Postcard Diplomacy

A dissenting view on President Obama's Nowruz message


Postcard Diplomacy
by ganselmi

On Friday morning, President Barack Obama released a video to congratulate Iranians around the world on the occasion of the Persian New Year, or “Nowruz.” BBC Persian’s hugely popular and officially-banned satellite channel has broadcast the message in its entirety to Iran.

This video “postcard” to Iran reflects the new administration’s emphasis on renewing American soft power and public diplomacy to tackle the many foreign policy challenges facing the US and its allies. Politics aside, President Obama’s typically eloquent rhetoric is sure to impress the Iranian masses. And his demonstration of genuine appreciation for the artistic and literary contributions of Persians (he even quotes Saadi!) is a major improvement over George W. Bush’s often culturally tone deaf approach to Iran.

Tucked into this warm overture however, was a statement that should alarm all those concerned about the security of Israel, the long-term stability of the Middle East, and the Iranian people’s three decade-long struggle for freedom from theocratic misrule. “The United States wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations,” Obama declares. “You have that right.”

Coming from a US President, this is an absolutely stunning choice of words. For it seems to suggest that going forward, the United States takes for granted - for all intents and purposes - Iran’s clerical regime as a legitimate entity and a permanent fixture of the Middle East. In other words, the Obama Administration’s approach vis-à-vis Tehran is based on the assumption that the IRI’s recent ascent is simply an irreversible process, i.e. now it’s just a matter of learning to “deal” with the mullahs and encouraging them to become more responsible.

But this is clearly a false assumption. The IRI is currently facing a number of problems that threaten its domestic stability and undercut its ability to realize its dreams of regional primacy. These include falling oil prices, massive inflation, high unemployment, rising unrest among its ethnic minorities, resurgent student protests, and a looming succession crisis posed by the possibility of the current Supreme Leader’s death. (If the regime had truly consolidated and solidified its rule to the extent that Obama seems to think, then it would not be conducting so many domestic security/anti-riot drills such as the one pictured in this report by Mehr, the organ of the IRI’s nuclear establishment.)

The perils associated with overestimating the IRI’s power are revealed by Khamanei’s very own Nowruz postcard to the Iranian nation. In it, the Supreme Leader reminds Iranians that the “bullying powers” have conceded “that they cannot close the path to nuclear advancement by the Iranian nation.” And in to the President’s message, the venerable Jurisconsult offers more of the same defiance and obfuscation:

“As long as the American government’s actions, orientation, and politics remain the same as they have been for the last 30 years, we will also remain as we have been for 30 years!” [my translation]

Meanwhile, President Obama’s message is bound to reduce the confidence of Iran’s oppressed dissidents and leave them wondering if the US has now completely abandoned their cause.

This piece was published earlier by Harry's Place and by Z Word Blog, the official blog of the American Jewish Committee (AJC).


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AIPAC demands, the bottom line

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Has AIPAC influenced/controlled middle east policies changed or it is still the same:

-Don't build your nukes so we (Israel and U.S) can attack you anytime we want

-Let us do whatever we want in the middle east and redraw its map, we are the only ones who have the license to kill, and are allowed to issues that kind of license to those whom we want.


Dr. Strangelove's Organon

by Fred on

Islamist nuke activist Legitimizes IRI by inference:

“And, regarding the legitimacy of the IRI: The legitimacy of a political system that rules a nation is not bestowed upon it by the U.S., or any other government for that matter. It is done by, and only by, the people whom are ruled by that political system and its government. The U.S. supported the Shah to the hilt, but the Shah's government had no legitimacy in the eyes of many Iranians.”



by Dariush (not verified) on

Salam Mammad,
Happy Norooz and New Year. I hope you are doing great. Regards,Dariush


Now it's official

by Anonymous this time (not verified) on

Look at who likes your article. The resident zionist and her little helper are praising your dissing President Obama.
Good job Ganselmi, you officially qualify as noche zionist on the site now.


