When politicians love journalists

British/American alliance has now publicly started to give a louder voice to Rafsanjanists inside Iran


When politicians love journalists
by hoder

I beg to say that the main premise on which Sadeq Saba's new analysis is built upon is just false.

In his piece about the harsh criticism against Ahmadinejad, published in a newspaper in iran called Jomhoori-e Eslami, he argues that support for Ahmadinejad is diminishing among within the senior leadership of Iran.

That's becoming an increasingly popular theme these days and the way I read it is that the U.S./UK official line against Iran is slightly shifting towards exploiting the remaining limited potentials of Rafsanjanists in breaking the political unity and common will behind the nuclear programme and particularly the decision not to give up on the enrichment.

The British/American alliance has now publicly started to give a louder voice to the Rafsanjanists inside Iran (from Shirin Ebadi to Hassan Rohani) and outside (almost all Democrat-leaning figures such as Abbas Milani and Akbar Ganji) in order to widen the potential differences of opinions among the key decision-making figures and institutions.

So it doesn't matter to Mr. Saba that painting Jomhouri-e Eslami as a newspaper that reflects Khamenei's positions is totally false. One only needs to go back and see during the previous elections and afterwards it has always been Rafsanjani who has enjoyed the full support of the newspaper, not Ahmadinejad.

In this context, it is very predictable to see such attacks from one of Rafsanjani's most faithful media allies. And it's not event the first time Jomhouri-e Eslami is diong this. (See an eariler report from January 2007 for example.)

What is happening in the past few months is that Khamenei is becoming more and more supportive of Ahmadinejad in private and public, at the same time that he keeps his distance with him. So Khamenei supports him more while he also criticised him more. (For instance, read the transcript of his speech for the government cabinet a few months ago.)

Mind you that I didn't vote for Ahmadinejad and I have my criticism of many of his actions and rhetoric. However, I can't close my eyes on such obviously inaccurate and politically-motivated journalism that has shamelessly become so common in the Euro-American media.

Apparently Washington post's Robin Wright has become their role model.


more from hoder

Mojgan, absolutely right !

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Mojgan, absolutely right ! Israel had abosulutely nothing to do with any separatist movement in Iran. The governments that did attempt to support separatists movements (Whom are isolated and weak)in Iran are:
-All Arab countries with the exception of Lebanon-Supported Arabist movement in Khuzestan.
2-USSR-Supported leftist separate movements in Northern Iranian provinces. 3- Turkey- Supported Azarbaijani movement. 4- Pakistan- Supported Balouchi movement. 5- And in earlier days , England- supported Afghani movement.


Re: mojgan

by jamshid on


So you did agree with Farhad about the unity issue and the quote from his post? How refreshing!


Now the question is what does that unity has anything to do with Israel or Russia or Saudi Arabia supporting the few separatists in Iran? The point was that they will not succeeed with their separatists efforts and therefore that issue should not be used against the opposition.


You have a highly fascist mentality.



by Mojgan (not verified) on

You wrote :"The idea that separatist movements in Iran are actually a threat to the unity of our country is anither tool IRI and their leftist allies use to bash anyone who speaks against their dark beliefs. The co existance among the people of Iran has always been so strong that no separatist movement has ever managed to gang up but a few supporters. Thats why one of the most common labels that IRI and leftists use to ridicule the opposition argument or character is to accuse them of being a "member of a separatist organization". Typical facist tyrranical mentality."

Now that you have seen the light and the unity among the Iranians you may as well inform your buddies , the Yanks and Israeli , not to waste their resources supporting the few Separatist Kurds Azaris and Baluchis .

Oh , Lest me guess , now you are going to come back with " the Usraelis never supported any separatist movement in Iran " , right ?!!!


The idea that separatist

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

The idea that separatist movements in Iran are actually a threat to the unity of our country is anither tool IRI and their leftist allies use to bash anyone who speaks against their dark beliefs. The co existance among the people of Iran has always been so strong that no separatist movement has ever managed to gang up but a few supporters. Thats why one of the most common labels that IRI and leftists use to ridicule the opposition argument or character is to accuse them of being a "member of a separatist organization". Typical facist tyrranical mentality.


Who is Q?

by SomeoneWhoKnowsQ (not verified) on

فرهاد و چمشید شما دو تا انگار حالیتون نیست با کی دارید الکی بحث میکنید. بابا این پفیوز رو من میشناسم

این الدنگ نه تحصیلات داره ونه حرفه ای بلد هست. مثل این همه ادمهای بیکاره دیگه برای قایم کردن بی سوادیش و پایینی سطح طبقه خانوادگیش امده برای ما "ارتیست" شده

این باباش دزده وتو ایران اون ملت بدبخت رو حسابی چاپیده و حالا این روی پولای دزدیه باباش داره مفت میخوره و میخوابه و حال میکنه

خب حالا شما انتظار دارید این پفیوز از جمهوری اسلامی دفاع نکنه? حالا هی شما باهاش استدلال و جدال می کنید که اخه چی بشه? این پفیوز اگر جمهوریه اسلامی نباشه باید بره مثله همه کار کنه و زحمت بکشه


