Nuclear Enrichment Deep Underground

Iran starts moving uranium centrifuges to bunker

Reuters - Iran has begun moving machines that enrich uranium to an underground bunker near the holy city of Qom, a senior official said, a move likely to fan Western fears of an Iranian advance toward nuclear weapons capability. His announcement was a further sign of the Islamic state's determination to press ahead with enrichment in defiance of international demands that it desist from such activity, which Tehran says will be for peaceful applications only >>>


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As much as I don't like Mr M...

by hirre on

Unfortunately the west has no interest in what is best for iran/iranians as it does not have any good wishes towards any other country when it comes to power...

What the west wants is enough stability but yet no super control over a limited resource, be it oil, gas, uranium, WMD etc... Iran will never be allowed to have total control of its resources (financial control) and this will be managed by the west through sanctions or if Iran ever becomes a democracy through "bad" deals and financial loans.

There are even some arguing that this is the great collapse of civilizations where economy obviously is the trigger...

The world as we knew it might change, along with what is "right" and what is "wrong" and who gets to say what...



by Bavafa on

No one (at least not me) is arguing that this regime is good for Iran. But the West and its allies do create policies and cases that unjustly target Iran by the proxy of IRI and this gives cause to the critic of the West who  also despise IRI.

What I have stated below are all facts and not opinion. The West and its allies need to find a way to combat its enemy (i.e. IRI) yet remain just and fair to Iran if it is interested in keeping Iranians as friends.

Iran, outside of IRI, has its security concern and a nuclear-free middle east is a giant step in that direction.

BTW, another example of such misguided policy was to legitimize MEK, which undoubtedly in my mind would have alienated much of Iranians that are extra friendly towards US.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



True Bavafa, but it creates a problem.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

If Iran has the capability to defend its own sovereignty lawfully and non agressively, which so far it has not been able to, this will lead to ww3.

Almost 60% of the world exported oil passes through Irans territory.

It has the right to leave the NPT and lawfully produces NUKES for defense.

It has the right to check any boats that pass through its borders and ban shipment of anything it wants that aid countries that have supported actions that killed many iranians and also sanctioned Iran.  Iranian sanctions.

That action will serve countries that are oil exporters that are not affected by the closing of hormoz, Russia, Brazil Turkey and the EU which can meet all its needs using 2 Russian 1 turkish and 1 Iranian pipe line all pointed at EU. 

What is the USA supposed to do with out oil?  Peacefully retreat?

Clearly this regime care not about iran and its rights, it is not serving iran in any way shape of form, irans people will be the biggest loser of this policy as big powers fight it out over respect for the law and their national interests which are protected by the law.

Sad the USA betrayed Iranians and the Shah and is never prepared to admit it made a mistake.  At least in Libyas case they just went to war with a country they were not friends with and destroyed the libyan army by air power and better weapons in the hands of fundamentalists.  Both were western backed revolutions that could never happen without the help of the USA, which put money above law and human rights.




There is full and open access to the IAEA inspectors

by Bavafa on

Unlike in Israel, the nuclear facilities in Iran are under the monitor and observation of IAEA inspectors whether these facilities are in a open filed or under ground.

A comprehensive nuclear-free middle east signed and subject to de-politicized inspection is needed to ensure no nation goes that route.

Nuclear energy is the right of every nation, including Iran and all those adhering to the [NTP] treaty, must be helped with the technology.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Islamist Rapists & illegal nuke

by Fred on

Islamist Rapists are openly defying the enforceable UNSC resolutions, daring the sane world to do anything about it.  Sooner or later it will catch up with them.