Change -- towards Iran

What do Obama and Khatami have in common?


Change -- towards Iran
by Midwesty

As ironic as it might sound, it seems after Obama’s election US politics is back to the first square. The battle between Reagan and Clinton’s legacies is on and alive. One wonders why on earth in the wide, broad, and fertile landscape of US politics we should manage to starve ourselves to death sucking on the empty containers of Clinton and Reagan’s juice boxes, like there is no tomorrow.

It wasn’t enough to see an eight-year ruling of one of the fiercest Reagan fans pulling outdated and failed policies out of his back pocket that resulted in setting the planet on fire. Now it is time to get back to Clinton’s legacy of decapitating the world quietly with a big smile that stretches from Iraq’s darkest age of sanctions resulting in half a million death of Iraqi children due to lack of medicine and malnutrition. The other end of the smile have lingered over Iranians head for the longest time.

Bush tried to copy and paste Reagan's doctrine against the Soviets in order to stop Iran from whatever we would like to name it today. Sorry I haven't been following the media these days. Are we still after stopping Iran to obtain nuclear arms or to keep them away from rivaling Israel, or slap them for human rights violations, or stop them from interfering with the Mid-East peace progress? Obviously semi-Reaganist policies did not work and resulted in empowering the Iranian government furthe.

What is the lesson we've learned so far? Perhaps the answer lies in the eyes of the dinosaurs in Washington who even predate Reagan era dinosaurs, the Clinton-Kissinger groupies. From what I see, these happy crowds ironically still see the world in a black-and-white fashion just like George Bush. From their perspective, if Reagan's policies don't work, for sure Clinton's will do the magic. Needless to say these policies are condemned to fail but I am afraid the deaf and blind (but loud) politicians in Washington never get it.

But why should I care and bother entangling myself with this twisted mess? Because I want to let you my fellow hamvatans know that the result of this election does not automatically translate into fulfill any of your wishes. There is no comfort zone and there will be a ton of hard work ahead of us. Regardless of the result of the US election, that we celebrated dearly, naively and perhaps prematurely, we should think hard how we can prevent the US policies towards Iran to be hijacked again.

I voted for Obama but for the hopeful message of change not seeing the repeated scenes in US politics. I recommend Mr. Obama to visit Iranian modern history especially the part that relates to President Khatami. Believe it or not, the last 30 years of Iranian modern history resembles much of US 200 years of existence.

Mr. Khatami came with a broad message of hope and change. Iranians who were tired of old politics let themselves loose and tried to believe in another hallow slogan. As quickly as Mr. Khatami was raised into the hearts and minds of ordinary Iranian people, his creditability plummeted at the end of his second term. He failed to deliver the message that he once made us  believe.

As a very ordinary Iranian-American I like very much that Mr. Obama  succeeds in all his noble goals. I strongly believe in American values and I firmly believe Mr. Obama will make America once again a strong symbol of democracy. I am not sure what his advisors are telling him about Iran but I am sure he’ll understand this sentence: the real news rests within the real people. I advise him to be in touch with Iranian-American community and try to hear us in order to have a successful policy towards Iran and the rest of the world.

Majority of Iranian-Americans elected Obama for many reasons, including changing US policies towards Iran and to open up US-Iran talks, where we as one of the most suffered and silently endured ethnic community around the globe know this the best that, the pressure against Iran in any shape or form will not result in anything substantial. US shall come with open arms and embrace IRANIAN PEOPLE. If that happens I guarantee you that Iranian people also do the same, if not more.

Sanctions will not hurt the Iranian government one bit since the IRI holds the vast majority of Iranian wealth; also Iran geographically is a very large country connected to the landscape of the West, East and Far East Asia and forms the foundation of one of the most vital regions of the world. Sanctions will only hurt IRANIAN PEOPLE who are only the victims in this feud.

The fact is that in 1980 a small group of radical Iranians took 52 Americans hostage and since then 70 million Iranians have been hostage to US policies. Isn’t it time for change yet and to set them free? Can’t we change these old and rustic policies that eventually make ordinary people suffer? Can’t we think outside the box again? Can’t we remove the imaginary table that Bush brought to the White House in which it holds force and sanctions against Iran and replace it with powerful American belief in freedom and happiness? Can’t we let people talk rather than spraying words into their faces telling them they are so incompetent that they need a guardian?

I still believe, “Yes, we can!”

God bless!


