
Delara Darabi

Fear of imminent execution

I would like to suggest Delara Darabi as Iranian of the Day.

Unless the family of the deceased agree to forgive her, she will be executed on Monday. This will be a tragedy, as Delara's lawyer believes that if she were to be given a fair trial, he can prove that she could not have been the murderer in this case.

Delara is an artist whose haunting paintings show the nightmare that her life has been since she agreed to take the blame for a murder she didn't commit when her then boyfriend planned and executed the murder of her aunt.


* Delara at immediate risk of execution

* Delara ... to live


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SCE Campaign

Delara's execution postponed 2 months

by SCE Campaign on




I also read this comment which I think is very interesting:


از : سهند نسیمی

عنوان : پیشنهاد
پ÷.هش های روانشناسی و خاطرات اولیای دمی که خود شاهد قصاص مجرم بوده اند نشان می دهد که با عمل انتقامگیری نه تنها باری از دوش خانواده مقتول برداشنه نشده بلکه فشارهای وارده روحی هم بر آنها اضافه شده است.--- مشکلترین اش عذاب وجدان و احساس گناه مخصوصا اگر بعدا بی گناهی مجرم ثابت شود---- پاراواکس این پدیده در این است که انتقام گیرنده فقط بعد از عمل انتقام بهش آگاهی پیدا می کند که دیگر کاری نمی تواند انجام دهد. در مباحث روانکاوی و روانشناسی ثابت شده است که آدمی فقط با قبول اتفاقات گذشته و عفو می تواند از تجربه شوم اتفاق افتاده عبور کرده و گذشته را پشت سر گذاشته و انر÷ی روحی و احساسی سرمایه گذاری شده بر روی عزیز از دست رفته اش را دوباره باز گرفته و به زندگی عادی خودش باز گردد و الا تا آخر عمرش بدهکار خواهد ماند. چند سال پیش که یه دختر آمریکایی که در افریقای جنوبی به خدمت داوطلبانه به سیاه پوستان مشغول بود توسط گانکستر های سیاه مورد تجاوز و بعدا به قتل رسیده بود که خانواده دختر مقتولین را بخشیده و مدرسه ای به نام دخترشان در افریقای جنوبی احداث کردند که وظیفه اش آموزش مجرمین زندانی بود که قاتلان دخترش هم درش آموزش می دیدند و والدین دختر هم با آنها در همان مدرسه ملاقات کردند و دوباره از گناه آنها گذشتند.

در آن شکی نیست که دلارا بی گناهترین بی گناهان است برای اینکه با ازمایش های forensic و اثار جراحات و غیره می توان به راحتی فرق بین دست راستی و دست چپی را ثابت نمود.

حالا که دولت در این باره کوتاهی کرده که دلالت بر بی عرضه گی کارآگاهان جنائی است کاری از دست دولت بر نمی اید و تنها راه رهایی این خانم بخشش از طرف اولیای دم است. در کشورهای غربی معمولا برای خاتمه دادن به پرونده هائیکه به نحوی به مرگ های غیر عمدی منتهی شده مبلغی به خانواده اسیب دیده پرداخته میشه که هر چند پول جای عزیز از دسته رفته را نمی ده اما کمکی است که می تواند در دوره سخت بدردشان بخورد.

از آنجائیکه خانواده اولیای دم حاضر نشده اند که در مراسم اعدام شرکت کنند نشانه آن است که آنها زیادی عقده انتقام گیری ندارند و از این بابت بر خلاف عده ای از سلامت روحی برخوردارند که می توان با منطق قانع شان کرد که به نعع آنها اسنت ک دلارا را به بخشند و برای ترغیب باید مشوقی در نظر گرفته شده باشد که پرداخت مبلغی--- هر چه بیشتر بهتر--- می تواند انگیزه ای برای بخشش دلارا باشد.

من با وکیل ایشان تماسی ندارم ولی مطمین هستم که آنهائیکه به این سایت سر می زنند بعضی هایشان حتما با ایشان تماس دارند می توانند که این پیشنهاد را به وکیل ایشان رسانده و اگر هم خانواده دلارا بضاعت پراخت وجه را نداشته باشند می توان حسابی باز کرده و از کمک های مالی مردم استفاده کرد. اگر همچو پیشنهادی مورد قبول قرار گیرد من هم کمک مالی خواهم کرد.




