Bad News for Iranian Jew-o-Phobes


Bad News for Iranian Jew-o-Phobes
by Anonymous Observer

I was reading JK’s recent blog about the Cyrus Cylinder, and clicked on his link to the British Museum site’s translation of the Cylinder.  So, what do I see?  It turns out the Cylinder was translated by a gentleman by the name of Irving Finkel.  That’s right:  a Jew!  And he’s not just any Jew, he is a member of the Anglo-Israel Archeology Society.  I bet he’s a Zionist too!   How hilariously ironic is that?  The cornerstone of Iran’s identity was translated by a Jew.  All these numb nuts who spew their vile anti-Semitic bullshit on the streets of Iran and their genocidal thoughts on the pages of have to live with the fact that the nature of the very nation that they are so proud of was defines by a Jew. 

How sad!  Three thousand years of history, and if it wasn’t for some foreign archeologist the Cyrus Cylinder would still be sitting in the middle of the room while Iranians reacted to it like these guys react to the monolith.  The thing sat there for 2500 years while we obsessed with poetry composed by a bunch of pedophile religious nuts.  I guess reaching “irfan” was more important to us than understanding who we are and where we came from.   Good thing the British safeguarded this thing.  Otherwise, we probably would have called it “ketab-e-soleiman,” grounded it up and built a brick out of it for some imamzadeh’s shrine.

Anyway, back to the subject.  So, what are you Jew haters going to do now?  You know who you are.  The ones who post the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on IC. Your world is now turned upside down.  I think there’s not much else left for you to do but to get rid of this shame by committing suicide.  The more of you the better.  Take the ones in Iran with you too.  But make it count, though.  Go to Gaza or Nabatiyeh, strap some C-4 to your chests, make a martyrdom video and head for an Israeli checkpoint.  Take some of those Jew pigs with you.  That is, of course, if you can avoid being the recipient of a bullet in your foreheads before you reach the checkpoint.  We’ll be rooting for you from the sidelines.  Happy travels!


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more from Anonymous Observer

Why Politicize Everything?

by JahanKhalili on

I think that's really the question that should be asked.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The surest way to get people to know about something is to hid it from them. With all the internet don't worry about it. 


More bad news

by BibiGol on

Dear AO and other readers,

 Add this to the list of revelations for Jew-ophobics.  Persepolis was excavated by Ernst Herzfeld, who was also a Jew.  Without his amazing work, we would have still had a pile of rubble.

 However, the IRI is taking care of all these problems by removing ancient history from school curriculum.  Very soon our youngsters in Iran will not know anything about Cyrus, the Cylinder and Persepolis.


Iranian Politics is Full of Irony

by JahanKhalili on

There are so many examples for any neutral observer to see - those who are participants can't see the irony because they can't see their own behavior through the eyes of others, because they are incapable of questioning their ideas.

I'll write a new blog about one of the most mind-blowing Ironies, and it should give you all food for thought on how ridiculous and idiotic Iranian politics is, and how there are no good-guys and no professionals among the different mindsets (certainly no one who knows what in the hell they are talking about). 



by JahanKhalili on

I completely disagree with the idea that Islam is the source of all of Iran's problems, or that it can be blamed for everything.

The examples in my blogs show that the anti-Islamic Iranians, and those who identify with Iran's pre-Islamic history are themselves full of all kinds of faults (some of which they ironically ascribe to Islam). 

Islam has some good things in it.

One I can refer you to is the idea that one should do things for a greater good, and not for receiving approval from people.

No, I have no expertise on Islam. I readily admit that. 


Brother JK

by Waders on

I havent said if I disagree with the symptoms you ascribe to Iranians.    I merely pointed out a very plausible source of it and you want to sweep it under the rug.     by the way do you have any credentials from fayzieh?       