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The point!

by Ajam (not verified) on

Dear AW, I did not mean to put you in a defensive position to begin with. So I naturally did not expect you to defend yourself for expressing your opinion! I also, inadvertantly, ommited the word "not" in my post bellow which should have read: "And I'm NOT suggesting that you intentionally discriminate..."
My point, however, as you asked me to explain was the exceptional treatment Israel and pro-Israeli lobby gruops get in the US which is universally taken for granted.
To be exact and to avoid semantic discrepancies, I believe the phrase you used in your post bellow to express your displeasure at Midwesty's statement that "the majority of Iranian-Americans voted for Obama for one reason... to change America policies towards Iran" was to "take some offense." There are many ethnic groups in the US who lobby for special interests' demands on the direction of American foreign policy towards certain countries, including Israeli Americans, Cuban Americans...
As a person who does not live in the US, I wonder how you feel when the US presidential candidates (including Obama) are forced to take the oath of allegiance to the interests of Israel? Again, I do not mean any offence, just can not help but feel dumbfounded!


Obama as got the dice rolling already.

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

In stark contrast to governor W's incompetent and phony style, Obama has started a very clever game of diplomacy with Iran. The first sign of this was revealed in his first press conference during which he referred to Iran's president as President Ahmadinejad. Why is this important? Because respect has always been at the top of the list of the Iranian government from the US and Obama, the smart guy that he is, fulfilled it since it is the easiest and cheapest part of the deal. He also reiterated there can only be one president at a time, so until governor W gooresho gom koneh and goes back his ranch to spend his time with the rest of his like-minded cattle, Obama can build goodwill with Iran without actually doing anything. Obama has proven, to me at least, that he can bring the bacon home as far as Iran is concerned. As to Rahm Emanuel's appointment to the WH Chief of Staff position, I thought that was another brilliant move. I have read Rahm's bio as I'm sure most of you have too. I firmly believe Rahm's connections with Israel will help Obama in the long run - more on that later. Bottom line, Obama has chosen a very effective person to run the WH because Rahm can make sure what Obama asks for is done, damnit.
I may sound too optimistic but judging his smooth and effective campaign organizing skills, I'm sure Obama will "deliver" Iran without a devastating war, which would have been almost almost certain under McCain/Bush. We say in Farsi, saali keh nekoost az baahaarash peydaast.


Re: Westender

by jamshid on

"Iranians have put up with IRI because they see no viable alternative; they are tired of revolution and destruction while they want to hold on to the minimum good (?) things that the revolution had brought them."

Who said that? Speak for yourself. Be a bit more honest. Iranians have put up with the IRI because it has crushed all viable alternatives, not simply because there "is" no alternative.

"they want to hold on to the minimum good"

And why should Iranians be happy with only the absolute minimum? Why shouldn't they have more than just the "minimum"? has the regime's propaganda and culture of "gedaa parvari" gotten into you?

The once proud Iranian nation, with so many high expectations, today should be happy with the absolute minimum. It is all they deserve. Not a bit more. Because there is no "viable" alternatives.

For your information, "alternatives" are already brewing in every corner of Iran and even abroad.

Reformist mentality: Be happy with the minimum, there is nothing better for you.



Mr. Kadivar,

by Midwesty on

Mr. Kadivar,


The foundation of your elaboration is wrong. You simply don’t know Iranians. You’ve lost your touch with Iranians inside Iran. I am not telling you this in an offensive way, I don’t know how to say it in any other way.

Iranians have put up with IRI because they see no viable alternative; they are tired of revolution and destruction while they want to hold on to the minimum good (?) things that the revolution had brought them (right or wrong I am not the judge of it, that’s the way they see it. If you don’t see it that way it’s fine I don’t argue but you are wrong. Period).


1-     Russia is nothing. They know that Iranian People have the tendency to lean towards the west. Find their prespective in Iran nuclear conflict where they milked Iranians and Americans equally. They knew these two eventually marry again. Also Russia is in no position to get into another arm race with the west. They’ve learned their lessons from the cold war. However Iran is a changing factor that can adjust the balance between these two powers. Mullahs have realized they need the support of one of the powers, at the same time they know that they can’t survive without the support of Iranian people. So they brought Americans as a buggy man.  Sadly Americans accepted the role and pushed Iran right into the arms of Russia.

2-     UN has been the arm of US foreign policy since WWII. UN = US. No credit for the US then no credit for the UN. I agree with your view but why is this related to our conversation. Your view is pragmatic but highly prone to corruption. How can we curb that?

3-     The region is already highly in nuclear arm race but why aren’t we worried about a nuclear Pakistan? And having a nuclear bomb automatically means using a nuclear bomb? If so why we didn’t have a warm war instead of a cold war? I tell you. Retaliation is the answer. Because both sides were afraid of the retaliation of the other side.

4-     IRI can not simply survive without IRANIAN PEOPLE. Shah had the force, the superpower, the money and lot of friends, did it save him? The moment the IRI shed the blood of an innocent Iranian on the streets of Iran the same way that it happened on 17th of Shahrivar, it’ll be their last day. Until then they kill in the dark corners not in the day light.

