"The Good American:" Why The Iranian-American Community Will Never Advance


"The Good American:" Why The Iranian-American Community Will Never Advance
by Anonymous Observer

About a month ago, there was a post on IC about Texas Representative, and the perennial Republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul voicing his opposition to the latest round of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.  Immediately after the post appeared on this page, an IC member posted a comment describing Mr. Paul as a “good American,” and another U.S. representative as a “bad American.”  The commenter’s sole criterion for making those determinations was Paul’s stance on the issue of sanctions against Iran, and nothing else.

This post is not about that specific commenter, but rather about the larger picture and many other Iranians who think like him.  I am sure that you all have met Iranians who blindly support Ron Paul because of his foreign policy positions and nothing else.  And that, in and of itself, speaks great volumes as to why the Iranian American community lacks political power in the U.S. despite its large, educated and comparatively wealthy ranks.

Ron Paul, as POTUS, will be an absolute disaster for the United States—and especially for minorities in the United States, such as (if you haven’t figured it out) Iranians.  The man has confirmed connections to white supremacist groups.  This means that if he ever becomes president, Iranians will be on top of his “target list” of discriminatory practices.  He will probably take their citizenships away.  Paul is also for no gun control.  In a “Paul world” America will turn into the Wild West, with people packing AK-47s on the streets (and [hopefully for his supporters] targeting those brown skinned A-Rabs]).  He also had other ideas, such as getting rid of the Department of Education, which will cause disparate and substandard education across the country, and most importantly for Iranian immigrants, he is against birthright citizenship for U.S. born children of immigrants.  This, in and of itself, should give pause to any immigrant.  This means that under a Ron Paul presidency, many Iranian Americans who were born in the United States will lose their citizenship.  This will include those who have possibly never been to Iran.  But Mr. Paul will deport them back to Eye-Ran, just to maintain his vision of a pristine white America.

But none of the above facts, and Ron Paul’s scary vision for America seems to bother his Iranian supporters.  They have no issues with America being run by a racist and for their children losing their citizenship.  Their only concern in the “old country” and the ability of mullahs to have access to the latest technology, free trade and lots of lots of petrodollars.  And this, my friends, is the single most important reason why the Iranian American community will never advance.

Iranian Americans are too attached to the old country.  The umbilical cord has not yet been cut.  Their main focus should be the United States, but it’s not.  It’s Iran.  Learn from Sen. Daniel Inouye, who served in the United States military when it was at war with Japan, and when his own parents were being held at a Japanese internment camp.  He went on to receive five medals, including the Medal of Honor and a Bronze Star.  That’s how he showed his loyalty to the United States, and that’s how his community gained influence by him becoming a United States senator.  Can you imagine an Iranian American in a similar situation?!!!  He would have probably suicide bombed a few places to show his “disapproval” of the war with Iran.

Remember: your American passport is not only for ease of travel to Dubai of your way to Iran for your annual chelo-kabab feasts.  You took a loyalty oath to this country that should not be dismissed as “alaki.”  And you’re not “zerang” for becoming U.S. citizens.  This country trusted you.  Don’t betray that trust.  Also, remember this: you don’t know more than an average American just because you had a “revolution” back in 1979.  Look at what that fiasco did to your homeland.  If anything, your 1979 devolution is proof positive that you know absolutely nothing about running a country. 

In sum, you cannot gain power and influence in this country by being a perpetual immigrant who psychologically lives out of a suitcase with the hopes of one day going back to your “own country” (as if the country that you’re supposedly a citizen of is not your own country).  You cannot secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) hope for the demise for the demise of this country by supporting a nut like Ron Paul.  You have to first show your loyalty to your adopted country, and once you have proven that loyalty and gained political influence, you can advocate for balanced policy that will benefit both the United States and the people (not the tyrannical government) of your country of origin.  In the alternative, you can enjoy your kabab and torshi in Iran and complain about how you’re discriminated against in the land of the Great Satan.

Blog photo courtesy of Fesenjoon.  It has been used in another one of my blogs.  But I found it quite appropriate for this one as well.


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more from Anonymous Observer


by مآمور on

I heard from people from South Lebanon when the yellow flag goes up the coward IDF soldiers put their tails behind their backs and take off, they (zionist) got defeated twice 2001,2006!!

AO is an israeli lobbyist(well trained) it takes a hezbollah propagandist to answer him!!

 I m just an Iranian!!however AO should know, no matter how much lobbying he does!! how many blogs he writes, Iran will not recognize the occupying regime in Plastine!! that is how much his blogs are of any essences!!

