Masoud Pezeshkian

Member of parliament from Tabriz condemns use of force against people


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Ahmed from Bahrain

Dear Farah Rusta

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Can I call you dear? Here is something to celebrate.

Laughter is a good medicine:



Ahmed from Bahrain

Ahmed from Bahrain

Farah Rusta

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

I have never been accused of having a mild case of whatever you seem to prescribe.

But your words speak volumes about you mocking others. Check it out:

Mr Al Bahraini

It is your way of displaying your racism AL therefore truning it into some Arabic. You need to keep that in check.

Then you follow it up with:

"what you wrote to your friend Dariush"

So, closing the avenue of making friendship between Al Arab and Al Irani.

I have found my inner freedom and I wish it for all humanity, you included. See the good ness in others. I was referring to those who follow stuff blindly just because someone told them so. Yes that is unintelligent. And yes, no system of theology should be turned into a law.

Smile, lady. Smile.

Ahmed from Bahrain


امام علی و کشتار ایرانیان


امام علی يکی از مشاوران نزديک عمر (خليفه دوم مسلمانان ) در هنگام حمله لشکر اسلام به ايران بود . زمانی که عمر می خواست خود شخصا در اين جنگها حاضر شود، امام علی به او گفت : " تو سر اين سپاهی اگر بروی و کشته شوی، سپاه اسلام متلاشی می شود . تو بايد مرکز خلافت را داشته باشی تا اگر سپاه اسلام شکست خورد، ايرانيان بدانند که اين نيرو پشت دارد " (تاريخ طبری، جلد 5، ص 1943 و 1945 ، اخبار الطول ص 147 و نهج البلاغه ص -446 443 )

عمر که داماد امام علی بود و روی حرفهای وی حسا ب می کرد پيشنهاد وی را پذيرفت و در دارالخلافه ماند و در راس لشکريان اسلام فرماندهان با تجربه و خونريزی گمارد و به طرف ايران گسيل داشت . پس از شکست ايرانيان و پيروزی لشکريان اسلام، علی خطاب به مردم کوفه گفت : ای مردم کوفه، شما شوکت عجمان را برديد. (تاريخ طبری، جلد 6 ص 2208 )

پس از پايان سلطنت 3 تن از خلفای مسلمانان (ابوبکر،عمر، عثمان ) نوبت سلطنت امام علی رسيد که بسيار لرزان و کوتاه بود . اختلافات معاويه و علی بر سر قدرت بالا گرفت و سبب ساز جنگهای طولانی گرديد . علی جهت تامين مخارج اين جنگها مجبور بود که باج و خراج بيشتری از ايرانيان اخذ کند . اين فشارها موجب قيامها و مقاومتهای دليرانه از سوی شهرهای مختلف ايران شد بطوری که امام علی بی رحم ترين سرداران خود، از جمله زياد ابن ابيه، خليد بن طويف را بسوی خراسان، فارس، ری ، آذربايجان و ساير شهرها و بلاد اعزام داشت .

در ادامه به مواردی از سرکوب قيامهای مردم ايران در زمان خلافت امام علی می پردازيم :

در زمان امام علی، مردم استخر چندين بار قيام کردند . امام علی در يکی از آن موارد عبدالله بن عباس را در راس لشکری به آنجا گسيل داشت و شورش توده ها را در سيل خون فرونشاند (فارسنامه ابن بلخی، ص 136).

در مورد ديگر که مردم استخر شورش کردند، امام علی زياد بن ابيه که از خونخواری و آدمکشی به انوشيروان دوم لقب گرفته بود را به آنجا گسيل داشت تا به سرکوبی اين قيام بپردازد . در مورد جنايات و کشتار مردم استخر توسط زياد بن ابيه کتابها و روايت زيادی نوشته و نقل شده است (رجوع کنيد به کتاب مروج الذهب، جلد دوم ص 29 )

در سال 39 هجری مردم فارس و کرمان نيز سر به شورش گذاشتند و حکام ستمگر امام علی را از شهر خود بيرون کردند. امام علی مجددا زياد بن ابيه را به آنجا گسيل داشت و لشکريان وی از هيچ جنايتی فروگذاری نکردند. (تاريخ طبری، جلد 6، صفحه 2657 و يا فارسنامه، ص 136 )

