Hospitals feel pain of sanctions

Restrictions have made it more difficult to import medicine and equitment

Al Jazeera: A leading medical charity in Iran has said Western sanctions are having an adverse affect on the health of up to six million patients. Though the Western-backed sanctions are not meant to target the nation's healthcare industry, the Foundation for Special Diseases says the restrictions have made it more difficult to import medicine and equitment into the country >>>


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vildemose=rajavi, maryam, masood, fred

by Thought on

and mikey mouse, mini mouse, and moosh.


That's YOUR goal, Shirzadegan

by rrrezz on

I like what you say in the first (main) paragraph but the last sentence....I don't know why some of us Iranians think their opnion is everybody's opinion? Like the "Ellected President Rajavi". A good democratic boy would say my goal is to restore monarchy or marxism or whatever instead of projecting it to everybody. 


Regime change is in order

by Shirzadegan on

Unlike what rahbar Ali Geda was claiming that people get used to sanction, the video shows Ali Geda was lying. Seems days for ruling mullahs are numbered. Hopefully transition to the new establishment will take place smoth and quickly so our people won't suffer for a long time.




by MehranYazdi on

That is the next Blog. Go back to sleep!

Darius Kadivar

I thought this was about Syria ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Annan: 'I cry every day for Syria' (cnn,video)


Fmr. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan talks with CNN's Becky Anderson about the crisis in Syria. 




SHADDAP @ YOUR FACE : Hugo Chavez renews support for Assad, brands rebels ‘terrorists’ 



by MehranYazdi on

You watched and read the links I attached, you think it worth it.  

I rest my case.



دیمون، ورپریده کجا بودی پیدات نبود!




How appropriate of you to show up on Halloween!

Did you have some mechanical problems with your broom?


دستمال یزدی!




Iranian-American = Ostracized Ostrich (Double 'O') = Neither Ameican Nor Iranian (Double 'N') ==> A NO NO!




by MehranYazdi on

Some here believe the train has got a flat tire. What do you think?


دستمال یزدی!




Obama sanctions are here to stay, so get used to it!

Make sure that you cast your vote for Obama/Biden next Tuesday and no matter which Senator or Congressman you vote for, they are all 100% behind the sanctions.

As for Trita, since he is not an Iranian-American, he can pretend that he is voting by using one of those Toys-R-Us ballot machines!



by vildemose on

 thought=wahid,noor, maryam joon, peackfeather. back at ya!


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir



by Thought on

moosh bokhoreh toro



by vildemose on

 Iran's Press TV didn't find photos of devastation in Manhattan dramatic enough, so it chose one from the disaster movie Day After Tomorrow to illustrate a story on Hurricane Sandy.



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Is it lack of money or sanctions blocking medications...

by Abarmard on

Is it lack of money to get medications or is it sanctions that won't allow those necessary channels in getting medications for those who are in need?

Seems some are confusing the two. 


 Meharn yazdi? Are you

by vildemose on

 Meharn yazdi? Are you related to Ibrahim Yazdi?

Don't wast my time.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir

Friendly Notes

ما ، که پای امیدمان فرسود

Friendly Notes

ما ، که خورشیدمان نمی خندد
ما ، که باغ و بهارمان پژمرد
ما ، که پای امیدمان فرسود
ما ، که در پیش چشم مان رقصید
این همه دود ، زیر چرخ کبود

فریدون مشیری



by MehranYazdi on

Would it be harsh if I said, I didn't need rat traps after all?

OK, I take that back. Sounds like you are very much against providing medecine to needy Iranians.

OK, I donate and save lives. You use Romney-care.  Is that fair?



Are you an IRI bookkeeper?


Billions of dollars are

by vildemose on

Billions of dollars are being spent on Syria, Somalia, Lebanon to either build weapons or arms for the sake of committin mass murder of innocent people and their livelihood and the IRI lobby is confused why there are sanctions on IRI??

Syrian Regime flies 60 bombing Raids against Rebel City Quarters

All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


جانِ بيماران ايرانی در خطر است -دکتر پرويز داورپناه


علي‌رغم ادعاهای مقامات غربی که هدف از تحريم‌های
بين‌المللی را مقابله با دولت ايران عنوان کرده‌اند، دبير کل سازمان ملل
متحد تأکيد کرد اين تحريم‌ها بر زندگی مردم عادی تأثير ذاشته‌اند.

مقامات آمريکا و اروپا مدعی شده بودند هدف تحريم‌های ضد ايرانی مقابله
با دولت ايران است نه مردم. بان‌کي‌مون در اين گزارش نوشته است: «تحريم‌های
وضع شده عليه جمهوری اسلامی ايران اثرات مهمی بر جمعيت عمومی اين کشور
داشته و از جمله به افزايش تورم، بالا رفتن قيمت کالاهای اساسي، افزايش نرخ
بيکاری و کمبود مواد ضروری نظير دارو در اين کشور منجر شده است».

دبير کل سازمان ملل خاطرنشان کرد بعضی از شرکت‌هايی دارويی صادرات
دارو به ايران را به خاطر مشکلات انتقال وجه قطع کرده‌اند که اين امر به
کمبود داروهای لازم برای مداوای بيماري‌هايی نظير سرطان، بيماري‌های قلبی و
تنفسی و ام‌اس منجر شده است.


It is the fault of Khamenei not sanctions

by seannewyork on

They just sent $10billion to Syria and they cant get medical supplies and medicince?  It is all a lie.  Also, there are exemptions in the sanctions for medicial supplies.

Its all an IRI PR ploy.  They dont care if the people have medicine or die as long as they stay in power.



by MehranYazdi on

You are not living up to your name. I must call you "Namehrban" from now on.

I take it you are qualified for Obama-care or Romney-care as well. 

If I ever need your advice, I will call for you.



by Mehrban on

Why don't you go back to the NIAC thread where you are really needed to help fool Iranian Americans.





by MehranYazdi on

To qualify for Obamacare you must sell your home country out and starve them to death.  To qualify for Romneycare you must do all that and bomb the heck out of them. 

You sound qualified. Which one are you getting your care under?




ObamaCare is on the Way!

by Faramarz on



And it even covers 33 years of pre-existing conditions!


If governments had done the

by MehranYazdi on

If governments had done the right things, we wouldn't have this discussion today. It all goes back to self-interest and greed. IRI, Israel, US,UK, etc are all infected with these diseases.

That shouldn't stop us from helping!!!


Give back the money

by Fred on


The "foundation head", Fatti, Rafsanjani's daughter, needs to ask her family to give back some of the money they've stolen.

 The Messianic Islamist Rapists need to stop importing luxury cars with subsidized dollars, 850 million dollars  last year,  and use the money for the medicine which is exempt from sanctions.