Mojahedin in Paris

Gathering by supporters Tens of thousands of Iranians exile from across the world demonstrated near the French capital for democratic change in their homeland. In a statement they called for further sanctions against the leadership in Tehran and asked for assistance from the West. According to the umbrella organization of exiled Iranians, the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran, about 100,000 people gathered for the rally in Taverny. The President-elect of the Council, Maryam Rajavi, called for building a new society in their country based on freedom, equality, and human rights. The guest speakers were former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and former U.S. representative to the United Nations, John Bolton.


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

MKO are not communists

by fooladi on

Their roots seem to be islamist, based on ali shariati theories, with a bit of marxism thrown in. I dont know what their current ideology is. The European countries and slowly US seem to be warming up to them. This demonstration they held against the islamist regime in Paris, is the biggest ever against the islamic regime outside Iran.

But you are right that Communists are the biggest potential enemies of the islamic regime of Iran inside Iran itself.


MKO = Communists

by Javan on

The MKO are Communists that work for Russia and China.  They were the Imperial Body Guard of Saddam Hussein. 

If you are Iranian, let me list your terrorist enemies:







 These are opportunist scum bags with the worst ideologies known to man.  I would rather America take Iran over than any of these pricks getting their hands on Iran.  


Rajavi & Khomeini

by pas-e-pardeh on


پاریس. محضر مبارک مجاهد اعظم حضرت آیت الله العظمی خمینی. ما فرزندان مجاهد شما در بدو آزادی از زندان جسارت کرده و ضمن درود بحضور آن پدر مجاهد اعظم مراتب آمادگی خود را برای جانبازی به پیشگاه معظم تقدیم می داریم. استکبارا فی الارض.. امیدواریم خلق ایران همیشه از الهامات و ارشاد آن وجود گرامی برخوردار باشند چرا که سیرۀ همه انبیاء و اولیاء مکتب یکتاپرستی و شیوۀ آن حضرت است. سلام علیکم بما صبرتم..
مسعود رجوی و موسی خیابانی

پدر بزرگوار، حضرت آیت الله، پدر گرامی ما، مردم ستمزدۀ ما با لبیک به ندای آن رهبر عظیم اسقرار جمهوری اسلامی را تحقق بخشیدند. و شما منادی عمق و اصالت این حرکت بودید. .. درود بی پایان به امامی که رمز وحدت است... خدایا: جمهوری اسلامی را تحت رهبری امام به سر منزل مقصود برسان.....
مسعود رجوی. سخنرانی ترمینال خزانه. 4 خرداد 1358

بايد اين موضوع را روشن كنم كه نخستين اعضاء سازمان مجاهدين خلق، در سال 1963 براي يادگيري تروريسم به مصر، كه در آن زمان رهبري آن را جمال عبدالناصر بر عهده داشت، رفتند... وقتي كه دومين گروه مجاهدين، براي آموزش تروريستي عازم فلسطين بود كه موسي خياباني نيز جزو آنها بود، در "دُبي" دستگير شدند، من مجبور شدم فورا به "دبي" برگردم. در اين سفر من حامل نامه اي از رئيس نيروهاي العصفه يعني شخص ياسر عرفات بودم.. با كمك فلسطيني ها، افراد ما توانستند به بغداد و آْنگاه به بيروت بروند. از طرفي، ما با پدر ظالقاني هم تماس گرفتيم و او نامه صميمانه اي به آيت الخميني نوشت و از او خواست كه نزد مقامات عراقي، سعايت ما را بكند، و هواي ما را داشته باشد...
مسعود رجوي. مصاحبه با آفريك آسي. 4 جون 1984

ما، مجاهدين خلق، در ژوئن 1978 موضع خود را كه بگفته آنها، موضع همه انقلابيون بود، در هفت ماده خلاصه كرديم و مهم ترين آنها، رهبري بي قيد و شرط آيت الله خميني و تاكيد بر اين نكته كرديم كه هر گونه مذاكره اي در غياب اينحضرت، محكوم است.
مجاهد. ارگان سازمان مجاهدين خلق. تير 1356

مجاهد اعظم حضرت آیت الله خمینی: شما با فرمان انقلابی کشتن سران و امرای رژیم پیشین، پرتو دیگری از چهرۀ راستین مکتب توحید و ایدئولژی اسلامی ما را به جهانیان عرضه کردید. شما با این اقدام متهورانه روشنایی بخش چشمان و تسلای قلوب ما و خانواده های داغدار شدید. بشما از این بابت تبریک می گوییم و مشتاقانه امیدواریم بدون کمترین توجه به برخی پا در میانی ها هر په سریعتر بقیه عناصر ضد انقلابی را نیز بسزای خود برسانید...
مسعود رجوی و موسي خياباني. اعلاميه در كشتار آمراي آرتش ايران. 1358

