10 Things You Can Do to Oppose the Regime in Iran


by ayatoilet1

I keep reading articles and blogs about all opponents of the regime uniting, and how somehow a knight needs to show up on a horse in white armor to save Iran, when in fact I think if we – yes you and I – simply decided to do 10 basic things, and we all stuck to it (i.e. really did them) we would very quickly be able to change the regime in Iran. Iranians abroad control a phenomenal amount of wealth over 1.3 trillion dollars in the U.S. alone. Iranians have power. Iranians have influence. We just need to learn to use it to our own benefit. We need to be disciplined and committed. To do anything else is betrayal of Iran and Iranians.

1)      Boycott everything British. If you drive don’t fill up at a BP or Shell gas station, and don’t buy a British Car (Landrover or Mini); Don’t bank with a British banker or their subsidiaries, don’t buy insurance from Lloyds, don’t watch Fox TV or bskyb (Murdoch is a surrogate for the Brits); don’t travel on British Airways, don’t buy any British products… don’t do business with British surrogates like Dubai … there are always lots of other options. The Brits are poised and have always been poised to take advantage of Iran’s demise. Iranian oil in the Caspian Sea, they operate a defacto colony in Dubai that makes money by sanction busting exports to Iran (sanctions work to their advantage), …They organized two coups that destroyed Iranian democracy these past 100 years, and were the masterminds behind the rise of the Mullahs in the '70s– and have everything to gain by maintain the regime in Iran. If you think your boycott will have no effect – think twice.  Marginal income is critically important in the profitability of these large (capital intensive) businesses.  A one percent drop in revenue can be calamitous.  Remember the tail wags the dog. The Brits, put on their accents, appear like experts and Americans suck it up. If you want to influence US policy make it difficult for the Brits to sustain their policies against Iranians. If you live in Britain – leave (that’s what I did). If you are stuck there, then buy foreign cars and boycott home made goods.   


2)      Boycott the ultra- Religious/ Fascist/Tea Party Crowd. Remember your interests and immigrant interests are identical. Radical Christianity is just as dangerous as Radical Islam. In fact Radical Christians need Radical Islam to sustain their gravy train. There really is no difference between the Christian Right and Muslim Right. Their definition of government is the very same, God somehow anoints Preachers and the people need to serve the interests of these Preachers as agents for God. It’s not government for the people, by the people; they believe that its government for God, by the Preachers (his sole agents)...any way they decide to interpret God’s will! The people are considered sheep, and clue less. Only Preachers know what is right and wrong.  This by the way, is totally contrary to the very construct of the US constitution that makes every single person equally an agent of God with God given rights that are inalienable – i.e. cannot be taken away from them by others (i.e. taken away by Preachers or Mullahs or their Police Force). In a true free and democratic system – all votes are equal; everyone can stand for office…not the chosen few.  


3)      Vote – wherever you are – Vote (and participate in politics). More than money, more than prominence through your job or social status, votes matter more than anything else. Believe me, the politicians know who votes. The Jewish community in the U.S. has figured this out. They cluster in groups, and vote as a block Small majorities are the norm. Many districts are won or lost on very small percentages.  I would go as far as to say, the Iranian community in Las Vegas made the critical difference in electing Harry Reid (Dem. Majority Leader - Senate)  against an openly racist, openly anti-immigrant Tea Party candidate.  Vote, brother, vote.  


4)      Work Hard – be successful, gain influence. Your success is not just about feeding your family, or giving your children support and confidence. But, the wealthier you are, the more prominent you are – the more (in the long run) you can influence US policy. But don’t hand over your cash to these politicians. They’ll say anything to grab your cash. Use your prominence for influence only – to speak to them, to force them to listen to you. Remember, the Mullahs have their surrogates in the US too. Organizations like NIAC , all those Iranians at the dinner for Ahmadinejad in New York, their own TV stations … By some reports they are spending almost $80 Million a year in the US on political influence. Their influence has to be counter balanced by your influence and your ability to penetrate.  


5)      Spread a consistent message about “systemic change”. When you do get someone’s ear, your message needs to focus on Systemic change not individuals or political factions and how large a market the whole region could become once Iran reforms. This way regardless of our political or philosophical differences, we can all unite about the need for real freedoms and democracy in Iran. There is a fundamental fact and that is under the current and previous regimes, there were no institutions that guaranteed basic freedoms and democracy in Iran. This, in my opinion is the most significant treachery of the Islamic elite in Iran.  When candidates are preselected, and over half of the Majlis are former IRGC guards; and when the police and guard forces are defacto extensions of the theocratic oppression, there is very simply, no matter what your political persuasion is, a need for fundamental change.  We need a new political system.  