Q, 1-That is a specific time

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Q, 1-That is a specific time of foreign intervention. “Foreign” is a broad term in politics and even in social concepts. Nonetheless, as I said before, extreme kind of foreign intervention such as a war that targets civilians in Iran is rejected by most Iranians, however, the same Iranians , I among them, understand why the world community will engage in that. Let me ask you, what do you suggest the world do now since its facing the fascist regime in Iran which according to world public opinion, Iranian (Inside of Iran) public opinion and common sense!, represents the biggest threat to world peace? I mean based on what (I would say selfishness and OGHDEH) are we asking the world to sit still while the IRI is determined to continue its barbaric and inhumane acts which again, threatens world stability? Iran is the center of inspiring, funding and hosting International Islamic fundamentalism movements that is a fact! Why are we surprised that out of 200 countries in the world, Iris friends, if we can even call them that, do not exceed 10?
2- As I said before, U.S role in the 1953 coup was merely a consultant to the Shah when he went to the American ambassador (As he went to USSR, French and British ambassadors too) to ask whether he should go ahead with the coup. That is well documented and actually admitted by the monarchists. The coup was done by the monarchists and the millions of Iranians who went to the streets marching for Shah. The same ones who in 1979 went to the streets marching against him; which translated into the fact that WE control our destiny. Not CIA, Not the NEO-CONs, not the OLD CONs, and crap like that. Furthermore, even for the sake of argument, if we believe the claim that the coup was entirely planned, organized and executed by the U.S, why is that just us, contrary to numerous countries that went through coups, wars, revolutions and things like that, still after 54 years (HALF CENTURY) later still claim we’re suffering because of that day? I mean that does not sit well with any logic or fact. Are you saying we’re so helpless and retarded that just as all these countries in the world around us have advanced and progressed, we’re simply unable to do that because of a coup half a century ago , not even considering all the changes we went though since that day?
3-i didn’t say I represent the Iranian public, liberal open minded pro-democracy individuals like me would never claim that, I said that is the opinion of the majority of Iranian people based on statistics, interaction, research ….
4- Your argument is the naïve one, not me. Just look at the history and see how many instances in the history have been where countries, government and groups allied against a common enemy. Just one example…USA and USSR two major enemies united during WWII to fight Nazism, each with their own agenda, but each benefiting from the outcome individually, just look, did the help that US provided to USSR in order to liberate from Nazism led to the disintegration of the communist regime in Russia? No it didn’t. So we, just like anyone else, have the right to unite with any freedom loving group, individual or government in the world for our own benefit.
5- you state yourself if it wasn’t for U.S pressure , Syria would still heavily interfere in Lebanese politics, I know they still do and they still murder anti –Syrian politicians, but U.S actions helped Lebanon has a U.N-observed , democratic election. And the Christians never “drive to the arms” of Hezbollah. Didn’t you see the millions of anti-Hezbollah Lebanese in the streets celebrating the victory of the anti-Syrian and Anti-Hezbollah candidates? The millions marching against the killing of anti-Hezbollah politicians? The publicly open criticism of Hezbollah and Syria by the majority elected lawmakers and civil society?
6- Your facts are absolutely wrong. Shiites are not the majority in Lebanon. And the south is not undeveloped like you think it is. The south itself is not even a purely site area. There are many Sunni and Christian residents too. The town of Bent Jubail which was the center of the 2006 war is evenly divided between Sunni and Shites.The Lebanese system is not perfect, but is the best one among Arab countries right after Iraq.
7- For the sake of the National security of the U.S, the American government is truly pushing for democratic freedoms in the Middle East. National security has, is and always will be the top priority for U.S. you talk about other priorities such as the security of the oil supply line and other things, but you forget to mention what is the # 1 priority. If the U.S is threatened everyday by Islamic fundamentalist of an attack and if the U.S gets attacked again in its homeland, then other interests such as oil and open market mean nothing. Why is so hard for Iranians to understand that? Or are they just so OGHDEI about the U.S that they ignore the most simple and obvious facts? And by the way, I don’t think you specifically are an OGHDEI.
8- The infrastructure in Iraq is undergoing a major transformation. Just look at one example and see whets going in Kurdistan region. That part of the country has one of the fastest growing economies in the whole Middle East. Foreign and domestic investment is flocking into the region that was destroyed by Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons. Other parts of the country will enjoy similar growth, but they need to improve security first which they are doing now (EX. Al-Anbar provicnce with the help of American blood and money, ,haven’t you heard of the Majlis Sahwa Al-Anbar , or the council of awakening of Anbar, group of Sunnis uniting with the U.S to fight extremists.)
9-Are you claiming that hundreds of neutral human rights organization are not condemning Iran on daily basis on the violation of human rights? Iran was violating human rights in the 70s, and I agree, but are you saying that the 1979 revolution, which you guys claim “freed us from U.S control”, didn’t improve human rights in Iran? Are you claiming that human rights conditions in Iran are better now than the 70s???
10- “self efficiency in food”’..did you know Iran imports Rice and Sugar? Iran imports Wheat? Please refer to daily Iranian newspapers online..farsnews.com, aftabyazd.com… “Women participation in government” is astonishing. One very simple question….by IRI law,are women allowed to hold the 1st and 2nd highest offices in the IRI..Vali Faghih and so called “president”? just a simple questions which needs a simple yes or no answer.
We are doomed when he have people who justify IRIs action. By supporting the IRI, we’re not delaying military action, we’re speeding it since we lose the support and sympathy and hope of the people around the world.

