Bidding for Biden

Dealing with Iran and the next democratic Vice Presidential candidate


Bidding for Biden
by Goudarz Eghtedari

By the time you read this article, you might have already heard who the actual VP is on the Senator Obama’s ticket. And I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut tonight that there is a good chance that my phone will ring early morning on Wednesday, like two million other phones to say that Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America. As an American with Iranian ethnicity, who like many others has followed the US’s foreign policy toward Iran in the past decades I can say Joe is the best choice.

This judgment is not only based on the fact that Senator Biden has foreign policy experience as the chair of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, but also because of his unmatched actions and interest in opening up with Iran. During the past many years and all the way from the Clinton era, Joe Biden with Chuck Hagel were the only senators who were open to discuss foreign policy issues about Iran without chewing on what was given to them by AIPAC and later the Bush’s numerous neoconservative think tanks.

To know about Joe Biden’s record when dealing with Iran, nothing is better than to go right into the heart of neoconservatives and war mongers. For example Jerome Corsi, in his 2005 book "Atomic Iran," contends that Biden should be assessed in the context of his "long track record of appeasement and double talk on the Iran nuclear risk." "The mullahs have known that Biden is their No. 1 go-to guy in the Senate whenever they want their bidding done to fool the American people," Corsi charges. He continues to say that "He's being played for a fool and doesn't recognize that conciliatory strategy failed in North Korea, and it's going to fail here again."

Three years later, it is a well known fact that Bush’s reborn administration negotiated with North Koreans in order to resolve their issues. Today North Korea is off the terrorist list and all the nine yards. Jerome Corsi however is the person now being interviewed on every FOX show and every conservative radio program promoting his swift boating book about Senator Obama.

In a speech before an event sponsored by American Iranian Council in March 2002, Biden gave his prescription for U.S.-Iran relations. The address, later entered into the Congressional Record, offered a five-step program for U.S. policy to improve relations with Iran. Biden said the United States should allow non-governmental organizations to support a range of civil society and democracy building activities in Iran; continue to work with Tehran on matters of mutual interest; should go along with Iran's bid to join the World Trade Organization; should work to "indirectly assist" the Tehran regime in the fields of refugees and anti-narcotics efforts; and should encourage citizen exchanges with Iran.

Back in 2004, Biden held a high-level, 90-minute meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi, which took place during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The U.S. has had no official meeting with Iran at that level since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Of that unprecedented meeting IRNA, the state Iranian news agency, reported Biden "stressed the importance of Iran and the role which it can play in the sensitive and volatile region" and said "he hoped the existing problems between the Islamic Republic of Iran and America would be removed someday." After expressing concern about Tehran's nuclear intentions, Biden reportedly told Kharrazi he also is urging his own government to rethink its positions. "You have to grow up, and my administration has to grow up, with all due respect, and find out if there is any common ground," the senator said. "We are on the course of unintended consequences." Biden criticized Bush's unwillingness to rule out an armed response, according to the report.

Today these words seem very reasonable and not too controversial, but back in 2004 it required a whole lot more guts.

Early in 2005, Biden was cited by Boston Globe columnist Greenway, who wrote that President Bush's rhetoric about freedom and specific references to Iran is making people wonder if Tehran will be the next target, after Iraq. Iran's historical nightmare is foreign intervention he asserted, whether it be by the Soviets and British in the past, or the American coup against a democratically elected government in the 1950s. With American armies on their borders in Afghanistan and Iraq, and with Bush calling them part of an ''axis of evil," some believe that nuclear weapons have become an emotional necessity for Iranians. "Senator Joseph Biden said that even if Iran was a full democracy like India, it would want nuclear capability, like India. What the world needed to address was Iran's emotional needs, he said, with a nonaggression pact."

The columnist added that the U.S. and Europe might not succeed in preventing an Iranian nuclear bomb "unless they are willing to address Iran's nightmares and guarantee its safety. But that runs contrary to the reigning theology in Washington that divides the world into good and evil, and believes in the benefits of using force."

In February of 2005 right when the Iran-EU negotiations had reached a stalemate, Biden said the Bush administration, which says it does not rule out any option to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, had to be willing to sign on to a "genuine nonaggression pact." "This is a case where we're remaining to sit on the sidelines," Biden said. "The three European countries that are negotiating with the Iranians are saying, 'Look, we've got to get in the deal with them. We can't just sit on the sidelines."'

He criticized Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for saying the U.S. might not sign on to a deal even if Iran promised to eschew missiles and nuclear weapons in a verifiable way. Shortly after those comments Iran and EU stopped the negotiations and few months later when Khatami was ready to transfer the office to Ahmadinejad, Iranian party started the Uranium Enrichment activities.