حکم اعدام دلارا دارابی متوقف شد


کمیته ی گزارشگران حقوق بشر: حکم اعدام دلارا دارابی، فردا اجرا نخواهد شد.
عبدالصمد خرمشاهی با بیان این خبر، گفت: "بنابر اعلام اولیای دم مبنی بر عدم حضور در مراسم اجرای حکم و از آنجا که مطابق قانون، حکم تنها در حضور اولیای دم اجرا می شود، فعلا اجرای حکم دلارا به تعویق افتاده است، با این حال اولیای دم هنوز از درخواست قصاص صرف نظر نکرده اند."
دل آرا دارابی متهم است در آبان ماه سال ۸۶ درحالی که ۱۷ سال داشت، یکی از بستگان پدرش را به قتل رسانده است. طبق اقرار دل آرا، دادگاه وی را به عنوان متهم ردیف اول پرونده معرفی کرد. درحالی که او پس از این اقرار اولیه، علت اقرارش را علاقه زیاد به پسری عنوان کرد که به گفته دل آرا، عامل اصلی جنایت بود. دل آرا در جلسه دادگاه عنوان کرد، به دلیل اینکه ورزشکار است و کاراته کار می کند، توانسته است با وجود جثه کوچک و نحیفش، مقتول را مورد حمله قرار دهد. او پس از این اقرار که یکی از دلایل اصلی صدور حکم قصاص علیه وی بود، ارتکاب به قتل را انکار کرد.
عبدالصمد خرمشاهی، وکیل مدافع وی، ایراداتی را به جریان پرونده وارد دانسته بود، از جمله اینکه با توجه به چپ دست بودن دلارا، وی نمی توانسته ضربات را از سمت راست به بدن مقتول وارد اورد.
دلارا دارابی که هم اکنون در زندان رشت نگهداری می شود، قرار بود صبح فردا به محل اجرای حکم اعدام برده شود.

 See Here: //



why aren't those in america

by zebel20 on

why aren't those in america doing anything to save people from execution? there are over 300m people living there. oh yeah, they are all we no exception, were born 100% mule. dont insult iranians.

Mort Gilani

Delara Forever

by Mort Gilani on

Why aren't those dayous in Iran doing anything to save her life?  There are 70m people living there.  Have all of them turned into mules?

rosie is roxy is roshan

i thought ashgar was saying it the other way around..david

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

as is a surprise, i mean that she really could've been, and still can be exectued...?

i guess it's open to interpretation..

that's the problem with the internet as a medium for communction you know..

but i cannot imagine that anyone even someone who thought her guilty and believed in capital punishment..

 would want such a beautiful young woman and such a brilliant poet to be exected at 22...

well our nerves are all very frayed..


David ET


by David ET on

I do not know what to make of your sarcastic remark: "execution is stopped! what a surprize! NOT"

If you have any INSIDER information as to who gets executed in Islamic Republic and who doesn't , please let us know too. Otherwise I can not make any sense of your insensitive remark.

Here is an incomplete list of the juveniles (girls and boys) that the regime has executed, some recently ...and once you click keep scrolling!! may be next time you don't presume so much.


SCE Campaign

Delara's execution is postponed

by SCE Campaign on


One More of Act of Injustice!

by Nokteh (not verified) on

We have become immune to injustice, it is not about execution, burning, destroying lives, war, you name it. We have become accostumed to the process but get hyped with an individual event. This regime has been doing this the second they came to power 30 years ago and we act like this is unacceptable!!! It sure is, we have accepted it for 30 years for tens of thousdands of people that didn't get the publicity why this one should be different, isn't this sort of injustice also towards those who didn't get the coverage. It is a shame of a nation that has too easily accepted these acts for so long and by it's own people. What more can one say?

