
Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati

Nowadays, it is getting boring to read on IC how often different users call each other mozdoor of IRI or Israel.May be it is time to get rid of multiple IDS since they damage credibility of the site. It is not interesting either when much space on the site is wasted by people such as "I love Iran".

Another point to note is that it is disappointing to see people writing insulting blogs because a writer criticized the site.


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Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on

don't shoot the messenger.

Do Not Shoot Me

خا نوم شما هم که

Do Not Shoot Me

خا نوم شما هم که همش دارید غرمیزنید به جون این جهانشاه بیچاره

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Bavafa, you do have a valid point

by Anahid Hojjati on

where you write:"That if we can have a bit of self-control and not pay attention to those blogs, they would just disappear or won’t have any readership."


Anahid jaan: I guess the point I was trying to make was….

by Bavafa on

That if we can have a bit of self-control and not pay attention to those blogs, they would just disappear or won’t have any readership.  My approach to all those two-blog-a-day folks that have no aim but to nourish hate and disunity among us has been to boycott and not participate in them.  The idea of managing users and IPs is good but when a site runs mostly on volunteer work (I assume this) one cannot expect a whole lot better than what we currently got as man power is few and far in between. 

If those guys real aim is to be disruptive, they can easily manage different IPs from different block/carrier.  After all, they dedicate large number of hours to this, how hard would it be to change their source address.

  Anyway, I completely agree with your sentiments  and only suggesting that we OURSELVES have some control over this as well.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Bavafa

by Anahid Hojjati on

As important as Prisoner of Day blog is, IC has no control on status of prisoners in Iran. Our hope is to increase awareness in Iran by featuring this blog but there is no control.

On the other hand, IC admin has control over many issues regarding the site if not all, so when readers see something wrong is going on with the site, it makes us think that why they can not be fixed. Let's take the case that every once in a while, we have a super active writer/commentator that writes two blogs a  day and comments on many blogs and is just destructive to the site. Some other commentators have also commented that we are probably faced with one or few users who keep doing that, getting banned and then doing it again with new user ID. My guess is that these kind of users, are probably using the same IP or at most couple different IPs.

So once one IP (or several IPs) has been banned for three tmes in three months, perhaps that IP or group of IPs should be banned for longer. This is just one example. Also how do you exepct people comment on prisoner of Day when they see blogs that in them established writers of IC have been treated with disrespect. To me, it is not honest of IC admin to let some writers get mistreated but then expect the same writers to comment on prisoner of Day blog.


از ماست که بر ماست.....


And my bet is that it will fall on deaf ears.  But we also need to accept responsibility for our own action.  Admin or JJ can not make us pay attention to one type of thread vs. another.  Just look at the number of participation that those mud sliding thread gets vs. the ones that discuss issues that could be a matter of life and death like the Prisoner of the day

 I guess we Iranians are more accustom to having some authority/State fix things or provide for us, but it will come time that we need to act in our own interest and benefit. 

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks areyo barzan and Demo for your comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

 I started becoming active on the site in 2009, and I believe quality of IC in 2009 was better. So let's hope we can get back there again.



by Demo on

Not only so boring it has recently turned to a deteriorating 'Lott-Khaneh!'

areyo barzan

On the contrary

by areyo barzan on

Dear Anahid


What you see in this site is unfortunately a reflection of the reality happening inside Iran and amongst opposition groups abroad.

You see? There is a thing about reality and that is the fact that it does not go away or change just because we prefer to deny it as we do not want to face up to it.

At the end of the day if we as individuals and as a nation are going to learn to behave in a democratic manner, may be sites like this would be a good trial lab. So if anything there should be more sites like this around the web.

As long as we can look back at our conducts and behaviour in black and white and as long as we can reflect on our actions and reactions, as long as we have intelligent critics like yourself to warn us when we have gone too far, things can only get better.

So my advice to you is not to loose hope and keep on trying and pointing others to the right direction.

Democracy can not be imported or imposed on any society and as the experiences of Libya, Egypt and our own experience of 1979 showed, it will neither be achieved overnight by a revolution either. In my humble opinion democracy is rather an evolutionary process of trial and error trough which we would learn to respect if not trust each other and obligate ourselves to defend the other person’s right to state their point of view even and especially when we do not agree with what they say.

So don’t loose hope and keep on trying as we are on the right path although the road is long and hazardous