Who are the paid propagandists? The Puzzle.

Who are the paid propagandists? The Puzzle.
by Ari Siletz

A paranoid reader suspects that user IDs "Jafang," Foseel, "Khanjar," "Shoar," and "Dastmaal" are paid propagandists on a website based in Tooran Zamin. One of the user IDs is a Baseej who can type, the others are a monarchist from the Sha'ban Bimokh faction, a Zionist from the Irgun faction, a Tea Party infiltrator into Jebheh Melli, and a Mojahed who is allowed an interntet connection. A reliable website has revealed--without naming names-- that one of them gets $250 for every blog published, and the others get $200, $150, $100, and $50 per blog.
So far the paranoid reader doesn't know which user ID goes with which organization and who gets paid what, but here's some information just declassified by the CIA that can help him figure it out.

1. Jafang gets paid more than the Jebheh Melli inflitrator who gets paid more than Shoar.
2. Foseel gets paid twice as much as the monarchist.
3. The Baseej gets paid less than Khanjar but more than the Zionist.
4. Jafang does not get $200 per blog.

And thanks to wikileaks, here's a straight bit of info: The Zionist gets paid $150 per blog.

Which user ID goes with which organization and how much does each blogger get paid? *Disclaimer: User ID names appearing in this puzzle are fictitious. Any resemblance to real user IDs living or dead, is purely coincidental. Similarly, factions or personal characteristics are fictitious; who ever heard of a Baseej who can type?


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Ari Siletz

Silver medal to MPD and a 10% raise.

by Ari Siletz on

Afarin; it is a tough puzzle. I hope you are awake by now; it's almost 11:00. You belong to the witty faction of Hezb e Nevisandegaan. So please propagandize us more with you clever blogs and beautiful poem translations. Bi taarof!

Anahid Hojjati

Good job Nazy jan and MPD.

by Anahid Hojjati on


Multiple Personality Disorder

I haven't seen any of comment...

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

It took me all night but I finally figured it out.  I think this is how it goes:


Khanjar is a Mojahed and gets paid $250 for every blog.

Dastmall is the Baseejee and gets paid $200 for every blog.

Jafang is the Zionist and gets paid $150 for every blog.

Foseel is the Tea Party infilterator who gets paid $100 per blog.

Shoar is the Monarchist who gets paid $50 per blog.


Now I need to go and get some sleep.


Ari Siletz

The Puzzlitzer prize to Nazy!

by Ari Siletz on

Well done indeed! You get double MPD's blogging fee for getting there first, and 99th precentile ranking in Nader's GRE exam.

Nazy Kaviani

I'll take a shot!

by Nazy Kaviani on

O.K. Let's see:

1. Your highest-paid propagandist is Khanjar, "the Mojahed who is allowed an internet connection." He gets paid $250 per blog.

2. Next is Dastmaal, "the Baseeji who can type." He gets $200 per blog.

3. Jafang is your "Zionist from the Irgun faction," who gets $150 per blog, according to Wikileaks.

4. Foseel, "the Tea Party infiltrator into Jebheh Melli," makes $100 per blog.

5. Shoar is "the monarchist from the Sha'ban Bimokh faction," and he makes $50 per blog.

On pins and needles until you say whether I got this right or not...

Multiple Personality Disorder

I get paid $5,000 a month for the kind of things I write

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

,,, but regardless, I will not look at the comments posted so far and I will work on this puzzle later, after I read Latina's blog.

Nader Vanaki

Ari - This is the perfect GRE analytical test question

by Nader Vanaki on

As for me I believe that any political faction or group paying anyone to post comments or blog on this popsicle stand, is throwing their money away.

As for chelokabab, I'll pay $15 for فیله گوسفندی


My brain doesn't work

by divaneh on


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Faramarz knows that with the inflation in Iran, $300 isn't going to cover a chelo kabab for much longer. Also, the riots in Israel are about the cost of living. Very smart of both of you to opt for the coupon if you decide go into the propaganda business--the puzzle should be a cinch for you guys.


Ari - I am not good at puzzles, so where is my money?

by MM on

I will also be happy to share the chelo-kabab coupon with Faramarz!  Where's the Beef?


Based on reading what some people write, I feel sorry for cia.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The CIA is getting the worse deal, probably why they are funding the MEK now, how bad must America & Zionists situation be to support the MEK.



Based on reading what some people write, I feel sorry for cia.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The CIA is getting the worse deal, probably why they are funding the MEK now, how bad must America & Zionists situation be to support the MEK.


Ari Siletz

Some replies

by Ari Siletz on

Faramarz: totally with you regarding FOX. Another alternative would be to treat propaganda blogs (if any) as political ads with disclosure and have the blogger's organization pay IC per click. In that scenario, I would be happy to click on the blogs--even read and comment.

MM: I have no issues with the Zionist union pushing for $300, but if they get that raise it will ruin the puzzle. 


SK: You get paid in compliments. Excellent comment!


Anahid: A person who gets paid to write factual material is called a "journalist." Though facts are certainly part of the building material that a progagandist uses, the construction as a whole is not built to house the truth, only the propagadist's narrative. Sadly there are very few journalists left, despite an explosion in media hiring.


من با یک چلو کباب راضیم بخدا!



But on a serious note, if there are people that are getting paid to blog here, they should be identified and their postings should have their names and affiliations tagged so that we can ignore their blogs completely and deal with them the same way most intelligent people deal with Fox News.

Fox News audience are the least informed people out there.


How does $300 per day for the Zionist sound?!?!?!

by Bavafa on


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Soosan Khanoom

What about the rest of us?

by Soosan Khanoom on

Why no one is willing to pay me for my constant bla blas on this site ?     LOL 


Anahid Hojjati

Ari, may be I will do the puzzle later

by Anahid Hojjati on

But I think people should focus on content more. If someone is thought to be paid but whatever he/she writes is factual, you can't really get too upset about it. That is my position.