Bahram the Iranian

question for Jamshid

by Bahram the Iranian on

are a member of mko terrorist organazation?have you lived in camp ashraf in iraq?your comment about seperatist would impliy, u would be.On one hand you pick arabic name for your so-called iri agent like me,on the other you are cheering for arabs, now you are showing your real face, so u were with seperatists in sanadaj??with pejak did u also go to turkey?if u care so much about kurdish indepency then turkey should come first on your list, yeah that is right when it comes to kurds , we just let turks to deal with them. with arabs we have Hakiem and the islamic revolution of iraq(his party) to deal with it, balouch in Pakistan cannt wait to split from pakistan and join iran, all balouch oakistani have a fake iranian birth id.azaris are holding tight on power as the suprem leader is azari and at the end I mnt that farsi either, not all fars are iranian, not all iranians are fars,Iran will always be iran, over our dead bodies dont forget basij, before u and your boss being able to divide iran u need to kill 8 millions basijis, get your 100 maybe 1000 or 100000000000 and still u r too weak and navie for us.


Re: Q

by jamshid on

1. Foreign intervention has other definitions as well: Not selling out Iran's rights in the Caspian sea to the Russians and its ex-satelites. Not selling out Iran's natural resources to the Indians and to the Chinese at today's much cheaper prices with long term irevokeable contracts for decades. Not prolonging a war for 6 useless years, killing hundreds of thousands, enriching Israel and the US in the process. IRI has done all these for its own survival and not for its people. It has become a puppet of Russia and China.


Why you don't talk about these?


2. Q writes: "All nations serve their own self-interests, not yours, and certainly not the citizens of another country" This is true. However, as you indicated, they serve the "citizens" of their own country. Unfortunate for Iranians, the IRI does not serve the interests of its citizens. The Russians and the Chiniese, the Palestinians and hezbollah are the ones really benefiting.


You Q should not be speaking on behalf of Iranians either. There is a large chunk of none-farsi population of Iran, ie, the kurds, the azaris, arabs and balouchis that are so driven to the wall by the IRI's suppression and lack of responsibility towards its citizens, that thanks to the IRI they do support a foreign intervention and even separation from Iran.


I was in Sanandaj a few years ago and most people I met didn't give a damn about the IRI nor even being part of Iran. I know though close none kurdish aquaintances in there that today it is even worst. They are so fed up that the ordinary kurdish people DO support US intervention.  


Things are even worst among the balouchis. The arbas are licking their chops for their chance for independence, and the Azari separtists are at their pick of their popularity.


Why should our government be so incompetent in its domestic and international policies to draw Iranians to this? Remember Iran is not only IRI and its supporters. You guys are a minority.


3. I have nothing to say on this topic.


4. Why is it that the European countries, Japan, South korea, Taiwan and many others have become so prosperous, and countries like Cuba, venezuela, north korea suffering? Why China is joining the globalization? Why shouldn't Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries help their palestinian brothers? Why should we?


Why should Iranians suffer for these flawed and outmoded policies that are NOT based on the betterment of Iranians' lives, but instead are based on anger, jealousy, oghdeh and "lajbaazi"?


5. I do agree that things were better under Sadam even during the sanctions than under the US occupation. I blame the USA's incompentence, but I do blame other outside forces such as IRI and algha'edeh. Do the math. On the average how many are getting killed by US troops? How many are getting killed by moslems planting bombs which kills innocents? Do you have any numbers?


6. There you go with your trophy again. AI's report. I have talked about it in great length. But in short AI's reports are always based on what the opposition to a any given government provides, not based on direct inspections and counts. We all know the numbers that the opposition provided back then was exagerated, for example:


300,000 political prisoners was not true, it was in the 3500s. AND most of them were the same garbage MEK members you hate so much and the other half the same IRI thugs that ruinied out country.

10,000 killed in jaleh square was not true, it was about 100. This is from IRI's archivist, not me.

400 burnt to death in the Rex cinema incident was not by Savak, it was by rogue Islamists.

600,000 killed to pave the way to the victory of the revolution (according to Khomeini's speeches on the record) was not true, durint the ENTIRE reign of the Shah less than 4000 died, most of them during the last year of his reign.


With these fantastic exageration, not just AI, but even I would declare the shah's regime more brutal than even Hitler's. But it turned out to be exagerated by a factor of 100.


You mentioned these improvements under the IRI:

self-sufficiency in food: What happened to the shah's "taghzieh raayegaan" which covered most of the rural areas too?

rural electrification: Would have been even grander if the Pahlavis remained in power.

college attendence: Would have been stronger had the pahlavis remained in power AND there would be no brain drain either which is as important.

women participation in governmen: Thanks to the pahalavis became socially accepted in Iran and women would have been more involved and more free had the pahlavis stayed in power.


Iran has more independence now?

1. What would IRI do without Russia, china and india? Collapse, that's what they would do. Dependence to the US is now replaced to dependence to these countries in a far worst ways.

2. Even if you disagree with #1 above, independence at what cost? South Koreans who are so dependent to the US are living so much better than Iranians who are sitting on all that oil. To what limits of suffering, misery and agony Iranians must go in order for you obtain this fake independence?

Bahram the Iranian

thumbs up

by Bahram the Iranian on

Mr Q u write well, I find your arguments valid and logic. I wonder what Jamshid has to say now? he cant get it, there are pepole who arent neccesary a hard line shia extermist and at the same time might have same opinion as expressed by IRI in some specific cases.Myself have a lot to crticise IRI but not in the field of poltics for most part of it of course.let me please tell you 2 personal observation of mine as recently as 2 months ago in Iran one in favour of IRI another one aginst it, maybe then Jamshid can figure out if I m realy a stooge or agent or not?????