مردم خراسان نيز در زمان امام علی برای چندين بار قيام کردند و چون چيزی نداشتند بعنوان باج و خراج بپردازند، از دين اسلام برگشته و به مقاومت سخت و جانانه ای دست زدند . امام علی جعده بن هبيره را بسوی خراسان فرستاد. او مردم نيشاپور را محاصره کرد تا مجبور به صلح شدند. ( تاريخ طبری، جلد 6، ص 2586 و فتوح البلدان ص 292)

در زمان امام علی مردم شهر ری نيز سر به طغيان برداشتند و از پرداخت خراج خود داری کردند. امام علی ابوموسی را با لشکری بزرگ به سرکوب شورش فرستاد و امور آنجا را بحال نخستين برگرداند. ابوموسی پيش از اين طغيان نيز، يکبار ديگر بدستور امام علی به جنگ مردم شهر ری گسيل شده بود. (فتوح البلدان ص 150 )

به روزگا ر خلافت علی بن ابی طالب، چون پايان سال 38 و آغاز سال 39 بود، حارث بن سره عبدی، به فرمان علی لشکر به خراسان کشيد و پيروز شد، غنيمت بسيار و برده ی بی شمار بدست آورد. تنها در يک روز، هزار برده ميان يارانش تقسيم کرد. لکن سرانجام خود و يارانش، جز گروهی اندک، در سرزمين قيقان (سرحد خراسان) کشته شد. (فتوح البلدان، بلاذری)

علی بن ابی طالب، عبدالرحمن بنی جز طائی را به سيستان فرستاد . لکن حسکه حبطی وی را بکشت، پس علی فرمود : بايد که چهار هزار تن از حبطيان را به قتل رسانيم . وی را گفتند : حبطيان پانصد تن هم نشوند. (فتوح البلدان، بلاذری )

علی ولايت آذربايجان را نخست به سعيد بن ساريه خزاعی و سپس به اشعث بن قيس داد . يکی از شيوخ آذربايجان نقل می کند که وليد بن عقبه همراه با اشعث بن قيس به آذربايجان می آيند . و چون وليد آن ديار را ترک کرد ، مردم آذربايجان قيام کردند . اشعث از وليد طلب ياری کرد و وليد برای ياری وی سپاهی از کوفه به در آنجا گسيل داشت. اشعث، حان به حان (حان= خانه به خانه) فتح کرد و پيش رفت . و پس از فتح آذربايجان گروهی از تازيان اهل عطا را بياورد و در آنجای ساکن ساخت و آنان را فرمان داد که مردم را به اسلام خوانند. (فتوح البلدان، بلاذری )


آنچه نمیخواهند شما بدانید...

Farah Rusta

Mr Al Bahraini

by Farah Rusta on

You seem to be suffering from a mild attack of Persecution Syndrome.Without anyone accusing you of anything, you create a case for yourself and suggest that your now a victim of accusation by others. I don't need to know your full history as I am not interested to judge you but you seem to enjoy being in the dock and being judged by others and then tell them that they didn't know you personally.

Well, as fo something intelligent (!!) to discuss how about this: here is what you wrote to your friend Dariush:

It is, therefore, important not to turn such stuff into some kind of a
justice system to hang others and by which it creates an elitest

And this is what your wrote your response to me:

Yes, they are idiots. I have seen Iranians, Pakistanis, Malaysians and
Turks, who pray and go to mosques but none of them can translate what
they recite in Arabic.

On the same age and on the same issue, you do exactly the opposite of what you have advocated a little earlier.

You are being elitist and accusatory at the same time. Later on you inflate your own ego by claiming superiority over the others for being able to translate arabic properly (something that I am still to be convinced about) .


No thank you, I don't need to know you further. So much is good enough!!





Ahmed from Bahrain

Farah Rusta

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Me again!!

Yes, they are idiots. I have seen Iranians, Pakistanis, Malaysians and Turks, who pray and go to mosques but none of them can translate what they recite in Arabic.

It is best to stick to your own language if you want to pray to a god. If he is truly a god then he should understand your language.

Parot fashion taqleed is turning a human being into a monkey! Sure blind faith is a good thing but being blind is not.

