Happy Birthday Cyrus Reza Pahlavi

by alimostofi

Happy Birthday Cyrus Reza Pahlavi,

You are responsible for keeping the Royal Institution of Iran alive and well. Many think that you are far too much of an idealist, and have moved slowly. You stand firm and educate all Iranians what their national and cultural duties are. You remind us regularly where the divide is between the alien Seyyeds, and the true Iranians. We all know that the Royal Institution is there to keep the politics and religious domains of Iran separated from the ancient culture of Iran. The national character of Iran is held in the Royal Institution, and you are the personification of that Institution. You gallantly defend non violent regime change. We will change Iran in a civilized way. We can warn the Seyyeds that they have no chance against a national strike. The Iranian nation loves Iran above all else, and will threaten aliens like Seyyeds with a General Strike at the appropriate time. Until that time, the Seyyeds will know that they can be paralyzed by the Iranian nation, if the nation decided not to run the country for them. We are all united in non violent regime change.

(I will ignore any rude comments, but will gladly reply civil ones. Please do not abuse your right to speak, it will be flagged).


more from alimostofi

Ney Player

by Majid on

Ney daari ?  LOL


To Majid

by Ney player (not verified) on

Priceless post.
Ney baladi bezani?


Warning to flag commenters

by Niki on

"I will ignore any rude comments, but will gladly reply civil ones. Please do not abuse your right to speak, it will be flagged"


Hi Ali- I don't have a rude comment, i think grown up men who idolize othe grown up men (or grown up boys, as in the current case) are amusing. I found your above noted warning to potential comment leavers to be amusing as well. In case you haven't noticed, Jahanshah is extremely lenient when it comes to what can be posted on this site, either as articles or as comments. So if you can't deal with nasty comments on your posts, you may just want to scamper back to just posting on your blog, following the lead of at least one other blogger who has been chased off the site because she couldn't take the heat.


Hey "Alimostfi" !! BABA.........

by Majid on

Hey Ali Baba.....bargard baba... "hoghgheh"   sard shod daadaash !

Matlabet ro neveshti haalaa bargard sar-e "manghal" mashti !

Ye aatish-e sineh kaftari vardaar-o- bechasbo..o..o..oon, bargard too avaalem-e khodet baa vafaa.

And then wake up and smell the coffee ! H-E-L-L-O ????????


Baa'd az enghelaab 2 taa tariaki chort mizadand , avvali goft


_  shenidi emrooz mohandes Moosavi too akhbaar chi gogft ?


_  Mohandes Moosavi dige kiye?


_  Nakhost vaziremoon dige baabaa!


_  Eee....h.h.h.h??!!  pas Mosaddegh-o belakhare bordan??


It's OCT. 31st , 2007      1386 !!!!!!!!!!!!


gharib: Thank you very

by alimostofi on

gharib: Thank you very much for your question regarding my use of the word "Seyyed". I have written at length about this, and I do not mind briefing you. Basically the Seyyeds, that have usurped Iran, have done so, under the name of their own Kingdom.

As you should know, the Shiite sect is based on a direct line of descent from Halabi Qureshi (aka Mohammed). They have absolutely nothing to do with the Iranians, and will gladly admit it. And of course like many things that they have done to ruin the name of Islam, they have ruined the name of Seyyeds.

But Seyyeds they are, and they are proud of it too. And I address they appropriately, as they put their dogma above Iran, whilst most Iranians, including your friends and relatives do not put anything else above Iran.

With respect.


Ali Mostofi



illegitimate child?

by verified but (not verified) on

Who the hell is Cyrus Reza Pahlavi? I have never heard of him. Is he an illegitimate child of the former king that we are just hearing about now?


May I ask the auspicious

by gharib (not verified) on

May I ask the auspicious author of the article titled "Happy Birthday..." what exactly does he mean by "Seyyeds"? I do hope he's not intending to insult the (maybe) millions of seyyeds around the globe who would consider his comments as a means to incite religious and racial hatred. just to make it clear, I'm not a Seyyed but a large number of my family members (Including my old mother who has never hurt anyone in her life and long career as a teacher) are Seyyeds. I would really appreciate if the author chose some other term to describe his political opposers. having a civil pen is a very valuable thing considering the fact that he expects people replying to his letter to be as such.


Hey Reza P. answer me this?

by Reza's Friend (not verified) on

If you are reading this, where can I get a good steak?
Where should I go on my next vacation?
How many trees should I plant to cover my house?
What's the best school to send my kids to?
Which Tiffany & Company can I get a discount for being the son of a dead king?
These are good questions for Reza Jan. He probably has more answers to these than to questions about Iran or "political domains" HAHAHAHAHAHA . good one Seyyed Ali