كريسمس مبارك

Alahazrat Hajagha
by Alahazrat Hajagha

دوباره درخت هاي بلند كاجִ دوباره چراغ هاي رنگي جشن و سرورִ دوباره بابا نوئل قلابيִ دوباره جشن در سرماִ دوباره فروشگاه هاي شلوغִ دوباره صداي خنده و شاديִدوباره شيريني هاي رنگارنگִ دوباره صداي آهنگ هاي آشناִ دوباره عيد دوباره آغاز يك فصل ديگه از كتاب زندگيִ

يازده سال مي شود كه همه اين ها قاصدك هاي من براي سال نو هستنִدلم بد جور براي نوروز تنگ شدهִ براي سبزه, براي سمنو, براي تنگ ماهي قرمز براي بوي شكوفه هاي سيب پشت خانهִ براي باران هاي دم عيدִ

كادو هاي كريمس را در زير درخت كاج مي گذارمִ بر صورتم لبخندي هست كه نمايانگر درونم نيستִ چراغ هاي درخت كاج پلاستيكي را روشن مي كنم و با ساكنان اين خانه جديد هم رنگ مي شومִ

زندگي چيست, زندگي حس غريبي است كه يك مرغ مهاجر دارد

كريسمستان مبارك

اعلي حضرت حاج آقا



Recently by Alahazrat HajaghaCommentsDate
September 26: Iranian.com goes to the opera!
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Don't cry for me Iran!
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more from Alahazrat Hajagha

A Haji, is not a Haji, is not a Haji !

by Saeed Kafili (not verified) on

I saw the picture, and I thought, this guy probably could get at least ONE DATE in 2 years, so I got suspicious. I checked his website, and realized, it's NOT the cartoonist Haji agha. You guys ran him off with your sorcastic comments ! True, but sorcastic :-)
Anyway, Mitra's birthday or not, Merry Christmas to all theists and atheists on this site.


let's see which haji?

by sexyironi (not verified) on

lol, I am confused! Are you the hoji in Canada?
Didn't you just get injured in a car accident in Canada?
too many hajis. You are not the hoji the cartoonist? Are ya?


Christmas in part is a Pesian Celebration

by Koozehgar (not verified) on

According to those who know about Iranian(Persian) history,Shabe-Yalda celebration is Mitra(Mithra)'s birthday celebration and in early Christianity the same night had been chosen as Christ's birthday. Later on Christ's birthday was changed to Dec. 25 and in some countries to early Jan. Let's celebrate birth of Mitra, Christ and all those who preached peace and goodness. Merry Christmas to all of you.