Anonymous Observer

Bahram - e Gerami

by Anonymous Observer on

Not a defense of the hot pile of dog doo doo that is Islam at all.  This is a relatively new look at the Quran.  I was wrong actually.  It's not white grapes, but rather white raisins.  This is all the result of research by a German scientist.  I will provide the link below. Aside from the Aramaic translation of the word, the theory is that white raisins were a very expensive delicacy in ancient times in that part of the world--kind of like today's caviar, and the fact that they were promised as a reward in heaven is really not that far fetched.  The interpretation of word hoori as virgins first surfaced during the crusades, at the time were Muslims were badly losing, and needed young men of fighting age to join them.  And what better reward to intice young men with than virging women?  Young Middle eastern men of the time, that is.  I'm sure a lot f men prefer "experienced" women over virgin nowadays. :-) 

In any event, this is just an intriguing theory, one that actually caused an uproar in the Muslim world and put the lives of the researchers at risk.  This also doesn't take away from the violent and sex obsesed nature of Islam and Quran.  In my opinion, Quran is 60% military "how to" manaul, 30% sex manual and 10% other stuff.   Anyway, here's the link:


and this:



we should make a similar billboard for Islam

by Fesenjoon2 on


Bahram G

by Fesenjoon2 on

Actually, the milk and honey is there so one can use those and pour them on the houris, if you know what I mean. Kinda like the usage for whip cream.


The Islamic heaven is a very sexual heaven. Practically an orge-fest where one's semen never dries up, as the fruits of heaven are very moghavvee. 

Bahram G

Dear A.O.

by Bahram G on

I realize you are not an Islam apologist. I also guess that you have not received your education at a HOZEH in Qom. Nevertheless, I have a question that you may be able to supply an answer too. You write, correctly, about the linguistic kinship between Arabic and Aramaic. Then you say the word hoori could mean white grapes. So these devotees of Allah rush to "martyrdom" for the reward of 72 white grapes? It really doesn't constitute a fitting reward for blowing oneself up, does it?
But Muhammad also promises the faithful eternal residence in Allah's paradise where rivers of milk and honey flow. You can just stretch out at the banks of these rivers and imbibe gulp after gulp of the twin delights. Who needs the 72 grapes when you can drink all you want from the twin rivers? Since it is Thanksgiving and it is time for gluttony, I wonder if some roasted turkey will also be served by the "grapes" to the stretched out faithful? Sounds pretty enticing, doesn't it? Happy Thanksgiving.

Oon Yaroo

Bahram G!

by Oon Yaroo on

Thank you for your kind words! Also, thank you for illuminating on the Kobra & Soghra replacement. Many well wishes to you and the rest of our dear friends on IC during this festive holiday of Thanksgiving!

Your unconditional friend!



by JahanKhalili on

Here's another one!




VPK, that's funny

by JahanKhalili on

I agree.

Of course, Iranians are going to feel insulted about my blogs and bitch about them. 

Getting the comments closed on your blog means that the topic is too explosive for widder Iranian toddlers to handle. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: That was because there was too much fighting going

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

That was because there was too much fighting going on between a few commenters.

Wanting no fighting on JK's blogs is not realistic. It is like saying "there will be no fighting in the war room".

Anonymous Observer

JK - I had it happen to one of my blogs once

by Anonymous Observer on

That was because there was too much fighting going on between a few commenters.


Why The Thread Was Closed

by JahanKhalili on

I can only speculate about that.

Maybe that blog was generating too much traffic, and the server couldn't handle it so they had to close it.

Or maybe the admin was personally pissed about the topic, or felt that the comments were really ridiculous and so they might as well be closed off (the admin did leave the blog up, so it might have been the comments that were too much). 

Has this ever happened to anyone else here? 



by JahanKhalili on

I didn't mention any of names of the people who had a hand in discovering, excavating or translating the cylinder.

The point I was making was that the claims Iranians make about the cylinder are false - and they had nothing to do with its discovery or translation.  

In terms of translation, what is really monumental is the actual decyphering of ancient Persian cuneiform, which I will address in my next blog.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You must have just started paying  attention to me. I have been confused for at least a century. 

