Happy Passover 2010 From my family to every Jewish family.


Happy Passover 2010 From my family to every Jewish family.
by capt_ayhab

In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month between the two evenings is the LORD'S Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work. And ye shall bring an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days; in the seventh day is a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work. (Leviticus 23:5)

Chametz (חמץ, "leavening") refers either to a grain product that is already fermented (e.g. yeast breads, certain types of cake, and most alcoholic beverages), or to a substance that can cause fermentation (e.g. yeast, sourdough  or high fructose corn syrup). The consumption of chametz is forbidden during Passover in most Jewish traditions. According to Halakha, the ownership of chametz is also proscribed.

The specific definition of chametz varies among religious and ethno-cultural traditions. In Ashkenazic and certain Sephardic applications of Jewish Law, chametz does not include baking soda, baking powder or like products. Although these are leavening agents, they leaven by chemical reaction whereas the prohibition against chametz is understood to apply only to fermentation. Thus, bagels, waffles and pancakes made with baking soda and matzo meal are considered permissible, while bagels made with yeast, sourdough pancakes and waffles, and the like, are prohibited. Karaite Jews and many non-Ashkenazic Jewish traditions do not observe a distinction between chemical leavening and leavening by fermentation.

The Torah commandments regarding chametz are:

* To remove all chametz from one's home, including things made with chametz, before the first day of Passover. (Exodus 12:15). It may be simply used up, thrown out (historically, destroyed by burning, since there was no weekly garbage pickup in ancient times), or given or sold to non-Jews (or non-Samaritans, as the case may be).

* To refrain from eating chametz or mixtures containing chametz during Passover. (Exodus 13:3, Exodus 12:20, Deuteronomy 16:3).

 Happy Passover 2010 From my family to every Jewish family. May peace be upon you and your nation.

Source: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passover


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Abarmard Jan

by minadadvar on

I have a number of Jewish (American) friends, who are disgusted by, Israel's policies regarding Middle-East. Especially, treatment of Palestinians.

Fred and Mahmoudg are a couple of angry and misguided individuals. That is all.


thank you !

by Aviva on

Thank you,  user profile.">capt_ayhab and you all  for Passover wishes.

I would like to bring a small correction, the unleavened bread is eaten 7 days only in Israel, outside the country Pessah is 8 days !



Cleaning is not very different than the pre-Nowrouz "khaneh takani", as for the cooking, believe me, I spent more time cleaning greens  for the kuku, the ash reshteh, and sabzi polo for the sal tahvil, than preparing chicken soup, gefilteh fish.


providing that you are not jewish, yes you can dip your biscuit in your tea, and if you were jewish and not orthoddox , you would just care to buy KLP biscuits.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek-Marge

No offend, nothing personal,  but why " silly laws" ? what you write sounds like  what the wicked son asks, "What is this service to you?", as isolating himself from the Jewish
people, standing by objectively and watching their behavior rather than
participating. Therefore, he is rebuked by the explanation that "It
is because God acted for my sake when I left Egypt.
(This implies that the Seder is not for the wicked son because the
wicked son would not have deserved to be freed from Egyptian slavery.) <> Wikipedia

Moadim le simha










i'm flattered

by humanbeing on

thanks. i hope to retain my humanity as things get more and more complicated around here.

(mme) humanbeing.



by capt_ayhab on

You said it perfectly [we are all human beings].

Profound statement indeed sir/madam



i'm not a regular, but i appreciate the wish

by humanbeing on

i'm not a regular on this site, and i'm also not an orthodox jew, but i felt very heartened by the gesture. my wishes of peace to all muslims, all persians, and all others: we are all human beings. perhaps some of your 'jewish/israeli' friends are not online now because of observing.


Where are all of our Jewish friends?

by Abarmard on

Mahmoudg, Fred, and a few other well known Jewish/Israeli friends on this site? I expected them to be here making peace. Happy Passover.


The significance of number 7

by Onlyiran on

in religion is across the board.  Here's some information:




Mola Jan

by capt_ayhab on

Sorry dude, I am Muslim myself.



