Iran's Single Most Critical Issue - Drugs


by ayatoilet1

Whether it was by design or simply a collateral result of the the War in Afghanistan, and without firing a bomb or a rocket or a mortar shell or even a bullet, the coalition forces operating in Afghanistan under US leadership have  struck the most destructive blow possible to the Nation of Iran by allowing rampant poppy growth in Afghanistan. In 2001 when Afghanistan was runover by American, British, Dutch, Portugese, Italian name it forces...Afghanistan's total Opium production was barely 1 Metric ton (i.e. about 1000 kg), last year this figure had reached over 270,000 metric tons, with 65% destined for Iran. Yes, Iran has become the single largest market for Opium in the world. It is true that much of it gets transhipped to Europe and other places, but by all official accounts Iran has over 2 Million addicts and 6 million casual opium and heroin users. Last night on my TV show on Rang a rang I had several callers from Iran that said that it is their own observation that something between 25% to 50% of Iranian youths use Opium regularly and that the official figures understate the nature of the problem. If this is true, this is an absolute travesty. It is a crisis beyond all other crises Iran has ever faced. Iran's borders are patroled by the Pasdars, and the sheer volume of what comes into Iran, suggests that they (and probably the regime itself) definitely have a hand in this. No joke, this is 200 million kilos (i.e. 200,000 metric tons) crossing the border i,e. truck loads every single day, FULLY LOADED trucks. No ona can honestly say that the coalition forces or the Karzai regime are unaware of this, they too must be condoning this traffic. Its akin to what the Brits did in China in the 18th century during the British-Chinese wars in south china where as a tool of war they essentially imported vast quantities of opium into china to a point where over half of the indegenous chinese were addicted to Opium - all as a means of war. The tragedy of all this is that Heroin addiction is also now a serious issue in Europe and the United States, with over 100,000 hospital admissions last year related to Heroin use in the US alone, which means that probably >1000 deaths can be attributed to Heroin last year alone in the U.S. Since 2001, it is likely that over 10,000 Americans have died due to heroin abuse, and over 1 Million hospital admissions can be directly attributed to Heroin use. Yes, Afghan Opium is scouring away at America too. ANd we all know that it is not just deaths, but a great deal of other crimes that quickly become associated with drug addiction - theft, prostitution, etc.

What is so angering about all this, is that the United States justified the invasion of Afghanistan as a national security issue on the back of 3000 american deaths due to the events on 9/11/01. Now more Americans have died due to direct consequence of policies enacted by America in Afghanistan after the invasion. And if this is horrific for the U.S. or Europe, how do you describe the scale of the problem and the deaths in Iran? It is clear that the regime in Iran (and the Karzai regime in Afghanistan) have direct hand in this and are defacto traitors to their nation. These regimes are accessories to this crime committed on Iranians (and afghans too). Last night, I had an afghan caller who described in detail the scale of the problem in Afghanistan and gave a first hand rendition of how the Karzai regime was directly involved. It seems to me that the west has committed Iran's youth to hell. Why? Without a single bullet Iranians are being destroyed. Why? And now, the hell they are perpetuating on the poor people of the region has reared its ugly head in the U.S. with major cities being plagued with drug violence, criminality, and destruction...and a huge rise in Aids transmissions (due now to shared needle use) I am talking about places like Memphis tennessee that are plagued with heroin, Washington DC...Philly... 

The situation is grave. Very serious. Its been serious for some time. Something has to be done. This is simply unacceptable. And the governments that are participating in this scheme need to be held accountable. The mullahs and the Karzai regime in afghanistan must go. Thankfully, Bush has gone...and there are some signs the Democrats are doing somethings to help ...but this is very serious. We must do something right away.

This is Iran's single most critical issue. Not Nuclear technology ...Drugs.


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Based on a documentary I watched a short while back

by Bavafa on

The amount of money that Afghan farmers earn as a result of their opium crops is so little compare to the overall marketed value. So, despite the fact that this is the main source of income for the farmers, it is not that much money for a government to subsides them and support them till they earn a living in some other type of crop or ways.

Opium in Afghanistan, in my opinion, is being used as a weapon.


hamsade ghadimi

in order to destory the

by hamsade ghadimi on

in order to destory the opium crops of the afghans, any responsible entity would try to find a substitute for the farmer's income.  in fact, eradicating the opium crop without providing an alternative form of income would have a devastating effect for these farmers and would not be sustainable.*  the opium production may have substantially increased since the fall of taliban but even then (during taliban), opium was very cheap and accessible in iran with millions addicted to it.  the reason iri doesn't crack down (or maybe even promoting it) is that they cannot provide jobs for the unemployed and underemployed (sometimes even the employed don't get paid).

now tell me, which is easier: not doing anything about the drug trade or doing something about the economy?

* during george h. bush presidency, he tried to stop the daily and in-the-open drug trade (khat) in somalia.  once he did that, there was an outrage from the somalians their sentiments toward the humanitarian effort of u.s. went south and many joined al qaeda and kicked the u.s. out.


A little piece of information

by ayatoilet1 on

Last year a mysterious fungus devastated 30 percent of the Afghan Opium crop... it has been reported that a former soviet lab in Uzbekistan was working on a fungus to kill opium crops, and that the Obama administration started a program to spray the fungus on crops in Afghanistan. Why they did not spray all the crops is a mystery to me? Apparently the levels of Opium stocks have been very high and the street price and street availability of Opium has not been affected at all - despite the drop. Maybe the government was just trying to control supply maintain street prices? I don't know? Could it be that the governments are cooperating to support this "business" or "industry"??? Anyway, for the first time in 9 years, production has fallen...under the democrats!


I was about to comment

by Bavafa on

that there isn't one word in this blog that I don't agree with, till I saw the following sentence

"and there are some signs the Democrats are doing somethings to help "

Other then this, I fully agree.

Thanks for writing it, good blog.



I heard stories of

by Parthianshot91 on

The islamist regime giving the students opium when there were massive prostest in Iranian universities back in 1998, seeing how shameless this regime is, I wouldn't be surprised one bit.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

منظور "تهديد" بود و نه تحديد

G. Rahmanian

كشورم ويران است

G. Rahmanian

دور دور منقل و قليان است• اقازاده ثروتش از راه نامشروع كلان است•

G. Rahmanian

در اين ميان اقازاده ها ثروتمند شدند

G. Rahmanian

يكي از خودي ها ، اقاي محسن رضائي، زماني تحديد كرد كه اقازادهايي را كه در كار حمل و نقل مواد مخدر دست دارند رسوا ميكند ولي سريع سرو صدايش را خواباندند كه بيش از اين رسوا نشوند

Sargord Pirouz

Totally agree, this is a

by Sargord Pirouz on

Totally agree, this is a really big problem.



by Parthianshot91 on

14% of Afghanistan is addicted to Opium, the highest in the world. I don't know why they're not doing anything to stop it themselves.


"They are not afraid of the ideology alone, but of the detemination and will of the men behind it"