Justice is that they are wiped off the face of the earth by their own kind and be no more.


execution is stopped!

by Asgharo (not verified) on

what a surprise!




by jay (not verified) on

Death penalty is the worst type of human right abuse that have never been accepted by any human being. Well the government of Iran is notorious for human right ignorance in all shapes and forms. they have executed so many innocent young and old that they have forgotten one day they will be the one to go to the people's court and that day will come...My thoughts and prayer with you Delara

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Just like in the movies, ya know. In Texas. The governor has granted a pardon!


Darius Kadivar

For Delara ...

by Darius Kadivar on

I would like to dedicate this clip by Googoosh to Delara with the hope that she will not be executed tomorrow:

Multiple Personality Disorder

I changged my avatar to Delara's

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

It took me a while to figure it out, but at the end I changed my avatar to Delara's.

Try this see if it works for you, do not check mark where it ask to delete your old avatar; just upload her picture and submit the change.

SCE Campaign

Delara to be executed- NO pardon

by SCE Campaign on

Darius Kadivar

FYI/Jeremy Irons Say's it All ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Jeremy Irons talks about the death penalty


rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on



When international groundswells in IRI capital cases have occurred, as in Delara's, there HAVE been reprieves, but almost always at the eleventh hour. Delara's execution is scheduled for tomorrow. It is ten o'clock. The perfect time to act.

This website is the largest online Iranian community in the world. The Internet provides instant access to individuals, forums, groups, governments and other media all over the planet. It is the responsibility of this community to be at the forefront of the struggle for Delara's life today. You can sign one e-mail petition. Or you can do everything you possibly can for THIS ONE DAY to achieve the necessary critical mass. In both cases you will have done something.

The difference is that only in the second case will you truly have the right to cry if Delara dies tomorrow.

rosie is roxy is roshan

DK, what fantastic ideas! In my view, what has (merciifully)

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

finally begun to happen within the shifting geopolitical situation is the formation (first seen during obama's campaign) of what i'd call a center-left coalition of pragmatists who yet work from the heart and seek what unites, rather than what divides. and so those on the so-called "right" as well are also hopping on board. this is the time.

people must get over their frozen conceptions about nezanin. so she is a beauty queen is it a crime for a beauty queen to get funds from the deep pockets of the wealthy to protect the poor and oppressed--because obviously most kids on death row in iran, as in us and anywhere, are the poor...(delara being the "celebrity" mediagenic exception that proves the rule..). would it be BETTER, more noble, for nezanin to promote her own sportswear and perfume lineS? coaliton, unity, focus on what unites,...after thirty years to finally form a coaliton that can give purpose to the expat community and make them trusted and relevant within iran. there is no longer time or SENSE in the lethal divide between external geopolitics and internal human rights. it must stop.

please write directly to jahanshah and sce campaign and share your ideas with them. please see at the top of home page jahanshah's resolute statement on human rights under the song upper right hand corner. I am sure he would be DELIGHTED to hear your ideas.

 lotsaluv, and caviar,


ps for my views on your observations on the so-called "less dramatic" victims, no, there is no such thing. all are part and parcel of each other. please read (or re-read) my last two long posts on david's election thread in which i write about the "ballet" we are observing, the carefully orchestrated ballet of a full-frontal choreographed attack on human rights on ALL fronts in iran to show o and eu that in order for human rights to be a bargaining chip in the geopolitcal game, they will have to give up a LOOOOOOOOOT.

now roxana, another beautiful young gifted cameragenic "celebrity viction" is clearly THE BIGGEST PAWN. But the truth of the matter is that Roxana will not get even so much as a PAPER CUT in prison any time soon whereas Delara's life very well hangs in the balance of what we do today. This sunday in april, today.

So no, there is no one more or less dramatic, more or less important. NO ONE. Let us do our all for Delara TODAY and that provides unity and momentum and energy to focus on all the others, all equally delara. tomorrow day..



fardaa roshanast.

roxane :o)

Darius Kadivar

Could Ross Mirkarimi Help Spread Awareness on SCE & Delara ?

by Darius Kadivar on


Why Not Invite Nazanin Afshin Jam To Join KIOSK, ASLANI, And Others and Have the latters Join PUBLICALLY IN SUPPORT TO IRANIAN.COM AND SCE ?