6)      Don’t Believe Western Political Rhetoric. The regime in Iran would be gone in an instant if that was the “plan”. These politicians lie through their teeth; and posture for votes. Meanwhile decisions are made in back rooms by career civil servants. I remember an impassioned speech by New York’s former Republican Senator Al D’Amato against Iran and the Mullahs to some poor state department person unlucky enough to find himself at a Senate Hearing (D’Amato had received a lot of money from Iranians on Long Island) – meanwhile, that same week Reagan was sending Bible’s to Rafsanjani via Oliver North. It is in current “western” interest to have Iran surrounded, subdued, and essentially impotent, while they target oil and gas fields and other precious mineral resources around Iran that they can exploit.  More land and sovereignty has been given away by the Mullahs to Iran’s neighbors than by any regime in Iran’s recent past. We have essentially given away 38% of the Caspian Sea, and claims to virtually half the Persian Gulf (now named the Arabian Gulf …by the US Navy).  I really would not be surprised if there is an invasion of Iran, and the whole country eventually gets cut up into 5 states. The Mullahs are a great way to scare domestic populations into spending more money on defense systems…and persuading Iran’s wealthy neighbors to buy expensive arms. They serve Western Interests very well.  But you, are now living here; and can have a real say on what the governments here do …and what lies they get away with…and you can hold them accountable.  


7)      Be Proud of your Iranian heritage. Forget about your Anglicized name cut out the Freddy if you really Fereidoon, or Mo if you’re really Mohammad…Be proud of who you are, where you come from, what you represent, and don’t let anyone put you or your family down. Just cause you live here you don’t have to prostitute yourself and your cultural heritage. Go to Pennsylvania and see how the Amish people have maintained their culture for hundreds of years … Go to Brooklyn in New York and see how the Hassidim Jews have maintained their culture and even links to Israel and then understand that you do not have to sell out to succeed here.  If you have self-respect, then others will respect you and your point of view. The greatest thing you can do to topple the regime in Iran is to preserve your dignity. My simple position is that the Mullahs in Iran are the biggest enemies of Islam; and what they are doing there does not represent Islam at all…just like a Pedophile Catholic Priest with a fetish for young boys does not represent the Catholic Church.  You will gain credibility and value and be even more influential if you stay true to your heritage. Give your children real Persian names, wherever you are.  


8)      Use Real Persian Words when you communicate.  Avoid Arabic words that have filtered into Farsi. The language of the Mullahs is Arabic, and their insistence on the use of Arabic is humiliating to Iranians who do in fact have their own distinct language and culture. In the same way that Ferdowsi preserved the Persian language during the Arab conquest of Iran, we should look at these Mullahs as foreign invaders, and preserve our language and culture.   


9)      Don’t travel to Iran. Travel to Iran is the regime’s secret weapon in silencing opponents. Many Iranians fear involvement in anti-regime politics because they want to be able to travel to Iran freely, and are worried about being arrested in Iran.  If you simply decide not to go, suddenly you’re liberated; and your activity can begin. If every single ex-pat Iranian got involved in anti-regime effort outside Iran, trust me the regime in Iran would be under much greater pressure and could collapse. Besides, liberating you, understand that travel to Iran, is a defacto way of pumping money into the regime in Iran. Its income for the regime. Everything from renewing your passport, to airport fees, to spending money inside Iran – it’s all money that finds its way to the religious elite who control everything.  Traveling to Iran is a defacto recognition and acceptance of this regime.  


10)   Preserve Real Persian Traditions and avoid engaging with the Religious Establishment.  Continue to celebrate Iranian New Year in the Spring and associated holidays like jumping over little bon fires.  Tell your sons and daughters, cousins, relatives not to mix with or engage with Sons and daughters of the Religious elite.  Avoid visiting or going to Mosques. Maintain a separate existence. In the long run mingling with them will be detrimental, for they will all be gone soon enough. There is no question about that.


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • One of the ways to destroy the nation is to attack its past. By attacking our great kings like Khourosh and Dariush they want to destroy our dignity. When we stop believing in ourselves we get weak. That is one of the tricks West has up its sleeve. The other is promoting Islam and MEK. But these tricks have run their course. We are not the idiots of 1960s so they may try. But we are not going for it. Hence the anger in the West. What do they do: bring out MEK. Sorry dear Western "allies". You henna has lost its color. You are not dealing with our parents anymore. We learned and know your tricks. Not selling our souls for some colored beads like native Americans did.
  • PS: This Aryan BS comes from anti-Iranians. No Iranian nationalist I know is talking about it. The whole idea is to divide us. They want to put us against one another. Bernie, is an old dog with old tricks.



Hey Iran 2050: Kourosh, Dariush??

by ayatoilet1 on

I dont see koroush or dariush anywhere in this blog??!!

Oh and by the way, give me a gun and I will fight the regime. I'll be the first in line. The Libyan rebels are fighting with western arms shipped very recently to them. People in Iran rose up in 2009, and did not have arms and were killed in the streets...like insects. Almost every week somewhere in Iran, people are rising up, you just don't know it.

The truth is the West needs an impotent, beseiged Iran, and DO NOT WANT change right now. They are too busy stealing our oil in the Caspian and selling arms...  If they wanted change they would be arming Iranians right now. There have been countless, yes countless requests for arms to fight this regime.

Yes, give me arms, I will be there! Not just me but millions of Iranians. The IRI, the IRGC -- have arms! Thats how they maintain power. The Iranian people do not have arms! But they do rise up, they have risen up, they will continue to rise up ...you just don't know it or accept it.

