Shah Speech on Oil

1973: Says multi-national oil companies have not served Iran's interests


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salman farsi

Good point alaaf but

by salman farsi on

he (shah) was a strong follower of the Shiite faith so by bashing shiism you are going against your own advice in your comment

 For an Islamic democracy


On Islam

by alaaf on

I hope all of you caught his comment on Islam, at the end of the video. For all intents and purposes, he was a Muslim. So think about that next time you try to bash Muslims. And I completely agree with him on all the nonsensical practices and superstitions that have been added to Islam, mainly by Shiats. 


I think

by alaaf on

My mom might have been in the audience. She worked for Sherkate Naft in Khuzestan and she told us about the day Shah visited and gave a speech.                                                                                                                                    Anyway, he certainly was a U.S puppet at the beginning of his reign but got bolder and more independent as he got older. That's the one thing the New World Order masters fear the most. Strong, nationalistic leaders. 


Well JJ, in his book, "The Shah"

by Reality-Bites on

Abbas Milani states that, rightly or wrongly, Shah believed one of the main reasons behind his eventual fall from power was the fact that, after the early 1970s oil crisis that pushed up the price of oil, he refused to give in to US pressure to lower the price (which the Saudis did) and the Americans never forgave him for that.

Yadam Beh-Khair


by Yadam Beh-Khair on

The patriotic Abarmard. Rest  in Peace, Iranians did not deserve you

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

i can't remember a more fascinating speech by the shah. it's totally against his character and reputation: he certainly does not sound like an American puppet here. he sounds more like a communist revolutionary. very mossadegh-ish. and note his emphasis on getting a better revenue-sharing deal with the multi-national oil companies by... 1979!

conspiracy theorists will go nuts over this!