
More signatures in defense of Bahais

Two hundred more have joined the open letter “We are Ashamed”!

Press Release by the organizers of the open letter to the Baha’i community, titled, “A century and a half of oppression and silence is enough!”

Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.
-- Sa‘di

On 3 February 2009, the open letter “We are Ashamed! A century and a half of oppression and silence is enough!” was published. This proclamation was signed and endorsed by 42 Iranian academicians, writers, artists, journalists and human rights activists throughout the world. These signatories condemned the long silence of the Iranian society and intellectuals in face of crimes and atrocities inflicted upon the Baha’is of Iran over the course of a century and a half.

With the initial publication of this letter, a period of ten days was set aside so that others wishing to join this growing concern would be able to append their signature to this letter. We are now pleased to publish a more complete list of 267 signatories.

In sharing this list, a few points must be noted:

1. Great many emails in support of this open letter have been received. However, only those emails that were deemed to be from sufficiently reliable sources have been included in the present tally.

2. A number of political activists, professionals, specialists and other noble and well-meaning individuals have expressed alignment with the open letter and joined the rank of its signatories. Therefore, in addition to “Iranian academics, writers, artists, journalists and human rights activists”, these categories of Iranian professionals have also been added to the list.

3. Since it was not possible that through email to confirm with all those who signed this letter, a few of the names have been included without such confirmations and solely by relying on the submitted emails.

We are certain that once the existence of such a letter is more broadly promulgated, many concerned citizens in Iran and outside of Iran will eagerly welcome and endorse the sentiments expressed in this open letter, and we hope that independent media would arise to support us in spreading this message.

For information, kindly go to or contact:



I am Ashamed of Anonymous-jahany

by Ashamed (not verified) on

Is this moron arguing for discrimination against Baha’is because
"بهایت که ریشه ان در خاک متعفن و الوده به جنایت دین اسلام پرورش یافته است"
"کی دینها توانسته اند مشکلات بشریت را حل کنند"?
Not that either one makes any sense.

Also, by
"بعضی ایرانی ها دو دست و دندان به این ریشه جنایتها و واپس گرایها چسبیده اند"
does he mean Hezbollah and Islamic Republic supporters.



Down with islam

by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

Iranian get series fightin this corcodel.


Durood bar kheraadmandan

by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

Anche neveshty az nakhostin vajeh ta payan an ast ke kheraad pazeraad-SePaS.


the Iranian conscience on trial.

by Seagull (not verified) on

The trial of the seven Bahais is solely based the right of the Iranian people to choose.
Whether it is a substantial lack of faith and courage on the part of the persecutors to admit that these individuals are being tried solely for having chosen the Bahai faith over what the state preaches or it is an immense fear of doom and its ensuing paranoia that impels these oppressors to destroy anything that is different, is in itself a sufficient testimony to the hollowness of their claim and the slanderous nature of their assertions.
Those responsible have effectively placed the collective conscience of the Iranian people and their most basic right of choosing their own God on trial.


My second and last recommendation for the big buck

by AH Danesh, Retied Pofosso (not verified) on


شکست سکوت

1Anonymous (not verified)

از وجود چنین هم وطن هایی افتخار میکنم.دورود بر انسانهای خوب روزگار.


in response to Ghalam Doon

by farzad (not verified) on

Last time I checked this site was called Iranian doc com, not Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian dot com. Why not stick to this urgent and imminent danger that will have grave consequences for a latge group of IRANINANS in our own Iran then worry about other injustices that has happened and is happening else where.


Ashamed of what?

by Anonymous-jahany (not verified) on

این چرت و پرتها دیگه چیه. خجالت چی را باید بکشیم؟ خجالت را انهایی باید بکشند که فکر می کنند با تولید دینهای جدید از جمله بهایت که ریشه ان در خاک متعفن و الوده به جنایت دین اسلام پرورش یافته است می توانند کمپلکسهای حقارت و کمبودهای خود را از این راه تسلی بخشند. کجا و کی دینها توانسته اند مشکلات بشریت را حل کنند که بعضی ایرانی ها دو دست و دندان به این ریشه جنایتها و واپس گرایها چسبیده اند. ایا تو هموطن بهایی میدانی که علت وجود همه ادیان جهل و نادانی عموم مردم و خودخواهی و سو استفاده از دیگران بوده است. ایا میدانی که موسی وعیسی و محمد و بهاالهه و..... همه شیاد و فرصت طلب بوده اند. امروز وقت ان است که به جای این همه چرندیات مذهبی خرد و اندیشه خود را بکار اندازی و کنترل افکار خود از دست شیادانی مثل بهااله و باب و محمد و عیسی و.... بدر اوری و به انسان و انسانیت اعتقاد داشته باشی. چشمت را باز کن و ببین این ادیان چه به روز بشر و بشریت در اورده اند. اگر کسی قرار است کسی خجل و شرمنده باشد شما پیروان جهل و نادانی هستید که باید شرمنده باشید نه اخوند جنایتکار که خود مولد جهل است.


The taliban Esteem: It is time to make some good money

by Dr. A. Hassan Danesh, Retired Pofessor (not verified) on

As you may know a recent painting of the Taliban sold at one million dollars... you heard it correct...1,000,000.00 dollars/ in new york city open aution.

Here is another genuine scene which I recommend for the artist painters to go after to make some huge some of money for their creation...

Original: everything now is on the table!



Dear ghalamdon

by Tahirih on

plight of bahais is something that is happening right now in Iran. Just because we are asking immediate attention to our situation does not minimize anything else. IRI is going to put 7 innocent bahais on trial, and this has made this issue so urgent, otherwise we have to support justice every where , every day.



Thereunto: You guys are out of your mind

by Dr. Abol Hassan Danesh, Retired Professor (not verified) on

Islamic republic by definition means conversion of all existing faiths to islam. Whether zoroasterian, Jewish, Christian, Bahai, Budhist all accroding to the nature of government must relinquish their faith to be able to join the Islamic republic.

Yes it is as that simple and as stupit.

Therefore don't expect under this kind of government any human rights to be given to any religious faith whatsoever.

The foundation is rotten from roots up!

Huh ... you think this is the government of cyrus the great that all religious convictions is respected with the rights threreof, therein, and thereunto?

Expect nothing from these fools! Nothing!


Just Wondering

by ghalam-doon on

Is there a similar letter/petition from the Turkish people to the Kurdish and Armenian communities apologizing for the atrocities that were committed in their names? Is that "silence" resolved?

Darius Kadivar

Signed !

by Darius Kadivar on

Thanks for the reminder. Just signed the petition.
