Potkin Azarmehr

With Peyvand Khorsandi Confronts British MP George Galloway

On Tuesday award-winning Iranian-born blogger Potkin Azarmehr (sitting to my right in above video) and I went to the House Of Commons to protest at a public meeting, organised by Stop The War Coalition, where Respect MP George Galloway (pictured, with Azarmehr opposite) was to speak.

The meeting set out to defend the rights of protestors at last year’s Gaza marches in London who have been given harsh sentences by UK courts. With the backdrop of months of violence in Iran against peaceful demonstrators, we thought it would be apt to highlight Mr Galloway’s silence about human rights abuses in Iran, well documented by Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and for that matter, YouTube.

Mr Galloway’s links with Press TV are well known — an organisation that is a mouthpiece for the Islamic Republic.

My fearless companion didn’t waste time before heckling Mr Galloway and I chipped in too although I was very nervous knowing that we were in the Commons and there were police everywhere.

Mr Galloway, pointing to Azarmehr, said this man wants do arrest me and warned him not to (the Open Democracy piece ‘Arrest Galloway’ was actually penned by me). “I wouldn’t if I were you,” I think were his words.

I was surprised and impressed by Azarmehr’s boldness. When Mr Galloway told him the chair next to him was taken he said: “It’s as close as I can get to the Supreme Leader.”

I really wanted to be in the back row but here we were in the front– what a dude >>>


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Siamack Baniameri

Close down the building....

by Siamack Baniameri on

PK, I would have been really impressed if you jumped on the table, pulled down your pants and took a big cholekabob dump right in front of him.That would have put an end to the meeting and most importantly traumatized Galloway and his posse for a long while. Heck, that probably would have closed down the whole building… for a month. 





by masoudA on

The British Government is not Halloway.  He is just an employee of IR and does fall within Press TV guidelines.   The British have committed more than their share of mistakes and even crimes in Iran - but we must not consider them the enemy at this juction.  Right now our biggest enemy is our inability to create a united front outside Iran. 


Galloway called Peyvad whose uncle is a 79 SHAHID, shahi!!!

by obama on

That's when he totally lost me! How can he call Hadi Khorsandi's son who revolted against the shah, shahi? (in the video provided by shifteh). Britain keeps this regime alive! Peyvand you sure are from a brave patriotic family and I want to congratulate you! But, be careful!

Galloway shows how the british control Iran! They support the dicatorships since that's how they can control the countries. So, you cannot just look at him, you should look at him as the british government. He is just the front man! Britain is behind him!

Peyvand & pompkin great work! It is easy for me to say it since I am not risking any jail! However, if I ever could have a private conversation with any of you, I would ..........

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I read Galloway's book about going to Iraq

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I was sympathetic to him then because what he said was actually right. He was hired to give consultation to Saddam. He warned Saddam and Saddam actually ignored most of Galloway's advice. Galloway said that while he didn't like Saddam or his tactics, he was disgusted that the Western nations were supportive of him and later pretended to hate him. 

After that, it seems like he really turned desperate and even went into reality TV mode!? What a sorry man. He was in Saddam's hand and then he ended up as people's TV dinner entertainment. Now he's the western face of the Islamic Republic. LOL. What a loser.

Darius Kadivar

Great Video Find Shifteh Ansari Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

Good that you found it.





Bravo, potkin and Peyvand

by ramintork on

I was so impressed by this action I included it in our daily IIC News.


We need to use every opportunity to confront the enemies of our people.



Great Job Potkin

by masoudA on

It is funny how people like Galloway, or even Noam Chomsky have kept silence over what is going on in Iran in the last 9 months.  That speaks volumes about their motives....

Also - Dear Dariush Kadivar - It's great to have your insights here.   As much as I love to see Ex IR tools cross the lines and join the people - it pains me to see them attempt to take leadership roles in Green or any other Iranian movement.  Mr. Dabashi is quiet confused these days - he is better off just to follow and support people like Pushkin. 


Final words

by choghok on

So you claim yourself that at least BBC does show it in its last page (not that BBC is newspaper). What Iranians should understand is that the world is not begging place and we are not beggars. Countries compete with each other some times with just methods and some times with unjust. As long as we in Iran had a power, nobody was upset because of this truth. If you look most of Iranians still have high admiration for kings like Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Abbas Shah, Nader Shah because of their conquest, nobody thinking about thousands and thousands of people slaughtered by their armies. But now if the british stole the oil that was underneath Iran and nobody cared until they found it suddenly Britain is the most evil of all countries. Why do we set up double standards here? Why the hypocrisy?

