قورت دادن چلو کباب نیم متری


قورت دادن چلو کباب نیم متری
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

کمونیست‌های قدیمی حنجره‌های قوی و حلقوم‌های عمیقی داشتند، و ظاهراً همچنان دارند. اون موقع، کیر خر استالین رو قورت میدادند و میگفتن، "خلال دندونه". کیلو کیلو سنده کره شمالی رو میخوردند و میگفتند، "خاصیت داره". خواهر و مادرشون رو دراز میکردند زیر دست و پای انور خوجه و میفرمودند که "ثواب کردیم".

اما قورت دادن چلوکباب نیم متری خوارکسده‌ترین حکومت فاشیستی، دولت آدمکش و متجاوز، و سربازان گمنام امام شکنجه گران ... دیگه حسابی‌ ایول داره!

حاجی لنین داره تو مقبره بلورین وسط میدون سرخ مسکو مثل بید بخودش میلرزه. اونم تو گرمای چهل درجه تابستون. از اون دنیا تلگراف میزنه که، "رفیق عزیز، رفیقه محترمه ... تو که حتی نماز نمیخونی ... تو که اصلا حجاب نداری ... تو که میگی‌ مذهب افیون توده‌ها است... آخه به چه مناسبتی کاسه گدایی ورداشتی، دستمال یزدی واکس زدی، شکمتو گریس آلمانی‌ مالیدی ... که بری زیارت رفیق احمدی نژاد؟"

جنده‌های سیفلیسی شهر نو به تو شرف دارند، که دنبال اون بلیط‌های مفت موس موس کردی و خودت رو فروختی به یه مشت آدم کش حرفه ای.

خر مگسی که از سنده سگ‌ تو خلأ تپیده یک یهودی اسراییلی ارتزاق میکنه، به صد تا مثل تو "تحصیل کرده" خود فروخته، خایه مال تروریست‌های اسلامی، کیسه کش ضد بشر‌ترین ایدئولوژی تاریخ ... شرف داره!

هنوز یه سال نشده که این مادر قحبه‌ها مردم رو تو خیابون به گلوله بستند ... هنوز یه سال نشده که با باتون به بچه‌های مردم تجاوز کردند .... هنوز هزاران هزار نفر تو زندون‌های این شکنجه گران پلید دارند جون میدند ... تو بدو بدو رفتی‌ که بلیط مفت، هتل مفت و کباب مفت بخوری؟


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more from Shazde Asdola Mirza

Nicely done shanzdeh

by Onlyiran on

These commie leftovers are whores to whoever wants to screw Iran.  First they were USSR's whores and did its bidding, and now they're mullahs' whores.  And BTW, you won't find a bigger collection of them under one roof than you would at a CASMII meeting. :-))

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ضمن تشکر از دوستان

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Divaneh: you are such a great asset for this site, please keep your lovely pieces coming.

Majid khan: it's amazing how you can see all the way to FarahZaad, just by looking at the F.

Redwine dear: our truely noble Prince of Persia; your words are simply too much for my nothingness. Have fun in Paris and say hello for me to all the beautiful girls of that city of light.

Ebi jaan: great joke. One good thing is that it's ReUsable. We can simply replace Stalin with the name of so many other maniacs, like Mao, Kim Il Jung, Pol Pot, Edi Amin, Saddam, Hilter, Anvar Khojeh, Chaochesceu, Mugabe ...

MPD: thanks for your kind note.

Anonymous: you can perhaps give the commies some more credit!

Souri khanom: yes, power is the ultimate attraction, but then again, money can bring power too.


They do it for the power!

by Souri on

They don't do it for the Kabob and free ticket or hotel.....

They do it for the power! These people want the power more than anything, even more than money!

One can do much more things with the power than they can do with  money!

Multiple Personality Disorder

I'm glad you didn't call them names

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

...or else it might have gotten really ugly.


ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on

Stalin is giving a speech at a meeting of the Communist party. As he speaks, someone in the audience sneezes loudly. Stalin stops speaking and says ,Who did it??. Nobody answers, and Stalin says again, louder, WHO DID IT!?. Again nobody dares to speak, so Stalin orders to the guards to take out of the room the first row of listeners and shoot them. After the noise of the shots is heard, Stalin says again: Well, who did it??. Again, no answer. So Stalin orders the guards to take out of the room a second row of people and to shoot them outside. After that, when Stalin asks again his question, a man from one of the back rows rises up and says:  Well, I am sorry comrade Stalin, I did it. Stalin looks at him and says: Ah, yes comrade, bless you.!!