فرض کنید روی یک بوته گل 5 تا پشه نشسته اند. از آن پشه های مزاحم و انگل. ما حمله می کنیم و یکی از اینها را می کشیم، بچه ها چند تا پشه می ماند؟...... هیچی. این درست همان کاری است که دادگاه های انقلاب می کنند. ما یکی از این ها (مخالفان انقلاب) را که بکشیم بقیه حساب کارشان را می کنند. افتخار بر این دادگاه ها. افتخار بر این احکام. افتخار بر این بازپرس های انقلابی ما.....
مسعود رجوی. ترمینال خزانه. 4 خرداد 1358

همه شما اشتباه می کنید. ما مارکسیست نیستیم. عمیقا دموکرات هستیم. هم سرمایه داری و بازار آزاد را قبول داریم و هم مالکیت خصوصی و سرمایه گذاری را. ما ضد آمریکایی و ضد غربی هم نیستیم. وقتی ما پیروز شویم با همه کشورها از جمله آمریکا روابط خوب بوجود خواهیم آورد. البته قصد یک حکومت مذهبی را هم نداریم. یک حکومت موقت بریاست خود من تشکیل خواهد شد.. این ادعا که سازمان مجاهدین یک سازمان ضد آمریکایی و اسرائیلی است صحت ندارد..
مسعود رجوي در مصاحبه با فيلادلفيا نيوز

ما در سپتامبر سیاه در کنار برادران فلسطینی علیه ارتش مزدور صهیونیست جنگیدیم..... تضاد اصلی حاکم بر جامعه، تضاد خلق ها با امپریالیسم است که آمریکا مظهر آنست و تنها از راه مبارزۀ قهر آمیز دراز مدت است که می توان این دشمن غدار را از پای درآورد...و مدعی ما ترور سرهنگ آمریکایی در زمان شاه خائن که راه را برای
این پیکار هموار کرده است...
مسعود رجوی در مصاحبه با روزنامه انگليسي


John Bolton that great humanist

by Marjaneh on


Sieg Heil!*

Every fascism is an index of a failed revolution - Walter Benjamin

*Anyone who doesn't appreciate his lovely love of freedom and human rights (especially when you're dead by the hundreds of thousands) is a Schweinhund Dummkopf! As you can see, Meine Hazrate Maryam Führerin  isn't a Schweinhund Dummkopf. It's just the uni - forms...


Maryam and Massoud - Reunited and it feels so good

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on


Funded by West, Working for West

by bughzan on

Report on MKO collaboration with Saddam: 


MKO talking to Iraqi intelligence officers: 



Rajavi meeting with Iraqi officials:


Shame on traitors! 


FYI, the only unity among

by Bavafa on

FYI, the only unity among Iranians are the despise and hate for this cult, called Mojahedeen.


Forough Persia

به همهٔ مخالفان مجاهدین،

Forough Persia

 من هم چون شما ایرادهأی به برخی از عملکرد‌های مجاهدین دارم، ولی ‌در این شکی نیست که هر گروهی نقطه ضعفها یی دارد، ولی‌ در شرایط
حاضر باید به نقاط مشترک نگاه کرد نه به اختلافها، تا آب به آسیاب اطلاعات
رژیم که با این بحث‌ه‌ای انحرافی ،  با دمش گردو می‌شکند،  نریزیم. اتحاد
رمز پیروزی است . تجمع اخیر مجاهدین که کار آسانی نبوده ، چون
خاری به چشم خامنه ایی است


Terrible music I must say !

by fooladi on

But these are fighters, very good fighters, predisely why islamic regime is so terrified of them.


We will we will Rock you

by Doctor X on

are the drummers playing the We will rock you song?:)


Real McCoy

by Abarmard on

They are not the organizers, their headquarters remains in the West. They are well funded by Western governments. You wouldn't do any less being under European command and salary. They are kept this way to continue their spying and terrorist acts when needed.

Someone is talking in his head, here we go again, it's all West's fault. West has horrible foreign policies not related to (but funds) their domestic policies.