I totally agree Ganselmi

by tsion on

Very good article.

I'm sorry bit I can't agree with you at all. Just because criminals who have grabbed power pass laws through which to commit their crimes does not make their rule "legitimate". Neither does it give an excuse for a fre country to engage with it. Nazi Germany had many "laws" against Jews, owning property, marrying others and so on. Apartheid South Africa had laws too. So did Soviet Union. So does North Korea.
It is also not true that beside military option you have no other "option" but to abide by the rules of the game criminal tyrants set for their purposes. Violence or submission are not the only options. The entire politics of Gandhi or MLK or South African activists, the whole point of civil disobedience, is precisely this. NOT TO ABIDE by the unjust laws of tyrants without necessarily going militaristic.
All those activists succeeded because they stood their grounds and brought world opinion to acknowledge this fact and he injustice they were facing. It is sad that in the case of you people, the victims are even more keen to find excuses for what their oppressors are doing to them. '
Very sad.



Legitimacy is not bestowed upon any government by the U.S.

by Mammad on

Is it not interesting that as soon as President Obama said a few words about working with Iran diplomatically, we see an avalanche of "analyses" denouncing him? And by who? The usual crowd - the Zionists, neocons, the War Party, etc., etc., etc. And, this is while the President's message was not even what this crowd makes it to be.

Ganselmi says that he/she gets inspiration from Leol Strauss. Who was he? The Godfather of the neocons. This is so well-known, but the author likes us to believe otherwise. So, someone gets inspiration from the Godfather, but is not a member of the "family"? It just does not add up.

And, regarding the legitimacy of the IRI: The legitimacy of a political system that rules a nation is not bestowed upon it by the U.S., or any other government for that matter. It is done by, and only by, the people whom are ruled by that political system and its government. The U.S. supported the Shah to the hilt, but the Shah's government had no legitimacy in the eyes of many Iranians.

And, indeed, it is foolish to think that the President - no matter how good intentioned he may be - will look after the Iranian people's interests; the U.S. has never done it, it never will do, and it should not. In the most optimistic case - so optimistic as to be foolish - the U.S. political establishment will look after the interests of the American people, wherever that will take it - to bed with dictators (currently the U.S. is in bed with many of them), or to the neogotiation table with the democrats, or with wars with dictators or democrats (Saddam and DR. Mosaddegh just to name two). In the most realistic assessment, the U.S. political system looks after the interests of its multinational corporations, energy sources, and their control.

So, it is not "stunning" that the President has said what he said. The Pentagon strategists, the CIA agents, the State Department experts, and the academics who are experts on Iran and the Middle East all knew long time ago what the President is finally saying: That the U.S. has no way to go with the IRI, but to negotiate with it, because the U.S. needs the IRI, whatever the latter's weaknesses might be.

Finally, it is after the removal of the US threats, and only after that, that the Iranian people will be able to establish a democratic political system, not before it, or through it.



One shouldn't comment while looking in a mirror

by Observer123 (not verified) on

It is indeed imbecilic of you to assume that as Iranians who have made this country our home, we vote solely or even primarily based on what our perception of a candidate's foreign policy toward Iran might be. That would be 1/2 brained don't you think?



by Dariush (not verified) on

Dear Ostaad, you said it well. However you misspelled the name Natanyaboo. Norouzeh shoma Mobarak


To Mr. Obama

by IranFirst (not verified) on

Mr Obama, just to show you the type of IRI Savages you are interested to talk to, here is the news released just since your speech:

Iran silences another free voice

Monday, March 23, 2009

Iranian blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi died March 18 under mysterious circumstances in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. The official word is suicide, but close observers strongly suspect foul play.

