Jesus Christ in Iran

Jesus Christ in Iran
by Arthimis

Real quick, It's Christmas day and I just want to share something with you all and hope you wont laugh at me!

Last night I dreamt of Iranian people on the streets of Iran protesting silently with thousands of crosses they made out of woods and above their heads...

Imagine, Had this been real, Maybe such massive protest with the ultimate message of "Peace and Love" on Jesus's Birthday would have had an unbelievable positive echo around the globe for defenseless Iranians and prevented Islamic Republic to touch or hurt the protesters as it is forbidden to insult Jesus Christ in Islam...

If you think we as Iranians can use any reason to defy Islamic Republic and its unjustful ways against Iranians in any way possible, please spread this idea! Maybe such action in Iran is still possible! Maybe this idea (dream) can actually work in Iran and for Iranians to get their message out on the planet!

Maybe a HOLY protest as such will force/influence Islamic Republic to back down to some extend and make them reflect a bit!

Ahmadi-nejad is calling for Mahdi (Emam Zaman) resurrection! Let's give him the REAL ONE with Jesus Christ !!!

Merry Christmas Everybody....

Peace and Love


more from Arthimis

Racist Mannya

by divaneh on

Just in case you see your comments edited, I have flagged you for the use of racist terms and language. Make sure your comments stay relevant to the subject.

Arthimis is a true Iranian who came with a noble idea that because of thuggery of savage basijis is impractical. Please go and shed your crocodile tears somewhere else as no one will be fooled here. You are not worried about your non-existing soul, nor people's faith. You are only worried about an end to the stealing and plunder of the nation's wealth. I am sorry, but soon you have to look after your own babies and there will be no more $200 a week baby sitter for you. Remember how you were singing the praise of good life in Iran, flat panel screens, ranches and cheap baby sitters. People will take what is theirs back.



by Nur-i-Azal on

Arthimis or Artemis is truly Persian.

LOL! Artemis is GREEK.... :-)

And so much for the rest of your message.




by Arthimis on

You still didn't get my message here???!!!

You are even more ignorant and religiously/Islamically brainwashed as I thought you were initially!

Let me put in a way you could possibly comprehend here!

Dude, I am not even a Christian... What do you inject inside yourself? Or should I say, what has been injected inside you by the crazy Arab/Muslim lovers occupying Iran? Whatever it is, It's bad for you and It is bad for Iran and True Iranians here...

Get well first and join True Iran and Iranians soon!

Arthimis or Artemis is truly Persian... That's a fact. Understood?



by Nur-i-Azal on

You're as religious as hell and you know it.

I am an enigma to you people and it drives you crazy!   ;-)

I am technically not a Muslim, so you can't validly peg me as one, yet I defend the right of moderate, liberal and progressive Muslims (esp. Sufis and Isma'ilis) to the exercise of their beliefs and their right to be, esp. to be respected on their own terms. I call myself a Bayani Gnostic Universalist yet characterize the Theophanic Face of the Divine in Feminine terms and refer to Her as both Fatima and the Shekinah! I am constantly discussing in detail facets of several Traditions, but in their esoteric facets, not their exoteric. I am also on record several times now speaking about the oneness of God with the Devil etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If you people still haven't figured out what manner of creature I Am, you are one dense cookies!


Nuri, you lying sack of....

by Cost-of-Progress on

You're as religious as hell and you know it. Why do you lie? Did we not go round and round just recently about your beloved Islam?





But then again,

by SamSamIIII on


Dear Arthemis, but then again Cyrus of Anshan is  one of the most beloved figures among the Judeo-Christianity icons who ironicaly is loved & cherished more among them than his own native land of Ommaties ;).

He is after all mentioned 27 times by name & many times more indireclty in the testament . He is indeed, Cyrus the great, Hand of God, Patron of the enslaved, Liberator of the Jews, Enlightener of Daniel & Rebuilder of the holy temples who undoubtedly was the true unassuming pragmatist Aryan Messiah  with a kindred spirit for minorities & the oppressed.

May the dagger of his spirit kick Ommaties a$$ back to hell hole of history. Amen...

Cheers pal!!! 

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


You got to be kidding!

by Nur-i-Azal on

Your name is NOT even truly Iranian/Persian!!!!

And Arthimis is? LOL!

I am not Religious at all dear as you have labled me with all those Evangelical and ........... !!!!

I only suggested for Christmas to be used as an effective tool against I.R. !

And that is a core Evangelical tool and agenda, so as Shakespeare says, methinks the lady doth protest too much!