5-     Khomeini had couple of sets of wills directed to different part of Iranian society and structures. One set of his will was never published and it was directed to the member of Iranian parliament, by then they were the most radical ones. He strongly warned them to not underestimate the power of IRANIAN PEOPLE in case they become drunkard from their own power. Iranian history is full of Iranian heroism. Recent Iranian revolution proved it, Khatami’s election retested it and now Obama’s election reaffirmed that it is universal. The power of people is hidden but it’s there.

6-     Until then let's unite and encourage the Obama’s admin to talk to IRANIAN PEOPLE even if they have to do it through IRI. That will empower IRANIAN PEOPLE and make sure they will keep IRI in check until they are out for good! There is no other way. I know it because I saw how they've tested all other alternatives during last 30 years.

7-  Obama should offer the talk to the IRANIAN PEOPLE  and make sure that they know the subject of conversation is about them. He should take small steps at the time and know that Mullahs are watching every steps he is taking and will prepare a counter strategy for them. But Iranian American are there for Obama to make sure he will succeed.


Iran blasts Obama's nuclear

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Iran blasts Obama's nuclear criticism

"Larijani added that Iran does not mind if the United States provides other Persian Gulf countries with nuclear technology, but "you should know that you cannot prevent the Islamic Republic (from reaching its goals in the nuclear field)," according to the news agency."



so it's american policies keeping iranians hostage??!!

by ali1348 (not verified) on

the last paragraph is pretty funny! you're blaming the US for our people's suffering over the past 30 years!
And what about the akhoonds? Isn't it their fault that we are in the mess we are in today!? How many thousands of innocent iranians were butchered by psycho khalkhali and khomeini?? What's funny is that you don't mention the root cause of our suffering as well islamofacism- the mullahs' rise to power and the utter brutality.
imagine where iran would have been if the akhoonds had not ruined our beautiful nation!!
the problem with the shah was that he did not unleash the army on khomeini and his goons- instead, they came in free and clear and murdered everyone from the the shah's army and government.
you should blame the mullahs(and the brits)for our suffering-

Darius Kadivar

Past Not Important Huh ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Understanding the Past not important Huh ? Look What this Agha "DR." says ...


And You speak about Nation Building ...

Darius Kadivar

Roshanbeen Correct on 2)

by Darius Kadivar on

But I maintain that Iran wouldn't mind to turn the Iraqi government into either an Ally or neutral like in Afghanistan, that is have no troubles on its borders and stop the Kurdish rebellion ( who they hypocritically like to equate to "terrorists" ) who in large favor an American Presence in Iraq.  

Darius Kadivar

Midwesty I'm Not a "Dr." ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

My Late Father was and a Real "Dr." that is a surgeon to be exact and not some Academic PhD Scholar or Rocket Scientist you associate to that "term". He saved lives amidst the Revolution from both sides of the political spectrum. Kids who had their balls hit by a soldier ordered to shoot in the crowd as well as Soldiers hit by Cocktail Molotovs sent in their faces by Revolutionaries. He even had an Officer of the Imperial Army who he tried to operate brought to him by Revolutionary guards only to be taken away after surgery to be executed by revolutionary guards.  

I suggest you to learn and read what I wrote before You jump to your simplistic conclusions without even bothering to reply to my arguments. Where do you see in my article a support for the Shah's shortcomings ?

I don't see why I should apologize for the Shah, that is up to History to judge him and Khomeiny.

I am speaking about where we come from. As for the Past, Understanding it a minimum helps build the future. I don't claim to know it any better than anyone else. But do you seriously think that by ignoring it you don't allow others to rewrite it for you ?

 The Holocaust denials with KKK and Neo Nazi Revisionists hardly bothered Khatami and his clan and even less the IRI lobbyists :



Highjacking Emotions is a typical tactic of most IRI lovers in the first place. I'm sorry to see you share the same reflexes.




Mr. Kadivar

by Roshanbeen (not verified) on

You wrote:
So what has Obama to earn in exchange of restoring ties with Iran ?

1) A helpful hand in solving the Israeli Palestinian conflict by asking Iran not to support the Hamas and the Hezbollah.

2) Not to help the Shi'its in Iraq who could take over the current sunni government and make sure that it won't try to forment revolt against the Pro American Iraqi government.

3) Ask Iran to make public excuses to Israel.

I am little confused
1)If this issues is solved fairly and even handedly , then there is no need for IRI's support, otherwise I don't think IRI stops supporting them.

2) Iraqi Government is mostly shi'its, not sunni.

3)Iran making public excuses for Isreal? , they have a hard time making excuses for themeselves.


Dr. Kadivar,

by Midwesty on

Please! Who are we kidding? I must say I would agree with most of your comment if I didn’t know it from inside out. To give you a hint, let me say that I used to know very well two high ranking millitary officers. Both loyal to the Shah and the country. When Shah was gone the only thing was left was the country. One of them even served in early Iran-Iraq war and then was demoted and forced to be retired (He was the lucky one!). The other one was caught playing with matches somewhere near Hamedan. (He is lucky to be alive). What did they see from the Shah’s good men in abroad? They saw them having fun while they were under the gun. Please don’t ask me to explain more. I have said too much already. Let's put the past behind! Let's focus on the future and believe in the power of hope again!


