Parazit: Raam

Interview with rock musician &...


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Childern of Revolution

by k on

A short story of my life while I was looking for a job in Iran,1983
I had a job interview with an IRI "Establishment"and Interviewer cited, Code (Mr.K we are not much enthusiastic about qualification of our employee rather what is important for us in this "Establishment" how much an employee believe to IRI
ideology and how much one like to devoted his or her life to practice
it daily, and " we"in our parameters do our best to raise our children
with the Islamic ideology and Sharia
discipline, and " we" do implement these doctrine even from Elementary
School  so we could keep the flam of Islamic Revolution ithis country for centuries to come..) end of the code.
Now, where are the children of Revolution with the fanatic Islamic
believes? , and Now it quit certain that doctrine failed, sky unlimited.


Indiscriminate Killing Of Syrian People

by Delavar1 on


 Indiscriminate Killing Of Syrian People by Syrian army with Iranian Islamic Republics Basiji Militia cooperation



Too Long!

by Doctor mohandes on

That is Just way too much coverage for a Post-punk band!

Come on Kambiz! focus partner. Focus.


This was one of the best

by comments on

This was one of the best interviews that I have ever listened in my life.  When I was a child I had learned that I should have listened to older people.  Now I realize that younger Iranians have a more realistic message than olders.