 If we want to be back to the glory days we should give up this hypocrisy and move towards a civic society that takes up rest of the world in science, technology and arts and not in war. 


Tinoush: why do you live in

by vildemose on

Tinoush: why do you live in evil west? Why not move to Russia, China or Iran?

What are you willing to do about the evil west and evil imperialism? How are you going to defeat the evil imperialists??? Are you willing to give up your life??


Final word Choghok...

by tinoush on

The problem in the west is that the mainstream view is so far from reality that challenging it takes a lecture series not just a couple of posts on the internet. This is certainly the case here. I say they are at least the same in terms of propaganda, albeit the Western version a bit more subtle and masked in a thin veneer of free speech and you just counter with the mainstream, Western opinion. So, here is a challenge for you: fact check everything that you have written about Western media. I know you believe it to be true, but do it for your own convictions. If you are correct, you have more reason to believe in them. If you are wrong, you are saved from believing in a fallacy. It's a win-win situation for you.

I have said that PressTV and majority of IRI outlets ARE propaganda. And, Western sources whilst claiming higher ideals, are just as low and in some cases lower. Check that!

Keep in mind that there are two ways of censorship. In the IRI way, you do it mostly by force. In the BBC (CNN, Fox, ShyNews, etc.) way, you place unfavorable stuff on page 12, present only the favorable half of the story, outright lie, or bring Michael Moore once or twice and try to make him look like an extremist. How often does Chomsky make it on BBC or CNN?

And, I want to give you a detailed glossary of instances where in the West rape, torture and murder are used to shut people up, but I really don't have time and I think if you are serious, it'll do you good to do your own homework. I think the greatest problem of Iran and Iranians is our lack of confidence in ourselves. We genuinely look to CNN, BBC, VOA for the truth, despite the fact that time and again these same outlets have helped their masters kick us in the head. We have seminars to discuss Iran's future and its road to democracy, and we bring "experts" or "journalists" from think tanks that only a few decade ago were writing recommendations on how to rob and rape us. In essence, we seem to prefer a Western-backed dictator beating us over the head with Western-made clubs, rather than the homegrown variety. Well, I for one don't want to be beaten over the head, period. Good luck.



by choghok on

you should check your facts, Galloway does not give interviews on PressTV, he has his own TV show. BBC is not totally balanced. It is funded by British people money and is staffed by British citizens so, but you can never compare it to propaganda machine of IRI. Where there is almost no coverage of peoples protest on the streets or mass arrest of journalists. Many journalists quit PressTV because of the way they blacked out democratic movement in Iran, that enough shows the personality of Galloway.

P.S you can rant about with your inuendos about American election, but the thing is that no journalist was arrested, no one was tortured, raped, killed or had to repent on TV for criticizing the way it was done. People like Michael Moore made movies that got international attention and he could show his movie all around USA with no problem. 


Stop the nonsense, Choghok!!!

by tinoush on

The Supreme Court in 2000 ruled that the recount should go on, but since it was delayed by the courts decision to actually debate the case (unprecedented in US history), there was no time to do a recount and Katherine Harris was to certify Bush as the victor (she is republican and didn't even try to keep up the pretense of impartiality). A recount afterwards showed that Gore was the clear winner in Florida and actually won the election by Electoral majority as you point out.

What gets me about folks like you, is that you suffer from two defects at once: ignorance and arrogance. One may be able to get by with one of those but suffering from both is a serious handicap. You obviously have not read anything beyond the usual garbage on the tube. And yet so authoritatively attack anyone that points out the duplicity of calling one election fraudulent while keeping silent about another. Yes, most likely the elections in Iran were cheated. I was there on the eve of it and saw plenty of inconsistencies. But, my point was that the scales are not even here.

No one would have a problem with Galloway giving interviews on BBC or CNN. But PressTV should be shunned. Why? If you think PressTV is propaganda then be fair and call BBC and CNN propaganda also. Or at least, be smart enough to research the issue and see for yourself. PressTV, BBC, CNN and the rest are all propaganda. In fact, the only way to get to the truth is not to give a cart blanche to any network and question their sources. Politician give interviews all the time. It says something about the character of Galloway that he treats PressTV the same as BBC. He has given BBC interviews also.

Galloway went to Iraq to try to avert a disastrous war. Now these two jokers are attacking him for it. His visit does not mean a support for Sadam's regime. At least he wasn't there like Rumsfeld to tell him that go ahead we have no problems with you invading Quwait or gassing the Kurds.