American Wife,   I hear

by Midwesty on

American Wife,


I hear you. We should never forget that our loyalty should unconditionally lie with the US even when a moron in charge wants to evaporate the rest of the world. We can have a paradise in the US leaving the rest of the world in a sub-Saharan desert. We don’t need the rest of the world where we can create our own food and jobs. To avoid any complications US should close its doors to the new immigrants and ask the current ones to check into memory eraser clinics as soon as they can to flush their childhood memories, then they should put out the mysterious fire within their chests that caused their love to their left behind family members, childhood friends and the foundation of which has made them to become a productive new citizen in the US. We should silence all other voices because our government knows the best. The president gets all the secret briefings not you and me.


But don’t worry about my loyalty to this country. Half of my family is American, the real one not the naturalized one, the one that can’t speak any other language but English, the one that are the active member of NRA, the one that don’t hesitate to tell you at the  thanksgiving dinner they’ll nuke your country of birth because they feel like it. However, I am hoping you know the Iranian men very well. If a real threat comes we’ll be the first to defend this country. Do you know why? Because this is the way we show how much we love our families.


Let me tell you this, patriotism is not a bumper sticker, it is working hard and bringing back the American jobs. It is volunteering for the local school district to help them with their Robot building activities. It is serving the local homeless shelter once in a while. It is donating money to the local Catholic Church to support their shelters in Africa. It is bagging food in Christmas holidays to be shipped to a country you’ve never heard of. It is writing for America with your broken ESL and a scarce time to bring her back to its senses by holding her shoulders tight and shaking her hard and telling her that,” you are not only the last hope for the Americans you are the last hope for the world”.



by Sarzamine man (not verified) on

doorod be sharafet.

Darius Kadivar

You UnderEstimate the Russian Factor in your High Hopes ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Dear Midwesty;

You Underestimate the Russian Factor in your High Hopes for an IRANICAN DREAM COME TRUE ... 

One thing you fail to understand, in my humble opinion is that Iran does not need Obama's Green light for anything. The threat of War or even a surgical strike on Iran is close to impossible after what we observed in Georgia. Russia's intervention was a simple warning to the Americans that they are still a Super Power and cannot be bullied into accepting any kind of compromise submitted to them by the Americans on grounds of realpolitics.

The Iron curtain that was brought down in 1989 has since been replaced by a virtual one. The issue of Iran having or not having the nuclear capacity is not just about Iran's rights but about the risks of nuclear proliferation. Iran's victory would mean that virtually ANY Nation would have to right to do as they want without alerting the security council ( to which Iran would LOVE to Be Part of). Why Not Lybia, Syria or anyother of these terrorist states ? Do you think we live in a Rosy World where every government would respect a Boy Scout Code of Honor ? The United Nations is supposed to be that World Government, only it has no real powers. That relative power is divided between the members of the Security Council but even the members don't really share power but rather curb eachother's ambitions based on their mutual interests but have to do it in the light of the day when it comes to voting resolutions etc ...

But truly God only knows what takes place behind the curtains and in the halls of the U.N building.

But the real power that should be in the hands of the U.N. Secretary General is inexistent. France's De Gaulle Called the U.N. : "Le Machin" aka "The Thing"  

Iran has had its diplomatic victory over the Bush administration's Hawks since it is out of the question for America to attack Iran or that Israel tries to do the same by some sort of paranoia , miscalculation or because of continuous provocations by the IRI not only in regard to the Holocaust and wiping Israel but in its revolutionary rhetorics of wanting to "export its revolution". 

To think that Iran won't build a Bomb is also naive because it will do regardless of the outcome of the current crisis with the help of the Russians and maybe even Chinese. Putin's visit to Iran confirmed Russia's wish to have a peaceful and collaborative relationship with Iran. It will help Russians finish off the Rebellion of the Tchetchens while Iran overlooks the genocidal massacre of their muslim brothers. Some Irony don't you think ?

So what has Obama to earn in exchange of restoring ties with Iran ?

1) A helpful hand in solving the Israeli Palestinian conflict by asking Iran not to support the Hamas and the Hezbollah.

2) Not to help the Shi'its in Iraq who could take over the current sunni government and make sure that it won't try to forment revolt against the Pro American Iraqi government.

3) Ask Iran to make public excuses to Israel.

