Positive Astrology - The Iranian Way.


by alimostofi

Thousands of years ago, well before any names of anyone you know, in history or religious books, people were suffering from pure bullshit.

What was this bullshit? Bad excuses from people; who did not see further than their noses; who always found bad reasons in the past to justify their errors. All sorts of ideologies were all over the place. Oh hello, ... deja vu ... it's like that now.

Suddenly, ("suddenly" is a topic on its own. I believe in interstellar visits), people thought about measuring and recording. Language developed and records were kept. Well we have all that now, but the ideologies are worse.

Anyway, we did this for the first time in Iranian plateau. We invented writing, numbers etc etc. Things improved. We became civilized. Not now though, we are seriously confused. And so the reason I am trying to get this info out. You all need to learn. Some of you will become much better than me, in seeing the road ahead.

A bit of background. The next time you fly over Iran, have a look at the ground below, you will see what looks like mole hills. These are wells that reach down into the underground water tunnels, called Qanats (the Q is more gutteral than in the word gulp). The distances between these wells were known.

Now here is the really clever bit. At night, the Astrologers could see the reflection of the Moon in the well, thereby knowing where the Moon was in the sky. Clever stuff eh.

Back to philosophy. Fact is that we strive to fight confusion in our life. Confusion is wonderful for some, who see it as the mother of necessity. Necessity itself is the mother of invention.

But for some, confusion, is too much stress, and it is nice to know when it happens. Iranian Astrologers, knew that, whenever the Moon, or any other object in the sky, was in a particular position, it created some sort of stress.

Sounds really simple then. Map the sky, and predict the confusion. That takes away all the bullshit out there, once and for all.  So it makes sense to see what is on the way, and get ready to boogie. Take a break and watch this.


Nowadays, there are a number of ways of seeing the positions of the planets and the Moon, and this link is the easiest one to generate a decent wheel.


On the left, you will see the major angles that the planets have made, and the new ones they are about to make. Click on them, and see the wheel go to that date. You can also click on the tabs above the wheel, or the calendar to the right. Simple.

With this Astrological tool, like a road map or a traffic alert on your Satnav, you become aware of confusion, and you get your senses all tuned in. There is no "magic". It is pure awareness. And awareness you have.


Above is an animation of what we are about to go through in the next month. Look at a symbol that looks like a 4. That is Jupiter or Ohrmazd. See how at about 1min 11 seconds, all the other planets get close to it. That is the famous conjunction (when two planets appear together), we are heading for in the next month. Lucky times.

Ohrmazd is very powerful, and has all the positive energy we need to move us forward. Look at this clip, to see how it will move in and out compared to the rest of the tiny planets. Now you see how Ohrmazd in Zend-Avesta is connected to Astrology.


So it is really easy for dumb asses, to get all huff and puff and be negative, but they are so because they are unaware. Once you see outside the political or religious box you are in, you calm down and chill out.

Now enjoy life and boogie, because you are an object alongside all those other planets, and you have free will to navigate anyway you wish. Your way is the positive way. That is what makes Iranian Astrology positive. Others give negative almost fatalistic attitudes. Nuts.

I will give some guidance in the comments of this blog as time goes by. Feel free to ask decent questions, and let's smooth out those bumps on this amazing journey. Use rss or here at iranian.com use the link below to get the updates. Remember you are the boss.


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Astrology of 17-19 June 2012

by alimostofi on

Astrology of 17-19 June 2012 Sun and Moon in Gemini or Khordad.


Once a year Venus and Jupiter get close to each other. Venus is love, Jupiter is morality. The two are in the sign of Twins we call Khordad. A great time to make contacts and plenty of them. Think about reasoning.

Now when the Moon gets there as well then it really emphasizes it all. Tomorrow and the next is great time to get married, make that proposal. Love is in the air. That is about ten hours from now. Between now and then you have a unique chance to deal with total strangers as the Moon makes a good angle to Uranus.

But this love in the air is not the usual kind of love. It is very thinly spread out. You could even have double relationships. Imagine having a contract with a pair of people. So it is a bit different. Go flirting. Polygamy.

The other areas that we get some changes are not that different from a few days ago. The Sun is still in good angle to the area of law and society ruled by Saturn in Libra. So government will be able legislate easily. Get a good business deal setup.

Mercury is still making awkward angles to Saturn in Libra.  So it will still be hard to have any family order. Mercury is in Cancer which deals with family. A lot family tensions will come to the fore. Expect brothers and sisters to find out their differences. All sorts of logistical problems will be discovered.

And this is all a bit odd. In one level love is in the air for the one-on-one relationships. But on purely logistical basis there will be challenges. Imagine a wedding and people turning up late. Very ironical. Or married couple in a traffic jam.

Finally at the end of day on Monday the Moon makes a tough angle to Mars in Virgo. That means you will seriously get to find out about your health or some office chore. Just postpone it. Don't get fussy. This is especially if you are born in last week of Esfand Azar or Sharivar.

And that's it. Short and sweet. That is the mood. Keep it short and sweet.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 14 to

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report for 14 to 16 June 2012 Sun in Gemini or Khordad, Moon in Taurus or Odibehesht


If you look at the link above you will see that the Moon just entered Taurus or Ordibehest and the Sun is 22 degrees in Gemini or 22nd of the month of Khordad in the Iranian calendar.

The Moon is still in the area of group activities or the eleventh house as the Sun rises. Geminis are well known for their ability to have so much energy is meeting new people. It comes from having Aries on their house of colleagues. At this time of the month though most of them will be a little more practical with the Moon being in Taurus. So get to know people in finance.

The mood is set by Moon. And Taurus is the area of what you own and it is the "I have" of your life. We have had Jupiter there for a whole year or so and we have all had to become very conscious of nature and the Earth we will on. Everyone has become very financially prudent. That is Taurus.

Iran as you know is very old and some three thousand years ago we had the Earth celebrating the Equinox in Taurus and we Astrologers call that the Age of Taurus. We are now the Age of Aquarius. Each Age is about 2000 years long and it goes backwards.

In Iran you can see a lot of Bull motifs everywhere because of the Age of Taurus. Prayers to the adoration of Ordibehesht are in the Avesta. Most religious people do not understand this. But look at Bulls all over Persepolis.

As I say all the time, I write from the heart and with the novice Iranian Astrology enthusiast in mind. There is a lot of ancient Iran that is Astrology that is not understood by religious or Archeologist scholars. One day when I go back I can give the correct interpretations. And a lot of our past will only appear once it is safe to do so. Much is hidden away from religious or scientific zealots. Both are as bad as each other. The Astrological attitude is different.

What is special about the planets now. Well you can see that the Moon is making a nice 30 degrees with Jupiter. So any financial research and anything to do with your own material resourses. Be possessive. Be gready. Bargin your corner. Find value.

And talking about value, property speculation is beginning to look good. As the Sun rises Saturn is coming out of the fifth house and into the fourth house. Mercury is getting to make a good angle to Saturn and the Moon is going to make a good angle to Mercury.