I wear an Omega watch

Dr. Mohandes

speaking of the devil

by Dr. Mohandes on

and she shall appear!


Niloofar p is back and she is in tip-top shape, bad mouthing, as usua; the UN and imperialism and CFR and god knows what else, in that interview with chief of CFR.

Sumwoman! she is calling herself now:) 


imho, the only match to AO

by Rea on

... was she, Niloofar P., or so s/he was called. First among equals.

Girls rock. Nite. ;o)

Anonymous Observer

Actually Ma'moor

by Anonymous Observer on

I have done a bit of lobbying...for various animal welfare causes.  Testified before federal panels.  My team has even won a couple of those battles.  Very proud of it.

PS- You're being condescending to woman.  Not a surprise though.  You're a product of the IR's woman oppressing, woman hating and woman fearing culture.  Girls rock!!!  Much better than boys, old or young. I accept being called a little girl with pride any time.

PSS- you should express your opinions.  Don't let anyone tell or intimidate you to do otherwise.  


No worries

by مآمور on

I did not say and I dont think you would flag my comments. I understand, you are not a little girl!!'As a matter of fact, let me congratulate you on your professionalism. you are one good writer and lobbyist!! I do know some dead ID who was also a good lobbyist!! he would be your match on the other side

On the other hand, I am a simple individual. I have my own views and not afraid to say them, but I am not into generating propaganda or writing hate speech, be it against muslims or jews. 

I wear an Omega watch

Anonymous Observer

DM, Rea and Ma'moor

by Anonymous Observer on

DM & Rea:  Thanks.  I'm glad you enjoyed the exchange.  That's what these blogs are about--or at least should be about: free exchange of ideas.  Unfortunately, there are always a few hoodlums who show up on the blog for the sole purpose of disrupting the debate.  Ayatoilet expressed his point of view clearly, and his views should be respected.  And DM, you are correct.  If America wasn't welcoming of immigrants we wouldn't have people like Anousheh Ansari, Omid Kordestani, or many, many other researchers and scholars, such as IC's own [contributor] Dr. Tourage Daryaee.  We would also not have a black son of an African on a student visa as our president.  

I also forgot to mention Sen. Inouye in my reply to Ayatoilet.  Can you imagine if you had mentioned back in 1945 that a Japanese American was going to run for U.S. Senate?  But he did so not long after, and no one dared challenge his Japanese last name.  he had earned the resect by being a decorated combat veteran.

Ma'moor: I have never flagged any of your comments on my blogs or elsewhere, if that's what you're insinuating.  The Admin could verify it.  I have no idea who's flagging your comments.   



by gorgahoo on


Kudos AO n @ayatoilet

by Rea on

... for enlightening, well argumented, above all human and civilized exchange. Enjoyed reading.

Dr. Mohandes


by Dr. Mohandes on

And what is going to happen if i don't? Are you planning to do something about it?o

You know what your problem is? You read way too much into things and seems like you possess an agressive and domineering mentality, wanting to constantly make awfully wrong and out of context judgement about what it is that others do or say. You accused AO of Advocating murder! agianst the entire iranian community! and now you are accusing me of crossing into the sexual harrassment zone. 

When are you going to get over yourself? no, i am being serious here. but until you do here is what i suggest you do: 

I think you should keep your head down and mind your own buisness and stop acting as a watchdog.

Alrighty there buddy ol' pal? do we have a deal?




Dr. Mohandes

by Frashogar on

Dude, that final comment to Soosan Khanoom was completely sexist and crossed the line into sexual harrassment. You should apologize.

Very uncool.

Dr. Mohandes

AO vs AYAT 1

by Dr. Mohandes on

I must admit that i enjoyed your insiguhtful exchange to the max. some good arguments were put forward by both, yet, unfortunately only one side could really and assertively come up with the required back up for their argument.

Anywho. With regards to what A1 said about how the amercanos view us iranians and maybe the middle easterners in general, i have to say that his argument does not make any sense, since i myself, given the nature of my job and having worked  with people from different walks of life ; a little bit less than the usually desired, educated people, both as co-workers and clientele, and those who belonged to filthy rich segment of the society I can virtually attest to the fact and  make the claim that the amount of respect you earn is directly and squarely depenedent on you and you and you and no one else.

What matters is how you conduct your affairs, the tone of your speech when you speak to people, your demeanor, and every single else that comes in between, make a world of difference as how the community that you live in perceives you. become one of them, refrain from alienating them and be mesmerized by the  kind of response you will receive.