Iran with your beloved Khatami may well do ALL THAT and it won't cost them a penny. In exchange however it is Iran's civil Society which will be faced with having to oppose an empowered Iranian regime where their corrupt and criminal establishment will have the last word. The Islamic Revolution will win on both grounds :

1) Moral victory of that revolution that Oppressed Iran for more than 30 years in the name of the Ayatollah's Tozihol Massael which is anything BUT a model of democratic values and ideas that characterised lets say the ideas of the Lumieres philosophers who inspired the French Revolution and the democratic institutions that were established.

2) An Atomic Superpower or at least with enough retaliation capability as Israel.

You Can thank Your IRI apologists and Lobbies for paving the way to this scenario.

The question that remains is whether the Iranian Civil Society can then overcome such an empowered State and create the conditions that will force the government to take its demands for secularism,Democracy and Human Rights in consideration ?

Why Not Ask that Question to Ayatollah Khamenei, the Country's Absolute King ?  

Dear Midwesty with due respect and don't take this as a personal attack on you but a criticism on the attitude amongst some Iranian Americans like you who are being fooled by some IRI lobbyists into believing that the current regime can change if we stop critisizing them. They are wasting their crocodile tears for the Iranian Civil Society for neither Iran's civil society nor Poor Mr. Obama will have the last word in this test of wills ...

From this point of viewI share David ET's observations below. Even Akbar Ganji has come to the same conclusion:


We Should Enforce and Support the CIVIL SOCIETY NOT THE REGIME

The dices are rolling for Medvedev/ Putin and Khatami/Khamenei


and Your Beloved IRI Lobbies have done all it takes to make it happen by HIGHJACKING OUR PATRIOTISM.

Thanks to the Islamic Revolution, Iran's new Ally is no more a Country like the USA with a Democratic Heritage, but a Post Soviet Russia with NO DEMOCRATIC BACKGROUND ( not even the Gorbatchev Perestroika can be compared to the Democratic Institutions of the American Nation that have prevailed for more than 200 years) where the corrupt rich have created a mafia ridden society that would make Al Capone Blush in shame.

You think that 70 million Iranians Only became hostage to radicals when they took the US Diplomats Hostage for 444 days ? Who are you fooling ? This was a Religious Revolution from the Start and you or your parents fell for it naively by following EVERY command of the Ayatollah to demonstrate and radicalize their demands. It WAS ISLAMIC FROM THE START. From the fake Tapes to the Friday Prayers to which even the Secular Nationalists like Sanjabi and Co joined in.

Iranians in their Large Majority followed the Leader of the Revolution Ayatollah Khomeiny who expressed no feelings or emotions to be back in his homeland after exile.



And who did not even hesitate to kill and execute his beloved translator Gobtzadeh.

YOU BLEW IT AND GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED, instead FOR NOT supporting the secular opposition like Shahpour Bakhtiar or other truly secular figures in public life.

Lastly I would like to say to all these IRI lobbyists speaking in the name of US IRANIAN AMERICANS that They are not representing US Iranian Americans. First because they have sided with the IRI who kicked us out. 2nd that when they want to bring in the Mossadegh Argument and the Coup of '53 as usual in explaining why Iran and America are at Odd's they can speak ONLY FOR THEMSELVES. Because WE DO NOT OWE OUR PRESENCE IN THE UNITED STATES NOT OUR SUCCESS to the Islamic Revolution and even less to the Mossadegh years but to the PAHLAVI ERA and all the universities they built and the education they provided thanks to the solid Alliance between the subsequent American Administration with the Shah of Iran. To acknowledge this historical fact is not an endorsement of the Pahlavi Era's shortcomings in terms of democratic behavior is it ?



The IRI Lobbyists should stop this hypocrisy which consists of even HighJAcking Mossadegh's legacy in favor of the Islamic Republic which is accountable for the execution of many members of the Iranian National Front : Shahpour Bakhtiar ( Outside Iran) and The Forouhar Couple ( Inside Iran) to name a few.

I would Like to see these IRI lobbies Make Public Excuses for having opposed the Iranian Opposition outside Iran IN OUR NAME AND WITHOUT OUR CONSULTATION OR APPROVAL.


So I would Like to see the IRI LOBBIES and IRI apologists To Make Public Excuses for accusing those who call for regime change in Iran to be WAR MONGERERS for as far as these new born lobbies are concerned, Their own behaviour has been nothing short of TREASON !

Before Calling the Khatami "Khoda Biamorz" they better Remember his role in sheltering the assassins of this REAL KHODA BIAMORZ :

Shapour Bakhtiar Speech On Constitutional Revolution

Those in the Opposition regardless of their shortcomings, failures, miscalculations have been fighting to great sacrifice for more than 30 years and were not born out of the blue like these lobbies just after Sept 11Th and claim to speak in OUR NAME !

Apart from that I agree with most of the principles you defend and present in this article. I just hope that your good will won't be highjacked by those so called lobbies with opposite agenda's ...