It Could Be a Begining of Some Constructive cooperation and Solidarity on Major Issues concerning our Diaspora in relation to our former Homeland and Urging Our Representatives to take a stand in informing fellow Americans and the MEDIA of SCE Campaign and the predicament of Fellow Iranians back home ...



Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

And In Addition Why Not TURN April 25th Concert ALSO into a MORAL AND PUBLIC Support FOR SCE Campaign & Human Rights ! 

Why Not Invite Nazanin Afshin Jam To Join KIOSK, ASLANI, And Others and Have the latters Join PUBLICALLY IN SUPPORT TO IRANIAN.COM AND SCE ?


The predicament although less dramatic of Roxane Saberi or Hossein Derakhshan a blogger on should Not be Ignored on such an occasion where their names should be reminded !

I hope that some kind of declaration could be made during the April 25th Concert in Support of the SCE Campaign and Why not have Nazanin come and Speak along with the Support of KIOSK and ASLANI ETC ...


My Humble Opinion,


rosie is roxy is roshan

To spend one Sunday to save Delara GO HERE

by rosie is roxy is roshan on


When international groundswells in IRI capital cases have occurred, as in Delara's, there HAVE been reprieves, but almost always at the eleventh hour. Delara's execution is scheduled for tomorrow. It is ten o'clock. The perfect time to act.

This website is the largest online Iranian community in the world. The Internet provides instant access to individuals, forums, groups, governments and other media all over the planet. It is the responsibility of this community to be at the forefront of the struggle for Delara's life today. You can write one e-mail or send one fax. Or you can do everything you possibly can for one day to achieve the necessary critical mass. In both cases you will have done something.

The difference is that only in the second case will you truly have the right to cry if Delara dies tomorrow.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Some thoughts on freedom from Delara

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

تا زمانیکه آزادیم
آزادی  را آرمانی دست نیافتنی می پنداریم

و برای رسیدن به چیزی که قربانی زیر پای ماست؛

دستها یمان را دراز می کنیم

آزادی ! همیشه در بند نبودن معنا نمی دهد 

آی آدم ها ! بیایید بند های اندیشمان را بدریم ها

ودر بند ازادی نباشیم


زیرا که خود در "بند"  ماست 

While Free

we suppose freedom is an ideal, Unattainable.

and we reach out

for what is already sacrificed under our own feet!

Freedom!?….Never being entrapped is meaningless!

Oh People! Let us rip the chains of our thoughts

and not be captivated by freedom

for …that itself is our "captive” .. 


Delara in her six years of incarceration since heage 17 became a brilliant poet and painter. She was known in prison as "The Prisoner of Colors' Then they decided to take away her paints and brushes. She attempted to scratch pictures onto the walls of her cell as she put into increasing isolation. She then attempted suicide by slitting her wrists. And yet she knows more about freedom than any of us do.

When an international groundswell such as Delara's occurs on IRI capital cases, there HAVE been reprieves. And they are ALWAYS at the eleventh hour. It is now ten o'clock. Monday the clock strikes twelve.

This is EXACTLY the time to act. It's not too late. It's the PERFECT time.

There are SO many things SCE tells us on their blogs we can do to use this technology, this gift of ours, to get the word out EVERYWHERE, to other media as well. The pressure's worked before. It can work again. What are you doing tomorrow?. It's Sunday. Maybe you really only DO have five minutes to send a letter or sign a petition because of work or somoething really urgent.

But if not, what could be a more pleasant way to spend a Sunday than to save Delara's life. What a way to feek truly free, to feel the warm sun and the wind in your hair...

And to fight for Dealar is far more than even that. It is to fight for the soul and future of Iran. Read her poem again. Look into her eyes. And if you tell me for one moment that this girl is not the soul and future of Iran..

I will tell you to look again.

Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

I tried over and over again. I know exactly how to do this. However, instead of Delara's picture, one of the avatars that are available on the website replaced mine and the sentence "The changes have been saved" appeared. Now, the strange thing is that when I tried to replace *that standard avatar* (that had replaced mine) with Delara's picture, I was unsuccessful, yet I was able to replace that same standard avatar with *my own usual picture." Both my picture and Delara's come from the exact same file on my computer. So, logically, if there is a glitch in my computer, it should cause problem for both my picture's and Delara's uploading! Very strange!