Later in December of last year, in a blog on Huffington Post Joe Biden wrote: “War with Iran is not just a bad option. It would be a disaster. We're talking about a country with nearly three times the population of Iraq - 70 million people - and infinitely more problems waiting for us if we attack. The regime is unpopular, but it has millions of fervent supporters it will mobilize for war. If you thought going to war with Iraq would be a "cakewalk" maybe that wouldn't deter you. But if you are a part of the reality-based community, it should – “

He continued eloquently to say: “It is precisely because the consequences of war - intended or otherwise - can be so profound and complicated that our Founding Fathers vested in Congress, not the President, the power to initiate war, except to repel an imminent attack on the United States or its citizens. They reasoned that requiring the President to come to Congress first would slow things down... allow for more careful decision making before sending Americans to fight and die... and ensure broader public support."

Senator added "The Founding Fathers were, as in most things, profoundly right. That's why I want to be very clear: if the President takes us to war with Iran without Congressional approval, I will call for his impeachment. I do not say this lightly or to be provocative. I am dead serious. I have chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee. I still teach constitutional law. I've consulted with some of our leading constitutional scholars. The Constitution is clear. And so am I."

Biden concluded: "I'm saying this now to put the administration on notice and hopefully to deter the President from taking unilateral action in the last year of his administration. If war is warranted with a nation of 70 million people, it warrants coming to Congress and the American people first.“

I really hope that tomorrow I wake up with that text message!


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programmer craig


by programmer craig on

I wouldn't be so quick to trust Biden. He's spent his whole career throwing people over the side. He is not to be trusted... on ANY issue. If Obama picks Biden as his running mate, Obama will probably lose the election, so it won't matter.

Jalil Bahar

Biden Would Not Be A Good Choice

by Jalil Bahar on

Delaware is in my back yard, and I have bumped into Biden several times, including last time at Wilmington Train station where we chatted.

1) He brings nothing of value (politically) to Obama. Delaware is solid democratic in presidential elections, and neighboring state MD that shares most of its media market and Philadelphia are solid democratic. So he would not swing any swing state

2) He talks too much and doesn't listen well. Which in the end has resulted in poorly developed and shallow understanding of issues. More than once he has been accused of plagiarism...very often from British politicians...Plagiarism is a sign of shallow understanding!

3) He is subject to substantial British influence. He has a few Brits on his staff; travels there routinely...and has a backroom relationship with the Mullahs in Iran that the Brits brokered with his last meeting with Khamenei in Davos last year. He is sold on supporting 'less radical' mullahs ...but maintaining the Islamic Republic.

4) He will not be a a healer with the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. He supported Obama early on and even made a somewhat racist comment before that saying he thought 'Obama' is a clean (as if Blacks are dirty). He will not be a unifying choice for the Party.

5) His chairmanship of the Foreign Relations comittee does not mean anything. He's been in the senate a while, and his ranking put him there. It does not mean he has a deep understanding...or grasp of the issues. Its just seniority at work....government style seniority...someone who has worked in the office longer - it doesn't mean he is the most competent. Remember Delaware had an 80 year old senator before...who could barely walk BUT chaired the Banking comittee.

6) AS FAR AS IRANIAN AMERICANS ARE CONCERNED - HE (FOR SURE) WILL NOT BRING DEMOCRACY TO IRAN. AGAIN HE's a whealer dealer - subject to private deals. The Mullahs can buy him and his principles in an 80 Million dollar (swiss bank account deposit) instant.

I have always thought Obama would bring 'real change' to the ticket. If he picks Biden, there will be no real change. Biden is all mouth no trousers.


Biden for secretary of state or

by Roshanbeen (not verified) on

National security advisor

Senator Biden will be much more effective in those posts than VP role, and How about secretary of defense for the second term of Obama's administration? I still think America needs 8 years of Senator Bidens service as secretary of state to fix everything that chicken hawks broken.


Dear kaveh

by IRANdokht on

I'll take good honorable intentions over "bomb bomb bomb Iran" any day!

I know you're convinced that McBush is the better candidate, but I haven't yet heard of any sound reasoning behind the claim. Just because he was a prisoner of the war he would be qualified as a foreign policy expert? He is clueless!

The guy doesn't even remember how many houses he owns!!!

on a lighter note: Did you see him volunteer his wife for the Harley Davidson beauty pageant? Now that's dedication to his campaign




Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

despite any good and honorable intentions he may have, would be a disaster as president.

This is not to suggest McCain is the answer to everything, but in the debate of "the lesser of the two evils", McCain wins that contest hands down.


this time it would really hurt

by IRANdokht on

They say people voted for GWB because he looked like someone they could have a beer with (!?!) McClueless doesn't even have that going for him...

I hope you're right and it is Joe Biden's name in the text message. I also hope they win the election, otherwise I'll lose all faith in people's judgement and democracy.



Freedom of this and that

by Lefty lap poodle (not verified) on

Freedom vs peace. Some can have both some can't have either and some can have one.