By the way, I am not sure of what you are accusing me? Is it for trying to translate the Arabic Quran properly? If so, then you may be accused of having a racist view of muslims and Arabs?

Be a little clearer and perhaps (?), we can discuss this more intelligently.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Ahmed from Bahrain

Farah Rusta: You said

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

"Neither of you can prove to each other and indeed to others the authenticity of what you are claiming to be the truth"

I never set out to prove anything to anyone. This is a forum of exchanging views. Take it easy. Relax.

My life is judged by my relationship with others. I never set out to control anyone!

Yes, I call anyone an idiot if they waste their life in trying to box anyone else and prevent them from exrcising their choice. An idiot is the one who wastes his time in demeaning humanity and an itelligent person is the one who promotes humanity.

You don't even know me and here you are using such strong personal views!!

Chill out, lady!  It wasn't me who started the Iranian revolution!!


Ahmed from Bahrain

Farah Rusta

Personalize Islam if you will but keep it personal

by Farah Rusta on



Your veiws of Islam, (a mix of fact and fantasies) are yours and yours alone. The problem arises when you broadcast it to the world as facts, like what Ahmadi-nejad does and like what Pezeshkian did.

The difference between you and the mullahs who you call them idiots is in your personal and their personal interpretations of Islam (as is evident from your own writing). Neither of you can prove to each other and indeed to others the authenticity of what you are claiming to be the truth, otherwise there were not disputes all this long. You people are like a group of kids who all agree to play a certain game but based on your individual interpretations of the rules. With no universally supported or respected referee, the game will soon be reduced to a chaotic farce. It is all fine as long as you people keep the game within the boundaries of the playground.

The problem is that you guys are now pulling the spectators into the middle of this chaotic mess.



What I wrote in sentences,

by Dariush (not verified) on

What I wrote in sentences, Ahmed from Bahrain wrote in one sentence from Quran, " there are words by which many will be guided and many will be misguided".

I don't blame you if it seems to you that I see behind the close doors or have a sixth sense, I even feel the same sometimes, but the fact is that I use my five senses properly and pay attention to the details and read between the lines as well as the lines and since I don't belong to any group, I maintain a neutral position and base my opinion on justice and humanity, not what so and so are feeding the public.

Don't take me wrong. I am defending justice here. Because I find anti Islam rhetoric insulting to many Muslims who are great human beings. I also don't find you or Laleh or many other to be an scholar and expert and not even a person who has really read the book and understood it. Therefore, your anti Islamic opinions carry no weights.

My proofs are many Muslims who have read and practiced the good Islam has offered. Your proofs are the Muslims who disregaded the good just as you do and use and interpret the book to suit their self interest and do evil. Islam has had no influence in western politics. Are they a better human beings? Are the communist countries better human beings? There are criminals in every country operating under different names. If you answer is yes, I can attach some picture from Americans in action that proves my claim. But I must warn you, the images are very disturbing.

Again, I might be wrong and I might be right, but I see much of what we have said has happened and even though many times we said human rights and freedom of political prisoners and etc will fill the gap and unite all Iranians and warned against the possibilities; just like the book, they took what they wanted and used it to serve their self interest and politics not the public. Now IRI is trying to make a case for British, but as usual they don't have the balls to put the foreigners on trial, but they can easily sacrifice and hang a few Iranians trying to prove a case of blame. Regardless of how, who or what is behind the movement, This government has made the worst decisions and are digging themselves in a deeper hole by more violations and crimes and are doomed to fall. No government will last long without public support and that support is diminishing fast by more violations.

Ahmed from Bahrain


by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Salam bar hameh

There is a verse in the Quran that says "these are words by which many will be guided and many will be misguided."

The underlying theme in all religions is to instill goodness in humans, which is truly inherent in us by nature. The rest relates to historical data, whether it is Torah, Injil, Quran or Bagdhavita. It is all open to various interpretations.

It is, therefore, important not to turn such stuff into some kind of a justice system to hang others and by which it creates an elitest system. No where in Quran actually supports such a system. Valyat faghih is a poliburo system that protects those who subscribe to its ways and shuns those who disagree with it. This is totally against Islamic teaching.

After many years of devotion, I have come to this certain conclusion that there is no such thing as heaven or hell; these exist only in our imagination.

