12 Petals: YOUR story on film


12 Petals
by 12 Petals

San Francisco Bay Area, California (June 11, 2008) -- 12petals Media Group, established in late 2006, is inaugurating the start of its work of supporting and bringing attention to issues of social relevance through media with its first short film, "Human Rights: for everyone?".

This film highlights the evolution of the Declaration of Human Rights. Iranians from many corners of the Iranian-American community will extend a hand and reach out globally for these hard fought and hard won principles to be honored everywhere. The project aims to cultivate a culture of human rights within societies around the world and praises the “Declaration of Human Rights” for establishing these universal principles that belong to every one of us.

Majid Baradar, Executive of Development/Producer, has said about the project: “With this short film, I am hoping that each and every one of us will be better able to bring the culture of human rights into our homes, into our daily relationships, with our families and friends. This culture of human rights, and more explicitly a culture of rights and responsibilities, should be treasured as a way of life”.

12Petals Media Group is privileged to have had many talented artists and visionaries come together for this project since early 2007. Working among them are production writer/director Mansour Taeed as well as Shadi Yousefian and Ardalan Payvar, the talented artistic duo who will be doing art direction, filming, photography, and design for the film. This project will be filmed in the San Francisco Bay Area in July 2008 and is currently in its casting phase. It seeks 40 men, women and children of all ages to participate. Persian (Farsi) speaking people with or without acting experience are cordially invited to audition for this socially relevant endeavor. For those who are interested and have acting experience, a resume and picture (head shot preferred) are required. If you do not have an acting resume or background, a brief explanation of past experience and a picture are welcomed. All casting/participation submittals and inquiries should be directed to Mr. Mansour Taeed (Director) mtaeed@aol.com .

There will be a test shoot on June 19 and June 20, 2008 between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. in the East Bay (Berkeley/Albany). For the test shoot, participants will be scheduled for one of the above dates. The actual shooting for the film will be all day on July 12 and July 13. Those offered with a role in the film need to be available for both filming dates.

This is a community and social project and thus, no monetary compensation for participation will be offered. Due acknowledgements and credits will, however, be offered in this film. For more information on this project please refer to 12petals.org.

بعنوان يك گروه ايرانى- آمريكائى، بر آن هستيم تا به شنوندگان مان در همه جهان، اين پيام را برسانيم كه ما هوادار حقوق بشر هستيم و به حقوق تمامى انسان ها در سر تا سر جهان، احترام مى گذاريم. از اين رو مى خواهيم از شما دعوت كنيم تا به ما بپيونديد و در اين راه ،همراهمان باشيد.

فيلم بردارى پروژه اى را كه در دست داريم در جولاى ٢٠٠٨ آغاز خواهيم كرد و براى اجراى آن، به حدود چهل زن، مرد و كودك فارسى زبان- با تجربه يا بدون تجربه بازى گرى – در هر رده سنى، نياز داريم.

چنانچه مايل به شركت در اين پروژه هستيد، لطفأ خلاصه اى از تجربه بازى گرى خود را همراه با يك قطعه عكس براى ما بفرستيد. كسانى كه داراى چنين سابقه اى نيستند، مى توانند خلاصه اى از شرح حال خود را ارسال دارند.

اولين فيلم بردارى آزمايشى، در روزهاى ١٩ يا ٢٠ جون، بين ساعت ٧ تا ٩ بعد از ظهر، در شهر آلبانى – بركلى و فيلم بردارى نهائى در روز هاى ١٢ و ١٣ جولاى، انجام خواهد گرفت. ياد آور مى گردد كه براى شركت كنندگان و انتخاب شوندگان در اين پروژة، هيچگونه پاداش مالى درنظر گرفته نشده است.

خواهش مى كنيم براى اطلاعات بيشتر به آدرس mtaeed@aol.com يا به فايل ضميمه
12petals.org مراجعه فرمائيد

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