Recent Comments = Iranian mini Twitter?!

Recent Comments = Iranian mini Twitter?!
by Anonymouse

I’m sure by now you’ve noticed the addition of Recent Comments section.  It is a good addition and now the belog section gets more attention too! 

I’ve also noticed that whatever you type in the title section of your comment gets published.  So a comment up to 64 words in the subject line gets published.

So I thought like the good sheytoon boys and girls that we are why don’t we try to break our new toy on the first day?!  Let’s see what’s inside :-) I know this is not what this section is for but it can be fun!  It can also be a practice for reducing the length of our comments.

Anyway, let’s give it a try and see if we can communicate with each other in 64 words or less, for a little while today anyway.  I’ll start the first comment.  You can start your own comment here about whatever, as long as it is 64 words or less and you put it in the subject line. 


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Make mine a Margarita bartender. lol




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امان از دست این تکنولوژی جدید ... هر جا میری،هر کار که میکنی‌،این تکنولوژی را در پشت سرت احساس میکنی‌ ...

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Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

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Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Anonymouse for your explanation

by Anahid Hojjati on

thanks for the info.


Yes it works Anahid see your comment right under Most Discussed

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Anahid Hojjati

No wonder about 9 AM I wanted to access but I had no

by Anahid Hojjati on

Anonymouse , how does this work? I typed long note in subject section and it does not show.  I am confused.


Ok y'all I'm outta here happy labor day & enjoy the mini twitter

by Anonymouse on

JJJ the comment page is good.  No one wanted to play and I got to go. Maybe later others will and ya'll can have fun with it.  It's not easy to talk in 64 characters but can be fun, for a while anyway.

BTW I don't twit and don't know what the heck it is, I've only read about it.  Anything while new can be fun. 

Everything is sacred.


JJ use the subject line! How bout maximum 500 words/comment?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Hey MPD look here where r you bubba?! I'm waving here over here!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

Good idea

by Jahanshah Javid on

We are trying the various tools that Drupal offers. Drupal is the publishing system we use to manage's content.

I miss the old letters section because all the posts were in one place and easy to access.

Well now we have something that's close to that but more organized. You can find all comments listed in one page:

You mentioned twitter. If we could adjust our new comments page and make the first 100 words of each comment visible, it would look something like twitter.

I think it's something worth investigating to see if it's easy to implement or not.

Thanks for sharing your idea :)



به فارسی‌ هم میشود نوشت. من نبودم دستم بود, تقصیر آستینم بود!


Everything is sacred.


Lookey here. Yes you Omid ! Did you vote for Ahmadi or Mousavi?!

by Anonymouse on

Lookeey here. Yes you Omid ! Did you vote for Ahmadi or Mousavi?! 

Everything is sacred.


MPD jaan I'm answering you here from now on dip once and end it!

by Anonymouse on