However, to be fair here, according to what ever we know from history
so far, Jesus came some 700 or 800 years before the Idea of Mahdi was
originated/duplicated/immitated by Shia Muslims in that part of the

Mate, you need to bring your history up to speed. The whole idea of the Redeemer-of-the-end-of-time is an Indo-Iranian idea in the first place, and one that the Abrahamic tradition as a whole appropriated. Before there was the Jewish concept of the Messiah, and before JC was supposed to come back a second time, the Mazdaean Tradition had the notion of the Saoshyant to come at the end of time and the Hindu Tradition spoke of the Kalki-Avatar to appear at the closing of the present Kali-Yuga. Early Christianity merely took such ideas and clothed it in a Christian garb via messianic Judaism of the 1st century, as did early Islam by appropriating Gnostic Christian and messianic Jewish and Zoroastrian ones and clothing it in its own Islamic narrative. Obviously you didn't know that.

Nur-i Azal, I would change my Arabic/Muslim name (of yours) first if I
were you before introducing myself as an Iranian/ Persian...

You worry about yourself and your own name first.


Then keep JC out of things, thank you!


Drafshe Kaaviani and...

by Arthimis on

Dear SamSam IIII, Your beautiful idea of Cyrus posters and .... would be a much profound humanistic and Iranian/Persian idea as to compare to my idea of Jesus or anything religious ...

My point was to bring the entire world on our side with something very personal to their own hearts and identities... I believe Jesus Christ is still a more effective strategy from a global perspective...

We have to give them (The Free World) what they want first in order to receive what we want ... Don't you agree?

With all Respects my dear Ham-Meehan



by Arthimis on

Give who a break? You? Your name is NOT even truly Iranian/Persian!!!!

It's amazing how fast you can judge things you have no correct understanding about...

I am not Religious at all dear as you have labled me with all those Evangelical and ........... !!!!

I only suggested for Christmas to be used as an effective tool against I.R. !

As for Jesus Christ vs. Mahdi , Good luck with it, if you truly believe in any of them... However, to be fair here, according to what ever we know from history so far, Jesus came some 700 or 800 years before the Idea of Mahdi was originated/duplicated/immitated by Shia Muslims in that part of the world, THUS makes JESUS the ORIGINAL ONE (or The Real one...) vs. Mahdi as a wanna be Missiah believed by Millions of ignorant people in IRAN who blindly believe in him or such an idea to begin with instead of believing in beautiful , profound, logical, spiritual Iranian/Persian culture and her realistic and timeless school of peaceful and healthy thoughts and CONSCIOUSNESS ...

As for YOUR REAL CHRISTMAS , I have known the fact that most Orthodox Christians in many parts of the world, especially in the Eastern Europe and the middle east celebrate it much later in January and some even as late as early February... Tell me something I don't know, thank you... 

Nur-i Azal, I would change my Arabic/Muslim name (of yours) first if I were you before introducing myself as an Iranian/ Persian...

And FYI, I am an Iranian/Persian and very proud of it... And I will express my Free Iranian/Persian Thoughts to my fellow  true Iranians /Persians... Whether you Muslim/Arabic mind likes it or not...



divaneh e Iran !

by Arthimis on

I apologize if I hurt your feelings... Please feel free to make jokes any time you feel like...

Please refer to my points I wrote for: I have a crush on Alex....

We need the entire world on our side with something that they believe in and have close to their hearts... Being Iranian alone and Muslim does not help whatsoever... I hope you agree with that at least!



Dear SamSam IIII

by Arthimis on

Thank you Sir. Honestly, you are one of those very rare Persian/Iranian gems left in this world... I respect and admire your thoughts and personally have learnt a lot from you here on, Thank you ...

I hope someday we can meet in person and in our own FREE BELOVED MOTHERLAND...

Please continue your most excellent deeds for Iran...

Peace and Love


Mr. Fatollah, sorry...

by Arthimis on

Dear Sir, I apologize if I offended you personally!

As an Iranian, I am just against anything Arabic/Islamic. So when the issue of names was raised, I over reacted to your name and NOT YOU as a person and a human being...

Again sorry and wish you all the best Sir.



I am not Religious...

by Arthimis on

I have a Crush on Alex ...,

Sorry to say this ,but you are so off dear! I am not religious at all. In fact, I personally do not believe in any religion on this planet except for few such as Buddhism and Taoism schools of thoughts... I ONLY  believe in GOD of Consciousness in this infinite universe... Now regarding this blog, I was just talking about a simple dream I had on Christmas eve as a known universal event that is related to Peace to billions of people! Then, it occured to me if we Iranians can use any Global event (of Christmas caliber or whatever else) to our collective advantage as yet another effective tool to reach our collective goals (Freeing Iran and Iranians from the Tyranny of I.R. regime) and causing a GLOBAL IMPACT with Something so close to Billions of people's hearts around the world such as Christmas!! Why NOT? Trust me, if you have the entire world's heart on your (Iranian) side, You will see a real impact!!!! And of course, With all due respect to our fellow Christian Iranians and Christians all over the world in general... All we want from you is to be on our side against EVIL... Thank you.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

the real one? are you kidding?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

what makes jesus real? there's nothing real about him. the bible is a complete joke. if it were published today, it would be reviewed as completely failing to convey a real person..... son of "god" or not. jesus was not a complete person and the missing portion of his "life" in the bible is what makes it more fraudulant. those are the most important years of life for most people, and the fact that he never kisses or laughs is further proof. 