Anyway, I've asked JJ for the favour of changing my avatar and he will hopefully do it for me.


rosie is roxy is roshan

PS Azadeh, why so sad?

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

You have a lovely way to spend a Sunday. SCE gives PLENTY of things to yourself and to get others to do and to reach other media. IRI capital cases with international groundswells, such as this one, HAVE gotten reprieves. But reprieves happen at the eleventh hour. It's ten o'clock. So just get to work.

Just standing up and DOING something as a MOVEMENT TOGETHER after thirty years should be in and of itself highly rewarding. This site is huge. The groundswell can get very huge tomorrow and Monday.

If people WANT it, it will HAPPEN.Globally.

Go here: //


rosie is roxy is roshan

Azadeh you do it the same way you got your own image PS

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

for your avatar. Download, then upload, an image. But this time from google.

The way my computer is set up, I went into google image search delara darabi. Then as usual to change my avatar, I click on the image, then click see larger image, and then SAVE under file. This will automatically download the image into my pictures folder. It happens instantly and the computer tells me nothing.Then I go into my account here on i.c., click on edit, and under the choice of avatars, click on browse. This will automatically display all my saved images. Then I click on the Delara image and click open. This will put the URL of her image into the browse bar. Then I click submit at the bottom above Recent Contributors.If you don’t see it as your new avatar, try refreshing. That’s F5 on Internet  Explorer. Mozilla I don’t know.

PS If you're having problems e-mail me,

Paymaneh Amiri

Asieh Amini talks about Delara Darabi

by Paymaneh Amiri on

اين روزها به هر طرف که رو مي کنم با اظهار نظري درباره دلارا دارابي روبرو مي شوم. نامه ها و پتيشن ها و يادداشت ‏ها و مصاحبه ها و خبرها حکايت از اين دارد که فارغ از اينکه اين اظهارات در جهت حمايت اوست يا به عکس، اين ‏موضوع، يعني اعدام دختري که در 17 سالگي قتلي را به گردن گرفته است که حالا بايد به اين دليل اعدام شود، در سطحي ‏وسيع توجه عمومي را به خود جلب کرده است. ‏

اگر چه نقاش بودن دلارا و نمايش عمومي نقاشي هايي که او در زندان کشيده بود، در شهرت اين زنداني محکوم به اعدام، ‏بي تاثير نبوده و باعث شده که احساسات عمومي نسبت به او بيش از ساير محکوم به اعدامهاي نوجوان جلب شود، ولي ‏مساله اين است که دلارا از نظر سن و موضوع پرونده، فرقي با آنها ندارد. او نيز مثل سايران، متهمي است که در زير 18 ‏سالگي حکم اعدام دريافت کرده است. او نيز مثل بسياري از آنها در مراحل ابتدايي پرونده، حق داشتن وکيل و آگاه شدن از ‏قوانيني که احساسات تحريک شده يک دختر 17 ساله را با شرايط ديگر متفاوت نمي داند، را نداشته است. او نيز مثل ‏بسياري از متهمان نوجوان نمي دانسته است که اگر اقرار کند، کسي از او نخواهد پرسيد که چرا اقرار کرده اي؟ براي ‏کشف واقعيت؟ يا براي لجبازي با پدرت؟ يا براي حمايت از پسري که به او دل بسته اي و مي ترسي که اگر نوک اتهام به ‏سوي او نشانه رود، تا چندي بعد بايد سياهپوش عزايش شوي! ‏

کسي از او پرسيد که آيا مي داني حرفهايي که مي زني بزودي سندي عليه زندگي ات خواهد بود يا نه؟ اين قصه تکراري ‏نوجواناني است که قانون، سن تکليف شرعي آنها را با سن مسووليت کيفري تفکيک نکرده است. اين قصه همه نوجواناني ‏است که اگر چه در 18 سالگي حق داشتن گواهينامه دريافت مي کنند اما در 9 سالگي و 15 سالگي بايد مسائلي را که به ‏زندگي يا مرگشان بستگي دارد، درک کنند و نسبت به آن مسوول باشند. ‏