I visited my cousin in Iran at their family farm somewhere in center iran. that is a very large piece of land that been passed down from father to son for many generation. they are harvesting wheat almost 90% of their land, 10 years ago they were totaly bankrupt for years they were lossing money why? it wasnt simply profitable to harvest wheat while goverment was subsidizing the flour so heavily and their farm was only suitable for harvest like wheat....at the time Iran as a country was second importer of wheat just after india in asia. It was a different story last month, now goverment buys their harvest at a very good price and as much as they can produce, that is gurranty, it is good for my cousin all other farmers the pepole working for them from labor workers who are afghanis up to their agriculter engineer who supervises their farms. the import of flour and other like produce is now a matter of past , now we r exporter and as u probably heard there is shotage of wheat and prices are skyrocketing, imagine how much we would have been paying just for providing daily bread at the sbsidized price if the goverment hadnt adapoted that policy.

Now I m back to tehran, I was hanging out in tajresh, stopped at the a street vendor table who was selling burned dvds, cds.....couple of girls were checikng it out too, a police patrol a van stopped a woman and an officer jumped out of it almost ran towards us, seperated the 2 girls talked to them for couple of minutes and took them inside the van and took off. Me and the vendor and couple of shopowners were left wondering what eas just happened!!!!we didnt see any thing strange or too bizare about those 2 not much makeup or behavig indecently if u will!!!they were just 2 regular gals. I kept on walking further down towards dezashieb there was another police van this one parked on st and 2 police men and a women out on the sidewalk.I was realy wondered (not to say pissed)  what went wrong with those 2, I walked by them came back and ask one of the guy an officer with 3 stars on his shoulder, sir i just saw your collegue took 2 ladies away in their van do u know what was wrong , he goes oh how would i know ?? maybe because they wearing short pants like just above their ankles.that was so stuipd and unfair I found it.this is waht i dont like about IRI.

I hope Jamshid now could have a better understanding of how i think and i believe many other would share that with me.


Anonymous8: I will tell you what it means

by Q on

Jamshid is saying I am on the IRI payroll and that I "cost" people being imprisoned and executed. What else can this possibly mean?


The weasel is you who is loafing off in LA at the cost of our people being imprisoned and executed, and their riches plundered for your parasital benefit.


He's done it before. It's the same old story. He will say BS like this and then wonder how he puts other people in danger. Since he think he is the only one who matters, he has no concern for othe people's reputation being slandered. All while being too afraid to reveal his own name. If you press him on it, he will probably lie and change this story, saying something stupid like "I said he was a stooge, not an agent" as he did before. It's just rediculous child play from a mental and physcial coward. He's not worth a real conversation.


Farhard, you have some seriously wrong information

by Q on

1. Foreign intervention has a defintion: no war against Iran, no illegal military operations in Iran and no $$ or weapons supported by a foreign country should be going to Iran. The US government can condemn all it wants, but it has no right to interefere with another countries political processes, like it did in 1953. It's that simple.


2. Your premise here is just plain incorrect. You don't speak on behalf of Iranians. No one who could possibly claim to speak on behalf of Iranians has accepted any US intervention. This is perceisely why non-Intervention is important. Otherwise, a super-power like US can find some fringe group (like Mojahedeen) and claim they "really" represent Iranians and helped them overthrow the government. If you really believe this, you believe that US should be backing Rajavi who by the way, has the best connections in Washington and the Bush administration.

Furthermore, your conjecture that "if they ask for our sovereignty, we will not give it" is rediculously naive. All nations serve their own self-interests, not yours, and certainly not the citizens of another country. If US does anything for anyone, it wants a substantial payoff in return. If you think Geroge Bush will spend $Billions of American money to "liberate" Iran and then just walk away, you are sadly mistaken. It will be just like Iraq and worst than Iraq, as a matter of fact. Ask any expert on the subject.

Lastly, this assumption is really an insult to the Iranians people. Everyone knows that Iranians are more than capable of overthrowing their own government, if they want to. Just imagine if 500,000 (not 500, like the student protests) people show up on the streets in Tehran, every day for a week. How long do you think the regime could last? It's a fact that Iranians living in Iran (the ones who matter, not you and me) do not want a violent overthrow of IRI. Otherwise, they would have done it by now. Maybe at some point in the future, they would decide that it's not worth it and they should take to the streets. At that time, I will support them morally and if I really care, I would go down to Tehran and join them. But I would never insult them by asking foreign powers to pay them off, under the guise of "support for democracy."


3. YOu're not exactly correct on this. But it's a different discussion altogether.


4. This is plain wrong. The Senora government came to power after a routine election in Lebanon, under their system which US had nothing to do with setting up. They have had plenty of elections before Senora. The only think US did was diplomatically pressure Syria to withdraw which in turn drove the Christians to the arms of the Hezbollah and created a deadlock that has not resolved to this day. That same election, by the way, gave Hezbollah the most number of seats it has ever had in Lebanese history.

The Lebanese system is not exactly a real democracy. It's a colonial era multi-ethnic power sharing arrangement based on demographics from 1930's. It mandates by law that the President be Christian, the speaker of the house be Shiite and the prime minister be Sunni, with Druze also given some important functions. The problem is that since 30's, the demographics of the country has changed. The shiites are now the biggest group in Lebanon and they are being screwed by the central government. The south gets almost no government services and help which is why Hezbollah is so popular. Even after they won their own elections fair and square and tried to implement changes, the Sunnis who hold power would not reliquish it. US is not "supporting" democracy in Lebanon. US is standing in the way of true representative democracy for the sake of having an ally against Hezbollah.