As it is often the case with some of us iranians, we have a tenedency to sequester in our own little groups, in school cafeterias, restaurants and pay little attention to what moves about and transpires in our vicinity , it is all laughter and good times within that circle of friends but when we step out it is :

Hey Essteeev geeev me some vvater! now. feeel my glass! no please no thank you nothing,

Ordering people around is what i am getting at and one thing i noticed is that americans pick upon that and take notice and remember that. So guess what, it is all up to us to change that image. it is as if we consider it beneath us to be kind to one of them whitle looking peoples:) and we have a personal grugde against them! does not even cross our minds that hey amoo! you are the one in their country, and they have graciously accepted you and the least you can do is pay some of that back. 

This was my own true and upclose experience and i sincerely believe if anyone else , anywhere in the states has experienced otherwise, they have only got themselves to blame!!

AO jan.

I absolutely enjoyed the illustrations you used to get your points across brother. right on. 

Oh and if someone decides to put me in the category of "he hates iranians" just make sure you put me with all other hall-of-famers. The Truth of the matter must always be told. 


And a small note to my soosan khanoom:

as a scientist and a distinguished researcher you should have understood by now the difference between someone "threatening" you with something,  and when someone merely suggest that maybe it is time for a DHS agent to have a little chat with you. That ought to have been done way before you had received your pee peech dee! Don't think i don't read your sneaky ars comments girlee girl:)

I still love you though mi chiquita:) 


privileged IDs

by مآمور on

at work our boss who owns the entire company has the best parking spot reserved for himself!! I wish, we were living in more democratic world where all humans were equal in the real meaning of the word 'equal'!! In the absence of a perfect world, I need to avoid that particular parking spot when pull onto the parking lot at my work place, which is always empty when I get to work!!! otherwise, I can stay home without having to need a parking spot for my car!!

I also like to (not need) come here and enjoy myself! I have been given a spot some where there, it is not the greatest but oh well just like any thing else in my life!! I m ok

Every time I made a comment on this AO fellow's blog, I got flagged!! well I guess I missed ' Reserved' sign!! now I got it!!

If my boss call me up and ask in the game between yellow and blue whose side you are cheering for?? I say Yellow, however I m here to make a paycheque!!

I m here on IC to play an Iranian game rather than a yellow-blue game!!


I wear an Omega watch

Anonymous Observer

And to add - Iranians (especially the older generation)

by Anonymous Observer on

are not used to a civilzed political discourse.  Look at what I have been called just in this blog--by people who don't know a single thing about me---for offereing a point of view!! 

We have a long way to go in learning how to deal with differing points of view.   Hopefully, the new generation will fair better that these obsolete fossils.  

Anonymous Observer

Not necessarily Toilet

by Anonymous Observer on

Don't be so sure that an Iranian-American will be laughed off the podium.  Remember, Irish Americans were treated like second class citizens and discriminated against in the early 20th century.  So where the Catholics.  But by 1961 we had an Irish Catholic president.  That's because the Irish proved themselves as patriotic Americans.  JFK was a WWII combat vet.  That's how you win credibility.  No one will laugh at a combat vet at the podium.  Now, that may not be everyone's choice.  You may be a pacifist.  But there's no denying that service in the country's armed forces will earn one credibility as a political candidate.  Dr. Milad Pooran, Iranian-American candidate for U.S. Congress from Maryland had the right idea. He was (is?) a reservist in the Maryland Air National Guard.  He had the right idea.  He was even endorsed by Howard Dean, but unfortunately lost in the primaries.  


And you're correct.  Perhaps if Iranians were more united, they would have helped him out more financially.  I don't know if that would have made a difference.  

But military service, while the best way, is not the only method of advancing in politocs in the U.S.  Philantropy is another.  People like Bita Daryabari are on the right path in that regard.  

And you are incorrect in thinking that the Jewish community only works behind the scenes.  The second most (or perhaps the most) powerful Republican in the House, Eric Cantor, is an orthodox Jew.  There are many other elected Jewish officials, including 12 senators and many other members of the House.  The same goes for Cuban Americans, with high profile politicians such as Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez.  And of course the Irish, with people like Peter King, who was a stainch supporter of the IRA and an advoacte ofr Irish interests in the Congress.  (see how you can influence politics in the motherland?)

The bottom line is that while I agree with you that unity is the main key, political participation is the vehicle by which the wishes of the community, whether it be better conditions for the motherland, or other things, can be accomplished.  