Real McCoy

Good for them

by Real McCoy on

It was not a long time ago, when they where under military attack at Camp Ashraf. It's somehow amazing how they have regrouped with this kind of precision.

I don't like their leadership for specific reason, however I can't deny their steadfastness. Impressive.

Azarin Sadegh

Worse than IRI

by Azarin Sadegh on

I hate IRI, the Basijis, political islam, etc...but I would choose them in a blink of an eye over the Mojahedin and their scary propaganda! They might have tricked 100,000 people in France (let's pretend this number is correct!)...but they have lost their respect among the Iranains and all the true lovers of Iran for the reasons we all know!

dingo daddy En passant

gender segregated audience?

by dingo daddy En passant on


Sorry to fooladi and whoever else may be brainwashed. The MKO are CRAZY TRAITORS!



Scary cult

by Abarmard on

Maybe better than North Korean cult regime, but certainly worse or as bad as it can get.

Darius Kadivar

See what I mean ? You are fighting one another already ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Some Spectacle I tell you ...


Now I can already picture you drafting your new Republican constitution:



Darius Kadivar

bughzan Jaan Then Go Ahead What are You Waiting for ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Maybe you prefer waiting till the entire country falls into Secessionist divisions ?:

A Thought For Our Fellow Balouch Brothers and Sisters

To proclaim your President to be ? Or is Moussavi Living Up to those expectations and leading us towards Victory ?

The Greatest Danger to Iran and Iranian democracy are Iranians who are Ignorant about not only their history but their national collective psyche shaped for better or for worse by a cement which was and still is the Monarchy including in it's current Turbaned Version. Khomeiny was a Monarch and what we simply did in 1979 was replace a Dynasty by another.

Sorry if I am being Blunt for my intention is not to try and belittle you nor diminish your philisophical or ideological preferences simply because you resent the monarchy as a system of government. But this is not about YOU or ME it's about US ( not the US of A, But "US" if you see what I mean).

You Republicans are Actually the Demogogues in this current struggle because you have turned Republicanism not into a Concept but an Ideology. For you Monarchy is Bad No Matter how you look at it even in it's Perfectly Democratic form that is a Parliamentary System like let's say in Great Britain or Spain.

You would even like to See Spain or England become Republics.

Unlike You guys we don't generalize by claiming oh look at the British they should simply topple their monarchy and get rid of that Spoiled Queen ...

I have nothing against the French Republic for instance, I would even opposed the Restoration of the Monarchy in a Country like France which after 300 years has been through ups and downs including two Restorations and even two Empires. It's very First President Elect was actually Napoleon III ( whose uncle was Emperor of France) before doing a Coup in the name of the Ideals of the French Revolution and imposing a dictatorship just like his uncle followed by an empire. No need to go into a comparative study of French and Iranian history to explain that I am not in favor of a Republic in my country but I do not oppose the concept of Republican State as an absurd system of government. It has it's justifications and can equally work and fail as in the case of a Constitutional Monarchy.

But unlike the ISlamic Revolution, the French Republic implemented much of the ideas of the Lumiere Philosophers in the shape of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Separation of Powers and Secularism ( which today is being threatened by the new Islamic Intelligenstia in this country who wish to see people put the Burqa and build Mosques rather than respecting France's secularist tradition. What has this Religious Revolution of Yours produced other than that Stinking Tozihol Massael and a clueless Intelligenstia who created a Mumbo Jumbo interpretation of Democracy as unseperable from Religion ?

Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran's Islamic intellectual movement

HISTORY FORUM: Mashallah Ajoudani on Intellectuals and the Revolution

Which even Your Joon Joony Shirin Ebadi contradicts herself when she hails likes of Shariati yet calls for a Secular Republic ( only after years of opposing the very concept in the name of a so called Islamic Republic very much like her mentor Khatami).

Former President Khatami on democracy and Islam being unseperable:


Unlike Constitutionalism which was Shaped by the very progressive ideas which were to bring secularism and democracy to Europe :

HISTORY FORUM: Nader Naderpour on Iran's Constitutional Revolution and European Rennaissance (1996)

Voltaire who many IRanians admire was himself an advocate of the British Model:

RESTORATION: Britain's 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688 and the 'Bill of Rights'

Which Bill Of Rights shaped the American and French in subsequent years ...

What You Fail to understand is that Constitutionalism this is Not a Cult Ridden Concept, it is not about Reza Pahlavi. If he dies or is God Forbid assassinated he can very well be replaced by any other member of the Royal Family because the Royal Institution is NOT CULT RIDDEN but OLIGHARCHY RIDDEN. It is NOT EGALITARIAN but PARLIAMENTARIAN.