وقتي که سه سال پيش نمايشگاه نقاشي او را در گالري گلستان برپا مي کردم به تنها چيزي که مي انديشيدم نجات دلارا از ‏مرگ بود. چرا که باور داشتم نقاشي هاي پر از زهر او نمي تواند دروغ باشد. نقاشي هايي که در زماني بر بوم نشستند که ‏نقاش آنها اميدي به نشان دادن و نماش آنها در دنياي بيرون نداشت و از اين رو هرآنچه که کشيده بود، حرفهاي نگفته اي بود ‏که اينگونه تصوير مي شد. اما اين باور من، امروز رنگ ديگري به خود گرفته است. چرا که از خودم مي پرسم آيا اگر ‏دلارا نقاش نبود و اينگونه برون فکني را هم مي دانست، از او همينگونه حمايت نمي کردم؟ ‏

اين روزها بسيراي از ما يا در فکر نامه نگاري به مديران قضايي کشور براي توقف اجراي حکميم، يا در فکر دلجويي و ‏نامه نگاري به خانواده اولياي دم- که خود حکايت ستمديدگي ديگري دارند- اما کداميک از اين دو راه درمان درد همه ‏محکومان به اعدام نوجواني است که در زمان ارتکاب جرم و گرفتن اتهام، در سنين پر تنش و پر فراز و نشيب رشد بوده ‏اند؟ ‏

خانواده امير افتخار (دارابي)، خواهان مجازات قاتل مادرشان هستند. اين ساده ترين و قابل قبول ترين حقي است که آنها مي ‏طلبند. اما اين حق کدام است؟ و قانون براي آنها چه سهمي در نظر گرفته است؟ ‏

نخست اينکه شناسايي قاتل واقعي در اين پرونده – با وجود اينکه حکم دلارا قطعيت يافته است- اما هنوز در پرده ابهام ‏است. زيرا دختر 17 ساله اي قتل را به گردن گرفته است که در اوج احساسات نوجواني است و در بي خبري محض، از ‏اينکه سخنانش چه سرنوشتي را براي او رقم خواهد زد و همان دختر بارها و بارها شرايط را چنان تشريح کرده است که ‏باورکردنش چندان سخت و دور از ذهن نيست. وکيلش بعدها سند ديگري را دليل بر قاتل نبودن او ارائه داد. او گفت که يک ‏دختر چپ دست نمي تواند ضارب 18 ضربه مرگبار به زني باشد که بيش از دو برابر وزن او را داشته است. که گرچه ‏اين دليل با منطق سازگار است محکمه پسند نبوده است. ‏

‏ پاسخ به اين سوال که دلارا دارابي قاتل است يا نيست، در شرايطي که حکم او قطعي شده و استيذان هم دريافت کرده چيزي ‏را عوض نمي کند. اما به ما اين ديد را مي دهد که اگر يک درصد، ( تاکيد مي کنم تنها يک درصد) اين حکم و تاييدهاي آن ‏درست نباشد، آيا اين پرسش براي قانون گذاران مطرح نمي شود که بايد براي اقرارهاي متهمان نوجواني که بازداشت مي ‏شوند، رويه قضايي ديگري طي شود تا اقرار آنها عليه خودشان براي گريز از شرايط سخت پرس و جوي بعد از جنايت، ‏مبناي صدور حکم قرار نگيرد؟ ‏

دوم اينکه در پرونده هاي متهمان و محکومان به اعدام زير 18 سال، بسيار برخورده ام به صاحبان خوني که از کشتن و ‏اعدام يک نوجوان راضي نيستند، اما آزاد شدن آنها را نيز به دور از عدالت مي دانند. درحالي که سيستم حقوقي در بسياري ‏از نقاط دنيا پاسخ اين نياز طبيعي را داده است و براي نوجوانان براي شديدترين جرايم، اشد مجازاتي تا ده سال در نظر ‏گرفته اند، و در حالي که لايحه دادرسي اطفال که کليات آن در مجلس شوراي اسلامي به تصويب رسيده نيز براي اعدام ‏نوجوانان ( بدون اينکه لفظا قصاص را از آن تفکيک کرده باشد) مجازات جايگزين حبس درنظر گرفته است، سوال اين ‏است که چرا تکليف قانوني که حامي حقوق کودکان باشد و سن مسووليت کيفري نوجوانان در آن به صراحت 18 سال ‏عنوان شده باشد، مشخص نمي شود؟ ‏