So all affairs ruled by home family tradition will be emphasized. It is summer in Northern Hemisphere so holidays will be great with family. Or just think about history and tradition. Later on in a couple of days though begin to look at getting some art bargains as the Moon gets close to the last degrees of Taurus.

It is lucky moment for Ordibehesht Day and Sharivar. Tir will get loads of information sorted. Sharivar born around 15 to 25 will have a lot of sports to do. Mehr around 15 to 25 will have to really be responsible. Day around 5 to 15 will have to reavaluate joint assets think major upheavals. Farvardin 5 to 15 will be into being eccentric.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 12-14

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report for 12-14 June 2012 Sun in Gemini or Khordad, Moon in Aries or Farvardin.


The Moon is now in Aries or Farvardin. Before I get into what it all means, it is important to realise where it was before, and what the change means.

The Moon was in Pisces. It forced people to deal with their subliminal side. It made you intuitive. You reacted to illusions. You had to understand that part of you that was not logical or explainable. It was intuitive. You had to forget yourself. You got to know your unyou.

There are two parts of you. There is the very real tangeable you, that exists in the here and now, and then there is the other parts of you from all your other experiences.

All experiences is not just what you did yesterday, it is literally everything; from other life times to parrallel universes; to whatever weird and wonderful fantastic worlds you may relate to.

Once you sorted out your Pisces part of your life, and we all have one, then you can move forward and think about you in this world here and now. That is what Moon in Aries or Farvardin does every month for a couple of days.

This month the Sun is in Khordad, Mercury has recently got into Tir and Venus has been around in Khordad for a while now. Of course Mars has been in Virgo for too long.

Look at that link and you will see that Mercury is opposite Pluto and 90 degrees to Uranus. Nightmare in any area related to wherever Gemini or Virgo is in your horoscope. Out with the old in with the new, especially when it comes social networks.

Right this moment the Moon is really close to Uranus. So get out and meet new people. People you do not know closely but are in an organization with. Or failing that join a new team. Go for new job.

Tomorrow the Moon gets close to opposite Saturn. That will bring out the duties you need to do for your career. So hopefully all the folks you have just contacted will move you up on your career. With the Sun at good angles to both of them you should really be in a good vein to do well.

It is not always that the Sun forms such a good angle with Saturn and the Moon causes a challenge. There will be for example a responsibility you really have strong personal emotions about.

It is about you, just you, and what is regarded as fair in the law. You need to accept the difference. The Sun will help you find the right person. But remember it has to be a unique new solution for it to work.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 10-12

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report for 10-12 June 2012 Sun Gemini or Khordad, Moon in Pisces or Esfand.


Ancient Iranians thought that every day was a special day. Just look at the new babies born every day. Each one of them grows up to be a unique and important person.

We all have things that make us what we really are, and then things that we share with others. We can't really logically explain what it is that sort of blends this mix, but we intuitively know. The key word is intuitively.

With Sun still being in Gemini or Khordad, we still like to be logical and communicate about everything. We jump around and connect to all sorts of ideas.

With Moon now in Pisces or Esfand, we have to get away from social networking and progressive energy of Moon in Aquarius or Bahman that we had in the last two days.

So what is so special now. Now you need to deal with going beyond people, and into nature and culture. You need to deal with intuition. It is rather uncanny, but yesterday I was having a great discussion on a political topic in iranian.com, and my contribution became more and more on Iranian culture.

This morning I got up and found that my mind wondered into all sorts of dreamy illusions. That is what Pisces or Esfand does. It makes you deal with a feeling that you can't understand. It is a bit dizzy. A bit drunk. This feeling is intuitive. You are connected to the unyou.

So do you want to think abstract? Do you want to draw or write words or music? Do you want to search for shoes, get your hair done? Go for it. This is the mood to feel for the unexplainable. Yes all that love infatuation is there. Forget reason and being practical. That is Virgo. This is the opposite.

Like other times in the previous month when the Moon was in Esfand you can get invovlved in these matters. No point repeating them. But that's the position of the Moon. But the other planets have changed.

As you know, I am trying to teach Iranians how all this Astrology, which Iranians invented, and now have no knowledge about. In India people still use it in their own way. We have our calendar that is Astrological. But no one really knows that there are meanings.

You know that compared to four weeks ago when the Moon was also in Pisces, the Sun is in Gemini. But other planets have changed positions. The biggest change has been in Jupiter.

Look at the link about and you will see Jupiter has gone into Gemini. It will stay there for a year or so. It will really help all the areas we have been talking about in this month of Khordad - communication, logic and reasoning. This video really explain it all well.


Jupiter is responsible for expansion, exploration, discovery, and it really plays the part of Santa in your horoscope. It makes life easy there. It gives a lot of enthusiasm. So look up your time of birth and see where it is. In general people born in Khoradad, Mehr, and Bahman will be really lucky.

Khordad will have a really amazing year with Jupiter there. If you were born around the first week of Khordad you will really benefit from getting in all forms of partnership.

If you have Khordad as your ascendant that applies to you. So you could be a Sagittarius but if you were born at sunset then you have a Gemini ascendant. So find out the time of your birth and find out the lucky spot.

If you look at the link above you will see that the Moon is again lining up opposite Mars and making 90 degrees to Venus. It is interesting to see this energy build up. I waiting to watch the French Open men's final. The energy will be amazing, as the battle of the two Titans of men's tennis battle it out at Roland Garros. It will tear them apart.

And for you looking to improve your love life you will be even more confused. So turn it around. Are you uncertain of your partnership? Make that call. Ask that question. Oooh it will be tough, but you will get to break it up if it is not there in your guts. Make sure you do not fall for unrequitted love. I have been there and do not wish it for anyone. Read Rumi and learn or throw Rumi out of the window. Don't be fooled. Break dellusion.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 7-9

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report for 7-9 June 2012 Sun Gemini or Khordad, Moon in Aquarius or Bahman.


The Sun is now 17 degrees Gemini and in the Iranian calendar it is the 17th of Khordad. That is what makes the Iranian calendar special. It is in tune with the heavens. The others are not. The Moon has just entered the sign of Aquarius or Bahman as we call it in Persian.

At sunrise the Moon was still in the house of taxes, loans or other people's money, but you can now look at that a bit more progressively. By tomorrow and for the next two days it will move into the house of exploration, new frontiers, philosophy, meanings, history, distant relatives.

Wherever the sign Bahman or Aquarius is in your natal chart, you will be very open minded and able to relate via social networking. This energy is all about connecting in progressive ways. Because the Sun is in Gemini that progressive thinking will be effective in philosophy, exploration and religious affairs for all.

So if you are a deep thinker, or have to really do a lot of research, the energy will be there to "think out of the box" as it were. Go and look for that peculiar thing that you just can't find. Go and find that person who you dared not speak to for a long time. You will find them.

Mercury is moving through Cancer or Tir. What does that mean? Mercury is all about short logical but fast connections. It touches all ideas. Now it is in Cancer. So it will be concerned about affairs ruled by Cancer.

What is Cancer or Tir? It is that part of our lives that is the home, family, from the past to the present, as opposed to from the present to the future. Any domestic stuff, is what you can easily connect to. You will get rid of all that old domestic stuff as it opposes Pluto.