Ebi aka Haaji


Almost all the problems in

by benross on

Almost all the problems in Iran can be traced to three groups

Those three groups had at least a defined goal. You missed the mother of all filth, the mother of all demagogues, the mother of IRI, Mossadeghists.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

شازده جان،قربانَت گردم.. اشهد بِالله به ‌نمکی که قرار است با هم بخُوریمْ قسم که مطلب شما را چند بار خواندیم و لذّت بردیم.وَالله که حضرتِ عالی‌ در مِداد و َسواد..هم ساحِرید و هم ماهِر !

خلاصه که مَلِک المُلوک کلامید و معلمِ اخلاق ! ما که از خواندن نوشته‌های شما خسته نمیشویم.

الهی که درد‌های همه ما دَوا ،وام‌های ما اَدا و کامهایمان رَوا گردد.

پاینده باشید.

شرابِ قرمز . . .







یه چیزی بگو که بهشون بر بخوره، اینارو که هر روز میشنون و قلقلکشون هم میاد!

اون جملهء آخری «لوتوس» خیلی بجا بود.......(-:



Raging bull

by divaneh on

Givem some Shazde. You are right, opportunists are the worst boggers.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear Hoshang, Faramarz and Azarin

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Your support is much appreciated.

These guys are all over this site: first page, second page, blogs, articles, news, comments ... etc etc. They are sitting here 24/7 and write and write and write ... non-stop!

Fools like me don't have much free time. To have impact, we need to use a stronger language. I actually feel that my language is closer to their filthy reality. I get disgusted by looking at their rosy pages, articles and books in support of the Mother of All Filths = the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Their numerous and illustrious writings are like a bed of beautiful looking flowers covering a rotten, dirty and smelly lagoon, which is filled with the corpses of thousands of tortured souls.

Hey, come to think of it, one of them actually calls herself that - the lotus!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

توضیح لازم برای دوستانی که ۸ ساله ایرون نرفتند

Shazde Asdola Mirza

The 0.5 meter Kebab actually exists!

It became all the rage in Tehran some 7 years ago, when a famous kebab-house started it. Since then, the "metric" version of Kebab has gained so much momentum, that even I have seen (and yes eaten) all lenghts of kebabs ... Nim-Merti, Yek-Metri and even Do-Metri. 

Azarin Sadegh

Well said

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Sam, I am usually against the use of profanity to convey a message...but the subject of your blog is an exception! Because it seems that this language is the only language that the leftists/ pro IRI/political "whores"/and "mozdoors" would understand!

Bravo! Great blog!



شازده جان صفا کردم


تا حالا اینهمه فحش با حال و آبدار رو تو یک مقاله کوتاه ندیده بودم! آخر هفته ای شادمون کردی!

Anahid Hojjati

Shazde, no real chap would support AN

by Anahid Hojjati on

Anyone who claims is communist/chap/etc. and supports AN is an idiot.

Hoshang Targol

شازده جون

Hoshang Targol

شازده جون زیاد به این ارازل و اوباش فکر نکن که واقعا ارزششو ندارن. اون هم از طرف تو ، ناسلامتی یک کشور ایرانه  و دو تا شازده : یکی خود عزیزیت ، یکی هم  اون یکی  شازده  ، "احتجاب!" اما ، از این" توصیه " به خونسردی که بگذریم ، واقعا گل گفتی ، یه کم شاید عصبانی ، ولی اصل مطلب را رسوندی. تمام اون ات اشغال های را هم که ذکر کردی ( از عمو یوسف، تا انور) باز هم گل گفتی. به قول"  صمد بهرنگی ":  چوخ بختیار به دنیا  میان، و بد تر از چوخ بختیار از دنیا میرن.


(Royal dictators 49.5%)+(Communists 1%)+(Islamists 49.5%) = 100%

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks dear Hamsadeh Ghadimi and Souri

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

HG jan: you are very right in your analysis.

