Mahin Khanom

Cooks Khorsh Bademjoon on 'A Taste from the Melting Pot'


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Not Ay-ran

by Anonymous684 (not verified) on

Its not Ay-ran sweetheart, its Iran (pronounced like EEERAAN)


the pomegranates on their dinner table though..

by Monda notloggedin (not verified) on

looked very good and so did their other dishes from afar. It's always great to see introductory programs to Iran, where at least the host learns to pronounce the country name correctly, after the meal.


I agree with Irandokht's message

by Jaleho on

and her PS. Boy, that khoresh didn't look good at all! For gossssake when she was making piaz dagh and meat, neither the piaz dagh looked right, nor the meat. AND, where was the BONE??? How tasteless a khoresh would be without any bone or a bit of fat on some of the meat?

The family taught the woman how to say Iran though, it seems ;-)


Eye ran! Where to?! How? What for?

by Mehrnaz (not verified) on

These are serious questions we can't just brush aside!

I am sure the food was delicious but more importantly, the presenter was taught the pronunciation of IRAN at long last.

In the UK where English originates from and they know how to pronounce things correctly (!) no-one calls Iran eye ran or Iraq I wrac, although if they are fair they would say "We wrecked". So well done, Mahin Khaanum for introducing the lovely Persian food as well as teaching the right pronunciation of Iran! Thank you.


the pronunciation of "Iran"

by aliali (not verified) on

the pronunciation of "Iran" in English language is "EYE- RAN " , not " ERAAN". since the reporter mother's language is ENGLISH , she pronounced it right.
German people cannot even pronounce " R" so so they will pronounce " IGAAN " .

i noticed that none of the guest in the video , smiling , looks alike they are having a hard time or "AHKMO TIME "
I have seen " taste of iran " by BBC production , and everyone was more relaxing and having a good time at dinner table .

Shirin Vazin

Maast o Choghondar

by Shirin Vazin on

That pink beet yogourt is Maast o Choghondar or Maast o laboo (beetroot yogurt)!

Haven't eaten it for ages. I remember my mother made it quite often, but never for breakfast!

To Ali P.

Something was very Iranian though. The lady of the house introduced her husband with his title ( Dr. ....)!!!!

Ali P.

To: Anonymous-Iran

by Ali P. on

Thank for the insight.

Will do!


Ali P.

Ali P.

To: Aboli

by Ali P. on

...not a damn thing!



by Aboli (not verified) on

Ali P;
So what's wrong with doing those things???

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Evelyn can call it eeyraan, and I would still love her!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)



by Anonymous--USA (not verified) on

Souri jan don't worry about pronunciation of Iran. My English teacher in Iran once said: Don't expect very much from English language because, Raftanash go hast and kandanesh reed!


Ali P.

by Anonymous-Iran (not verified) on

Ali you are very concern with all these stuffs. I think you have been living for some years in Turkey and now you are some sort of confused which culture you are talking about(belonging to). All your NO ones... are parts of Arab, turk and Mongol culture and if you see any Iranian does those things then ask her/him about his background!!!!.

Organic NUTritionist

to comment or not to comment...

by Organic NUTritionist on

ok, eye-ran then she said ee raaan, then was back to eye-ran and ee raan again  :).

was that a cooking show?  you're right souri, i didn't quite see any actually cooking.

what was that beet thing???  i dont think i've ever seen that pink beet yogurt was it?




Ali P.

Making us all proud...

by Ali P. on

Thank you family Khatami, for aaberoodaaree:

No one used old tanktops as damkonee,

No one ate with his hands,

no one sat on the floor,

no one burped,

no one came to lunch, wearing aragh-geer and pijamas!


(At least while the film crew was there!  :-)      )


Thank you

by Souri on

For this great show! but like Irandokht, I was a bit shocked by the pronunciation of Iran (e raan) changed to "eye-ran" .......

Surprisingly, the lady pronounce "khorsh badenmjan" very well and correct. I believe, someone could teach her also the correct pronunciation of "Iran" as "e-raan" ??!!



by IRANdokht on

It looks like some interesting parts of the show were cut off. It's very nice to see Iranian people, culture and food being brought up without any negativity or political remarks.

I just wish someone had taught her how to say the name of the country too...


PS: I have seen much more attractive khoresh bademjoon