The only thing that matters in this life is to find one's freedom of choice and support everyone else freedom of choice. That is divine.

I also do not believe in such a thing as sin. However, if I were to define sin, it would be "preventing another person's freedom/choice/right".

My belief in God is totally my own business and has nothing to do with anyone else. It is my conduct towards others that subject me to judgement, not my faith.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Farah Rusta

Wrong end of the stick

by Farah Rusta on

Did you know that when Stalin was consolidating his power base in the Soveit Union of the 1930's, there were voices of dissent, whithin the communist party who were genuinely calling for Stalin's removal from the top post BUT were equally, if not more, passionate about the great horizons that were laid ahead if the party went the way they wanted it to go. You can be sure that there were millions of people who believed in the same doctorine, i.e. communism, but preferred a different person at the helm than uncle Joe (who turned out to be more popluar than all his successors, as well as his predecessor).  

You seem to have a propensity to get the wrong end of the stick all the time. Khomeini too was saying all the right words, based on Quran and Hadith. But used the same Quran and Hadith shortly afterwards to reverse what he had said before the revolution. 

Thrity years later, you and a large group of Iranians are buying the same stuff from a different group of salesmen. Your parents generation may be forgiven for doing what they did but you have that experience behind you and still fall for the same salesman's speil.

And as for observing the protocol, you seem to be seeing things behind the surface that others cannot. The is what i call a conspiracy infested mind.








Farahr Rusta

by Dariush (not verified) on

I think his 5 minutes speech will have more effects on people than many in oppositions who give speech all year long.
He made number of important points, but again like the book, you chose what you wrote based on your intention, understanding, interest and politics and disregarded all the good Masoud Pezeshkian said.
Unlike some, the language I heard him speak was justice, fairness, respect, freedom of speech, minorities rights, peace, human rights and more.

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Farah Rusta, are you kidding?!

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

Those who are telling you that Khomeini and Beheshti are not revered in Iran, and that this speech does not resonate with what the majority respect, that it is not genuinely meant, and that it is merely a pretense underneath which there is a longing for secular democracy, ... those thankfully have fallen asleep on their laptops and are dreaming!!!  This is not a Velvet Revolution, sorry!  It is a genuine indigenous movement of a people the majority of whom are Muslim and all of whom are Iranian.

As for paying respect to Khamenei and Velayat-e-Faghih, this is a protocol that has to be observed if one wishes to live!!  It is like the Shah's time, did anyone dare speak publicly and not praise and express loyalty to the Aryamehr, unless he/she was either mad or suicidal, or out of reach of the clutches of the police and the SAVAK?!  Have you heard that the Basidgis are asking for Mousavi to be prosecuted for treason?   

These brave individuals are putting their lives on the line and such a shame their courage and integrity does not meet your standards.


News flash for LalehGillani

by 1/4th Irani (not verified) on

News flash for LalehGillani and Oktaby (who seem to be so out of touuch with reality), the majority of Iranians are muslim and will remain muslim, but they're also Iranians and they're proud of it. I agree with Setareh Cheshmakzan, these type of people are laptop revolutionaries.

Ahmed from Bahrain, that was a good post.

Farah Rusta

Far from convincing

by Farah Rusta on

For every single word that this manhas uttered there is a verse and a chapter by the same "hazrate Ali" and from the same Quran that can be interpreted in entirely the opposite way - in the mean time there are people, respectfully like a majority of commentators on this blog, who are bedazzled by the words shouted in Arabic (which they hardly understand) and the empty rhetorics of the speech.

If the likes of Pezeshkian had an iota of care or understanding for the words of Ali, they wouldn't have greeted Khomeini and Beheshti in their opening statements, nor would they have bowed to the Supreme Leader's leadership in the parliament of Velayate Faghih.

 And please don't tell me that he is just pretending and in reality he is  longing for a secular democracy to repalce the Islamic republic.

How many times you people would love to be blinded by your own self-denying conspiratorial self?



There are people who read

by Dariush (not verified) on

There are people who read Quran and become a much better human beings like "Masoud Pezashkian". There are people who read the same Quran and become evil. It is their intentions, their understanding and what they decide to take from the book that makes them so different. This happens with respect to any other book. So Saying Islam is to blame, is unjust and not helpful for the movement, just as we see many in other countries have the same issues without any connection to Islam. It is the self interest, greed and politics what they all have in common.