It's just like you attacking me with 72 virgins and all, without even knowing if I'm religious and if so, which religion!!!! Wait, just because of my view I must be an IRI supporter, right?


tinoush Stop drinkking Sandis so much.

by choghok on

You have been drinking fermented Sandis and now are telling "jafaa". The Highest court of USA gave the victory to the Republicans since they had won most electorals and that is what most important in USA and not the popular vote. Also the difference between the nominees  were marginal. That is why votes were recounted. EVEN IF REPUBLICANS DID CHEAT, does it mean it is ok for Ahmaghinejad to cheat?

Now that the Sandis effect has hopefully worn off tell us please how could a nominee get 66% of votes from all cities and villages of a country almost? and that until the last box there was no single invalid vote? 

If you still believe in the fair elections, you might as well believe in that 12 th Imam will come out of Chamaran and kill all humans but Shia muslims and then give you 72 virgins. Keep drinking your sandis.


Abarmard again

by choghok on

Sionists have special distaste for BBC. It has been attacked by Israeli government many times. You cannot put blame for one peoples lack of PR and also that Israeli strong presence in media in US and world as BBCs fault. 

Of course BBC is a British institution and is after British interest first, as it very well should be. But at the same time it tries to give both side of the story although Ahmaghinejad and his stooges usually do not participate in the channel, once in a while you hear them calling in and saying what is in their mind.

And to all people who are very critical of BBC, please do not watch it and follow the other very unbiased Iranian TVs that you usually watch. 


If some think the BBC and PressTV are the same!!

by tinoush on

They are not the same.  The BBC is several orders of magnitude worse than PressTV. And if you knew anything about the history of BBC and British government propaganda, you would not write what you wrote. A long line of British officials have praised the BBC as a valuable tool in spreading disinformation. There are several scholarly books with specific references that outline the BBC's willingness to prostitute itself to the UK government.

As for these two bloggers, what they have done is a perfect display of ignorant, colonized mentality; what many have called the house-slave mentality. I have never heard Galloway actually call IRI a democracy. In certain instances he (and many others) have said that specific aspects of Iran are more democratic than their Western equivalents. And, that is absolutely correct, keyword being "specific aspects". But Galloway needs not to defend himself against this sort of mud throwing. If you wrestle with pigs, only you get dirty!

Just in case these gentlemen can't add things up for themselves...who won the 2000 election in US? Certainly, Bush didn't. The US Supreme Court designated him the winner, just as Khamenei and his ilk designated Ahmadinejad the winner. And keep in mind that there is far more evidence of fraud in 2000 election. And who won the 2004 US elections? This time Bush did it alone, again with more evidence of fraud than the elections in Iran. And how about Blair and Brown?  Are they executing the will of the British people? Well, maybe a bit more than Ahmadinejad is executing the will of the Iranian people.

PressTV is propaganda, but if not less certainly no more than BBC, CNN, etc. However, to have the acumen to see through Western duplicity and propaganda requires first and foremost shedding the house-slave mentality. 


Media has its agenda based on their home country policies

by Abarmard on

Don't get fooled that you are receiving unbiased reports and political analysis. They are wisely directed for audiences to form their opinion. So if you truly believe that you are getting free and open reports about important policies that these governments want to implement, then please take the red pill.

Now, there are areas that reporters with intelligence and honesty present their point of views. This is true for BBC also. You can see many bits and pieces that exists around the globe. Here is how you can understand why. 

Many of the direct policies from these countries that affects the lives and demolishes hope for many attacked countries are hidden and I believe forbidden to be broadcast. To name one, during the US-Iraq war, papers were not allowed to publish scenes that would harm the image of the US and weaken the morale of the Americans. They did not call it censorship, and you seem to agree. Reason is that they are tactful and experienced about how to form your political views and many developing countries are not, yet. 

I have lived in the West for over 25 years and yet to see the crimes of the war imposed to the Palestinians. Yet I do hear and see the other side much more. If there are some Palestinians on TV, once in a blue moon, they are interrupted, made fun of and presented as "uncivilized", and many here might agree that they are. Formed their opinion from the media.

Here is what we conclude, the issues that is based on policies that needs to have the entire population form a positive opinions about those policies, are always presented in "pro-system" basis. However, there are issues that might not be challenging to the system, after all this system is well established (England, US) and they are freely debated.

Back to the point, yes, I claim that based on many evidences available for those who are curious, that BBC is a modern, more tactful version of Press TV. 


""Funny how George can also

by vildemose on

""Funny how George can also be gagged and one-sided when it comes to getting a little bit of extra money? Yes, he rightly complains about Israeli War crimes and Murdoch's cartel of media distortion.