There will be some possibility that some awkward new strangers or in laws will really get up your nose. Wait until Saturday to sort them out, as the Moon will be coming around, and will make a good angle to smooth that out.

Why do I say this? Uranus brings new wacko ideas. Mercury is starting to get 90 degrees to it. So that in-law or social networking new wacko friend, will not want to connect your family support system. You will be forced to adjust the family side of things. Take it easy with the kids and your brother and sister. Mind their tempers. Just wait until Saturday night.

But on Friday we have superb magic triangle. We have the Moon Saturn Sun and Venus make a beautiful triangle in the sky. Wow what a day to get in touch and just really do a massive PR campaign. Blitz day. Get on those phones. Deliver the goods. Make deals. Sign contracts. The minds and thoughts are all in sync. It is not about emotions. It is all about connecting.

That is what Gemini Libra and Aquarius are all about. They are the Air signs and the planets and Moon are in all of them.  It does not get better than this. Write, talk, chat, and really stretch your mind. Go beyond the conventional. Be really scientific, and get togther will all your colleagues. It is time for massive collaboration and team work.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 5-7

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Astrology Report for 5-7 June 2012 Sun in Gemini or Khordad, Moon in Capricorn.


I hope you all got to see that rare Venus Sun transit. To get a feeling of how much we human beings have advanced, you need to watch this video on the importance of the transit of Venus.


We Iranians were the pioneers in mathematics and we created some amazing measuring instruments. But most of you do not know the most basic one. It is the Qanat. "What Qanat?" you say. "That is all about water and irrigation". Lol.

Next time you look at an aerial photo of Iran, look near the mountains and see lots of wells. Our engineers knew, thousands of years ago, the distance between these wells, and then knew when the Moon's reflection would appear in the water at the bottom of the well, as it moved across the sky at night. That enabled Iranians to have the most accurate astronomical tables in the world. A bit like the way the video explains about the parrallax.

And in those days Astronomy and Astrology were the same. But nowadays there is a difference. I am talking Astrology. Big difference. Add myths and legends and the supernatural to Astronomy, and you get Astrology. We Astrologers see a particular object in the sky and look at certain angles that have meanings. As I mentioned before, this work is to educate and also interpret for Iranians, who were for centuries not allowed to look at Astrology thanks to Islam. So let me explain the concept of angles.

Obviously the planets are whizzing around the Sun. Go outside tonight, or get one of those new apps that show you the stars on your smart phone or tablet. Look for Mars and Sun and you will see that they are nearly 90 degrees apart. Of all the angles that exist from zero to 360, most Astrologers look at 30 45 60 90 120 150 180. I have a stock market research report and I look at twenty angles.

What we astrologers do, is to attach a meaning to the various angles. Some of these angles are easy and some are difficult. Imagine you are being pulled by two people who are opposite each other. Mum is pulling you on the left hand, and dad is pulling you on the right hand. What happens to you?  So if the Earth is right between two planets, or the Moon and a planet, the result is tough to resolve.

The basic logic is that we watch these objects in the sky, and the ones nearest to us like Venus and Mercury and Mars and Moon, move a lot and make all sorts of angles. If they make nice angles, we can resolve or even push our ideas and expand. If they are tough angles, we use that to sort out problematic areas. That is how we build and progress.

As Astrologers we spotted trends in people's behaviours and started to expect recurrances. That is why people thought us as intelligent or with Magz in Persian or Magus in Latin or Magic. It is all logic. Nothing "magical" really.

So what is happening now that is different from couple of days ago? Moon moves a lot, then Mercury then Venus then Mars.  Well, the Moon is moving into Capricorn. When were in that optimistic Sagittarius Full Moon, I told you how having it coincide with Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee means changes. How do know that? The moment the Sun rose in the East the Moon was falling in the West.

Anything that crosses that Western horizon causes changes. The Eastern horizon is the self and the Western horizon is the other. A link connects the two. We call that Mehr. So East is the Khod (God) or self and West is Mehr. Mehr deals with the changes in our lives. The whole miracle of love is ruled by Mehr, which keeps two selves together (Khodavand) throughout all changes. And UK will find a new social contract between itself and its people.

So where is the Moon now? It has moved along so it is not setting now. It was a bit higher and in the next couple days it will be involved in creating all kinds of relationships and partnerships in business. Old contracts will be thrown out and new ones created, as it joins up with Pluto, that has been in Capricorn for a while now. When the Sun rises in Gemini the Moon and Pluto go to work on taxes, loans, joint assets. Not personal assets or your own money.

Now remember what I said about being pulled at both ends. Well that is happening. Mercury is moving in Cancer and it will be opposed by Moon in Capricorn. So there will be challenges for those of you born around the beginning of the four seasons or Day Farvardin Tir and Mehr. Make sure to know what belongings is yours and what is your partners. Keep them distinct. Uranus is also making life exciting, by dragging all sorts of strangers into the mix. Keep yourself, your partner and your in laws or social networking friends, all distinct.

Later on tomorrow and the next day work on the domestic tidying up, as the Sun will make a 90 degree angle to Mars. You see, Mars is in the area of family home and all the real emotional "live now" area. Sun rules the area of communication for Gemini, and with the Moon making a cool 120 angle to Mars, you can really put a business plan together and make a great public presentation.

Capricorn is all about what is right in the social status area of our lives. So put on that smart suit. Look formal. Don't be tacky. Be polished. Elvis was a Capricorn. He was cool and very presentable. So be, as we say in Persian, "Aberoomand". Look as if you are the boss with the vision to what is ahead. That is why Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat that climbs to the top of the mountain. So climb your "mountain" and go for that job, project, or career move. Get serious.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 3-5 June 2012 Sun Gemini, Moon in Sagittari

by alimostofi on


Have a look at the sky tonight and you will see the Full Moon get blocked by Earth's shadow. The Moon's shadow did that to the Sun two weeks ago. What followed, brought to the boil a lot of affairs in many lives. What follows is a simple introduction of Astrology for Iranians who might think this is all khorafat and make fun of it all.

We all are born at different times and places. The matter in the universe is moving all the time with respect to the exact spot you were born. So the precise position of the planets when you were born, is the difference between the split second just before you were born and the split second after. You have a unique space time signature.

Once you know your universe then you will realise that you are more than the physical being you are. Your universe goes all the way out as far as you can see. Now you will have certain things that have moved a lot and things that do not. And so certain things that do not change a lot are common to all, and certain things that do change a lot effect produce unique combination just particular to that spot you were born. For example Saturn might not have moved much in three days, but the Moon moves 30 degrees or more. Saturn rules the law of society, the Moon deals with feelings.

So why am I giving this educational stuff?  Well because you need to understand that this time of the year is ruled by Mercury which after Moon is the next fastest moving object out there. It rules Khordad.

The month of Gemini or Khordad deals with communcations of all sorts that are short and quick. Quick thinking. People close to you like brothers and sisters. Chatting. Logical reasoning. It is the opposite of deep meaningful philosophical thought or long distance exploration as in Sagittarius or Azar. Jupiter or Ohrmazd rules that.