I sensed before that LalehGillani is not so much about secular democratic government for Iran. She is more about revenge and hate. As I said before, an opposition filled with poison and criminals will not serve people's interest, no matter how promising they may sound today. An opposition that is willing to send people in front of machine guns in the name of liberty and saying it is OK for people to get killed because that is what it takes, is not the right opposition. Their lack of care and respect for Iranian's life today shows how they will treat Iranians tomorrow. They are happy to see Iranians getting killed, because this will add more fuel to the fire and serves their interest.

I wrote, education and evolution that is in progress or a bloody revolution. You choice is a bloody revolution. Your wrote, "it is about freedom or slavery". What was in Iran was not slavery. It was partial lack of equal rights and freedom and far from slavery. If you want to know slavery read about England, America And south Africa. If you want to get close to it today, go to Israel/Palestine, a country ruled by "a minority" such as yourself. Imagine, if they were a majority.

what I see here is a an exaggeration and "crying wolf". Your comment to this man "Masoud Pezeshkian" is another proof that you are not about democrocy and freedom. For you, it is about Islam and getting Muslims from both sides killed, but for now you just mention Islam, since you need to use Muslims. I am beginning to see more similarities.

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Brave man and great speech

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

I thought his speech was brilliant and connected with the people of Iran the majority of whom are Muslims and also connected with anyone, Muslim or non-Muslim, who has any respect for fairness and justice.   Unlike the masked laptop 'revolutionaries' on the, these people who speak up like this, risk their freedom, livelihood and lives. 


Why Islam bashing?

by ali_UK on

Some of you on this site are so absorbed in your hate/dislike for Islam , that it clouds your judgment and reactions.

All you need to do is to push and promote a secular government.

Why do you feel the need to propagate so much hatred and poison about a religion that a great majority of Iranians as well another 1.5 billion in world believe in?

We should be Iranians first and then Muslim or Zoroastrian or Christian or Jew. IRI should not be used as an instrument to rubbish Islam. If your logic is followed , then Hamas supports and other Palestinians should be supported for taking the same approach as towards the Israeli government and the Jewish faith.

This MP delivered a great speech. He almost directly criticized and even challenged Khameneie.
More people like him could fill the leadership gap in the recent movement.



by tehran (not verified) on

It might take a few months but the next step is for the people to reorganize themselves and get armed! Once that happens no basiji or sepah or army can stand in their way.MARDOM MOSALLAH SHAVID.


Democracy at it's best...Eastern way.

by Mash Rajab (not verified) on

He is fair and likes to uphold justice.


Good Man

by Shah Hossein (not verified) on

Iran Is changing I just got back.This is Big.
All bets are off.We are in for something very big.
I don't not what, but everything just changed.We just have to wait and see.
Good luck to all dose who live in Iran.


Do not be fooled by this guy...

by Anonyed (not verified) on

They are all the same, ARAB ISLAMO FASCISTS, this is just to relief the pressure a bit by taking side with people. This guy speaks in Arabic more than Farsi.

The whole REGIME MUST GO...



It sounds good but

by oktaby on

The revisionism of Islam is no different than others who have written their version after victory. Islam's word as is in quoran and/or action of the Islamic leaders as religious or government leaders has rarely produced any glory for any country or people (same goes for other religions-never mind the comparative differences). Islamic republic is a living example. Look at what it has wrought compare to any country of the same or even lower means like Turkey, Korea (not the retarded north), Chile and on and on by any measure of economy, society, GDP, GNP, global stature, legal maturity, democratic institutions.....

I wonder if this guy was making passionate speeches or driving legislative, academic or bureaucratic change during the monstrocity of the last 30 years or at least the period he was head of Science at Tabriz U or minister of health before he fully joined this gang of thugs. He even starts his speech by shamelessly bowing to khamenei and co and talking about using legal path in a country where law essentially has little meaning or value. And then calling him Iranian of the day as he speaks half Arabic and talks of Ali as though he was a humanist. I understand what he is trying to do by speaking the devil's language so to speak but that has hardly worked before and it does not diminish the fact that he is also the enemy within. Talk is truely cheap. Progress and Islam/religion are diametrically opposed and that cannot be sugar coated. And we have several thousand years of murder and mayhem to prove it.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Ali's way

by Ahmed from Bahrain on


Ali P. Remember Ali was the khalifah at that time. Arabs rulers then and now look upon themselves as absolute rulers. According to narration this Chrisitan had indeed stolen Ali's sword, except he had no witnesses. The story speaks of compassion and that the ruler has to uphold the law like anyone else.