My Humble Opinion too,







American Wife


by American Wife on

Please read my words again.  I won't defend myself or my views in an argument that is based on a lie.  I never said Iran was irrelevant. I went to great lengths to explain exactly how relevant she is to me.  I have great interest in Iran's wellbeing.  99% of it is personal.  But there should be confustion about what my priority is..  And that is America.  First and foremost.  No wishy washy.  Just plain ole America where I LIVE, and WORK, and have raised my FAMILY and where I'm trying to have a future.   

I have no idea what your point is about Israel.  I can assure you that she too is FAR down on the list of things we need to address before we deal with things at home.  As far as I'm both concerned I think we need to take both of them off our speed dial for awhile and work on getting some economy moving back in the US. 

And another personal opinion... another one rich in fuel for the fire.  I don't really give a rat's buttock about Israel right now.  If she decides to do something stupid... then let her suffer the consequences.  While my sympathies do lie with Israel in the Palestine issue overall, I'm not naive enough to just give her carte blanche and pull us into something else we ain't got no bidness in.

I hope I made myself perfectly clear. But if you need any clarification, please feel free to as!  :-)


Good luck to Iran w/RAHM ISRAEL EMANUEL! An Israeli soldier!

by gol-dust on

And you thought AIPAC is not in charge of Obama? Think again! This guy, the white house chief of staff, served in the israeli army in 1991 during the persian gulf war! Not in American army, the israeli army. he had dual citizenship with his true loyalty towards israel, where his dad was one the terrorists against the palestinians!

Now i see why Clinton's pro-palestinian policy changed when he was in office! Rahm was his advisor (the AIPAC point man). These AIPAC guys are gangs, worse than mafia! So,an israeli is controlling this white house as well! Wait! don't be surprised, since the current bush chief of staff Joshua Bolton (the son of anti iran UN ambasador) is also an israeli AIPAC! I give up hope with the AIPAC all over, there is no hope!


بابا شماها جی


بابا شماها جی میگید؟ صبر کنید این بیچاره اول رییس جمحور بشه...بعد در بارش قضاوت کنید


Missing the point entirely!!

by alborz on

Much of the original article and the comments focus on the election of the Barack Obama and his stated campaign policies.

The real message here and ultimately the hope that it gives not just to Iranians but every man, woman, and child on this planet, is the process, the contributing factors, and what it has yielded at this point in time. 

Any parallels with Iran need only recognize that change is not a linear process but in response to seemingly unrelated ongoing frustrations and disillusionment.  All of these elements are present in Iran and we just need to be patient and watch for the confluence of factors yield change that is unique to Iran and and appropriate for its people.

So start making a list of your "impossibilities" and as you imagine them becoming possible, smile.   Remind yourself that had the past 8 years had been any different, today would have not have been made possible.  The same holds true for Iran.  The past 30 years will define the change that Iran will undergo if it were to happen tomorrow. 

See //




by Ajam (not verified) on

Dear American wife, is it only American policy toward Iran that is irrelvant, or are you willing to extend that to other countries such as, let's say Israel as well?! On the night of the election, numerous news reports reflected the Israeli-Americans' aspirations and expectations of the new administration's stand toward Israel in locations all over Israel.
I bet you would think twice befoe you raise the same issues you have above towards the US treatment of Israel. And I'm suggesting that you intentionally discriminate, but (who are we kidding?), you'll be ambushed and branded as anti-semite by thepowerful zionist lobby before you know it...!

American Wife


by American Wife on

I've managed to get past that one thing and read your entire article.  I believe that for the most part you've expressed what many of us are feeling right now.  That hope... that things can and will change.

But... and I know this won't be a popular comment, I take some offense to your statement that "the majority of Iranian-Americans voted for Obama for one reason... to change America policies towards Iran".  Let me point out that if you ARE voting as an American(period), you're voting for the best candidate for AMERICA. First and foremost are issues HERE.  I've got a vested interest in Iran... I'm married to an Iranian.  And I feel for him that he is alienated from his motherland and his family.  I support the Iranian people and resist their regime.  But let me make this perfectly clear.  My first priority is my life here.  I'm concerned about my job, my retirement, my child, his children, my health care or lack thereof, the deficiency that I see in the American education system, etc. etc.  So any American voting for a candidate who will satisfy their requirements for conditions in Iran as a priority... wait your turn.  We've got bigger problems to deal with right now.


Khatami inc.

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Khatami did not have any control in the government and that the country was run by a government within a government. Khatami was just a smiling façade on a ruthless regime. His mission was to make the Islamic Republic appear to be on a path of reform and moderation to the world, while domestically that branch, was on killing spree of Iranians writers,(Forouhar, Sirjani,...etc) scholars, artists,etc.that came to be known as "chain murders."

1998 Serial murders under Khatmai:





Khatami inc.