If you HAVE to choose which one would you choose? Freedom or Peace?

Definition of freedom being freedom of this and that, you know the usuals.

Remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said; Free "at last" ...


Lahaf' Mollah

by mrlayl on


("Normal O" is not typed -can't get rid of it. Please disregard)

One thing nobody seems to talk about - Biden, Neocons, or Ayatollahs in Tehran - is
the proverbial "Lahaf' Mollah Nassreddin".

By that I mean human rights and freedom of the poor Mellat' Iran.

I'm not advocating saber rattling against Iran or any other country.
However, the west should make it clear that it will not have economic ties with
despot regimes as long as inhumane and despotic treatment of their citizens

Just like Chinese- since Nixon opened the door- where only 15-20 percent of
the people have benefited from the growth in economy, the rest are
suffering peasants who will remain so for generations to come. 

Iranian people will remain in dark ages for a long time without industrialized
nations including demands for improvements and accountability of the Iranian
regime to its citizens. 

Unfortunately, greedy Europeans and reckless Americans have squandered their
rights to such moral high ground, particularly since the end of the WW-II.

Although I like Joe Biden and his Ideas, he has also failed to include such
items on the U.S. agenda for negotiating with the Mullahs. His five-step
program for U.S. policy to improve relations with Iran, quoted here does not mention
any of the following:

Verifiable free elections

Freedom of assembly and association

Free and independent press

Banning of torture and cruel and unusual punishment

Independent and just Judiciary with checks and balances

Banning of discrimination based on gender, religion, sexual preference,
ethnicity, etc.

If I missed anything, just use Cyrus the Grate's cylinder, International
declaration of Human Rights, U.S. Bill of Rights, U.S. Declaration of Independence,
or any other document advocating basic human rights and freedoms you like.


I think Samsam1111 did not

by Go_Joe (not verified) on

I think Samsam1111 did not read the right article. Or if so, who in the H**L do you think is better to deal with those idiots over there. McCain? His every other work is WAR, is that what you want. Your ass sitting here on nice comfy couch, while your cousin gets bombed!!!

Seriously, think about it. War is not the answer. Maybe diplomacy, but eventually, it has to be internal, just like in 53, except a bunch of idiots back then were afraid of the commies, so they overthrew a popular, majority elected government. Now they want to overthrow an popular, unwanted government. It screwed Iran up for years after that one, which they still have not recovered. I am not sure if this one would work any better


Biden would be a good choice.

by Lefty lap poodle (not verified) on

Very well written and researched article. Great and to the point. I remember Biden from the democractic debates and he was very charming. Although at times he can be abrasive but who isn't? He would be a lot better than Evans (Edwards mini-me ;-) and Kaine (Biden's protege?)

During the democractic debates one of the questions was about Iran's nuclear capability and Islamic threats and so forth, he said look guys, look at Pakistan, they are Muslim and harbored Taliban who harbored Bin Laden who attacked US on 9/11. Pakistan not only has nuclear capability, they have nuclear bombs, they have put nuclear warheads on the missles and not only that they are proliferating these capabilities on black market!

He said, so lets put things in perspective and realize where are the real hot spots in the world.

I also remember him being the Judiciary committee chairman during the Supreme Court nomination hearings for Clarence Thomas vs Anita Hill debacle when it was so much fun talking about "Long Dong Silver"! Good old days like Monica days ;-)

PS... now slowly but surely you'll be called lefty lap poodle, IRI apologist and Biden will be called IRI like minded hippie! Use them as your badge of honor!



by samsam1111 on

This well informed dude still thinks khatami reformers are still in power & Obama will be the lost in the forest twin to be beaten handily by Mccain-Romney..



by samsam1111 on



AIPAC is trying to make Lieberan McCain's VP & future President!

by gol-dust on

Well researched article. It only would make sense if he is the running mate, since  he is the only one who was anti war and the most experienced in foreign policy to counter Mc Cain's claim. His experience is exactly what Osama needs! Hillary would have been a good choice in terms of getting a lot of votes, but that won't happen since she & Bill would overshadow him!

McCain chose Lieberman as a running mate long time ago, without announcing it! That would be great since Lieberman was the real reason for Gore loss! and now it is McCain's turn to lose! After all, America is not ready for an Israeli president yet!


I have to agree with IRNUSA.

by asdf (not verified) on

I have to agree with IRNUSA. Obama is doing very poorly against McBush...

AmirAshkan Pishroo

Excellent writ, excellent choice

by AmirAshkan Pishroo on

Excellent writ, excellent choice: Fleet Flutin Joe certainly is the best choice.

Thanks for the article.


Mark my word

by IRNUSA (not verified) on

If Obama doesn't pick Hillary as his VP, he will lose. Very simple to analyze.