PS- The whole Trita Parsi thing is a sham.  He and his organization are too wrapped up in IR's web.  They are irrelevant to the future of Iranian-Americans. 


Anonymous Observer

Zendanian - I believe that you may have misunderstood me

by Anonymous Observer on

I would like to have a discussion as to why Iranians have such high socioeconomic status in the U.S. but very little political power? Why the disconnect?


These issues of change in Iran and how "Iranian-Americans"

by Zendanian on

approach it, are directly related to the topic at hand.

For those advocating bomb, bomb, bomb "policy", they ought to keep a close eye on what will happen to Bush, and Blair when they're ultimately held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

What's the disconnect in that?


Anonymous - Iranian-Americans will be laughed off the Podium

by ayatoilet1 on

Its poiintless to imagine that Iranians can get direct political power in the U.S. As I said at least 3 times - Iranian-Americans are NOT electable....unless of course they pretend to be American...with names like Sam or Fred. There are however, many other ways to gain political influence.

The one and only area where I agree with you is that Iranian-Americans have NOT united to utilize their power as a group to influence policies.

IT IS NOT that the jewish community has politicians in office that gives them power, its the simple fact that they are UNITED and when they see a politician act against their interests they pay for ads to defeat them, they finance opponents etc. They have influence because they actually vote in groups. AND they DO VOTE. Every single one of them is registered and votes. In some districts they make the "critical" difference in guaranteeing victories. When Harry Reid won Nevada with 200 votes, you bet - you absolutely bet -- he will suck upto groups that vote in blocks in that state. And you know who they are.

What is disgusting is that TRITA PARSI - President for Life of the NIAC - is the representative of Iranian- Americans in the Media. He not even American (he is Swedish-Iranian).

Where Iranian-Americans have failed is NOT that they do not have professional politicians. Its that they have NOT united to establish real influence. Unity is political power. NOT having your own kind in office. You need to understand that.

In fact, I would even go an extra step and say that the Jewish community made a big mistake supporting Lieberman as VP to Al Gore. As a minority, having "visible" influence is a big mistake. Influence needs to be much more subtle. If in fact the US gets into a bad (very bad) economic conditions, these Hicks will make Hitler look like a poodle. It will NOT take a lot of thinking for Americans to realize that 2% of Americans (Jews) own something like 80% of U.S> net worth (wealth) ... and they have monopolized political power in the U.S.  (And by the way, I am not saying that this type of thinking is correct, but its a real risk the Jewish community is taking).

So lets stop focusing on getting Iranian elected, but focus on uniting and developing subtle influence. Where I totally agree with you is that this lack of Unity is a failure of the Iranian-American community.

But otherwise, advancement is NOT getting into political office, changing your name, or selling out. Advancement means having integrity, valuing your heritage, learning about your heritage, and preserving and Iranian Dream.  If getting into political office means selling out - then its not for Iranian-Americans. In the current political environment - I am afraid, anyone who stands with their full Iranian Name, looking as an Iranian ...would be laughed off the podium.

Anonymous Observer

Toilet, you were doing so well until you resorted to profanity

by Anonymous Observer on

No, I don't speak English fluently (I can't even spell!).  No, I don't eat hamburgers or hot dogs (vegan actually), no, I don't have an American spouse, and no, I don't care much about money.  Trust me, I could have done much better than I do now, but money wasn't the objective for me.  But that's a whole another story.  And finally, I'm a lifelong Democrat (GASP!!!!)--opposed to the war in Iraq and even participated in a couple of protests against that war (bigger GAAAASSSSP!!!!).  Voted for Obama in 2008 (and other Democrats before him) and will be voting for him again in 2012.  Oh, and I have attended a couple of Noam Chmosky lectures and have an autographed copy of his book, which I enjoyed reading. (SUPER GASSSSSSSPPPP!!!!!).  I do, however, admit that I occasionally wear a baseball cap.  Especially in the mornings when I haven't showered, my hair is all messy and I have to walk the dog.

Political power is the key to advancement in the U.S. for immigrant groups.  If you want the betterment of Iran (which seems to be your goal), you must gain political power here first, and then use that political capital to direct policy.  That's what all immigrant groups, including the Italians, Jews, Cubans and Irish have done throughout American history.  You cannot direct favorable policy toward your homeland--if that's your goal---by being oppositional from day 1 when you get off the boat.  You must have strategy and political savvy.  Arbadeh keshi, isolation and having a chip on your shoulder will get you nowhere.