Now the Moon is in Azar and the Sun is in Khordad. And they pulling in opposite ways. So you can imagine it will force issues in these areas. If we can work out where those forces are on your horoscope we can make some predictions. On mine it was in the area of home and family and you all know about my mum passing from this universe into another.

So find out what your exact horoscope or natal chart is. Now look at that link above and look at the planet Mars. It is making a 90 degree to the Moon and Sun. So we are being pulled three ways. All you people born three months and six months from now have been forced to act.

I cannot tell you in what areas you have been forced to act, as I do not know your individual times. But it will be areas were normally you are very flexible about in practical logical or moralistic way. If you look at Mercury it is making a fantastic 120 degree angle to Saturn now and that will help all the areas associated with legal matters.

So we have urgency but it will be handled in an efficient manner as the tension of the full moon will cause us to make calls that will be dealt well by the law. Mercury is the call. Saturn is the law. So you will get all worked up but you will be able to get through and get justice.

As the Queen of England's Diamond anniversary falls on this full moon it means it is all about to change for UK in a big way. It will be all for good. Mars represents military is at odds with twin government (Sun in Gemini) and people (Moon). Let's hope they don't go through what we Iranians went through. If you are born now or three or six months from now expect big changes. This is why 2012 is regarded by many as the year when a lot of changes we were waiting for finally happened.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 23-25 May 2012 Sun Gemini, Moon Cancer or Tir.

by alimostofi on


If you look at the link above you will see that around Noon GMT that is four hours ahead of New York Summer time or EDT, the Moon will go into Cancer or Tir. It will stay in Tir until late Friday.

There is a natural progression or order as the Moon or planets move from one sign to another. We started the month of Khordad or Gemini with the famous Eclipse that crossed the Pacific. Expect new beginnings around those parts of the world. 2012 is a special year. Now you need to think about the areas governed by Cancer or Tir.

Tir is all about family, home, your heritage. Tir energy tells us to act based on what you have done over and over again out of habit. Most people have families or people they have strong emotional ties with.

You should just reach out to family feelings and get to do what you need to do to your home now that you have contacted everyone with the Moon in Gemini energy. No more chatting. Settle down.

If you look at the link above you will see that the other planets have all sorts of coloured lines linking them to other planets and Moon. Look at Pluto and Uranus. They are forming 90 degrees and the Moon will also make 90 and 180 degree angles.

The Moon will trigger the energies of Uranus and Pluto. Uranus will force you to be innovative and Pluto will be volcanic. Big forces are in store later on today then when it comes to the home and family.

Check out the electrics. Uranus and Pluto have been causing havoc for a while now and you can see the number of major political upheavals all over the world.

There is a good Gemini Sun energy now to help you communicate better these changes. So we should be able to get to the solution sooner whatever the flavour of the upheaval will be.

As usual we have to think about the law and society everytime an awkward angle is made to Saturn and that will happen on Friday. And all the lovers will argue more, but will find a new logical solution as Venus in Gemini will grease the wheels out of any sticky situation.

So work on your habits and put them to good use. There will be challenges but keep the batteries are full on your mobile phone. You should be able to talk yourself out of whatever challenge of the past reveals its ugly head with Sun and Mercury in Gemini.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 20-22 May 2012 Sun Gemini Moon Gemini

by alimostofi on


In a few hours we will have the Moon block out the Sun if you happen to be around western US. When the moon is both longitudinally and latitudinally lined up with the Sun we have what we call an Eclipse. Sorry for the jargon.

We Iranians have a great old philosophy or some call it religion. It is now labelled as Zoroastrianism by descendants of Abraham. Anything that was done by Iranians before the Semetic religions came around is put in the Zoroastrian catagory. That is madness. We had great skills in occult and sciences. Gemini or Khordad is the energy that gave us that.

Much of what we call reason and deduction or the power to use ones brain we call Kherad, and Khordad is related to that. There were and are a lot of smart Iranians and we did not need one prophet or son of god. That is nuts. Our moto is Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. We used our brain to reason. We have free will to deduce.

The month of Khordad is what the Astrologers call Gemini. The energy of the constellation makes us think in a simple reasonable way. It connects thoughts. It finds a rational connection between any concept, thought, idea.

It is all about linking and communicating. It can be very superficial. It has nothing to do with philosophy or religion or any deep meaningful concept. That is where the Sun will be for the next month and that the main drive for the next 30 days. People born in this month do not believe blind folded.

Now we all have a part of our horoscope governed by Gemini. You can find that out by getting the time of your birth and seeing where the constellation was in the sky at the time you were born. That part of your horoscope will make be very cool and clear about those affairs of your life.

So if like me you have it on your fourth house you will be very logical and reasonable about matter ruled by the fourth house. What does fourth house mean. Woops that is a side track.

Side tracking is not a problem around the month of Khordad or Gemini. In fact the whole attitude of this energy is to jump around and be scatter brained. Twittering. Short sentences. Random chit-chat. Flirting.

It is that fleeting thought. It is the very simple thought. It is about simultaneous concepts. We all know about the concept of twins in Gemini. But it is all about having two concepts being acceptable at all times.

And so we have at the heart of Khordad the ideas of Yin and Yang or Ohrmazd and Ahriman. People ask me "Ali what was the religion of Iran?" and I tell them there was the concept of duality. That we can have two outcomes all the time for all concepts.

It is not good or evil. It is polarity. Just like a battery. You need to have reversibilty for truth. This nuclear bomb vs nuclear energy. Everything has a flip side at the same time. That is Khordad. Look at Faravahar or the wings of Horus in Egyptian cosmology. Two wings. Both true.

So go and gather nuggets of information. Make lots of lots of connections. Scatter yourself. Don't get bogged down. Scratch surfaces. Spread yourself out. Touch everything. Be superficial. Taste and smell everything. Mmm just love everything and connect.

As you look at the link above you will see that the other planets have not moved that much for the past two days. Mercury has gotten closer to Jupiter. The challenge that Mars is creating is very much there and we will all be very frantic today and tomorrow because the Moon will make stressfull angles that force situations. So be ready to challenge bureacrats that will show you some silly details.

Later on in a day and half the Moon will be connecting with Venus and Saturn in a good way. Law and authorities will be easily dealt with. So make that proposal on Tuesday evening. Pick up the pen. Blog. Get that thought out. It is time to connect. This not a time for solitude. Get curious.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 18-20 May 2012 Moon in Taurus or Ordibehesht.

by alimostofi on


If you look at the link above you will see on the edge of the wheel the time and date for the position of the planets and the Moon. You will see that it states 10:06 UTC. That is the time in what we normally call GMT or before it becomes Summer time here in UK.

If you then look for the little Moon symbol you will see the symbol for Taurus. So that is about the time Moon enters Taurus. It will take about two and half days for the Moon to do 30 degrees. So by midnight Sunday the Moon will have gone to Gemini.

Taurus is all about measurement and value. This is the practical down to earth solid materialistic side of our lives. In Astrology we have the various planets and Moon representing for different parts of both our personal and social lives. The speed of the planets and Moon pretty much relates to the parts that change the most and change the least.

Our emotions are the most volatile parts of our lives and so the object that moves the most represents that. What is that object in the sky? It's the Moon.