The lebanese people were formally thanked by the Bush administration in the form of weeks-long Israeli bombs on their homes. Condoleeza Rice did not think US should even ask Israel to observe international laws. 


5. Yes, it is universally acknowledged that services, infrastructure and living conditions were better under Saddam Hussein's rule, even after years of US-backed sanctions that killed half a million Iraqi children. The initial bombing of the US destroyed nearly the entire country. Sure there are some building projects, but not nearly equal to what was destroyed by US itself. Under International law, US, as the occupying power is responsible for citizen security, national integrity and protection of antiquities. All 3 areas have been miserable failures. US is not interested in stability in Iraq, it just wants an excuse to have permenant military basis and access to oil.


Sorry, I have to go. But I also have answers for 6, and 7. For example the Amnesty Intrenational report that said Iran was "the worst violator of Human Rights" in the entire decade of the 70's. Also the freedomhouse report where Iran's freedom status as (not free) has no changed from 1973 until today. I have probelms with their calculations but at least they are consistent. We can pick areas where Monarchy seemed more beneficial to people, but the same can be said of IRI: self-sufficiency in food, rural electrification, college attendence, women participation in government, etc.


Don't clinge too much to "power and status" Farhad, that normally does nothing for people. Of course Iran has a worst military now, that's because the best military is no longer supplying and training it, like it did under Shah. Democratic rights may not have improved, but Iran has more independence now, there is no denying that.

Lastly, if you want to have a real conversation, I beg you don't be like some other people and jump down my throat like a rabid dog just because I said something positive about IRI please. Don't be that shallow. Consider it objectively, and we can have a rational discussion backed by facts and figures.


Re: Farhad

by jamshid on

I couldn't have said it better! However remember that the likes of Q and Arezu are not going to accept any logic or evidence or number. Their decayed minds is too badly decomposed.


However your article is informative and convincing to the silent majority. 



Arezu, no one advocates

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Arezu, no one advocates “anything” and “everything” to get rid of IRI. One way to get rid of IRI is to nuke Iran and extinguish the life in it, I don’t advocate that!! So stop the personal attacks!!
1- What do you mean by “foreign intervention”? Does condemning homosexual, opposition, minor executions by the IRI, by the world community a “foreign intervention”? Speaking out against the atrocities your beloved IRI is committing on daily basis in Iran a “foreign intervention”? Is helping the Iranian people and the opposition movement by assisting the civil society and NGOs a “foreign intervention”? The fact that the U.N, which is consisted of “foreign countries” , not only Iran, has condemned Iran of violation human rights of its people for more than 2 decades now a “foreign intervention”? When are you backward leftists are going to stop butchering the Iranian freedom movement? When will you realize that the world has changed, and the people of Iran need democracy and dignity more than they need nuclear enrichment? When are you gonna wake up to see that phrases such as “imperialism” are from sometime around 100 years ago? And most importantly, when are you gonna wake up and see where the world has reached and where are we now?? When are you gonna wake up and see, China, previously a center for the so called “anti-imperialism” movement has adopted the same principals it claimed, like you guys claim now, was fighting to adopt principals for globalization for the better of its own people?
2-If the U.S government, and for that matter any government in the world, including Cuba, North Korea or Fiji Islands, consider the IRI the greatest threat the world faces and is willing to assist the Iranian people to a regime change, the Iranian people are more than willing to accept any help, and we definitely have the wisdom, intelligence and power not to give up our sovereignty to anyone. If they are asking for our sovereignty in return for their help, we will not accept it. So, I, and the overwhelming majority of Iranians inside of Iran have absolutely no opposition to any parties around the world to expose the threat and the barbarism the regime in Tehran represents. That’s includes Neo Cons, Old Cons, not so New Cons, Green party in Germany, Liberal democrats in France, Hamas (If it decided to take the right position), National Party in India or the communist party in China. Iranian people need the support of the International community, just as much a most liberation movements around the world throughout the history needed it. Look at the PLO, a liberation movement who is fighting Israel, but has the support of the overwhelming majority of the world community, by the way, including the so called “neo Cons”.
3- Please get your facts straight. The U.S did recognize Hamas as the winner of Palestinian elections. It was however observed by the U.N. All the world community, including the U.S has asked Hamas to do is to recognize Israel. That’s all!!
4- You said U.S does not want democratic Middle East and asked to name a country. How about two to start with: Lebanon and Georgia. If it wasn’t for U.S assistance along with the U.N presence, the elections that led to the Senora government in Lebanon was never has happened.
5- As far as Iraq goes, are you saying Iraq’s infrastructure was in good shape during the Saddam era?? Also, are you claiming that the U.S has not built schools, roads and hospitals using U.S tax payer money? If you do so, please refer to the U.N report on reconstruction of Iraq. Easily available and read about the things the U.S has done in the reconstruction project.
6- Let’s compare the pre 1979 to post 1979 Iran. Although I’m a strong anti-monarchist, but, credit is given where it’s due. In Shah’s time, Iran had social freedom because its laws were secular. In post 1979, people are forced a dress code (unique in that category in the world), music is semi banned, social relationships including non marital are punishable under law, just to name a few out of hundreds. Iran had one of the strongest armies in the world, now, statically, not even in the top 20. The median income of Iranian people was not even comparable to today. Infrastructure was one of the top in Asia at that time. International respect from friends and foes was unprecedented in modern Iranian history. What about now? According to a recent world public opinion poll, Iran is considered ht biggest threat to world peace. Social, cultural, economic and political freedoms are out the window. Again just to name a few out of thousand of disastrous consequences.
7- To expect the world community to sit back and expect leftist like you preach about a “gradual transformation” of power to the people ( which actually means from one backward undemocratic regime to another who you leftist propose) , is only out of selfishness , OGHDEH and HASSODI to the west and America, and hunger for power. The silent majority of Iranians have spoken and the priority for them is to rid of the IRI and their allies like you. In the process, we welcome any help and support, we welcome any encouragement, and we will never give up our sovereignty to anyone. All want is democracy and dignity