Mirsayafi ran a cultural blog called Rooz Negar, but in totalitarian states the cultural is the political, and a revolutionary court gave Mirsayafi two years in prison for “insulting” the Islamic Republic's leaders, and tacked on an additional six months for “publicity against the government.” Mohamed Abdel Dayem of the Committee to Protect Journalists told The Washington Times that this case illustrates how Iran “actively violates the rights of journalists and bloggers.” His organization is calling for a full and transparent investigation into how Mirsayafi died, but Iran is not known for admitting its crimes against humanity.....

For the full article..

Your thought about talking to Iranians is great, our two great noble nations should resolve the differences, there are not much differences between Iranian people's wishes and aspiration and Americans. However, there are great difference between what Iranian people want and what Islamic savages in power have imposed on Iranians.
Which Iranians do you want to talk to? Which ones do you think would last the longest ? Who do you think Lincoln would have talked to (the people of Iran and defending human rights, or talk to a group of terrorists) ?
Do you want to talk to Islamic Republic with blood of thousands of Iranians on its hands, with paid Muslim terrorists all around the world? or do you want to talk to ordinary real Iranians, for a lasting peace.
Islamic republic can NOT make peace, because if it does, it will die very quickly. If there are no real or imaginary enemy's, who will it blame for all its shortcomings ? Islamic republic can NOT make peace because it is based on Ideology of hate (Islam), and not the good of its own people or nation. If its not fighting (at expense of Iranians) for rights of Lebanese Arab terrorists today, it will find some other Islamic terrorist cause somewhere else in the world.

You have already heard your answer from the so-called "leader" of the Islamic mafia.

Its time to talk to real Iranians , regularly, they will be your real potential partners. You can address the Iranian people directly and tell them that just as the United States can and will help them to build civilian nuclear reactors, so it will not stand still and watch all Iran's agreements with international bodies be flagrantly broken. Tell them that the mullahs' sponsorship of Hezbollah and Hamas is a reason for Iran's continued isolation. Tell them the adverse cost of these and other Islamic cause adventures to Iranian nation. Tell them (in-detail) all the corruption and crimes of the IRI rulers . This information will later be used for International courts to prosecute the guilty mullahs for crimes against humanity as the recent Bashir (Sudan) case

Mola Nasredeen

Israel is the problem not Obama

by Mola Nasredeen on


They claim they are concerned for the well-being of Iranians. Right!  This is the Zionist bunch. Trained idealogically and with ready websites at its disposal to copy and paste here.

Then we have the Zionist sympathizers such as Miss Fishy (I'm WHITE then I'm RIGHT). This group wants to start a revolution by encouraging us to call our relatives in Iran for a regime change! Right! 

They claim they are worried about the Iranian dissidents. RIGHT! They are completely blind when it comes to the crimes committed by Israel. Just today these were on the news conerning Israel. Lets look at today's headlines about Israel:

1. Look at the picture of pregnant Palestinian woman on the t-shirts of blood thirsty Israeli soldiers with the following caption: 1 shot 2 kill //

2. Read the report of the United Nation, Mr Falk, who wants to prosecute the ones who run Israel.

3. Read how Israeli army was shooting at nurses ambulances doctors and bombing hospitals //

4. Read about the lawsuit against Israel brought by American parents of the young man who was shot by Israeli soldiers in the head last week. //

These are what the media published about Israel's crimes today. Now multiply that by 360 days. This is the truth of the matter. Israel is the problem not Obama  




Bahmani: John Yoo of UC

by SA (not verified) on

Bahmani: John Yoo of UC Berkely, wrote laws within the framework of the US constitution to legalize torture. Bush made his writings into law.

Are you suggesting that those laws since they are legal, they justify torture??

No wonder we are still waiting for King Obama to fix Iran...

John Yoo:





by ganselmi on

"By legal, of course I mean they have created the laws within the Constitution to legitimize their power structures."

Those familiar with my writing here and elsewhere know that I often draw inspiration from the German-American philosopher and political theorist Leo Strauss. And whenever I'm confronted with arguments like yours, I'm reminded of Strauss's insistence that the legal and the just are not always identical. And the very worst governments are those that equate the just and the good with the legal, i.e. right is that which emanates from power regardless of its normative content.

