گاه سکوت هم فریادِ شعری ست

Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati


برای هیلا صدیقی

دوباره در این ساحل ,
سحر شد
قلم در دست دارم
ز دلتنگی ها قصه دارم
سپس خورشیدِ نازنین آید
گویا دارد بر ساحلِ ما پوزخند
فریبِ طلوعش را انگار می داند
رفیقی کند حتمأ
نوازش بر شعرم
کسی دیگر قطعأ
شکایت دارد

تو آنجا دوست , هیلا
جوابِ هر خطِ شعرت
اتهام و بازجویی ست

خوشا گفت حافظ
«شب تاریک و بیم موج و گردابی چنین هایل
کجا دانند حال ما سبکباران ساحلها »

شاید آنگه که از تو شعری ندارم
شعرخود  را باید در کناری بگذارم
جایِ آن سرودِ  تو را چندی بسرایم
که حتی در سکوتت هم فریادِ شعری ست .


آناهید حجتی




Recently by Anahid HojjatiCommentsDate
This is how it happened
Jul 24, 2012
یک نهر در شهر
Jul 23, 2012
Legendary Patience
Jul 18, 2012
more from Anahid Hojjati


by yolanda on

Hi Anahid,

   I just checked there is no English news regarding Hila.....I can't watch videos either and still at work.......

So IRI is arresting more people while the world is fixating on Japan....it is super sad.......but it looks like Ban ki-moon is going to do something about IRI's dismal human right record!

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Yolanda,my update is from a very recent featured blog on IC

by Anahid Hojjati on

However, I can't watch the video now and I may not be able to watch it for few hours.  If I remember correctly, in previous blogs about Hila, you were able to find some good information about her (may be from facebook ?). If you find more info, please post. Note that there is a featured blog presently regarding this subject.



by yolanda on

Thank you, Anahid, for the update......I have been following her case........I hope she will be released soon with all the other political prisoners!

Anahid Hojjati

Someone just blogged that Hila was arrested

by Anahid Hojjati on

I will not be able to watch the video for few hours. Is this true? I will try to check on this but if any one has more info, please make a comment on one of the blogs related to her.

Anahid Hojjati

Different version of this poem, only a little different

by Anahid Hojjati on

دوباره برین ساحل , سحر آمد
قلم در دست دارم
 دل تنگم قصه دارد
سپس نازنین خورشیدِ آید
فریبِ طلوعش را می داند
دوستی کشد
حتمأ یک نوازش بر شعرم
دوستی دیگر
شاید شکایت بنویسد
شب است  آنجا و هیلا
جوابِ هر خطِ شعرت ,
اتهام و بازجویی ست
چه خوش گفت حافظ
«شب تاریک و بیم موج و گردابی چنین هایل
کجا دانند حال ما سبکباران ساحلها »
شاید آنگه که از تو شعری ندارم
 باید شعرخود را در کناری بگذارم
جایِ آن سرودِ  تو را چندی بسرایم
که حتی در سکوتت هم فریادِ شعری ست .

Anahid Hojjati

thanks Monda jan for reading my poem and sharing the

by Anahid Hojjati on

information about Hila. She is one brave lady. Last night, I left a comment on her facebook recommending her to leave Iran. I don't know what is the answer. She is the one making the decision but as a person commenting, I would hate to advise her to stay and then some horrible event happens. Again, thanks for reading and commenting.


Beautiful work Anahid and this is for you

by Monda on

just read this post on FB but the link does not open!: Freedom Messenger - Ghasedane Azadi

هیلا صدیقی: نه قصد خروج از کشور را دارم و نه ترسی از انچه که پیش روست هیلا صدیقی: نه قصد خروج از کشور را دارم و نه ترسی از انچه که پیش روست خنک آن قمار بازی که بباخت هرچه بودش بنماند هیچش الا ، هوس قمار دیگر نازنین دوستانم،اگرچه در طول ماههای گذشته صدها هزار پیام پرمهر و لطف شما را دریافت کرده و نهایت مهربانیتان را شناخته بودم که با وجود بی پاسخ ماندن همه و...

Anahid Hojjati

آهنگ جان ,جمهوری اسلامی گریبان هیلا را گرفته,امیدوارم بدتر نشود

Anahid Hojjati

Hopefully, it will not get worse. Thanks for reading my poem and commenting. As Shamlu wrote:"it is strange time, my dear". we have AN reciting poems and then the true poet; Hila Sedighi, is treated like this.


آناهید گرامی


ممنون برای شعر زیبایت

من شعر خوانی این زن با شهامت را در یوتیوب دیده بودم

متاسفانه نظام پلید اسلامی گریبان این شاعره جوان را هم گرفت



Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Esfand jan for your comment

by Anahid Hojjati on

This was actually two poems that I combined. I had to delete some lines of the first one and instead use lines of the second one. As far as sun, I meant to tie the two but it is also a reference to recent spring forward of the time . As far as complaining about my poems, it might be partly because not every poem is meant to be thought at night and next day blogged.  Some might be better to go unpublished or for later blogging or for a book, This one is one that should be blogged because time is important for it since it regards Hila Sedighi but not every poem has this condition.

Esfand Aashena

Anahid jaan very nice!

by Esfand Aashena on

This is a very nice poem talking about so many things in so little parts.  Did you mean to tie the sunrise in your coast to the coast in Iran?

You are right I don't understand why they'd complain about your poems.  I find them very nice and even if they were not nice why'd they spend the time and complain their two cents?!  People are something! 

Everything is sacred