Jamshid and Rosie I think I am going to.......

by Sasha on

 I think I am going back to read some of your replies because I just got confused by your last two posted replies.





Re: Rosie

by jamshid on

You should re-read my reply, then tell me what part needs more explantion.

Rosie T.

To Jamshid (and others...)

by Rosie T. on

Hi, when I asked you to re-read my post, Dear Friends, I wasn't really thinking about the off-topic.  I was thinking about the watch your language part. I am really concerned that concerned people from all over the world will wind up here--haven't you ever googled something on Iran and wound up with iranian.com as a hit?--and maybe they're peace activists, or teachers, or open-minded government analysts, or work for NGO's, or just ordinary people who are concerned--and they will see all the screaming going on and think, these people can't govern themselves, why should I put my efforts into this hopeless situation?  And turn their efforts to something which sounds more promising, maybe a country in Latin America, or a situation which sounds even more dire like the Sudan.  World opinion is important, you know, and I am totally serious when I say the eyes of the world are now upon Iran. I don't care if you attack each other as long as you do it civilly.

And if you make sure you do it civilly, you might even find you hear each other better and even reach an understanding--or a half an understanding--on a point of contention or two!

That's all I meant.

Thanks for re-reading,


Jamshid what is your last sentense mean.

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Is Q a IRI agent in LA or just stooge like bahram?


Re: Q the hezbollahi wanna be...

by jamshid on

I am a hypocrite? I am not important? Is that what you are saying to Bahram?


Imbecile, then why are you answering my posts? So do you see who is the hypocrite here?


You are right, you dealt with me for weeks. During those weeks I worn out your "pooz" by so much rubbing it to dust.


Bahram is an IRI stooge. Just read his posts. He has said it directly that he supports the IRI. And yes, I am sick and tired of IRI elements using Farsi names on purpose. Is Bahram just a stooge or an agent? I don't know. But once you support the IRI, there is little difference.


The weasel is you who is loafing off in LA at the cost of our people being imprisoned and executed, and their riches plundered for your parasital benefit.



Q: mano dast mindaazi joojoo?

by jamshid on

So Q... bacheh soosooleh Los Angeles... Both hezbolahi and at the same time gherti wanna be...


Imbecile, those dissidents don't visit Iran as I do. Fouladvand did in secrecy and there are rumors he is captured. YOU WOULD LOVE TO SEE ME AND MY LIKES CAPTURED BY IRI, don't you kesaafat?


The iri IS spending millions to kill or capture members of opposition. I am not an important figure nor claim to be one, but I am not stupid either, and I don't want to visualize your ear to ear smiling face while I am being hosted in Evin. Fat chance asshole. I know a few who have said far less radical things than I had, and were far less active than I am, and they are currently rotting in IRI's prisons, so that you could continue loafing off in LA's streets, you jackass fink.


For your and others' information, Iranian.com is accessible by the "designated IRI employees" from Iran.


You said this: "... you (jamshid) are representing the vast majority of Iranians who yearn to be free..." You are absolutely correct. I concur with you. I didn't think your retarded brain could ever get this point. I am glad I was able to get some truth into your filthy vomit filled brain.


The rest of your puking is not worth answering.



Bahram: do not indulge this guy, just ignore him

by Q on

He lies like breathing air. Trust me, I dealt with him for weeks, and he's too kalle-shagh to understand anything. He goes back on his own words all the time, and lies again. I'll show you, but take this advice: ignore this guy. Do not make him feel important by answering him.


Right here he said exactly:

Hala masalan ke chi? What is with "Bahram"? Or cyrus, or daryush, etc? Why do you IRI stooges choose such names instead of your real names such as abdulah, gholamhussein, mohamad and so on?



Clearly, as you called it. He is implying that you are an IRI stooge. He is saying your real name is Islamic and that you hide it by choosing Persian names. That means if you're arguing with him and you have a Persian name, you are faking it, hiding your islamic name. He has no evidence for any of this. It's a fanatasy like most other things he writes. But the truth is right there in black and white, exactly as you said.


But now, he's trying to say up is down, right is left. He's trying to weasel out of his own racist remark. That's the way he operates. He always goes back an "re-interprets" his own words in a much more favorable light and then says "no, that's not what I said." Trust me, there is no having a "conversation" with this guy. Take a look at this as the result when I tried before. His understanding of "rules" and "fairness" and "consistency" is that they only apply to other people not him. He always does exactly what he accuses others of doing, yet somehow never understands the hypocrisy.


Don't feed the troll.


