every ideology, from far left to far right, needs its brand of Sha'boons for being able to implement its principles. Mosaddeq had
his own Sha'boons too.

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.

Kamran Ramyar

Ridam beh Saret

by Kamran Ramyar on

If I ever find out exact location of this thug's grave in S. California I am going to go there and piss on his grave.  Same goes to all those "BI-MOKH" symphatizers.  



by Cost-of-Progress on

If there was one shaboon bi mokh then....there are tens of thousands there now. Thanks to your regime's recruitment policies.

While you and your like are in the West enjoying its freedom, and at the same time bad mouthing it, the people of Iran - misled by your euotpian Islamic BS - are paying the price.

BTW, just because people oppose your islamist views, it does not make them monarchist, or memebrs of any other "group" for that matter. come clean, stop this closet islamist behavior - I am sure JJ will still grant you your 2 blog a day so you can mouth off.




Shaban Jafari


by Shaban Jafari on

You're a jerk to have made fun of me. I asked you some other questions in //

I'm wondering what kind of answer whould you have?


Glad you joined your kind

by capt_ayhab on

Glad you joined your kind




by jamshid on

It is astonishing how corrupt (faased) a mind can be.

While not long ago, the very same "chaaghoo kesh, jaahel and laat" individuals described in your blog were beating up our countrymen and women in plain day sight, today you easily dismiss them and their "actual" savagery and chaaghoo keshi, and instead focus on some monarchists who at most only make noises in this site.

This is exactly what Khamenei and the gang are doing in Iran as well. Diverting attention from their own crime to self-made threat of foreigners and soldouts, etc. 

Along the same lines, regime enablers such as you Ahayb, are trying to divert attention from the actual crimes that are taking place in our homeland today, by talking about things that are irrelevant.

While I consider the heads of the IRI as morally bankrupt, but at least one could say they are trying to protect their power base and the billions they are stealing from the people.

Volunteer enablers of the regime however, are in another league of their own in terms of the degree of their corruption (fesaad) and give new meanings to the term "mofsede fel'arz".