پذيرفتن پيمان نامه اي که سن کودک را 18 سال تمام عنوان کرده است و عمل کردن بر طبق قانوني که مسووليت کيفري و ‏تکليف شرعي را يکي مي داند آيا يکي به نعل زدن و يکي به ميخ کوفتن نيست؟!‏

آنچه دم آخر بايد بگويم اين است که باز هم ناگزيريم از اين که براي نجات جان يک انسان، به همين نامه ها و درخواستها و ‏استمدادها توسل بجوييم. در حالي که چاره هيچ يک از اين پرونده ها نه به جد در دست ولي دم است و نه در دست آنکس که ‏براي يک هفته و دو هفته و دو ماه دستور توقف اجراي حکم مي دهد. ‏

با اين همه اميد بسته ايم به اينکه اينبار طرف اين پرونده خانواده اي اهل فرهنگ است و همه آنچه ما گفته ايم و مي گوييم ‏بهتر از ما مي داند. آنها خواستار اجراي عدالتند. اما با آنچه در اين قصه آمده است، آيا عدالت، با کشتن دختري که از 17 ‏سالگي در زندان بوده است، محقق مي شود؟ و آيا تاوان نداشتن قانوني که از کودکان و نوجوانان در قبال مجازات مرگ ‏حمايت کند، را با کشتن آنها مي توان پس داد؟ ‏


Azadeh Azad

Changing our avatars to Delara's picture for a few days

by Azadeh Azad on

I'm trying to replace my avatar with Delara's picture, to no avail. I emailed JJ to do it for me. We should all use her picture as our avatars!

With sadness,


rosie is roxy is roshan

Some thoughts on freedom from Delara

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

تا زمانیکه آزادیم
آزادی  را آرمانی دست نیافتنی می پنداریم

و برای رسیدن به چیزی که قربانی زیر پای ماست؛

دستها یمان را دراز می کنیم

آزادی ! همیشه در بند نبودن معنا نمی دهد 

آی آدم ها ! بیایید بند های اندیشمان را بدریم ها

ودر بند ازادی نباشیم


زیرا که خود در "بند"  ماست 

While Free

we suppose freedom is an ideal, Unattainable.

and we reach out

for what is already sacrificed under our own feet!

Freedom!?….Never being entrapped is meaningless!

Oh People! Let us rip the chains of our thoughts

and not be captivated by freedom

for …that itself is our "captive”


Delara in her six years of incarceration since heage 17 became a brilliant poet and painter. She was known in prison as "The Prisoner of Colors'  Then they decided to take away her paints and brushes. She attempted to scratch pictures onto the walls of her cell as she put into increasing isolation. She attempted suicide by slitting her wrists. every day for her is dark. And yet she knows more about freedom than any of us do.

When an international groundswell such as Delara's occurs on IRI capital cases, there HAVE been reprieves. And they are ALWAYS at the eleventh hour. That is today. Tomorrow the clock strikes twelve.

This is EXACTLY the time to act. It's not too late. It's the PERFECT time.

There are SO many things SCE tells us on their blogs we can do to use this technology, this gift of ours, to get the word out EVERYWHERE, to other media as well. The pressure's worked before. It can work again. What are you doing tomorrow?. It's Sunday. Maybe you really only DO have five minutes to send a letter or sign a petition because of work or somoething really urgent.

But if not, what could be a more pleasant way to spend a Sunday than to save Delara's life. What a way to feek truly free, to feel the warm sun and the wind in your hair...

And to fight for Delara is far more than even that. It is to fight for the soul and future of Iran. Read her poem again. Look into her eyes. And if you tell me for one moment that this girl is not the soul and future of Iran..

I will tell you to look again.