But really did you note the example I gave? I bet you that most Iranians  do not go sineh sani or gammeh zani. People who go to roozeh khooni do it because they are "bikar". It means nothing . In fact most people I knew who went sineh and gameh zani also did for bikari. 

By the way Turkey day is tomorrow now who is confused :-)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

if Islam were to have been established today it would breach Jewish copyright

Israel should sue them I will donate to the cause as long as I get a bit of settlement. -) really! 

Anonymous Observer

JK, Kaveh and Oon Yaroo

by Anonymous Observer on

JK: why was the thread closed?  Too hot for the Admin to handle?  The bit about the apes was funny dude.

Kaveh: I thought the same thing when I saw the name.  It's up there with Ira Goldberg as a very stereotypical Jewish name.  

Oon Yaroo: I agree with Kaveh's response.  They use jews for all of the above! 

Anonymous Observer

Bahram G and Simorgh

by Anonymous Observer on

Bahram G: thank you for your kind wishes.  I really don't have a problem with Iranians who criticize Israel's policies toward Palestinians, which is what MayBokhor is referring too.  That is perfectly fine with me. But we all know that the IR has been spreading a very not so-subtle brand of anti-Semitism both on ideological and enthno-centric grounds and also to further its political agenda.  There was a BBC interview sometime ago with a school girl in Iran (Isfahan) where she was saying that she doesn't like to hang out with her Jewish classmate because of Israel's policies toward the Palestinians!  That should give everyone a clue about the brainwahsing that the IR has been involved in for the past three decades.

Simorgh: Mohammad, being a merchant, came in a lot of contact with both Jews, but more importantly, with really orthodox, isolated Christian sects, mainly in Syria who spoke Aramaic.  Much of his teachings closely follow those ideologies.  In fact, there is debate now as to whether or not at least parts of the Quran are written in Aramaic--a close sister language to Arabic--as opposed to Arabic, which will give the verses different meanings. This is because the belief is that Mohammad may have even copied some of those works verbatim.  For example, the word hoori' would mean 'white grapes' as opposed to a virgin.  Imagine that! 

Anonymous Observer

شراب سرخ گرامی‌

Anonymous Observer

از لطف شما سپاسگزارم.  متأسفانه جراحی لازم است.  اینطوری که دکتر میگوید، این مشکل نزدیک یک سال وجود داشته و من با این وجود هفته‌ای ۵۰ مایل میدویدم (و هنوز هم می‌دوم با وجود درد زیاد). مساله نیست.  عمل میکننم ببینیم به کجا میرسیم.  

شاد زی‌ دوست گرامی‌.    



by vildemose on

if Islam were to have been established today it would breach Jewish copyright 

 How very true.


"It is the chain of communicat­ion, not the means of production­, that determines a social process."

-- Robert Anton Wilson

Anonymous Observer

Bahmani - That story is largely true

by Anonymous Observer on

There are many, many Muslim sources that confirm the account to a large extent.  Here are some:


Additionally, there is ample evidence that Mohammad himself partook in the loot, as was customary for him to do so.  One of Mohammad's "wives" was Raihana Bint Zaid, who was a Banu Qurayza woman given to him as a slave.  In fact, there are disputes as to whether or not she ever became one of his "wives" or just remained a [sexual] slave:


Coming to think of it, I remember reading somewhere that she was actually married at the time of the Muslim attack, and that her husband, brother and father were among the beheading victims.  Mohammad cosumated his "marriage" to her the same night--right after the bloodshed. touching :-)

If you look at Mohammad as a historical character, he was more of a mob boss that anything else.  Did you know that he killed his own scribe?  The story goes that one day the scribe questioned Mohammad as to why God's words (the verses that Mohammad dictated to him) had such poor grammar.  Mohammad understood that to mean that the scribe has caught up with his bullshit.  So, he called one of his hit men in, declared that the scribe was now an infidel and that he thus should be killed--which he promptly was. 

If you're interested in this stuff, I suggest this book:


It was written by a former jihadist, and is written under a pseudonym, because the author obviously likes his head to remian exactly where it is: attached to his shoulders.  The book has a detailed accounting of all of this stuff, complete with sources.