I know yours is a realistic assessment in many ways but that doesn't mean I can't be sickened by it. 


Funny, I didn't take it that way at all...

by bahmani on

I can certainly understand if you don't want theocratic rule in Iran. That is a right you only have here, outside Iran. But Obama actually showed a very keen understanding of how Iran works inside Iran though. And that is something those on the outside, often clouded by all sorts of reasons, all too often seem to forget.

Iran's government is 100% legal and legitimate. Before you get angry, think about that for a second.

By legal, of course I mean they have created the laws within the Constitution to legitimize their power structures.

Whether you like it or not, is irrelevant, Iran is as Iran has done, and those in power have ensured they remain in power, using laws.

To change Iran (without a military option), requires changing the laws. Unfortunately the keepers of the flame have also thought of that. They have an amendment-proof Constitution to keep them in power.

So there is no non-felony way to change Iran within this legal standing.

So what would you do? What can you do? The laws of the land dictate the rules of the game. The game is stacked in their favor. Again, if military force is not an option, what else can you do, but work within the laws of Iran's Constitution, and unfortunately respect the power that is in charge.

Obama's goal is to get Iran to back off it's support for terrorism, dissuade them from building a Nuke (impossible IMHO), and getting them off Israel's back vis a vis support for Hamas.

Fixing Iran's constitution so we can all visit our friends and family back home once again, isn't in anyone's interest right now.

At least anyone in power.

It's certainly sad that Iran is run this way, and sadder to see the US groveling at the feet of those who are clearly guilty of inhumanity to man.

But that is merely the price we pay for not standing our ground for these 2500 years, merely accepting the fate handed to us by the monarchies that have consistently ruled us.

At some point you have to seriously consider that it might be entirely possible that Iranians were never actually meant to be free. Because if they were, you'd think that at some point in 2500 years, we'd have taken some kind of step toward it by now.

But hey, Happy NOWRUZ!


3rd Missed Opportunity

by yakirani (not verified) on

Leave it to the idiots in Tehran, they will miss this opportunity also, this is the 3rd:

1. They had a chance to end the war in early 80's when Arab countries were willing to pay for Sadam's invasion - They missed and later drunk poison!!

2. When the so called Moderate - Khatami came to NY and Clinton White House offered an opening - They missed and finally,

3. Now Obama approaches - I am sure they will miss this one too :))

Why you ask? Simple, there is more money to be made by Mullah's and their Mafia friends when there is a sanction - Lots and Lots of money from commissions on black market imported goods controlled by PASDARAN.


if you're "inferior", it

by sickofiri (not verified) on

if you're "inferior", it ain't because you're brown. it's because you're deluded or blind. i have no idea why you're rambling on about america's sad past. but at least we can say that we're correcting our past mistakes. slowly yes, but surely, absolutely. we have a lot to overcome and we're doing it. i think you've misread me because i've done NOTHING but praise iranian culture. i'm also quite sure that while i will defend america to the death, i'd be the first to say our idea of culture is britney spears. america has many wonderful qualities as evidenced by so many of your hamvatans wanting (or rather being forced???) to come here... including YOU.

you're only a second class citizen if YOU elect to be one. you've never heard that from me. don't mistake that with my adamant feeling and observation of hypocrisy from many iranians who like to pick and choose when they're american or iranian.

