John Bolton: Military strike against Iran

Jon Stewart's Daily Show


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

It's useless...

by IRANdokht on

There is no amount of reasoning that Jon Stewart can do for this idiot to think any differently than he has all these years.  It's like talking to a wall, a very stupid, arrogant, cruel and yet self-righteous wall made of crap.



Another Bushie

by minadadvar on

This guy sounds like another ignorant/arrogant Bushie. These bullies are so similiar to IRI regime, it is disgusting.

Kamran Ramyar

John Bolton the idiot!

by Kamran Ramyar on

"Giving assistance to Iranian dissidends'; "Regime change"; "Cladestine operations";  etc.........

Brave words coming out of his fucking mouth.  Someone ought to tell this asshole all these manuvears have been tried before and failed misreably with Iranian populace paying a hefty price. 

Have you forgotten 1953 coup???!!!!!!


dodoododododododododo iran,

by zebel20 on

dodoododododododododo iran, they can all go and fuck themselves, and have a revolution in their own fucking third world country, be gholeh marod, ba sily sorateshono sorkh neghar dashtan, a broke nation that dont even beark even, every year they borrow multi billion dollors from china

Darius Kadivar

They Should have Orson Welles as a Nuclear Expert Instead

by Darius Kadivar on


Mr. Walrus has not changed!

by yolanda on

Thank you for sharing the video! I hope what Mr. Walrus said will not come true! We don't need WWIII!

Darius Kadivar

Can't He Just Shut the F..CK UP ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Even a Poodle Could understand international relations better than this new "Dog" Breed !

He does look like a Dog doesn't he ? ;0)


How do these Guys Get Hired in the First Place by the State Department as "Experts"?  I would like to know !