I actually agree with you that the U.S. foreign policy in the region--post WWII has been a failure.  There are many factors for this--with the 800 pound gorilla being, of course, oil.  The biggest problem is a lack of a coherent long term policy.  Temporary alliances are costly, and the America has yet to learn that lesson. 

Finally - the reason why I am a Democrat is precisely because of the subject of this blog:  I believe that Democrats have better policies for America, such as healthcare, education and economic policies.  They contribute to the advancement of the middle class in America. 

Liked your comment though.  Good discussion of the issue and nice summary of your position.  But please feel free to use more profanity to prove your  point of view. :-) 


Anonymous - Your Definition of Advancement is COMPLETELY WRONG

by ayatoilet1 on

First of all lets look at some basic facts from the U.S. Census: (1) The Iranian-American community is the highest educated immigrant group in the U.S. ever. (2) The Iranian-American community is on a per-capita basis the wealthiest i.e. highest net worth group of immigrants the U.S. has every had. SO without a shadow of doubt, Iranians have advanced economically and intellectually beyond most groups.

Oh, but you don't mean that kind of advancement. You are talking about political power in the U.S. - that is what you mean? My own observation is that Americans (ordinary Americans) after 9/11 despise muslims. It is basically impossible to get elected as a Muslim in most districts in this country. I have worked on many campaigns, and have spent countless days canvassing and working phones. I know. Its just simple reality.

This is a great country. America is the land of opportunity. There is always reason to believe its possible. But there is a huge difference between possible and probable. Given this reality, Iranian-American rightly understand that there are other means to have political influence without being on the ballot. And that in a country that basically will NOT vote for you , you have every reason NOT TO SHARE the American Dream of becoming President or even an elected official.

Then there is this other simple fact, and that is, most Iranians here did not come out of a muddy potato farm in Ireland, or a moutnain village in Guatemala, or a backward town in Sicily. The majority of the diaspora are from elite families with serious heritage in Iran.

If money is everything to you, then ignore this next statement. But for me (and I think many Iranians) wealth is not defined solely as a bank balance, but "richness" does involve serious intellectual and cultural considerations. Why give up on a country with 2000 + years of history and heritage for a country that only has 200+ years of history and heritage. The most cultivated Americans are basically hicks in comparison an ordinary Iranian. Iranians have far more culture than Americans do. Iran is a richer country in every way. And for an elite Iranian - its basically insulting to say oh leave everything you have in Iran for this place. Its basically preaching for self-prostitution.  To put it in a context you might understand, its like saying to a member of the Kennedy clan, why don't you immigrate to Bangladesh?

We're here basically not out of a want- but out of a need. Iranians can not simply go back given the repression in Iran. If I stepped in the Airport in Tehran they would take me to another room and cut my head off (then chop me up to sell my kidneys and liver, and other body parts for export). We're dealing with a fascist Hitler like regime there for gods sake - which by the way Americans and their allies put in power (and have been appeasing).

There is no reason to sell out. There is also political reality of not being electable. This is simple fact.

We need to proud of our heritage. Appreciate the real value of Iran. And above all hold out for our Iranian Dreams. No, I don't want to be a politician in Iran, but I would at least like to think that I could stand in an election if I wanted to.

I don't want to break any bariers in the U.S. That is my perogative. That is my right. And you, nor anyone else, can not take my Iranian Dream from me.

You the fuck are you? You're probably another sell out Mo or Fred, or Sam  - wearing a baseball hat, speaking English with a Persian accent (thinking you are fluent) - with an American Wife. You sold out. I haven't. That is my right. That is my priviledge. That is my pride. That is my decision. And it is NOT a failure or lack of advancement for working for a better future in Iran.

In fact, I would go one step further and argue that it is in America's interest that Iran be transformed. That the U.S. has pursued a failed and badly misjudged foreign policy in the Region. THat this American mistake has cost it trillions of dollars and potential loss of global leadership to China. My dream is NOT inconsistent with what is in the best interests of America. Absolutely NOT.

America respects multiple citizenships. And you know the current Prime Minister of Ireland was a U.S. resident. What I am speaking about is NOT inconsistent with with any oaths any Iranian-American has taken. No one swears to stand for political office in the U.S. when they get a passport to travel.

And for all those Iranian-Americans reading this - I ask you to tell your children to be proud of their heritage. And I also say, it is our absolute right to dream of a better Iran - and the advancement of Iran.

The guy who wrote is blog is an idiot. He does NOT understand what advancement really means. Advancement into a culture centered on hot dogs and hamburgers where everyone - especially the next generation young kids - is obese - is NOT advancement.