Bravo, anonymous Fish. I have never seen anything disparaging about the Iranian culture coming from you. Some people on this site are just plain ethnocentric anglophobesh or 'other'phobes. They hide their bigotry behind political rhetorics.

anonymous fish

electric...whoa dude!

by anonymous fish on

what in the world are you ranting about?

i've blamed iranian culture?  for what?  and where do you think you've read this from me?

if you're "inferior", it ain't because you're brown.  it's because you're deluded or blind.  i have no idea why you're rambling on about america's sad past.  but at least we can say that we're correcting our past mistakes.  slowly yes, but surely, absolutely.  we have a lot to overcome and we're doing it.  i think you've misread me because i've done NOTHING but praise iranian culture.  i'm also quite sure that while i will defend america to the death, i'd be the first to say our idea of culture is britney spears.  america has many wonderful qualities as evidenced by so many of your hamvatans wanting (or rather being forced???) to come here... including YOU.

you're only a second class citizen if YOU elect to be one.  you've never heard that from me.  don't mistake that with my adamant feeling and observation of hypocrisy from many iranians who like to pick and choose when they're american or iranian.

everyone is discriminated in one way, shape or form.  women are.  blacks are.  the young just entering the business world are.  fat people are.  ugly people are.  stupid people are.  and yeah, middle easterner are too.  are you naive?  is it right?  absolutely not.  but YOU discriminate against ME as a non-iranian... BIG TIME.  so keep that little beef to yourself.  ok? 

your two statement about protecting israel are absolutely right on and i'm glad to hear you support them.  but to dismiss the notion that israel isn't watching our back is ludicrous. voices it in EVERY OTHER blog... the middle east (or the entire world) hates america.  i read it here every single day.  you think we don't value  israel as the only voice in the middle east who supports the US.  get real.  if we falter, the mullas would be on us like a pack of dogs.  and the russians.  and the chinese.  and the north koreans. 

so, i say... THANK GOD FOR ISRAEL.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

US has shown no signs of real change in its hostile attitude toward the Iranian nation. In his Nowruz message he -U BA MA - has congratulated Iranians on the New Year but at the same time he accuses Iran of supporting terrorism and seeking nuclear arms ... Where is the change? However i think the best way for the united state to get rid of the problems which their executives have provided for the american nation may be the followings:
1. Annulating the sanctions.
2. Accepting the peacefull Iran`s Nuk-Programm.
3. Giving free the iranian proverties.
4. Giving up the hostility against Islamc Republic of
Iran in the international organisations.
5. Stopping to support terrorism.
I do know that the imperialistic nature CAN not give up its aggresivits and change its behaviour. never the less I dont see any other solution for the american nation. It is up to that nation to do the same to their system as the heroical iranian nation did with its 1978/79. However the americans have a big handicup: They do not posess the ideology and the theoretical base for a fundamental change of their system and they have a different sense for national honour as Iranians. They just love it when other nations work and they play the role of boss. Greeting


Calculating, Self-righteous, Self-centered as Usual!