Souri khanom, I personally try to:

1. Expose the warmongering behavior of Ahmadi's faction;

2. Make a clear stand against any terrorist behavior in the middle east, towards either the Arabs or the Israelis;

3. Mock the stupidity of the Islamist crazy ideas, which they are trying to forcefully inject into the people's minds;

4. Hope for an open society in Iran, where people of all faiths and ideals can live in a democratic and western style environment. It will not be paradise, like it is not paradise even in Europe or America, BUT it is the best system that humans have so far been able to create!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

آناهید خانم

Shazde Asdola Mirza

شما درست میگید، ولی‌ لطفا توجه کنید که بخاطر چند مساله، حالا دست چپی‌ها هم در ایران بر سر دو راهی‌ هستند.

۱. مثل اول انقلاب، اسلامی‌ها به دردسر افتاده اند و دارند فریاد "بیایید به حزب‌ا‌لله بپیوندید" سر میدهند.

۲. بیشتر چپی‌ها دارند دوباره خر میشوند و بخاطر غریزه ضدّ غربی شان، به سمت احمدی نژاد میروند.

۳. جهت حرکت جناح احمدی نژاد بسمت تشدید دیکتاتوری و جنگ مسلحانه با آمریکا و اسرائیل است؛ که مثل دهه ۱۹۸۰ میتواند دوباره ایران را به خاک و خون بکشد!



Dear Shazdeh

by Souri on

You have presented an almost accurate analysis of the Iran's political history. Right, but let now focus on the future:

What is the Solution now?

Do you have any suggestion?

Anahid Hojjati

let's concentrate on those who are relevant for today's Iran.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Just becuause someone years ago was Communist, you cannot assume that they will always be communist.  Same with other ideologies. These days, I like groups that I know how they were formed and I see their tireless work against IRI. One such group where many of Iranian.com writers are member of it is :International Iranian Council (IIC). As far as other groups, let's concentrate on those who are relevant for today's Iran.

hamsade ghadimi

thanks for your thoughtful

by hamsade ghadimi on

thanks for your thoughtful and educational blog shazdeh!  your blog is actually universal once we take out a few communist references.  for whatever ideology (or lack of) for which these mozdoors participated, there is a common thread among them.  they're selfish greedy bastards and feel no emotions to the plight of iranians in iran.  absolutely none.  they are morally autistic and may never be cured.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سوری خانم - با سلام مجدد

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Almost all the problems in Iran can be traced to three groups:

1. Royal dictators, who treated the country as their own property, brutalized the people and mostly perished due to their own stupidity and arrogance.

2. Communists, who brought the ideological basis of a Closed Society, in war with the democratic and open West, to Iran. They too perished for their blind obedience to the Eastern block dictatorships.   

3. Islamists, whose brain was filled with strange and delusional concepts of Jihad, forceful religious domination and global war with the infidels (whoever is not like them). They are also in the process of dying out, but I am not sure if Iran will have a chance to revive after all these waves and waves of stupidity and brutality.


I understand your anger....

by Souri on

But blaming the Communists/Communism for what a bunch of mozdour do, is like blaming all the Iranians for what happened in Iran during the last year's elections!

You must figure out that sometimes, it takes a very long while to recognize the true nature of some people! Those people whom we call the "Opportunists" are sometimes less clever and show their own truth very soon. But sometimes it takes more time for us to know their true color! Those people  first stick to any rebellious movement  to get some social credibility, then when they got a certain celebrity, they will act in their own interests, more obviously.

I must also add another fact here:
Not because someone was a communist at a time, that they will (or must) stay always a communist! I, for one, was a communist some thirty years ago, but I am no more. At least I don't practice that theory in my everyday life....Therefore you mustn't blame the Communism for each of my wrong doings now.
The past, is past!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سوری خانم

Shazde Asdola Mirza

It is not about any specific person, but rather a group of movements, which is actively supporting and white washing a lot of inhumane behavior, mostly under the left-of-centre banners and slogans.

Those movements have consistently supported Edi Amin of Uganda, Saddam of Iraq and Ghadafi of Libya. Now it is the time for giving credibility to the likes of Mugabe of Zim, Hamas of Gaza and Ahmadi of IRI.



by Souri on

Enghadr khodetouno narahat nafarmaeed, vaseh slamati shoma khoub nist!

Ardeshir Omaani, is not a communist! Years ago, he and his wife have sold themselves.....
Haven't you read the open letter they had sent to UN, last year?
You need to make yourself up to date, by informing yourself a little bit more about the people's history.