Weyhey! So folks Astrology has a method. It is based on measurement and a lot of maths. As I have said I am doing all this to bring the Iranian community up to speed with the very basics of Astrology. Most of you will continue this work for years after I have disappeared, and do a better job.

Anyway here we go. What's in store? Well look at the link above again and see Mercury next to the Moon and next to that is Jupiter and then the Sun. So we have what quite a rare situation.

Iranian Astrologers discovered the positivity of Jupiter and called it Ohrmazd for good reasons. Jupiter as we all know is massive and takes more than a year to do what the Moon does in two days. Jupiter has been going through Taurus for a while and it is where expansion can take place. There is a lot lot more on this.

Now look at the Sun and look at the previous reports and you will see that it has moved closer to Jupiter and now passed it. We saw many major elections take place as Astrologers in all those countries had organized it all. Now even stock market flotations are coordinated. Look at Facebook's very timely IPO. Look at Mercury the planet of communication. It is there getting nice and close to Jupiter.

The other angles are the 150 degree Saturn is making to these planets and Moon in Taurus. That angle is much to do with the energy of Virgo. Sharivar is 150 days after Knowrooz (Nowruz) or Equinox and it concerns the other practical activity or separating the good from the bad. You will see Virgos see things in tiny details and split hairs. This energy is important in the bureaucratic medical and all things to do with running an administration. So we call it Shahr or town and rivar which means running of. Clever eh. Old Iranians knew what they were doing when they chose these names.

So with all this expansion energy going on, we have Saturn forcing us to sort out the practical useful stuff from the extreme. I know it is hard for you all to keep up with me. But hang in there. Mars is in Virgo too and many of my Virgo friends and all those people involved in the civil services have really been energised. The position of Mars is around ninth of Sharivar or around 30 to 31 August. So if your birthday is around then make sure you really organize a fitnesss session. Mars will effect Virgos whose birthdays are up to seven days either side of ninth of Sharivar. So as the Moon makes the move through Taurus or Ordibehest you will have a fantastic 120 degree energy to really put some fitness health organization going.

As you all know we have just had Moon in Aries. You should have dealt with what is to do with the "I am" or your uniqueness. With Moon in Taurus it is the "I have". So really think about loving what you have. Sort out the finances and get ready for Gemini or Khordad when you need to reason and communicate. But you can't do that until you have something.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 15-18 May 2012 Moon in Aries or Farvardin

by alimostofi on


As I write the Moon is still in Pisces or Esfand. Did you become selfless? Did you face the pain to face that severe humility. With the Sun being in Taurus we all saw the markets drop. That is what the world had to learn. We need to see what it takes to understand the part of you that is outside what is material. It is the spiritual you. It is that catch-22. It is the unrequitted love. It is that pain you feel because you can't shake that love or idea that will always defy logic.

Prophets and many more enlightened than me have written more eloquently about this. Read Hafez, or do a wish through his oracle or get the tarot cards out and get the message you need. Face it. This phase is going to end soon and the time on the link above is about the time when the moon enters Aries. It is about now.

So what does Aries or Farvardin do? Well once you have sorted out that unyou, you are ready for the real you in this world right here right now. It is action stations. A new person is born and a new identity is ready to act. You have satified all and now you are ready for number one. Numero uno. Avaleen.

And if you look at the link above you will see that the moon is very close to Uranus. That is the weird outrageous part of us. It is electrifying. So it helps those situations that are very unique and extremely ambitious. Wow getting from the mood of humility into an electrifying start is a bit much, but that is it.

And it goes the other way when the moon opposes Saturn. It will tell you in a couple of days to hold on and don't be weird and wacky. Follow the rules.

It is madness I know. But remember it is a time for acting first and think later. Just do it. Bezano boro. Enough reading and thinking, get on with it.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report 13-15 May

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report 13-15 May 2012 Moon in Pisces or Esfand.


FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 11-13 May 2012 Moon in Aquarius or Bahman.

by alimostofi on


If you look at the link above you will see a Horoscope wheel for right now 6am GMT. Yes Astrologers always use GMT. You will see the Moon with the sign of Aquarius next to it. The numbers give you the exact degrees and minutes it is in now.

The Moon was in Capricorn for the past two days and you should have made some long term plans for your future in the society. Did you get a vision of what you wanted to, or at least figure out what you didn't want to do?

So what do we need to do in society once we have established our position? We collaborate. Let's think about this. You want to let's say create a new enterprise or business. You need to be in touch with people and do things together. In ancient Iranian cosmology it is Voho Manah. And Avesta has dedicated prayers to this moment.

That sort of relationship is the "we express" of your life. It is the opposite of "I express" which what Leo does. The King is Leo, the Parliament is Aquarius. The owner of the company vs the workers. Politcal parties are governed by Aquarius.

So for the next couple of days you need to get in touch with your social network. Oh yeah this is facebook, twitter, your club and of course your colleagues at work. Think in terms of concensus. Don't think of your self. Think of the links between you and people you do not know well. Yes PR. Think outside the normal circle of family and close friends.

Now let's look at the existing planets and whether they have made any movements. Not a lot has changed. Mercury has moved along a bit and the rest are pretty much where they were a couple of days ago.

But the Moon has moved to make a square or 90 degrees to Mercury. Squares bring out the actions we need to take. Mercury is in Taurus which is all about value. So find out the areas you need to get some numbers. Quantify.

Later on tomorrow the Moon will get to make a square to the Sun and Jupiter which are really close to each other. Look in the sky at night and see the Moon, it looks half lit. We call it last quarter. You will to work on that big research you are so optimistic about.

Right now is one of the most luckiest days in the year. Kids born now will be big and very lucky. Jupiter expands and when the Sun gets close to it it really makes the new borns larger than life.

And finally we have the Moon making really good angles to all your love and partnership aspects of your life. Venus and Saturn are in Gemini and Libra and the Moon will be making a 120 dergree angle to them. This is called a Trine and it is an easy angle.

So go and give your partner a big hug. Sign and new deal. Spring is in the air and love is everywhere. Be bold. Get in touch with someone you have ignored for a while. Bump into that girl or bog and strike up and conversation.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 9-11 May 2012 Moon in Capricorn or Day.

by alimostofi on


The past couple of days you should have really looked and reaearched what your goals were. That is what that horse Sagittarius does. You gallop through your universe and discover new frontiers.

So why do we do that? We want to have more meaning in our life. And at some point we hit the end of that quest and reach the reality point. That reality point can be pretty hard of beat. But it is reality. It teaches you what the outside real world is. That is Capricorn or Day.

The word Deity comes from the word Day in Persian. Doah, and even the Dev, Deva, come from it. You will see connections to world scriptures related to this energy. Some call it unnecessarily extreme things like devil because of the harsh realties people have had to bear.

Saturn rules Capricorn. Satan is then used in that regard. But these are gross generalizations. Some people say that the rings around Saturn are symbolic of the fact that we have to have a band around us and limit our expansion.

So you can imagine what the ancients thought. Here we have two forces. Jupiter that expands and Saturn that limits that expansion. We Iranians call them Ohrmazd and Ahriman. Dualism is then the principle that governs our life. The ancients could not see any other planet further than Saturn with their eye.