by electric_samavar on

Dear Ms. Fish:  I have read your sad, discerning comments and views here a few times, and the more I get to know your point of views, the more scary you become.  You are as single-mined as a propagandist can be.  In one article you blame Iranian culture, and for the most part, rightfully so, however, you fail to mention the DOMINANT racist culture of European Americans, whose popular president, FDR, refused to sign an Anti-Lynching initiative into law only 50 short-years ago, who are gun-crazy war mongers, who have deep fixation on the Jerry Springer Show, Violent video games, Violent comic books, .....,   the culture which has the longest list of jokes about battered women than any other culture which I have been exposed to.....  Honestly, I can go on and on and on, but why bother listening to the opinion of an inferior brown person such as me, just listen to other white folks, like Michael Moore, Bill Maher, ...... to get a better understanding of the cultural supremacy which you brag about in one of your postings.  Richard Pryor once said, "I don't know what Japanese were thinking when they decided to attack America.  They probably had visited California and thought everyone is a surfing beach bum, not knowing they keep the white folks on leash in Oklahoma or Alabama.  Tellin' them, "down boys, down".  If you go through such a painstaking struggle to bash Iranian culture, and I agree with the conclusions drawn on such stats, then have the audacity of criticizing "our" culture (American) equally. And about your comments regarding the "American Interest" and the fact that we, as second-hand citizens should be thankful of the opportunities that America has offered us.  Well, I am a kind of person who counts his blessings each and every day; even if I am in a prison.  I am not a religious person at all!  I am as atheist as it gets.  However, I always count my blessings.  Therefore, just like the way I bashed the barking dogs of IslamoFascists in Iran, I will oppose the similar attempts made by the paid whores of any regime who single-mindedly want to shut down any criticism or expression of opposite views.  YOU may have enjoyed walking freely on the streets, but I, as a brown person, have been pulled over for ridiculous reasons by the local police, kept, searched, and inconvenienced numerous times during the past 30 years and with majority of them during the past 8.  Every single one of them was hoping to find ties between me and Bin Laden.  I have been discriminated against at my work place and ridiculed to the point that would have sent any "normal" white person on a shooting spree (LOL), and I have coped with it, since stupidity is intertwined with the psychological strands of uneducated and ignorant masses all over the world.  This is a country that even today, under Mr. Obama, has a Patriot Act on the books.  Do you understand the seriousness and the danger of it?  It means that someone within the law-enforcement can make a decision that you are (oops, sorry, not you, but I) an enemy combatant and you can be put away indefinitely!  DID YOU HEAR ME?  INDEFINITELY! Without the right to representation or any contact by the family members.  We, as second-hand citizens (according to your assessment) have the right to express our opinion (believe it or not) and criticize our beloved President, Mr. Obama, if we see something wrong with his policies.  We owe such blessing to American Constitution and those who have fought to making it the law of land, such as MLK, ACLU, and many more.  I am so convinced that Mr. Obama whole-heartedly will welcome such criticism himself.  However, even the most liberal leaders, will mistakenly surround themselves with the ass-kissing, brown-nosing, barking dogs who take it up on themselves to start an anti-criticism crusade to shut down opposing views, and I am hoping that you are not one of them.  We must protect Israel for the following two reasons: It is a democracy!!!!!! And Israelis have a right to an independent state in their mother land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not because "iri and it's evil supporters in the middle east would attack us in a heartbeat if Israel didn't have our back".  What a stupid, self-centered, and manipulating concept!  You think associating Mullahs and democrats is a stupid idea, your reason for protecting Israel is farrrrrrrrrrrr more retarded and sickening.  And by the way, there is a Persian Proverb which goes something like this: "intelligent enemies raise the bar and stupid friends lower it".  Democrats, for the most part, are those stupid friends and republicans the intelligent enemies.  If we have to be focusing on American Issues, then tell your "virtual president" (not Mr. Obama) to shut the ... up about peace offering, pull the American lives out of the harm way from Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, Turkey, Germany, Panama, Guatemala, ....... and let's all work on rebuilding New Orleans.



i think that the main reason

by mas (not verified) on

i think that the main reason behind this speech is that americans feel the threat of russia, as we see iri has gone to bed with russians and they are very close to each other, thats why iri feels too strong. its the similar to the time that communism got into vietnam and americans felt the threat and went to war. the difference right now is that they can not go to war so they started the direct diplomacy.
thats a thought


anonymous fish

by ganselmi on

You are quite reasonable even if we disagree on this issue. For my part, I do want to say that I'm not some hardline "neocon" as some of my critics here constantly accuse of me of. I believe in diplomacy, I believe in dialogue, I believe in compromise. I just think that -- if realism is the new US foreign policy approach -- then that realism should be informed by the IRI's many domestic vulnerabilities and by the Iranian people's democratic aspirations.