But islam is not the only Abrahamic religion with a violent and bloody doctrine and history.  Judaism is almost as bad, although not as bloody.  Muslims do a disservice to themselves by denying it.  They should confront it, discuss it, come to terms with it and then carefully dismiss it as ancient history.  That's the only way to achieve a true renaissance.   

Be good. 

Bahram G

Dear Simorgh 5555

by Bahram G on

What the Chief Rabbi said really can cut both ways or not even cut anything. As you know Arabic and Hebrew are both semetic languages and have great many words similar or even identical. Also Muhammad's religious practices being nearly copy of the Jewish is easily explained by Muslim's claim that Jewish, Christianity, and Islam are abrahamic religions and, understandably, have teachings and practices in common.
Some, however, contend that Islam is no more than a hodge podge case of plagiarism from all kinds of sources, including Jewish, idle worshipers of Arabia, and a slew of other sources.
I see no merits in trying to "prove" that Muhammad was born a Jew. He certainly treated his welcoming hosts, the Medina Jews
, horribly. All these historical debates aside, the fact is that the present Islam and it's various sects are tearing at the very fabric of human society. A Jew would hardly wishes to claim Muhammad as one of his own. Believe it or not, some people have claimed that Hitler was, at least, part Jew. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. The fact is that he was one of the greatest evils of history.
Best to do, according to this non-Jewish, non-Chief Rabbi, to go past these theological allegations and confront the horrors that Islam is visiting on the world and even on it's own people.


Rabeteye gooz ba shaghighe!

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

First of all, I have rarely seen an Iranian with a minimum level of enlightenment hating the Jews.
But many disapprove and hate the way The state of Israel treats the Palestinians, and the fact that their lands and lives have been under the brutal occupation of this entity.

Besides no American loves the Nazi germany just because their nuclear and space scientists came from Germany, well exept the likes of Rumsfelt and Dr. Strangelove Cheney.

What an individual does has nothing to do with where he comes from.

Another example would be expecting Americans to love the IRI because of Lotfi A. Zadeh, the father of Fuzzy logic, and saying that these poor lazy Americans didn't know what to do with their computer sciences before he came along...



Dear VPK you seem very confused lately!!

by Waders on

We refers to as in the dominant culture.

Islam changed priorities for Iranians.

All were under the glass sealings, although given the Iranian genius there were always exceptions.

Now there is a great difference between one VPK who rebelled and the majority who were encouraged nay forced to weep and cry and dig up bones.

Smells like the turky is ready, happy thanks giving 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear "Waders"

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Who is "we". As Reagan used to say "there you go ...". There is no "we" in Iran or anywhere. People are different. While some idiot was hitting himself on the head or chest for Hossain others did great things.

Ahmad Kasravi born to a religious family became a great historian. As well as linguist and political giant. Sadegh Hedayat translated old Pahlavi texts to modern Farsi. Do you know these things or not? If not then it is not their fault.

Do you know the real VPK created scientific miracles. He was an expert in optics. Way ahead of his own time. Hashim Razi has done great research into ancient Iranian religions. Please get your facts right. The list is too long to cover here. 


"No wonder you all didn't discover your own archeology sites..."

by Waders on

  We didnt,    because we were busy digging bones in SHAME GHARIBOON, what do you think is more important?   Mourning till eternity for.... or digging up manshoore TAGHOOTI?? No brainer!        

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

دوستِ عزیز،شاهد خانِ گمنام... خدا بد ندهد.افسرده گشتیم از مشکلِ زانویِ شما .

آیا از همین حال میدانید که زانو را باید جراحی کرد ؟ جریان قطعی‌ است ؟ حتما خبرش را به‌‌ ما بدهید.

از سمسام خان فرمودید،باور کردنی نیست،امیدواریم ایشان را در همینجا زیارت کنیم.

مواظبِ احوالاتِ خود باشید.

عزت زیاد .