Cartoon:The Discreet Charm of the Iranian Men!

Cartoon:The Discreet Charm of the Iranian Men!
by Azadeh Azad

The Discreet Charm of the Iranian men! Le charme discret des hommes iraniens!


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Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

(correction: in the cartoon, each one-liner should end with "to different degrees," which I forgot to write, but will do later on.)

diavahe jan, you too forgot to mention something in your story: in the compartment of the train passing through Scotland, there was also a Detective. He corrected the Mathematician: we need to get off this bloody train and examine closely every single sheep in Scotland to see how many (what percentage) of them are white. That's the most accurate approach; 'cuz the truth is not the logical conclusion reached based on the minimum observed, but the one reached based on the maximum in-depth analysis of the data we can collect through detective work. At that moment, the Chemist got up and gave the handsome and clever Detective a big, fat kiss on the lips. She turned to everyone and said, "I was only trying to make you guys think!" 




Logical conclusion

by divaneh on

A Chemist, a Physist and a Mathematician were travelling by train in Scotland when they saw a white sheep through the train's window.

The Chemist said: Oh, how interesting! Every sheep in Scotland is white.

The Physist disagreed: No, you can't say that. You can only say that there is at least one sheep in Scotland that is white.

The Mathematician corrected him: Well, as a matter of fact the only logical conclusion that you can reach is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland that is at least white on one side.

I think you make a good Chemist Azadeh Jaan. 

Multiple Personality Disorder

I don't gets it

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

I aint dat esmart.