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

very good article even if one doesn't agree with everything 100%.  he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't recognize the IRI.  it IS your official government... whether all iranians like or support it.  he would be equally criticized if he had NOT recognized it, ESPECIALLY by the iri.  and i wonder who would suffer for that insult?  not the US, for sure.  and i think that it's up to us (both americans and iranians) to reassure the PEOPLE of iran that the US supports them 100%.  YOU have the power to do that with your access to family in iran.  spread the word... don't you remember Paul Revere?  :-)

politics&life.  i CAN understand why iranians feel this way but they simply must understand that iran is NOT the US's primary concern.  i can't imagine how conflictive it must be for iranians who live in america and enjoy her rights and freedoms and who have become successful here instead of being oppressed in iran... who have raised families here and call themselves american... who can vote and walk the streets in peace... who can voice their complaints, even and especially against the US... to understand that the president is the president of the united states of america, not iran and that the primary concern of ALL americans will be and SHOULD be america first and foremost.  we all feel pain for the people of iran.  we all hope and pray for equal rights for all iranians.  but we have a pretty big mess to clean up here first.  and the foreign policy OF the united states will be FOR the united states.

concerned iranian.  say what?  democrats are friends of mullahs?  if you've got something intelligent to say, fine... but good god... that's about as stupid a thing as i've ever heard.

./.  you're  right about one thing.  most americans do support obama.  but not for the reasons you're thinking.  most americans know that israel is a VITAL ally in the middle east.  i'm the first one to say we need to cut the apron strings but israel is ALWAYS going to be our ally and thank god for that.  iri and it's evil supporters in the middle east would attack us in a heartbeat if israel didn't have our back.  we pay a mighty high price for it, true.  but iri is FAR MORE terrorist than israel could ever try to be.



by Bavafa on

Exactly my sentiments, I am sure the pro violent, war mongers in Israel are having a fit. I am not a fan of IRI, but their stands on the terrorist state like Israel is commendable


Farhad Kashani

ganselmi, Great article.

by Farhad Kashani on


Great article. Very true.

Nicely said.






IslamoFascism Must Be Eradicated Like Any Lethal Virus!

by electric_samavar on

What a bunch of crap by bunch of barking dogs of Islamic Fascistic in (as opposed to "of") Iran!  I do NOT call this group of thugs a "Republic".  I am certain the majority of sickening pro Islamofascist comments (disguised as Anti Israeli comments) are made by the paid prostitutes of the regime (aka chomagh bedastan).  This is not a discussion about Israel, Mexico, or Afghanistan.  This is an issue about the Islamic Fascist group of murderers who massacred 1000's of Iranian youths and charged their families for the bullets which were used to kill their loved ones, and the fact that Mr. Obama wants to make peace with them.  Of course, these murderes do not represent Iran or Iranians!!!  They took the power by force, medieval public hangings, murders, and torture, and they have continued to maintain the power through the same venues for the past 30 years.  No hardworking silent majority is going to risk his/her life and the lives of their family members by rising against a group of savages armed to the teeth by the Chinese, North Korean, and Russian blood-sucking profiteers.  You set aside your machine-guns, tanks, and bombs and then let's see if you IslamoFascists will last 3 days, let alone 30 years.  You are a regime of terror, destruction, plundering of national resources to the degree that even your "supreme leader" is warning you in a public announcement.  You are not worthy of being bundled with the heroic people of Iran who are fighting you directly and indirectly.  I have the outmost respect for Mr. Obama and many of his principles.  However, as Khrushchev did to JFK, Mr. Obama is going to be ridiculed by the IslamoFascist leaders in Iran (not OF Iran).  Mr. Obama will find it the hard way that Mullahs do not capitulate.  They will sell their daughters to International prostitution rings for the right price, let alone giving up their only security they may have against being Saddamized; the nuclear weapons. 

Expansion of Democracy must be the only agenda of the United States and other progressive European nations’ foreign policy.  Compromises of any sort is being shortsighted, irresponsible, and taking a step backward.  Not a single country which  lacks OPEN elections, monitored and validated by progressive Western nations, deserves receiving a dime in any type of aid, a word of encouragement, or an offer of peace.  In United States of America we take the children away from the parents who abuse them and place them in foster homes.  Why would we be helping a group of thugs who torture  their citizens, execute a 9-yr old girl who was distributing anti-government leaflets, after removing her virginity, since in their sub-animal belief system it is not acceptable to murder a virgin.  Why Mr. Obama?  Why didn’t we “negotiate” with the hostage takers of American Embassy without preconditions?  What? We don’t negotiate with terrorists?  Exactly!  Why are we stepping on such principles?  Do we negotiate with viruses?  Why?  Because they are single-minded and their only mission on this planet is self-preservation at the expense of destruction of others'?  That’s what the IslamoFascism  is all about!  They must be eradicated like any other type of plague, at any expense.