Mona 19

Happy Passover

by Mona 19 on

Wishing them peace and happiness at Passover and always.

Happy Passover (listen & enjoy)

Mona  ;)


Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"I am not a jew but am willing to convert. Do you know any good rabbi around?"

Said Hazrate shotor.


i learn something new every day!

by humanbeing on

thanks for the info from the zoroastrian source. the description of the 3-4 days with the joy and sorrow for the good/bad deeds, and other details, all resonates also in the 'myth of er' from the end of plato's republic. there have been discussions, academic and otherwise of the origin of the mythical figure of er. was he armenian? iranian? unfortunately, not enough research is done about the ties of these cultures (although the classical scholar fr. nietschce, aka philosopher, was preoccupied with this interface). some work is being done on iranian substrates in talmudic texts, but i really don't know enough about this. thanks again for the references.


Mr. Obama

by capt_ayhab on

You are correct in respect to sanctity and importance of number 7 in Zoroastrian religion, and for that fact in most every religion and traditions going back 1000's of years.

There are great number of commonality between the religions. Most notably been the study of influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

"The typical passage is found in the Hþtokht Nask (Yt. 22. 1-36; and compares Vistþsp Yasht, Yt. 24. 53-64). For the first three nights after the breath has left the body the soul hovers about the lifeless frame and experiences joy or sorrow according to the deeds done in this life. On the dawn of the fourth day the soul takes fight from earth..."

"Note: compare this to the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, and his resurrection on Monday (the dawn of the fourth day)."

"The author has attempted in his article in the Biblical World to show how much the Messiah-idea in Judaism and the Saoshyant-idea in Mazdaism, probably taught by Zarathushtra himself, resemble each other."

"The similarity between it (the Zoroastrian doctrine of the future life and the end of the world) and the Christian doctrine is
striking and deserve more attention on the side of Christian theology, even though much has been written on this subject."



This is only one comparison. The I provided is a wonderful site that pick apart the many similarities and influences that Zoroastrianism has had on Semitic religions. 




Chag Sameach!

by DariusMazdak on

Chag Sameach!


Divaneh Jan

by capt_ayhab on

Well to answer your question I need to say that I am not a Jewish, but  a Muslim.

I was hoping some of Jewish friends to join us here and correct any mistake that might be in the article.

I did copy the article from the source I have indicated and I am assuming[for the lack of better word] that it is accurate.

As we say... Bani Adam aAzaye yek peykarand.

Thanks for your time.




the number seven

by humanbeing on

thanks for the passover wish. it is a difficult holiday for women or for other observant people with obsessive compulsive disorder. kids love it because of the the afikoman (the prize for finding the hidden matzo at the seder), and for all the songs and ritual. the seder of the persian jews has some differences in nuance from the seder of say a polish jewish tradition, but in general the seder is highly reminiscent of a symposium (the classical greek ritualized conversation involving orderly rotation of speakers, in an arranged seating, with measured wine-drinking, and a 'leader' of the meal/discussion/drinking/singing). different cultures have different significant numbers. 7 is significant in most of them, including pythagorean symbolism. there is no consensus where pythagoras really came from... let's celebrate how much our cultures share


Is this in any way related to old Persian stuff?I keep reading7!

by obama on

As you know 7 is the sacred number in old Persian and zoroastrian religion. Putting the macho bias aside, can you tell me that if it ispossible that this 7 dervied from our 7? thanks!


Happy Passover to all Jewish friends...

by Arthimis on

Thanks Captain for enlightening us with this tradition... Although I personally only believe in GOD alone as a sole creator of all existence, I still respect and wish everyone of any religion and faith all the best with their healthy and peaceful traditions... Love and Peace.


Soooo complicated

by cyclicforward on

Happy Passover to all our Jewish friends. I however must say every religion that I know about has some very complicated procedures. Some more than the others.


Please help Captain

by divaneh on

Dear Captain, I have now read this a few times over and I still don't know if I can dunk my biscuit in my tea. Please help.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Peace be upon your nation

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Thank you Captain Jan. I appreciate this. Another reason I left the faith! These silly dietary guidelines. I still love the message. 

