Courageous student

In a protest gathering explains who "traitors" are


Recently by FaramarzCommentsDate
The Women of Camp Ashraf
Dec 01, 2012
Negotiating with the IR Regime
Nov 22, 2012
Ahmadi Goes to Majlis - Gangnam Style!
Nov 19, 2012
more from Faramarz

go to the jail mother fu...

by hajiagha on


where all this Basaji to fu...this big eyes ugly glass


move to canada stupid

by hajiagha on


do not worry soon my passport ready I back and I fu, in Iran

move to Canada to working in a cold -40 out side in construction with PhD or or as professional artist with no right .

live poor and homeless, day after day,

do you know in Canada student sale own sex  and body to pay expensive cost of the study in university same as USA.

what you talking about looks to me your crass in Iran is too much and you eat so much caviar and get wild move out if you not happy


This Student Protest is useless

by Jamshid Niavarani (not verified) on

These students protest and what happens?

At minimum:

1. They get expelled from the University permanently.

2. They can never get a job in Iran.

3. If they are male and have not served their mandatory military service they will never get their passport. If they are male and have served military service their passport will be taken away. If they are female their passport will be taken away.

Where do these students end up?

1. They end up as asylum seekers and refugees. They live a life of exile. Since 1979 a lot of they have already died in exile.

Who controls Iran?

1. The Iranian Government.

2. The theocracy. The Parliament (Majlis), the Gaurdian Council (Majlis Khobregan), and ultimately the Spiritual Leader (Ayat'Allah Khamenei). By the way, the President in Iran is elected by the people but his powers are more limited than the Vice President in the U.S.

Who accepts the Islamic Republic of Iran?

The whole world. The U.N., the U.S., E.U. and every country in the world. Even Israel accepts the Islamic Republic of Iran.


What happened in January 2009?
30 years have passed since the Shah has left Iran and handed over the country to the theocracy. It was the Shah that ordered Iranian generals to permit Ayat'Allah Khomayni to land in Mehr'Abad Airport in Tehran in 1979.

Who do Iranians have to thank for 30 years of the theocracy?

The Pahlavi dynasty. They helped empower the Iranian Shia Muslim Clergy from 1925-1979.


TheTruth is right on!

by Anonymouszzzzzzzzzz (not verified) on

This and many other young courageous and “semi” smart students also owe it to their righteous cause to do research on history, economic cash flows, political science or “their lack of experience” before engaging in such verbose and accusatory dialogue.

It’s great to motivate our youth to exercise their ideas and creativity, but it’s also best for Iran to keep the youths hormones in check when it comes to political issues. We do it here in the west, and you don't see Jesse Jackson Jr's of our world calling all plitical shots either.

And talk about being verbose, JJ needs to visit Iran as badly as he needs to take his tennis rackets out from his closet.



by mahmoudg on

Need more people like him to to stand up to the Islamic terrorists ruling Persia


I hope

by MRX1 (not verified) on

he doesn't end up in a fabulous 5 star evion prison soon.


Drood bar to Daneshjoo!

by Anonymous-azary (not verified) on

درود بر تو فرزند کوروش بزرگ. بزودی این بچه عربها و بچه ترکها و بچه مغولها را از ایران بیرون میکنیم.


If Iran was a dictaroship!!

by Iva (not verified) on

To Truth person:

if Iran was a dictatorship!!! What do you call a system that has ONE lifelong ruler who doesn't answer to anyone and his sole words trumps all laws and regulations that might have been passed by representatives of people?! Don't think to hard, it is no other than dictatorship. Add the brute force of islam to it and you will get a fascist dictatorship system that won't even allow its subject choose the cloths they ware let alone speak their minds.

by the way, please take your speech up there to Khavaran grave yard and recite it over there ... I don't believe thousands of political prisoners who have been executed by islamists in Iran have heard your speech.


Dear Truth2: Would you

by Turth3 (not verified) on

Dear Truth2: Would you please provide links to more of these types of gatherings?

The Modus Operandi of IRI in this regard is to allow this kind of protest initially without arrest. However, in a few months, these students are rounded up, framed, and sent to Evin as it was the case in the Amir Kabir University uprising last year against Ahamdinejad.


The truth is

by TRUTH2 (not verified) on

There has always been Freedom of Expression under mullahtariat dictatorship in Iran, it is Freedom after Expression which is the big deal in Iran and all human rights activists agree on that.


THE TRUTH is.....

by THE TRUTH (not verified) on

Apparently JJ you have not been watching all these clips of university students challenging Khatami, Larijani, etc.

If Iran was a dictaroship, this kid would not be freely speaking like this, unimaginable in any other Middle Eastern country, including Iran prior to revolution. The problem is you have not been to Iran in ages. People freely speak their minds and have very little fear concerning it. The problem remains can those thoughts be expressed in the media. And while some newspapers remain critical, their remain red lines. But as for society criticizing or students speaking freely at university, I can assue you they are and do. Anyone who argues otherwise is in either ignorant, in denial, or simply has not been living in Iran.


I hope he doesn't get

by sickofiri (not verified) on

I hope he doesn't get killed. I'm in tears.


This kid should run for

by desi on

This kid should run for office.  

Jahanshah Javid

Bright future

by Jahanshah Javid on

May he live long and prosper. There are many like him. They deserve full participation in the country's affairs. The clerical monopoly on power must end. These bright, brave young minds must have the right to speak, criticize and challenge centers of power... it's the only way for a healthier, better society.