Also note the rest of the narration, explaining how Ali looks upon the masses with dignity, respect and compassion; which is according to Quranic scripture: "If you were to choose between the law and compassion then God favours compassion (above the law)".

What was interesting for me is the idiot who shouted at the end of this brave man's speach. He said: "A comendable speach but its aim is evil." This is also attributed to Ali but totally under different cicumstances which proves to me that these idiot mullah have no idea what they are talking about, since Quran and all of such narrations are in Arabic. They seem to use any interpretation they like to suit their own ill-gotten ways.

Ali said such a thing when, after months of war with Moawiyah and killing of many innoccent lives on both sides, asking him for a duel, in order to prevent further deaths and bring the fight to conclusion.

Moawiyah knew that he was no match for Ali, so ordered his troops to carry copies of Quran upon their spears. it was their way of calling it quits which Ali accepted but said his famous saying. As a result many of his own soldiers deserted him calling him coward, etc. But it also shows that such a leader prefers peace at his own cost. This very incident led to Ali's demise by his own people who became known as The Khawarij (Outsiders).

I wish half of these mullah idiots knew what they were talking about. I have left their ways long ago but defend the truth, wherever I find it. In fact I never took to their ways!!

At the core of all religions is love for the rest of God's creation. If the religion does not serve this purpose then drop it like a hot brick.


Ahmed from Bahrain


Laleh Guilani

by KouroshS on


If he does what you suggest, that means his head will be up on the "daar" or there will be a long term jail sentence waiting for him which will probably culminate in death anyways. Why would you want that for anyone?

I understand the point that you are trying to make here, but it is what it is, and like you and I and so many others witnessed, Their response to their dissidents is 10 times worse in magnitude and there really is no way to put them down forcefully, At least it can not be done by our unarmed citizens. But... i am afraid that i know what you will say next... and i don't think that will be a good way either...


To Laleh: It's a lot more

by Nima1 (not verified) on

To Laleh: It's a lot more effective to criticize your opponents by using their own logic. This smart and brave rep from Tabriz stands a better chance at convincing some members of his audience to side with the people with the speech he gave, much better than if he were to talk about secularism and western democracy.


The Islamic Logic

by LalehGillani on

The Islamic logic is flawed by the premise that it holds the divine authority to give or take lives. Such power has been the precursor to thirty years of bloodshed.

As a nation, we can’t brush this reality under the rug any longer. Islam is the ideology that has empowered IRI to kill in cold blood.

David ET

All it takes

by David ET on

is a country filled with brave people who speak their mind . He beat them in their own (Islamic ) logic and they had nothing left to say but to growl and BARK.



Talk about Arrogance!

by LalehGillani on

The arrogance of Muslims is displayed in full view through this speech.

This speaker’s sense of self righteousness has driven him to this point when he must speak out against his fellow partners in crime. Since he can’t bring himself to call other Muslim rulers criminals and murderers, he decides to stroke their egos by reminding them that even Imam Ali had to act like a human once in a while. Even Imam Ali had to set aside his two tipped sword, Zulfiqaar, on occasions. Even Imam Ali had to stop spilling the blood of the innocent from time to time.

What gives Islam the right to recognize or denounce other religions? What gives Muslims the right to bestow upon or deny the rest of us the right to live or to die? What gives Islam the right to rule over us?

We are human beings! We have the right to seek justice, the right to revolt against the rulers, and the right to say, “No more!”

Enough is enough! No more Islamic tyranny!


the only way to free Iran is within the system


It must e done by them and the change must be carried within the system if we don't want any bloodshed

Mr. Pezeshkian and many people like him must speak out





great speech

by mohamad vaezi (not verified) on

If only 20% of the population were as brave and honest as this guy then Iran would be a real democracy.