Re: Bahram

by jamshid on

I stand by my quotes. They are true. Let's get a few things cleared:


1. I never said nor implied that a guy with a Farsi name is more trustworthy than the guy with an Arabic name.

2. I did not say nor implied that you are an IRI agent because your name is Bahram.

3. I said in the political arena, IRI agents use Farsi names more often in order to infiltrate into the opposition groups, specially the nationalist extremists. The reverse is true as well. Foreign agents infiltrating IRI use Islamic names. This is not the case ALL of the time, but for the most part is true.

4. Same is true in the internet.

5. #3 and #4 above do not invalidate #1 and #2.


I hope this clarifies it. However, you Bahram are a supporter of IRI. I implied that by reading your previous posts. Please correct me if I am wrong and misunderstood.



Once again, you have shamed me, your highness...

by Q on

Dear Hazarat-e Jamshid, You are obviously more a important and strategic asset than anyone else in the US, therefore, you must disguise your name. For the future of Iran, I beg you, do not endanger your life!!! Iran needs you, do not take chances!!! How could I be so stupid, dear Jamshid? Your life is way more valuable than anyone else. Reza Pahlavi? Fouladvand? Amir Taheri? Marze-Por-Gohar party? Hundreds of other anti-IRI dissidents who speak out on daily basis against the regime? Jahanshah Javid, and dozens of sites, TV stations, radio stations, who publish anti-IRI material? Thousands of people who speak out inside Iran? No, no, no, my friend, these people are nothing! The IRI only wants YOU. You are the important one. They will spend $Millions trying to kill or capture you and are only waiting for your real name to be published on Iranian.com to finish the job!!! As soon as you reveal your name right here on a banned site, they will send agents to "neutralize" you. That's why when you hide behind a fake Persian name, it's a sign of bravery. But when others do it, it's a sign of cowardice. And if they don't do it, well, that just means they are IRI agents themselves. Look, we can't all be national heros, future leaders-in-waiting, like you Mr. Jamshid. When I speak, for example, it's only on behalf of IRI's North American agents. But when you say something, you are representing the vast majority of Iranians who yearn to be free and have chosen you as the new massiah. When you say something, you are in fact channeling Cyrus the great. So, of course, it makes sense for you to be safe until Iran is ready to accept you as a leader. How could I miss this simple fact?

Bahram the Iranian

some quotes from Jamshid

by Bahram the Iranian on

Hala masalan ke chi? What is with "Bahram"? Or cyrus, or daryush, etc? Why do you IRI stooges choose such names instead of your real names such as abdulah, gholamhussein, mohamad and so on?


Two things are already established among the opposition. First, IRI elements choose "nationalist" identities, and always nationalist names such as kourosh or daryush, to make it easier to obtain the trust of the members of oppposition in order to infiltrate, spy and sabotage their efforts.

did I put these words on your mouth?read it clearly implies a guy with persian root is more trustworthy than it is a guy with an arabic name, so everyboy Ali, Hossien....all would be IRI agents .

One more thing about hajagha , he is a flip-flop, they ve been pepole before calling him just like u call me what?IRI agent because of his cartoons, He changed his postion later on now he is in favoure of bombing Iran. My problem with him isnt poltical rather is how he insults our iranian womwen, my sisiter, wife , daughter and more importantly our mothers, He is a disgrace to all Iranians. I dont think I owe him anything because of his alleged contribution to the warthat is the point get it in your head,


symptoms of out of touch with Iran (RE: jamshid)

by Anonym7_again (not verified) on

Jamshidjan, go visit Iran, and go visit with a negative attitude toward Iran. Even if you want to continue your quest that will be good for you.
As you might have seen in a "Jerusalem Report" even Jewish Iranians (Iranian/Israelis) go visit Iran, and some have decided to go back and stay.
Jamishidjan, a visit could cure your obsession and potentially create a balance between your logical and sentimental side.


Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!

by Justice (not verified) on

Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!
Hezbollah's Front Businesses in America!
Part one
part two


Re: my issues with Bahram

by jamshid on

Bahram, I did not send you any "notes", I replied to you right here on this site, maybe that's what you meant with note. And yes I called you a scum bag or something similar because you insulted Hajiagha's war service AND I AM VERY SENSITIVE ON THIS ISSUE. The guy risked his life and here you are giving him a lecture about basijis?


I mean how dare you?


And please don't put words in my mouth. Being Iranians has nothing to do with a name. No need for a lecture in that area either.


If you feel you are qualified to make a comment about basijis because you did "your share of experience in those dark days", then you'll be surprised learning the identity of some others in this site who have a war service as well and therefore qualifed to make similar remarks. 


Either way, you should then be the first not to insult hajiagha on a matter related to war. Insult him with his cartoons and his political views if you want.


Sorry, but that is my view.



Re: Q

by jamshid on

"hazrat" of logic, ethics and objectivity? hala masaln ke chi besheh? mikhay bekhandim? mikhay gheyre mostaghim begi mantegh nadaram bacheh soosool?


So you say you found a method to make me read your whole post and not just the title... Is this how little and unimportant you think of yourself?


Then to justify your last childish post, you say this: "I decided that you're not worth having a real conversation with..." Q, I have bad news for you... It wasn't just in your last post, the intellect in ALL your previous conversations, combined, were that of a child mentality.


And when did I challenge you to a duel badbakht? Show a reference in my posts that I did this. As usual you invent things as you write. How pathetic. What I said was that next time you want to mock me be man enough and do it in my presence. And so the mere thought of that made you chicken scared and you pissed in your pant and took that as an invitation to a dual? Huh? My my my.. What a repressed chicken/violent mentality you have Q...