In as much as I will tell you the present situation, it is important to realize the systematic thinking behind all this. We Iranians had the greatest observatories and our ancestors were regarded as "smart" or brainy. The word for brain is Magz. It becomes Magus in Latin. Magic then comes from that.

What the Capricorn energy does is to establish the order in the society. It allows you to connect all those discoveries you made with Sagittarius mood we just went through. Wherever you have it in your horoscope is where you need to be cool calm and disciplined. You need to be seriously mature. In that regard Saturn has the same effect. So angles made to it have the respective influences.

Now let's look at what the Moon is triggering. Right now the Moon is approaching Pluto. Have a look at the link above and you can see how close it is to Pluto. We have also Mercury now in Taurus. And then we still have Mars in Virgo. They are all about 120 degrees from each other or Trine. They are all in Earth signs.  That produces that wonderfull practical down to Earth energy.

But Pluto wants to dig up old defunct social systems and as the Moon is there be ready to see some changes in career and anything to so with society. Mercury will help you be really practical as it is Taurus as well.

Unitize measure find good quality really listen and accumalate what is right for the business and your long term future. That is what you need to think in the next couple of day.

See the long term plans, get the diary out and put dates and times on them. That is what Capricorn does. It is the master of space time. I am a Capricorn. Welcome to my world.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 5-7 May 2012 Moon Scorpio or Aban

by alimostofi on


The Moon is now in Scorpio or Aban have look at the horoscope wheel above. I have started to post all the wheels at my instagram site on a daily basis.

Four weeks ago I explained what it meant to have Moon in Scorpio. Thus time around. The inner planets have moved. So let's look and see the difference.

This time the Moon is going into Full Moon. That is the first big difference. Look and see how three countries, France elections, London and Tehran had used this situation to get people to participate.

Scorpio is all about sharing. And in electoral astrology this sharing plays an in important role in the social contract between the people and the people's representatives.

Other planets that are making interesting angles are Mercury and Saturn which are becoming in exact opposition. That means all kinds of dealings with people in authority will come to the fore.

Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini. So wherever they are in your horoscope you will be effected. Saturn rules Capricorn and so that area of your chart will be affected. These areas are called Houses. Their positions are determined by the exact time and place of your birth.

If you go to new-astrology.com you can do it for free. Let me know if you need any help.

The other very interesting development is that the Sun is approaching Jupiter. That is very lucky. You can see the angles in the wheel. It happens once a year and you have about a week to take advantage of it. Think big and put any grand plan to action.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 3-5 May 2012 Moon in Libra or Mehr

by alimostofi on

The Moon right now is in the last two degrees in Virgo or Shahrivar. I hope you had a very productive few days. You should have really gotten down to the nitty gritty practical parts of your life. Did you clean the house and did you clean out the drawers? Now that you have that tidy up, you should be ready for share yourself.

In business all the files are in order and administrated and you are ready to share with others. So your partner would be able to understand your business well.

The celestial order is to go from Virgo to Libra. Here is a simple review of what we have gone through. We go to the "we" side of life. So whereas Aries was I am, Libra is we are. Taurus is I have, and Scorpio is we have. Gemini is I think, Sagittarius is we believe. Cancer is home, Capricorn is the society. Leo is you express, Aquarius is the corporate expression.  Virgo is I sort practical affairs, Pisces is your humility to reach the unexplainable.

So you need to see that there are two major divisions. The personal and the impersonal. Libra is the beginning of things we do that bond us to others.

Even though the Moon is just moving into Libra, Saturn has been there for a while. Saturn is the father figure, authority and that wall of long term discipline you have to face. We all have an area in our life which will be governed by Libra. You need to find your time of birth to figure that out.

Uranus the planet of the extraordinary is in Aries. As Moon gets into Libra it will oppose Uranus and sorts of challenges on the progressive sides of your life come out. Pluto is going to get triggered too. So in the next day, get out and really hit your social networking contacts before they hit you.

Finally get really to face the big challenges in your life when Moon conjuncts with Saturn. It will be your biggest fear. So all in all it is a going to be a time to be very aware of the wild and the conservative social parts of your life.

This phase is all directed from your mindset. So no videos. Just think first. Have the good thought first. It is all in the style and culture you adopt. Etiquette is the bottom line. Be chic. Tres bien avec finesse. Be balanced. That is what Mehr is all about.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 1-3 May 2012 Moon in Virgo or Shahrivar.

by alimostofi on

For the past few days we have had the Moon in Leo. I hope you expressed yourself. I hope you really expressed your heart. I hope you risked. Did you really go and be proud? Did you expand?

But before we dig in, have a good look at this lovely video.


Well now the mood will change. We need to now cut down and look at all the speculation and expression. We need to get practical and look at the details to separate the wheat from the chaff in your life. Now is the time to get into the nitty gritty of things. Be modest. That is what Virgo is all about.

Now Mars has been in Virgo for a long time. And the Moon is getting close to it as I write. Imagine drilling down and really getting to the tinniest detail. Do you have some cleaning to do. Get that drawer open and clean it. End of mess. And do it with force.

If you have a health issue. Now is the time to get to the doctor. Do you have to organise the office. All that indexing. Do it. In Persian we call it Sharivar. It is all about running the boring but important stuff. Get efficiency systems in. Admin time.

The ruler of Virgo is Mercury and some include the Asteroids. The Asteroids act like a mesh that protects the stellar matter drawn in from Jupiter. So Virgo is that big filter in your life that sieves out the good from the bad. Now is that time.

You will get a lot of success from searching for finance and really working out the accounts as the Moon makes excellent angles Sun and Jupiter like never before. Make that big purchase.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 28 April-1 May 2012 Moon in Leo or Amordad.

by alimostofi on

We have had few days, when we had to take care of anything to do with home family, and being very sensible. I hope you all were very emotional where it was necessary.

Only once you have worked out your home, and your feelings about your past, can you move to the next stage.

Your foundation is now strong, and so you should be able to build on it. You can now take chances. It needs your heart behind it. And the most powerful energy in Astrology is there. The Sun. Just so that you remember how powerful the Sun is, look at this video:


Sun's activities were spotted by ancient Iranians. Everything in Astrology is in a specific order. In our part of the universe the Moon's path is through the main twelve signs are as they are in the Iranian calendar. Be proud of that.

Our calendar is the most accurate in the world, but a lot of our ancient prayers associated with each of the constellations has been made into religion. So if you go to the Zend Avesta you will find a prayer to the constellation of Leo or Amordad or Khorsheed Yasht.


So what is this awsome energy we need to carry us through and take chances now. If we measure the Moon's angles it is making to the various planets now we can access what is particular about this Moon in Leo.

Remember it is unique to this time and space. Never before have all the planets and Moon been in these positions before. But each connection has been individually been seen before. Below are two videos that describe the angles very well.



It is a time to take chances and flirt. Yeah go for it. Take that chance. You know your self and it is time to be dominant. Be that Lion. Roar. Write that report. Get in touch with the boss and give him your pride.