That you personally don't understand the concept perfectly understood by millions of other people in other perfectly democratic nations in Europe or think it corrupt or ridiculous or philisophically incompatible with YOUR REPUBLICAN IDEALS ( itself equally shaped by your experience of functional Republics in your Western country of residence perhaps ) is one thing but to describe it as something it is not nor ever claimed to be is another ...

All Monarchies Insist on a Family embodying the Institution in the name of Continuity and legitimacy:

RESTORATION: The British Royal Family at Work (PBS : 7 Parts)

Including in countries where the Monarchy is far less stable than in Great Britain:

RESTORATION: Belgium King Baudouin takes Oath Amidst Republican Animosity (31st July ,1950)

There is absolutely no Cult Ridden Allegience to his persona but to the Function he embodies defined within the Framework of the Constitution. The King is the Flag Holder, the living Symbol of Unity to which the Nation converges towards in times of Turmoil and doubt in order to celebrate it's UNITY often encouraged by the Prime Minister and government who has the last word to any political decision to be made including waging war or making peace. The Queen or King has limited Prerogatives but absolutely No Decision in the affairs of the State despite the Pomp and the Circumstance:




Where was Queen Elizabeth on the War Front when Britain Invaded the Falklands ( or in their words took it back ?) :


Same thing for Khomeiny, Where was he when Kids were being sent on the War Front ?


Khomeiny was a KING just as Cromwell was except he named himself Lord PRotector and established a Religious REpublic shaped to his own image:

HISTORY FORUM:Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War with David Starkey (4 parts)

He was the ZAHAK which we collectively decided to put on the Throne in the name of our blind hatred for the monarchy and our TOTAL misunderstanding of our Constitutional History.

Unlike a minor few:

Pro Bakhtiar Supporters in 1979:


To whom few of us were still shouting to the very end :


I have explained why I do not see the Crown Prince Reza as Leader but rather a Catalyst. The Leadership must and should emerge from the civil society and people willing to join him very much like Lech Walesa in Poland saw in the Pope John Paul II a figurehead who could voice their concerns to the International community and support their struggle. Except that RP II would be considered as a Secular Pope if one has to make such a comparison:

REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... by DK

RESPONDING TO REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making ... by DK

Unlike the Rajavis or Cult Ridden organizations Constitutionalists are Not supportive of a Person but the IDEA he embodies that of a Draft which is a MUTUAL CONTRACT between the People and the man they consider as their sovereign and upon which Nation Building towards a democratic society can become a palpable reality:



It is that DRAFT that proclaims the King as a NON DIVINITY. He is No more an ARYA MEHR nor can he claim to be the SHADOW OF GOD on Earth as abused by his father very much like all his predecessors.

Prior to the Revolution this could have been done by any monarch including Reza Pahlavi had the revolution not taken place because we were a Religious and traditional minded society despite efforts by Secularist Intellectuals like Kasravi:

HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: Ahmad Kasravi and secretary assassinated (1946)

The Religious Revolution was a Blessing in disguise in the same way Cromwell's Revolution was a Blessing in disguise for the democratic and Parliamentary experience of that Nation:

HISTORY FORUM: David Starkey - Return Of The King (5 Parts)

I would argue that we even have an advantage over the British in that we are already standing against Religious interference in government. As Such Reza PAhlavi the Crown Prince cannot take upon the Religious institutions once King like the British Monarch today who is de facto a VELAYATEH FAGIH, which is actually the only specific difference between the British Monarchy and all other European Monarchies today and that is because the British Anglican Church parted from Rome, where as all other European monarchies today including Spain are more or less Catholic by tradition.



It will be an event which we can then look upon with pride and in coherence with a Century old struggle for which the current Green Movement is just but one most recent manifistation of that will for transparency and accountability.

Some may then argue why Restore the Former Monarch ? To Which I would Answer Why Not ? ...

If the terms and conditions of this MUTUAL CONTRACT are understood in that the King or Queen Reigns but does not Rule where as the elected Prime Minister and his government do then the efforts of implementing the Constitution will be a formality.