i feel sorry for you religious maniacs. so much good fiction in the world and you cling to the same character. try evolving..... it's more fulfilling.


double post

by Fatollah on




by Fatollah on

regarding your name, if I may, I believe it is a very beautiful name, ref.


regarding my name; somethings are better to be left alone, besides can't undo ... :)

Regards -F 


Dear Arthemis

by SamSamIIII on


 :), your heart is in the right place & if I may interject to propose a yet more home based dramatic alternative such as Drafshe Kaaviani . A while back I asked Obama to rather parachute drop milions of Cyrus posters & Kaaviani flags replicas across Iran for shock & awe purposes and a lotta folks justifiably laughed out at me :) . & yes I agree that on the surface it looks shallow and non-sophisticated but think about the reaction of disconnected folks, segregated from their heritage for 30 yrs coming face to face with these home made icons of true change who actualy represent human rights & resistance to foreign tyrrany on the pavements of their neighborhoods to make em think outta the box & freak mullahs out ::)). But then again one must be ready for the consequences if one carries a drafshe on his/her shoulder in the middle of Imam Hussein sq ;).

Cheers pal & thank you !!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Dear Arthimis

by divaneh on

Thanks for calling me narrow minded but I think you need a little more justification for that. The fact that I saw the funny side of your strategy does not mean that I missed the overall point. Even if we disregard the impracticality of public display of processions of a minority religion in a country where even private religious matters of minorities are conducted with a degree of fear, I was not sure what the objective of such action was. We are not exactly short of good will from the people of other countries, and no, it does not influence the Islamic regime that is not even influenced by the chants of Alla-ho-Akbar from the so called brothers and sisters. I hope you don’t stop to be the chief strategist and I hope you allow me to make a little joke now and again.


Give us a break!

by Nur-i-Azal on

Jesus Christ as the real thing while  the Imam Mahdi isn't?! What about the Maitreya Buddha, then?

It doesn't cease to amaze me how smug, arrogant, self-righteous and opportunistic you Evangelical Christians can be! Why should Iran overthrow a bunch of religious fundalooniests only to be subjected to your sort at a future time? Besides we already have a vibrant Christian community in the Armenian and Assyrian orthodox Christian congregations of Iran. So kindly keep your Evangelical dreams, social gospel  and prosletyzing to yourself and stay out of Iranian politics, thank you very much!

BTW when I saw Mel Gibson's THE PASSION some years ago, at the end of the film I yelled out very loud in the theatre YA HUSAYN! That movie was nothing more than a big, long Christian taziyeh.

Also, the real Christmas isn't for another two weeks or so! FYI



by Arthimis on

I have read some of your comments here and saw that you were not a bad dude... Of course, I never claimed I wanted to be a leader of any movement and certainly not a one that is related to Hussain or any other Arab/Islamic entity... No way... "Thank God"!

Apparently you are very narrow minded to not even read between the lines! I just shared my dream here... No matter how unrealistic it is in real life, it could be used as yet another way to protest against I.R. regime. They are obssessed with their own way of practicing Islamic religion and have imposed their injustice on Iran and Iranians for over 30 years... Iranians can also play a religous card on them!!! Christianity is one of the most accepted religions in the Islamic world  and especially in Iran! Even by the I.R. itself!

So why not using any possible chance and opportunity to defy them? Be it 16 Azar, Montazeri, Christmas day or whatever that comes our way...

The true meaning of insanity is to keep practicing the same ideas and doing the same things and expecting a different result in life! As Iranians seeking to free ourselves and Iran, we must practice new ideas and actions in order to see a new and hopefully a better result in our lives!

Think outside of the box !

Peace and Love




by Arthimis on

Yes I know what Armithis means... But what about your pretty Arabic/Musilm name here?? this fatollah deal is pretty sad ... Good luck with it in real life and in the Free world !



by Fatollah on

do you know what Arthimis means? :)

And I don't mean the Fleet commander of Xerxers! 




by Fatollah on

divaneh LOL :D man you crack me up!

happy holidays




That's all we need

by divaneh on

Just imagine that crowd of Hussain mourners coming face to face with the crusaders bearing their crosses. That will be crusades. Thanks god you are not leading the movement. :o)