Go and dance. Go and act. Go and lead. Be that arrogant boss and command. Play around. Look for porperty. Gamble. This is the time to be risky.

But the most important aspect of Amordad is the undying aspecf of your heart. The love you have is immense. It is forever. Look at this video and see this true story how the animal did not forget after a year being in the wild.


So go with your heart.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 28 April-1 May 2012 Moon in Leo or Amordad.

by alimostofi on

We have had few days, when we had to take care of anything to do with home family, and being very sensible. I hope you all were very emotional where it was necessary.

Only once you have worked out your home, and your feelings about your past, can you move to the next stage.

Your foundation is now strong, and so you should be able to build on it. You can now take chances. It needs your heart behind it. And the most powerful energy in Astrology is there. The Sun. Just so that you remember how powerful the Sun is, look at this video:


Sun's activities were spotted by ancient Iranians. Everything in Astrology is in a specific order. In our part of the universe the Moon's path is through the main twelve signs are as they are in the Iranian calendar. Be proud of that.

Our calendar is the most accurate in the world, but a lot of our ancient prayers associated with each of the constellations has been made into religion. So if you go to the Zend Avesta you will find a prayer to the constellation of Leo or Amordad or Khorsheed Yasht.


So what is this awsome energy we need to carry us through and take chances now. If we measure the Moon's angles it is making to the various planets now we can access what is particular about this Moon in Leo.

Remember it is unique to this time and space. Never before have all the planets and Moon been in these positions before. But each connection has been individually been seen before. Below are two videos that describe the angles very well.



It is a time to take chances and flirt. Yeah go for it. Take that chance. You know your self and it is time to be dominant. Be that Lion. Roar. Write that report. Get in touch with the boss and give him your pride.

Go and dance. Go and act. Go and lead. Be that arrogant boss and command. Play around. Look for porperty. Gamble. This is the time to be risky.

But the most important aspect of Amordad is the undying aspecf of your heart. The love you have is immense. It is forever. Look at this video and see this true story how the animal did not forget after a year being in the wild.


So go with your heart.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 26-29 April 2012 Moon in Cancer or Tir

by alimostofi on

The Moon is still in the last few degrees of Gemini. Tomorrow it will enter Cancer. What that means is that the mood is for feeling what it means to understand the sensitive side of life.

If you know the time of your birth then you can find out which areas in life you are very sensitive to. It will be areas where you need to grow and mature into on your own. You will feel vunerable and emotional about. Your family would be involved.

But there are patterns to come in the next few days that will apply to all. We have in the next 12 hours the Moon making some awkward angles to the all too familiar Uranus and Pluto. These two have forced us to really reevaluate our individualism and our social status. And so we will need to look at our heritage and our loved ones. It all comes to a quick boil.

Ironically there isn't much else to say after this period. The next couple of days are fairly chilled out scenarios where you will just need to be close to your home, family and the past. Read Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, and adjust any imbalances on Saturday as the Moon makes a challenge to Saturn.

Sorry no videos or razzamatazz this time but here is some educational videos on the Moon.



And how small we are in the universe:


FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report for 23-26 April 2012 Moon in Gemini or Khordad

by alimostofi on

The Moon will go to Gemini around 6pm in UK tomorrow Monday. So the mood changes, from what I have accumalated (Taurus), or have, or are worth, to where I go (Gemini). Now the word "go" means a lot. You are curious right? Well that is it. Go in the mind, is curiosity. It also applies to outside of the mind. Go next door. Fly. Pick up the phone. Text. All sorts of communication. This famous commercial pretty much gives you the feeling of it.


It is actually the first simple form of contact, be it physical or mental. To recap, Aries is the I am, then it is the I have Taurus, now it's the I connect. That is Gemini. The energy moves in two opposite directions at the same time. Two thoughts. Logic, as in yes or no. All that deductive stuff comes from this reasoning process in Gemini.

In Persian we call Gemini Khordad. The word Kherad is linked to it. Simply put in layman's language, it is the process of getting to the truth with communication. The operative word is "process". So you see all that interactive chitter chatter, talking natter etc etc, that it takes to figure out what's going on, that's Gemini or Khordad. Can go on forever. Lol

As the Moon is in Gemini, planets associated with Gemini become important. Mercury is associated with Gemini, as it moves very fast and has a peculiar rotation about itself. The Greeks call him Hermes or Hormuz in Persian. The Persian and Greek cosmology is very similar. Read more here //bit.ly/IgqZzu. One side is always facing away from the Sun, and the other side in facing towards the Sun. And so why we have it ruling Gemini. This video is some basic astronomy on Mercury.


Now Mercury is getting really close to Uranus, and the moment is again perfect for all sorts of corporate communications. So reason with everyone. Ask why all the time. On Tues and Wednesday Moon will connect with Venus and then good angles with Saturn. So all matters of love and legal work are well taken care of.

The good angles of Sun with Mars and Pluto are still driving the productivity. So get the word out and really communicate your worth. But be careful not too spread yourself out too much, or get mentally stressed out. Once you get all that done, you will be ready to calm down when Moon enters Cancer.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: 21-23 April 2012 Moon and Sun in Taurus

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report: 21-23 April 2012 Moon and Sun in Taurus or Ordibehesht.

Two things have just happened. Sun and Moon have moved into Ordibehesht or Taurus now. In fact tomorrow is the new Moon. If you have a look at the sky tonight there is no Moon. Why?

Watch this simple explanation. Remember folks I am making this Astrology stuff idiot proof.


Now learn in a bit more detail all about abundance, in this longer video.


Both these Astrologers are superb at explaining exactly what is going on now.

So grasp the opportunity to put concrete practical plans. This is the Good Deeds part of The Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deed Zoroastrian saying as written the Zend Avesta.

In ancient Iran Taurus was 1. Asha Vahishta (New Persian: Ordibehesht): The Highest (Best) Truth, also the Highest form of Righteousness. This Truth describes how the World ought to be in its ideal form. Consequently, the intention to actualise it is Righteous Intention, and action according to it the highest form of Righteousness. //bit.ly/HYpvIF

I am sure all Iranians have seen the Bulls on the columns in Persepolis. That refers to the moment when we were at the Age of Taurus. Iranians were the first people to have a wonderful sense of appreciation and beautification on Earth. Our ancient belief system flourished under the energy of Ordibehesht and video below is awsome in bringing back the original scenes of Persepolis.


For the more scientifically minded astronomers here is a simple explanation of Taurus.


And these two guys got the title wrong but the dates are correct.


Have a good think about this moment as a moment when your Iranian ancestors praised mother nature. Heaven was made on Earth. Our civilization kept the Earth pure. Persepolis had the most amazing sewage system and of course gardens.

By Sunday afternoon we will have a really lucky moment when the Moon will join up with Jupiter. Kick start a major money making project this week-end watch it grow.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 April

by alimostofi on

The Moon will move into Aries or Farvardin tomorrow afternoon. What does that do to the mood change?


The mood will change from intuition or reflective imaginative of Pisces to taking action and thinking about it later. You will identify to everything in a very objective way. You live in the now. You are a keen sportsperson.