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Indeed Khatami was nothing more than a figure head whose job was largely to lull the democratic opposition into a false sense of security. His legacy, more than anything else will be his callous indifference to repression and his attempt to legitimize a wholly illegitimate regime. As Dean Godson rightly says, he is part of the Islamic Republic, to which his loyalties lie.


Please checkout amnesty international library on Iran:


Obama is full of hot air!!!

by Anonymous on

It's fun to watch how people fall for this guys' empty promises and false hope.
If people have not read his first book, they should run and read it now. He is a conflicted man with no real core philosophy except a real tendency and soft spot for socialism and “common good” philosophy.
Most of his promises does have expiration dates (see the proof here : // ). I hope cautious people to not to put much HOPE on this guy.
Just read what Cluadia Rosett said yesterday in her Forbes article:
The irony is that Obama arrives at the threshold of the White House steeped in ideas that subordinate individual freedom to the collective. In his campaign and his victory speech, Obama declares that America's "timeless creed" is now, "yes, we can." This is not a defense of liberty. It is a declaration so malleable and generic that it could have applied to anything from Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution to the Little Engine that Could.
Obama has called repeatedly upon America's people to sacrifice. What's not yet clear is whether this will entail sacrifice in the common defense of liberty, or whether it is liberty itself that will step by step be sacrificed in the name of the common good. If the latter, the implications are indeed world-changing. For the past century, America has stood as the world's great bulwark of freedom. That can no longer be taken as a given. Americans will be hard pressed to support freedom elsewhere if they do not protect it at home.
Link: //



by Kablammad (not verified) on

Rahm Emmanuel was the spin meister for Clinton during the peak of All Monica ALL the time era. He was a young aide who along with Lany Davis and the guy on CNN Paul Begala INVENTED the word "spin" in the political discussions as we know it today.

After Monica, Rahm Emmanuel became the Representative for Chicago the same district as Obama. So in that regard he is a loyal friend.

I did not follow Emmanuel much since Monica but apparently he became the Tom Delay of Democrats. He is kind of ambitious, like Palin, saying just yesterday that he is proud that his parents are alive to see him either rise through the ranks in congress and become a "leader" or help work with a "historic figure".

So what we should look for is a no nonsense guy when it comes time to push things through. Like Karl Rove and Andrew Card did during Bush's first term. They didn't care just rammed through; Iraq war, Enron, Credit card overhauls, hiking oil prices, hezbollahee supreme court nominees, and other initiatives which all yielded today's economic disaster by the way. They were set to fail from the beginning, unlike Obama's outlook.

Anyway, as far as Rahm Emanuel being Israel's inside man, there are factions inside Israel who are against certain policies which you're referring too.

As unlikely as it seems Ariel Sharon towards the end was supporting withdrawls from Palestinian lands such as Gaza (which he pulled out of) and West Bank.

Unfortunately like Yitzak Rabin he died before being able to do more.

Now I am not saying which faction of Israelis Rahm Emmanuel represent but Obama's agenda certainly does not represent what Bush has done for the past 8 years. Which is to deny Palestinians everything and reward Israel with everything. So regardless of what Rahm Emmaneul wants to do, Obama's agenda is new and he has to push through Obama's agenda.

Meanwhile, we have another problem brewing in Feb 09 which is either Livi or Netanyaboo are the likely Israeli leaders and both are equally neocon just like Bush. That is the subject of another article.

In the end yes Rahm Emmanuel and Obama both push through legislation to force inspection for Iranian ships going through Persian Gulf and as you know that was a provocative act, almost declaration of war, which NIAC was able to defeat to AIPAC's demise.

This was one item that I thought McCain could have capitalized on saying Obama is provocative but he was too busy being provoactive himself to give "credit" to Obama for voting like him.


The Imperial hope!

by Ajam (not verified) on

Just like any sensible soul on this planet, I am happy to see the victory of rational mentality and intellect over jingoism and cowboy mentality in the US. However, the rapture and uphoria the American people are losing themself in these days reminds me of the first few days of Khatami's election back in 1997, when people's hopes of change exeeded the realities on the ground!
Much like Obama, Khatami made audatious statements about change while toeing the systems lines. Much like Obama, Khatami promissed more than he could deliver. Much like Obama, Khatami stood little chance attempting to bring about any meaningful change to a deeply corrupt system from within. And finally, he was used by the system as face-lift for a bankrupt ideolgy in a good-cop/bad-cop political game, as Obama eventually will.
When Mafia decides to exsert (or reinforce) its authority in a neighbourhood, it blows up or sets ablaze a business (preferably one most adament on not paying the protection money) to set an example to the rest. However, when that fails, the challenged mob family would send a good-will ambassadore to the other families to try to carve up the territory and devide the spoils while trying to keep the additional competition at bay.
Similarly, after eight years of the hitman policies in the Middle East, the US has learned that with two losing wars at hand and a ship-wreck economity it's time to ratchet down the bellicose policies by a nutch or two!
Nevertheless, Obama is going to make some tough-guy manouvers to shed the "liberal, sissy image" the Americans frown upon. He knows that he has to pull the troops out of Iraq if he wants to have the slightest chance in restoring the bankrupt economy, and he also knows that he can not win the Afghan war. Yet he needs to prove himslf as "the commander in chief" (by pulling 20,000 troops from Iraq and add to Afghanistan) before he enters negotiations with Taliban to work out a compromise!
On the Iran isuue, it's still too early. Now that the policies of pre-emptive war has proved counter-productive, he will have to wait to reconsider the hand he's dealt before starting to bluff or call a bluff!