THAT HOWEVER Is very different Agenda from Setting the Country Free and choosing someone to take on that leadership role as seems to be demanded by some impatient Constitutionalists in my own camp:


Unless the conditions upon which Crown Prince Reza Spearheading the Opposition towards victory are clearly understood as exceptional due to exceptional circumstances and that is in a bid to unify the democratic opposition around the table very much like Juan Carlos did in Spain except that this will have to take place in exile and in connection with the Greens inside including the likes of Moussavi or Karroubi be it directly or indirectly advising them strategically so that their decisions won't jeapordize their situation while channeling them into a common direction towards a convergence of views and actions that can reinforce solidarity between the opposition inside and outside.

His political speaches and actions cannot be held against him as "politicized" or personal assessment once Restoration as has taken place because by definiton a Constitutional Monarch remains above political rivalry. The Constitution being the Buffer zone which limits his interference in government decisions in a post Islamic state. The Job of a Provisionary government is precisely to see to that.

Neither the personality of RP nor his political agenda are anything close to the vague promises of Khomeiny:


Contrary to Khomeiny, we know where RP came from, we know the political and historical legacy he depends on and so the chances of seeing him turn into a dictator are considerably limited. Specifically because we have acquired a political education and experience and exposure to world and national politics which has nothing to do with the former CLueless generation who blindly endorsed the Islamic Constitution, without evaluating the risks nor it's content:


This proves that being a Constitutional Monarchist is Anything but being a Cult Ridden Follower for in the end of the day it is not about Reza Pahlavi but the Institution he embodies and the MUTUAL CONTRACT upon which his legitimacy is founded.

Now if you think that Shirin Ebadi, Houman Majd (The Great Revolution That Wasn’t by Houman Majd ), Trita Parsi or Shajarian or this other wannabe President of your Choice or Not :



or anybody else choice can achieve Regime change and National Reconciliation after 30 years of stigmas and bloodshed left by this Illegitimate Republic of yours. Please Let Me KNOW BEFORE the Bloody Bastards in Tehran turn Our country into a SWISS CHEESE with BIG HOLES :


But let me give you guys a Good Advice ...

Don't Come around Crying when it will be TOO Late ...

GAUCHE CAVIAR: Ebrahim Golestan interviewed by Massoud Behnoud (BBC Persian)

LOST IN TRANSLATION: NIAC Welcomes Hamid Dabashi on Advisory Board

For by then the Irreversible Damage will be done ... and the Green Movement will be probably too divided due to naive wishful thinking, internal divisiveness, lack of coherence, and the absence of not only a leader but of a clear cut agenda for a future Post Islamic Iran ...

"A Country that Loses it's Poetic Vision is a Country that faces death" -Saul Bellow

A Bon Entendeur Salut !



Bavafa - yes, I see what you meant - thanks.

by MM on



The rules of debate for booghzan's benefit:

by fooladi on

1) Read comments and answer or question appropriately.

2) Avoid personal attacks. It is a clear sign of defeat and makes you look an idiot for want of a better word.

Now had you followed rule 1: you'd have noticed I never said you "invented" Khamenei. I said he was "invented for you". Also you'd have read my comment with heading "shaking hands with your enemy..." which was as an answer to the links you sent me. Where did I say that "MKO was holly"? I was at pain to highlight their short comings. The fact is that MKO is a reality and despite your assertions they have lots of support both inside and outside Iran. Hence the discussion. And no I am neither their member, nor a supporter. And Yes, I applaud and support their demoonstartion agaisnt the regime like I'd do for a monarchist, Green, communist group. Get it? 

If you'd followed rule 2, you'd had not called me names. Believe me it does not bother me a bit, I find it even lightly amusing, Jerry springer style of amusement of course.

So if you want to discuss and debate topic, I am more than happy. We might even learn something from each other.

Dont take it personal if I am coming down hard on you. You just swear loudest. But I am addressing this entire blog. It is surprising that almost everybody here claims to be against islamic regime and  and for democracy. Yet most knowing or unknowing-resort to "shoars" staright from islamic regime's handbooks instead of conducting a calm debate. Now you understand my comment on "khamenei"???



MM: I am with you all the way on that

by Bavafa on

I can see that my comment has been misinterpreted

What I had meant by "unifying us" was that they are so overwhelmingly opposed and even hated by all groups that if there is any agreement within all opposition (Monarchs, republics, etc) is that they do not want any thing that resembles to MKO to take roots in Iran.

Hope this clarifies it a bit.



I've watched this cult for 30 years now

by pas-e-pardeh on

But I still don't know what they stand for.

I know they are extremely violent.  I know they can dress up in uniforms and put on parades.  I know they spew platitudes about freedom and equality all the time.  I know they give their lives for Maryam and Masoud.   