As I mentioned in the last report Mercury moved into Aries yesterday. With the Moon there you will literally get ignition and it will be an electrifying start as they join up with Uranus. So you can be unconventionally unique.


Now, Uranus rules groups, networks, collective consciousness. So if you want to launch a media campaign or get some massive public relations excersize this is the moment to get that going. It is giving establishment a shake up as it makes a square to Pluto.


Check your electrics and all things digital. Got a new wild idea then do it now. Anything totally wild will do well. It is not often we get Mercury and Uranus together.

By Friday we have to watch out for anything to do with one-on-one relationship and the law as the Moon will oppose Saturn, as the Sun moves into Ordibehesht or Taurus.

Sun moving into Taurus is all about the "I have" or value in your life. A beautiful Grand Trine is forming with Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn.  A great practical Earthy force is upon us for a week. The world of I am has ended and we are now entering the world of what you have.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 April 2012: Moon Pis

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report: Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 April 2012: Moon Pisces or Esfand.

Right now the Moon is in Aquarius so read the previous report. But by late Monday the Moon would have moved into a critical position to Mars. It will be in Pisces. Pisces is all about the intuitive part. It rules art, music, imagination, water sports, dancing. Shoppers go and look for shoes. Do your hair baby!

Have a look at the chart:


You will see a red cross there which is the 90 degree formed by Mars Neptune Venus and North Node. Whenever the Moon crosses over one of those points you get action. Action makes things happen.

The other area is the Sun and Saturn. Boy have we been waiting for this to happen. And we are there. Finally the opposition is over.  Forget that old relationship hassle. Write it all on a piece of paper and burn it. We are now talking of you. Only you.

Basically it has been a sleepy period and we need a bit of drama. A friend of mine just posted this video and it shows how thing will change as Mars moves forward. The Moon will basically push that button.


We have all been a bit like this sleepy town. Suddenly Kaboom!  Olympics are 100 days away and we are reving up. Astrology is useless if you don't get advance warning. Surf that wave.

See how this champion of world surfing does it. He rose to the challenge.


And you will get that amazing feeling that will want to you to just get up and go for it. It reminds me of this tune.


And as if that was not enough, wait for Mercury to get into Aries or Farvardin tomorrow as well. All those amazing original thoughts that make you stand out come out. Be the number one. You are the Big I Am!

So get hard and break some walls as this video shows:


FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Astrology Report: Moon in Aquarius or Bahman from Friday 13th

by alimostofi on

Astrology Report for Moon in Aquarius or Bahman from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th of March in month of Farvardin or Aries 2012.

The Moon is about to finish being in Capricorn, and will move into Aquarius in around two hours or 11pm UK time (10pm GMT).

Aquarius or Bahman is the energy that binds corporate or social networking relationships. It is the politics and the extraordinary concepts. It is not the one-on-one energy as in Mehr or Libra. It is not the brotherly or simple short term fleeting relationships as in Khordad or Gemini.

If you look at the chart from the link below you will see the other planets as well. Look at the Moon and then Venus which is in Gemini. The two are forming a 120 degree angle. We call that a Trine. It is a supportive and easy angle. So unlike 90 or 180 that challenge and force the issue, 60 and 120 are supportive. So you can push the situations involved. The irony is a lot of people are so chilled in these situations that they don't push it.


So the theme is all about networking and it has Venus involved.  Common sense tells you a lot about Venus. Women or the receptive energy. It is in Gemini. It means love of communications, simple logical analysis. Not deep meaningful beliefs (Sagittarius). So it is really good for short texts. Tweeting or chatting and all that flirting is strong as Moon makes 120 degrees to Venus today and tomorrow.

Now let's look at what is behind us now. We had a tough set of angles that were formed by the Sun and Saturn and Moon. Look at how the Nuclear negotiations news was so awkward all this week. But now it is easier, especially after the Moon makes a 120 or Trine to Saturn on Sunday.

So who will benefit mostly from all this. Those who are born in Bahman Mehr and Khordad or the Air signs. It is a time to contact and connect this week-end. Make sure you have gotten the Good Thoughts and Good Words across as we prepare for what follows next.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Moon in Capricorn or Day Wed 11th to Friday 13th April 2012.

by alimostofi on

Moon just entered Capricorn or Day. Capricorn concerns society or social desires, and the future. The opposite is Cancer or Tir which deals with family issues or the past.


Currently we have Pluto slowly making its way through Capricorn. Just look at how we have had Arab Spring and so many more societies will be totally changes. The Moon is getting pretty close to Pluto. Angles made by other planets to Moon will be effected. That Earthquake is all about Pluto.

Mercury and Venus are forcing people to be very corrective with their buddies and lovers. It is a very good time to look at the very logic of any relationship with brothers and sisters and partners by Friday.

If you look at the Sun you will see that it is opposing Saturn. The Moon will effect that when it gets to 90 to both of them. That will effect those born around 26 Day Mehr Farvardin and Tir. You all will need to review any sales campaigns then. Really give it push on Friday night. Decisions will be made.

Mars will start to finally stop sitting around and picking at tiny details and finally get going through Virgo. Personally I am fed up all the slow down this has caused. But it had to be sorted on the cynical real cold rational digital way the Virgo energy wants. It will take the rest of Spring before it is finished. But at least it has stopped going retro.


Astrology Report for Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th April 2012.

by alimostofi on

The Moon is in Azar or Sagittarius.


Click on the link above and you will see the moment the Moon moves into Sagittarius in about 7 hours time. Right now the Moon is still in Scorpio and you should have had a pretty exciting week-end. Maybe a little excessive as it made opposition to Jupiter.

But the Moon's move in Sagittarius will come to challenge your actions. Look at the red line with a box on it. That means a 90 degree angle. So it won't be easy. But it will force you to really get into the nitty gritty of things. Mars in Virgo has helped a lot of Virgos born around the first ten days of Shahrivar to really pick themselves up and punch. I have seen a few myself in my friends and family. Good for them as they face the world of Neptune that rules dreams music arts. See how Neptune is opposite Mars.

So if you are born in the first week of Khordad Sharivar Azar or Esfand you will need to act or you will be actioned. That's what happens when there is a cross or there are 90 degree angles around.

If you look at the lighter side you will see that the Moon will be making a 120 aspect (a trine) to Uranus. So that will make finding new networks easy. Uranus is all about technology and politics. So that area will do well.

By Wednesday Moon will bring out the tensions in any legal matters as it makes awkward aspects to that awkward angle of Mercury and Saturn.

So yeah it will be a pretty productive few days eh. You will see as time goes by a lot of these themes reoccur because the slower planets don't move fast enough for the change to take place. This is especially so nowadays with Mars being stuck where it is.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Passion and sex in

by alimostofi on

Passion and sex in Astrology: Moon deals with emotions. Where Moon happens to be shows the kind of emotions it is dealing with. Moon is in Scorpio or Ghamar dar Aghrab. That means we have too much emotion.

Background Info:

In Astrology a planet stands for a function. A sign is the way it functions. So the Moon is emotions. Scorpio is all about sharing passionately.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Soosan Khanoom

Or perhaps

by Soosan Khanoom on

Passion without Sex makes one Mad !!