خاتمی هم هیچ تحفه‌ای نیست

gold fish (not verified)

just one proof,see it for yourself

Khatami expressed his SADNESS upon the death of khalkhali, known as the hanging judge . khalkhali was a madman whose revolutionary court sentenced to death "up to 60 Kurds a day ".


akhond is akhond riz ya dorosht nadareh



by What?!!! (not verified) on

"70 million Iranians have been hostage to US policies"?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minus the 10 million mollahs, baseejees & families, Revolutionary Guards and families, hardcore Islamists who geniuinely believe in that travesty of a Republic and all lackeys of the regime, I should say "60 million Iranians have been hostage to Islamists, Mullahs and their brutal unpopular theocracy".

David ET


by David ET on


Obama or not, the problem of US -Iran relationship primarily lies in Tehran and not Washington.

Islamic Regime in Iran is the problem of us Iranians not Reagan, Bush, Clinton or Obama !

Although US policies has had many flaws in the past 30 years too but
the true cause of the US-Iran relationship after the revolution has
been the Islamic Republic.

It was and still is to the best PERSONAL interest of Mullahs to
maintain muddy waters with US and ISRAEL , in order to maintain their
regime .

It is to the benefit of IR to keep the Iranian public distracted away the internal issues.

In the past 30 years there ahs been 10's of missed opportunities that was presented by US and denied by Mullahs.

US is a natural partner of Iran that has been intentionally ignored by
Mullahs  In return Mullahs have put their personal self interest, their
extremists view of Islam (for some) and interests of terrorist groups
such as Hamas and Hezbollah above the national interests of Iranians.

Islamic Regime in Iran is the problem of us Iranians not Reagan, Bush, Clinton or Obama !

Although US policies has had many flaws in the past 30 years too but
the true cause of the US-Iran relationship after the revolution has
been the Islamic Republic.

It was and still is to the best PERSONAL interest of Mullahs to
maintain muddy waters with US and ISRAEL , in order to maintain their
regime .

It is to the benefit of IR to keep the Iranian public distracted away the internal issues.

In the past 30 years there ahs been 10's of missed opportunities that was presented by US and denied by Mullahs.

In the matter of US-Iran relationships , Mullahs have put
their personal self interest, their extremists view of Islam (for some)
and interests of terrorist groups such as Hamas and (Iran made)
Hezbollah, etc... above the national interests of Iran and Iranians.

Islamic regime of mullahs must go and YES IRANIANS CAN TOO: //




The audacity of false hope

by Fred on

As expected and right on queue as reality sets  in one by one the Islamist/Anti Semites and their likeminded lefty allies have begun to backtrack and lament the lost  pipe dream of theirs namely a gullible U.S. president who would unconditionally embrace their Islamist Republic.

As of now this latest mishmash of an essay takes the prize for its audacity of hope based on false premises. The most glowing one being: “The fact is that in 1980 a small group of radical Iranians took 52 Americans hostage and since then 70 million Iranians have been hostage to US policies. Isn’t it time for change yet and to set them free? Can’t we change these old and rustic policies that eventually make ordinary people suffer?” Whereas the normal version of fact is the Islamist hostage takers let their American hostages go and kept their Iranian hostages.


 It is the Islamists’ policies and not anyone else’s that has made the Islamist republic occupied Iran a living hell. It is the Islamists who hold the world record in child execution, drug addiction, prostitution and the rest of the laundry list of their crimes against Iranian people. By the way the U.S.did not appoint the hostage taker Sister Mary, aka Massoumeh Ebtekar to the post of VP their “reformist” president Khatami did.


No change toward Iran

by shirazie (not verified) on

As a big supporter of Obama. I caution you to lower your expectations. he has these limitations

1. the economy
2. he will be shackled by the Jewish lobbyist (Rahm Emanuel is their inside man already - Just read the guy's Bio)
3. Controlling Congress
4. Russia is on the rise

So Iran was a good empty can to kick around for entertainment during the campaign. He will like other Dems will miss the opportunity of peace with Iran till end of his presidency. Then It is too late. Israel will continue to set pace in Mideast and wage war W or W/O USA.

Obama gets in their way, they will bring back "he is Muslim- you know".

Either way, wish him lots of Luck