We, yes you and I, MUST be the force that transforms Iran.


Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Can you please address the issue of the disconnect between Iranians' socioeconomic status in the U.S. and their lack of political power?  I believe that to be an important issue.


and unrelated to Zendanian

So many rifrafs on this blog.  I thought they didn't like it.  It's like heroin to them.  They can't get enough....geez...and it's always the ones whose posts I never read and whose comments and opinions I value as much I value my little puppy's doo doo...actually less than my little puppy's doo doo.  My puppy eats organic dog food...so the dropppings are more valuable than these losers' worthless comments...



by Albaloo on

When it comes to this useless blog the comment that is the truth gets flagged. No surprise here.  We all know who does it.  This person complains about multiple IDs!! But why? Isn't he, himself, the one who enjoys his multiple IDs on this site?  


Desmond Tutu: Bush, Blair should face trial for Iraq War

by Zendanian on

Of interest to all "virtual" war mongers on this site.

Desmond Tutu: Bush, Blair should face trial for Iraq War.

(AP) LONDON - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu called Sunday for Tony Blair and George Bush to face prosecution at the International Criminal Court for their role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

The Iraq war "has destabilized and polarized the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history," wrote Tutu, who was awarded the Nobel prize in 1984.




by Fesenjoon2 on

به هر حال جناب دمو اینجا آمریکاست و آزادی عقیده محترم است. شما هر طور که مایلی فکر کن و معتقد باش. (برای همین پرچمش اینقدر برای من عزیز است). اما این را هم بدان که در مورد عدم نیاز قرآن به مفسر در اشتباهی (مثل آن قضیه اهمیت فعالیتهای علمی ناسا که به سخره اش گرفته بودی). اصلا جنگ صفین در صدر اسلام دقیقا سر همین موضوعِ مطلق نبودن قرآن رخ داد! فکر کردی پس چرا به علی قرآن ناطق می گفتند؟ حدیث ثقلین پس به چه منظور بود؟ (البته به گمانم حدیث ثقلین را هم جعلی میدانی. نه؟ پس بی خیال. بگذریم.) خلاصه اینکه وجوب مفسر نه از بابت پیچیدگی قرآن بلکه از بابت احمق بودن انسان است که ذهنش به هزار راه خطا میرود. 

ضمنا آخوند داریم تا آخوند. خیلی از آخوندها از وارد شدن دین در سیاست  خرسند نیستند و نبودند. این ولایت فقیه هم داستانی دارد. فرم امروزی آن (ولایت فقیه مطلقه) بدعت خمینیست و خیلی از روحانیونِ دیگر اصلا این مبحث را قبول نداشتند.

به هر حال همه چیز سیاه و سفید نیست.  

من فکر میکنم بحث را همینجا خاتمه دهیم مفید باشد. شما به قرآن عثمانیت معتقد باش و من هم به افکار مرتد خودم. من بروم و برای فردا صبح آماده شوم تا دانشجویانم از کارم راضی باشند. 

موید باشید.

دوستدار شما...فسنجون سرتاپا آمریکایی (خائن به اسلام!) 




by Demo on



AO Jaan

by Faramarz on



I trust your judgment, but I am going to wear some garlic around my neck, just to be safe!

Anonymous Observer

Faramarz jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

Demo's cool.  S/he means well...in the process s/he may call us traitors, but hey...deep down inside, he has the best intentions....I think...or perhaps I'm just too naive.  


The Scent of the Demon!

by Faramarz on



I can smell the scent of the Demon here!

That smell from hell, the burnt sulfur, the rotten egg, the one that tells you that Satan has been here!

I can smell it, the scent of the Demon!

Let's call an Exorcist to de-Demonize this site!

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

So many people who hate my blogs but can't stay off of them, especially the multiple ID users. :-)))

My friend Demo excluded, of course.  He/she is always a great contributor with his/her unqiue points of view--even though s/he has called me many, many names.    



by Demo on


Soosan Khanoom

Thanks dear Frashogar for your wonderful insights,U R a gem.

by Soosan Khanoom on

It is not only McCarthyists but the the term "Judenrat" which keeps  coming to mind in describing some here....   that is why they dare to make outrages threats about taking away their opponent's U.S citizenship!! ...

Oh well ....  I can't wait for their EYE-ranians butt being kicked into the concentration camps, in the case of the war, regardless of their non stop butt kissing of the Uncle Sam. 

and I am out of this blog ... totally waste of my dear time!