Then you said the most stupid things of all: "You (jamshid) are too afraid to reveal even your own name..."

ey badbakht... Have you read the things that I have posted in here? Do you know if I reveal my real identity how quickly it'll land in the hands of Savama? Will you be there to save my skin when I get arrested in my next trip to Iran? Of course not Q! But you would love to be there and feast on the sight of me landing in the same Evin prison I have been complaining about... I can see your smile... ear to ear... Fat chance, you bozzo...


You on the other hand... Why should you hide your identity? Hide it from whom? IRI? They'll even pat you in the back, oh maybe they'll throw you a frown for a few "reformist" (what a laugh) crap you have said, but that's all...


You would have just absolutely loved to have a chance to report my "real identity" to the "proper authorities"... Eh Q? Again: FAT CHANCE ASSHOLE.


You piece of garbage spreading more trash about me huh? Show me one case that my comments "endangered" someone who was using his "real identity", you cheapshot asshole. You just couldn't help it, could you? You just had to use a bit of lie in your post somewhere... Like a drug addict, you are a lie addict...


Here is another of your deceptions: "you (jamshid) constantly talk about hurting your political opponents..." My political opponents you deceptive buffoon? Or just IRI rulers and their supporters? There is a big difference you jack ass, and you know it.


Then you go on and mock the defense of the political prisoners in Iran. That easy for you, huh? I am not surprised at all. They HAVE to be imprisoned, so that IRI can continue its rule, so that you can continue loafing off in Los angeles... If you don't give a damn about their plights, at least don't mock it either, you first rated asshole.


Then you puke these feces from your mouth: ""Give me 100 good men, he said, and I will deliver this country from evil." You impossiblly retarded idiot, where the hell did I make this claim asshole? huh? I said it takes only one hundred dedicated Iranians to bring and focus the world's attention to the crimes and atrocities IRI is committing.


And you wouldn't like that Q, would you, you sorry case of an akhoond's defecation? In fact you would do everything in your power to sabotage such efforts. 


If I am a joke then you must be a sorry tragedy of a human being.


P.S. No need to praise me... I had ALWAYS done a good job of putting you down and in your sorry crapfull place.


Bahram I checked your Bio...........

by Sasha on

 Sorry, Bahram but I checked your Bio and it does not show your year of birth. It must be some sort of glitch.


Bahram the Iranian

my issues with Jamshid

by Bahram the Iranian on

I dont know u and I hadnt even seen any of your postings before u left a nasty note calling me "a scum bag" how did u coclued I m a scum bag?do u know me ever met me, talked to me, dealt with me!!!If u consider yourself a decent man who is intelligent enough to have some political views, then u should play by roles. You cant just get out here and start mouthing off pepole and if u do then u shouldnt be suprised to see , your are being paid back. couple of other issues like my name, sorry u were wrong this time too, this is the name my parents gave me upon birth,but to your credit It does symbolise a nationalistic view, It was picked out of shahnameh and yeah by the understanding that I have from my dad, He probably tried to express his affliation with Iran, I will ask him next time I get a chance to se himm!!!!!! However any Iranian Ali, Mohammd Hossein....would be as much Iranian as I am I mnt sure about the percetage but an overwhelming number of names in Iran come from islamic, if u will, culture of Iran, so what do we do?ship everybody to arabia???

My next issue is yetr another personal one, if u check my profile u see my birth year, when revelution happened I was in my early teen, I ve gone through so much with that event of late 20 century.you need to know if i made a comment about basiji somehow I see myself qualifed to make comment, somehow in those dark years of war and misery I did my share and experinced some of the worst.




Good job Jamshid, you really put me in my place :(

by Q on

How could I dare take a sarcastic tone about such a "hazrat" of logic, ethics and objectivity!!! I'm at least thankful (thanking Allah, that is) that I finally found a method to actually make sure you read everything I write. In the past, I had to repeat myself 5 times before you decided to cool down enough to read beyond the title, and even then you still selectively respond like an opportunist.


Sorry, buddy, I know it hurts, but I decided that you're not worth having a real conversation with. I gave it a real, hosest shot for weeks and weeks only to find it was a useless waste of time.


How very "manly" of you to challenge me to a duel. I guess you are trying to show your bravery now, huh?. It would have just a tiny bit more crediblity if didn't show so much hypocrisy with every line you write.

So let me get this straight. You're too afraid to reveal even your own name (your own admission), but you want me to fly to meet you to show that I'm not a coward?

You make fun of other people's real names. You call anyone disagreeing with you an IRI agent. You dish out piles of horrible, baseless insults and accusations (with potential consequences for people who express their opinions under their own name) and then you decide to get "gheirati" when someone responds in kind? You constantly talk about hurting your political opponents (you have 'forced labor' picked out for me) and then you have audacity to pretend you care about human rights and freedom of speech? How fucking rude of me!


Really, I'm sorry. I see the error of my ways now. I really should have realized that you're nothing less than our national saint and saviour. As you immodestly point out all the time, you represent the plight of the prisoners in Iran, of all the oppressed, of all the subjugated, of all the victims of babarity throughout space and time! And now commanding your trusted army, you will bring justice to the oppressed. "Give me 100 good men, he said, and I will deliver this country from evil." Now that's fantasy!

Seriously, how could anyone not think of a movie after that? Did you read it yourself?


I respond with a joke, because, my friend, you are a joke. But also, you can't take one.



- Alimohammad Hassan-Hosseini