Number theory and lovers

Lose heart to only one

Number theory and lovers
by Farhad Zaltash

Take the number of your lovers,
Multiplied by the promises you
Made or were made to you
Establish the expanse of your
Heart's vulnerability.

Take the number of days
You have cried alone;
Confirm, in its aftermath,
Your soul's exponential growth.

Take a good thought, add a smile
Followed by a hand-out from heart
Claim three is the magical number,
A favorite with the accountant in Paradise.

Kiss strangers as often as they come along,
But lose heart to only one,
As infinity is not but in the mirror
Image of this divine one.


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Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Wonderful! Beautiful...



by Shabnam_Ghayour on

You know when words are beautiful, when they strike a chord or provoke thought with you... Thank you.


O' Brother, My Brother

by Shae'r (not verified) on

As Though Infinity was a A Step Away ..
Never Questioning Its Existence ..
Embracing My Humanity With The Dignity That It Deserves ..
Remebering That Childhood Is Indeed But a Spell ..
O' Brother, My Brother ..
Forgive My Transgressions ..
In the Moment of Insanity ..
Bereft of all Humanity ..
Naked As A Monster ..
Arising From Depths ..
In Conclusion,
Remember That As A Man ..
You embody All That Is Good In "Creation" ..
That if You were God Himself ..
Not Much Can Be Added ..