Finallly, for clarification, you say many of us sit on our behinds thinking ...no, YOU sit on your behind thinking...many of US are active and we are fighting this battle for Iranian dignity every single day. You just don't know it.

There will be no shortage of sacrifice or blood - if the people have arms in Iran. Trust me. Iranians have balls. Much more than you understand.



Iran 2050

Ayatoliet1, You are what

by Iran 2050 on


You are what Iranians describe “Doosti Khaleh Kherseh”…! You are hurting Iran more than helping it by uttering things that you have no clue about.

You exemplify the wrong Iranian conspiracy theorism mentality. I guess you’re one of those folks who says “kaar, kaar-e-Englisihast!”. It is sad that you deliberately ignore the millions of Iranian people who once in 28 Khordad and once in 1979 went to the streets once to support the shah and the other time to oppose him; both times because they simply didn’t know what they were doing. What makes it sadder, is blaming the actions of the Iranian people on others. Running away from taking responsibility is a typical Iranian attitude, and until we don’t take responsibility for our actions nothing will change.

Iran was NOT occupied in 28 khordad, was it? Therefore, everything is our responsibility. Just because England or America provided some funds or advise to the Shah, it does NOT make it a “foreign coup”. Get your definitions rights and start taking responsibility?

Using common sense does not hurt aziz. It is actually very helpful.

Don’t claim you respect Arabs. You’re one of those folks who sees everything through an “Aryan” lens, don’t you? And there is nothing wrong with being proud of one’s heritage, but where does it end and doesn’t become a belief of superiority? Iranians have crossed that line and it only hurts them. Over what we think we’re better, I have no clue!

The only way for this regime to go away is for the Iranian people to rise up and be ready to sacrifice. Whatever help others offer will have minimal impact, and that’s true in ALL cases. If the people want and have the balls to do it, they will make it happen. It not up to the Brits or Chinese or Russia or anyone else. It is up to us. Libyans rose and got help, but they ROSE first then got the help. Same with the Syrians., heck, we rose in 1979! Granted, we didn’t know what we want, but we rose! Many of us sit on our behinds thinking by mentioning “Koroush” and “Dariush” a thousand times a day the regime will go away!



Hey Iran 2050 - You're Joking Right?

by ayatoilet1 on

I don't know how many old black and white movies you need to watch to understand how the brits put up not one but two major coups in Iran (inlcuding as they themselves claim sending Churchil for a private meeting with Eisenhower to get Operation Ajax started in 1952). And as for 1979; its not just the BBC, but the meeting in Guadeloupe with Calaghan and Carter that sealed the Shah's fate. I mean you're joking right? As for the U.S., I think I made it pretty clear that they have been suckered by the Brits.. over and over again. I think its in U.S. interests to act a little more independently and more in line with their declaration of independence ("that all men are created equal....and endowed with ...liberty ...") and the principles that they fought against the Brits with back in 1776. Iranians are human beings too.

As for cultural fascism, I don't know what you're talking about, I suspect you don't either. I admire and respect Arabs; but can we please not have Mullahs dictate our culture to us? Can we please have a say in how our culture is implemented? Its not a matter of purification, its a matter of resisting oppression - resisting a dictate. Just like Ferdowsi did  ... But again maybe you're not well read in history.

There is nothing unjust in what is being offered here. And by the way, take it or leave it. You can continue your essentially ineffective resistance to the regime. Lets hit them where it hurts, in their pocket books and with our cultural traditions ...Jumping over a bon fire is, and was a symbol of our resistance to these bastards. If the Brits calculate that they have more to lose by their repression of Iran - than to gain by their activities in the Caspian or Persian Gulf; believe me the regime will be changed for us.


Good posting, and I would

by afshin on

Good posting, and I would add one more thing: Encourage the boycott of Iranian oil worldwide.  If the Mullahs run of out money, they will go away.

Iran 2050

Some of the things

by Iran 2050 on

Some of the things mentioned here are absolutely false.


1-      “Boycott everything British”. Really? We still believe in the myth that BBC is responsible for all this? Some urban legend that turned into a belief amongst us.
 so we as Iranians are not at fault for being too emotional and uneducated and uncivilized to go after a murderous thug like Khomeini? Hmm.

2-      “Boycott the ultra- Religious/ Fascist/Tea Party Crowd”. What on earth does this have to do with anything? And as far as “your interest is the same as immigrant interest”, that’s just wrong. Your interest is America’s interest. This is how we bite the hands that feed us?

3-      “Use Real Persian Words when you communicate”. This is Fascist and contradicts what you said about boycotting Tea Party. This itself is a form of cultural fascism when you try to “purify” a language from words that originates from a language of a great and civilized Arab people who we falsely and sadly think of as “dirty Arabs”. Think of what happens if you take Arabic words out Ibn Sina and Saadi and Hafez and ….books. just think about that for a second.

You do not fight injustice by being unjust yourself. You are not going to fight IRIs extremism by showing your own extremism and intolerance and incivility.

Maryam Hojjat

Good Advices

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for your blog.