I understand by now, I have you IslamoFascist whores who get paid to live in the gated communities of the Western world foaming at the mouth and the vein in your fat necks has bulged like a male organ, but slow down, relax, breath, and visualize this:  What if there is going to be FREE elections in Iran?  A real nightmare, ha?  You have to shave the flea-infested beards and put on lipstick to avoid the consequences.


Mullahs out of Moolah

by IslamicArt (not verified) on

Irans economy has been reduced to 36% of Turkeys today, in contrast to being 400% the size of Turkeys economy in 1979. The Non Oil based econmomy is now an amazing 3% of what is was in the hands of those we Iranians infamously used to call crooks, murderers and foreign puppets.

No Money means no Mullahs in less than 10 years even if Obama thinks he can keep the Mullahs in Power, by pandering to them, he's not God.

And the Mullahs are about as close to God as Islam is. And thanks to modern education, Islam is easily surpassed by secondary school children at the age of 9 once they learn geography and biology.



by Anonymous// (not verified) on

It was your right wing heros who empowered the mullahs and elevated them to their present stature and influance, so it might help for you to recaliberate your knowledge and sense of reality before you randomly accuse or bash political sides.

Also, they have elections in Iran just like we do here in the US, where for the past 30 years the same faces in congress have democratically held oversight over the same regulatory affairs that control your 401K, AAA muni, CD or other investments alike.

Use your head...

Ardeshir Ariana

Dear readers ...

by Ardeshir Ariana on

I agree with you 99%, however there is time for diplomacy and time for war, i`m trying to do both since diplomacy alone is not working and US Government thinks that my people are still naive.
PS. FYI My eduacated black friends told me this story about Oreo Cookie. I`m not racist as i love all human beings whom respect my culture as well.


Please read my book when i publish it online for free. It will explain everything.


with all my love and respect for all children of Cyrus the Great,


Another Mistake by Obama

by IranFirst (not verified) on

This at best is yet another mistake by an in-experienced president and a Jimmy Carter moment BUT, it is consistent with what Obama has done the past couple of months. First he tried to "talk" to Taliban and he was turned down, now he wants to talk to the mother of Savage terrorist states (Islamic Republic !), since when "Islamic republic" is legitimately representing Iranian interests (when was the free elections, did we all miss it ?!), and don't tell us about the so-called imposed elections bringing Dr. Monkey to power, (Saddam used to get above 90% of vote too, in his fake elections). The only people IRI government mostly represents are Palestinian terrorists! , while putting Iranians in jail.
Off course one reason Obama maybe doing this may be to show the stupid left in EU that he tried and make it easier to impose more sanctions later.


at least ....

by ./. (not verified) on

At least president Obama has come to realize that USA is losing because of its over 60 years of support for the terror state of Isreal. It is a refreshing change from other US presidents (particularly W) whose head were stuck in the "maghad" of the zionists. Those presidents only heard what the Zionists were telling them, and nothing else. Finally, US may have come to realize that its survival (in the broadest sense) is being jeoperdized by the blind support it has given to those terrorists in Tel Aviv. Granted that after 60 years of blind support it will not be easy to say "arious", but someone should start. Bravo Mr. President Obama for your smarts and sense of deligence and bravary. You have most Americans support.


Mullah Rule...

by Anonymous/// (not verified) on

You people make it sound as if you are the only Iranians with any brains. If mullah's were not ligitimate rulers of Iran, they would have been overthrown from within by people that are just as smart not to mention a lot more patriotic to Iran than thoes of us sitting here in the west sipping coolaid.