But where's the equally objective outrage and outcry against Khamanei? Huh, you think that after sucking up to the likes of Saddam Hussein - any good and truly decent man would've learnt his lesson? But no... There's something seedy and unsavoury still going on... If Oscar Wilde were alive today, I'm sure he'd have something suitably a pithy to shamefully immortalise his charade!""

comment from another blog by anonymous commenter.


If some think the BBC and PressTV are the same!!

by anglophile on

then this must be the end of civil discourse.


Iranians in America Report

by vildemose on

Iranians in America Report Steady Stream of Death Threats

Exiled Iranian dissidents, human rights campaigners and Iranian-American advocacy groups are fearing for their lives as they receive what they say are ongoing death threats from Iranian intelligence agents and regime sympathizers working in the United States.

“I have to change my phone number every month because Iranian intelligence are threatening to kill me,” human rights activist Ahmad Batebi, who fled to the U.S. from Iran in 2008, told FoxNews.com. Now working with the Voice of America, the international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government, Batebi says he spent nine years in Iranian prisons, where he was tortured for his affiliation with student groups working against the Tehran government.



by choghok on

How do you compare PressTV with BBC? BBC has never chosen any political side, people from different views call in and talk about their views and are respected. They do not show staged interviews from jailed personalities. During the time they have been on air they have had interviews with people against IRI and people from the IRI establishment (or at least former establishment).


Galloway is extremist!

by choghok on

Galloway might be eccentric and good speaker but it does not  mean that he is not biased. Unfortunately world view of some people makes them blind to some other realities. For a person like Galloway USA is evil, so in hence its enemy Mullahs in Iran have to be godsend. Exactly how Chavez in Venezuela thinks.

One has to remind Mr Galloway and Chavez number of leftists raped, tortured and executed during the IRI. But then again I would think that they will find a way to not to look at the facts in front of them, since then they will lose a partner in the fight against USA.  


If Galloway is mouth piece of Press TV

by Abarmard on

Then the blogger is a mouth piece of BBC. I don't credit one against the other. Just different political views. Mr. Galloway cares a great deal about the Palestinian cause, and he should. He has found a media that allows him speak about his mind. You got a problem with free speech or "everyone must agree with you and talk and act like you" democracy?

One could understand the anger of some, but I don't hold a high regard for some one who "thinks" he knows freedom more than the next guy. Some issues are tangled together and some are not. No one should put everything in one basket and label it as what they think. In the west they call that profiling. 


Democracy, Shemocracy

by ghalam-doon on

These two gentlemen were expressing their opinions in a hostile environment. And Mr. Galloway decided to call for the police to have them removed! This is what they call Western democracy and we're supposed to be so happy and privileged to live in such a society. I don't want to compare it with the situation in Iran since the two situations are not compatible considering the brutal nature of the regime. But just imagine if they had done the same thing in Iran. Now everybody was up in arms that there is no freedom of speech in IR.

Mr. Galloway has a gift. He has gift of public speaking. He mesmerizes the audience to believe in him, the same way that a preacher might do. He has an agenda and God knows what it is. He's sort of like Dubya. He believes whoever is not with him is against him. So he has no problem shaking hands with Saddam and Uday or getting in bed with IR. Since they're all in his camp.


Here he is shaking the hand of a serial raper:

by پیام on


Well done! This Bugger has

by ariane on

Well done! This Bugger has has found a good easy way of earning decent money voicing the croney's all over the world. It's his bread and butter and certainly not his true value system or intentions.

Good work indeed.




Louie Louie

Here, watch the No. 1 public speaker in action

by Louie Louie on

Darius Kadivar

FYI/George Galloway Own Program on Press TV Iran Elections

by Darius Kadivar on

Galloway justifies Goverment's Clampdown of Election Protests and Calls IRI a Democracy :

Part 1 of 7:



Public speaker for Press TV!!!

by anglophile on

I think you got your stats wrong mate. He is No.1 public speaker for the mouth piece of the Islamic Republic abroad, meaning Press TV. And I am sure he gets plenty of gifts too :)))


Mr Galloway- very gracious. He could've blasted you, but

by yahoo_yabo on

instead showed sympathy to these two  bloggers.  Bloggers should  start to debate and lecture, then we can compare them to Mr Galloway.

Mr Galloway is in the top 1 % of people with the gift of public speaking

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Gaza: Hamas Should End Killings, Torture (Human Rights Watch

by Darius Kadivar on