But, I have no idea what their ideology is.  In fact, if they didn't speak Persian, I wouldn't even know what country they are from.   


The rusting "fooladi"...

by bughzan on

I posted the proof, but MKO is so holy to you that it's not enough. Your response demonstrates that nothing will constitute a proof for you. I even asked you what would be a proof to you so you could clarify.

I did not insult you first. You started the insults and now you're complaining about it.

"ahmagh" un madare gusalate keh be koreh kharesh adab yad nadadeh.

You are a TRAITOR, just like MKO. And should your wish for Iran to become a democracy (assuming that's your genuine wish) ever come true, you and your dear MKO will end up with more or less the same fate as the IRI and their supporters.

Finally, the more I squeeze you, the more that you show your true color. Despite telling you several times that I do not support IRI, you accuse me of "inventing" Khamenei. Desperate, aren't you? You revert to your natural hackneyed defense. Everyone is IRI.

Here, I'll post these often, just for you:

report on MKO collaboration with Saddam: 


MKO talking to Iraqi intelligence officers: 



Rajavi meeting with Iraqi officials:


Shame on traitors! 



Bavafa - I don't want to get out of a hole and fall into a well

by MM on

MKO is another form of Islamism with a different head in the name of the permenant president, Rajavi.  Additionally, MKO has shown us that:

* they will be in bed (Khomeini or Saddam) depending what suits them. 

* they were more brutal than IRI in silencing the opposition

* they are a cult

Yes, they have an organization, but I do not see them as a unifying force, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.


bugh zan:

by fooladi on

I was not talking to you bache agha, I was talking to somebody else.

You called MKO "TRAITORS", I asked you three time s to prove it, and you just came back swearing at me. I ignored your faul language, now you are calling me a traitor too! I guess we are all "TRAITORS", apart from you and amat!.

Khamenei was invented for ahmaghs like you!

Now keep coming back at me, Bacheh ba hoosh, I like it. :)


What a logic?

by bughzan on

"Still better than stabbing yourself to near death for sake of Hussein, the guy who died 1400 years ago for who knows how and what, apart from what we know from mullahs. Dont you think?"

So burning yourself up for Maryam Rajavi is better than stabbing yourself for Hussain? And you argue for MKO? I'm amazed that you don't see that you and MKO suffer from the same disease.

Actually, this is the sort of thinking that traitors employ to justify their actions.


GREEN IS THE COLOR......not purple!!

by UnitedIran on

Now who died and made these UNKNOWNS the representatives of the Iranian movement. We already tried to replace "bad" with "worse" in 1979.........I don't think anyone is dumb enough to even remotely consider these people for anything. The funny part is that they have John Bolton on their side. That really brings them credibility?!?!?


moosir: he killed himself for maryam?

by fooladi on

Are you sure? I believe he was demonstrating against the treatement of MKO members. I agree though, very extreme form of protest, but not unique. In 1960's Buhdaists monks used to burn themselves in vietnam as a means of protest against the vietnam War. The picture of these self burnings were huigly publicized in US press and increased pressure for US troops withdrawls.

Still better than stabbing yourself to near death for sake of Hussein, the guy who died 1400 years ago for who knows how and what, apart from what we know from mullahs. Dont you think? 


MM jan: I like to say viva MKO for uniting all of us

by Bavafa on

This is ONE group that can truly unit all of us against any Islamic (or otherwise for that matter) religious run state. They all have proven time and time through out history that they can not be trusted and I think MKO tops all of them in filth and disgrace.



DK jaan, you're contradictory!

by bughzan on

"I prefer to Support an IDEA : CONSTITUTIONALISM before Supporting another Demagogue or Political Ideology which has no historical justification in my country."

You support the return of the monarchy, and you see that different than "supporting another demagogue".  You bemoan support for a "political ideology which has no historical justification", yet you seem to forget history.

You are correct though. Iranians are getting exactly what they deserve and that includes you! You don't like seeing your country dragged into crap, but judging by your posts, you are one of the reasons that Iran is in the shape that it is in. Stop chasing in a mirage.

Iranians need to support a path to a democratic republic, free of outside influences, old cults that have betrayed them, religious fanatics, or monarchs. We need to respect and support each other as a first step in developing a real opposition movement with widespread mass support.


crazy cult MKO (aka the human torches)


killing themselves for maryam //

worst than Scientology. I feel bad for those involved. mere puppets.