Stuff Iranians Like


Stuff Iranians Like
by Sanaz Raji

At the moment I am severely procrastinating. I should be writing a methodology chapter due for this coming Monday, but instead I am web surfing. Bad, Sanaz, bad. My research at the moment is on the Iranian diaspora online and how satire is used to as a vehicle to discuss issues of gender and sexuality. However, like any research project, one has to through the gruelling bits, and for me, methodology is one of them. Through my virtual travels, I found this site: Stuff Iranians Like (SIL)


SIL is very much akin to the well-known blog, Stuff White People LIke (SWPL), which pokes fun of white, liberal middle-class habits. As some of you may know, blog posts from SWPL were collated and turned into the NY Times best-selling book by the same name:


Since the birth of SWPL, there have been a plethora of blogs devoted to poking fun of their ethnicity/race's habits. A few that come to mine are the following:

Stuff Asian People Like:


Stuff Educated Black People Like:


Stuff Arabs Like:


On a completely random note, has anyone seen this blog, Ugly Persian Houses?


Thought I'd share with the rest of you and see what you think about this sort of material? By Sunday night, I'll be a grumpy, sleep-deprived, with Don King hair researcher, pulling a face similar to the miaow, miaow up above. Lets hope it doesn't get that bad.




more from Sanaz Raji

Sanaz: He is actually doing

by vildemose on

Sanaz: He is actually doing a great job. It was very intriguing video on so many levels. Thanks for sharing.

Sanaz Raji

Thanks for the feedback...

by Sanaz Raji on

Anahid jan, thanks for the links. I will definitely check them out. 

@Asadabad, glad you liked EBP- it's a good one!

@Vildemose, the narcissism post on SIL is pretty hilarious, but I think this one takes the cake:


The guy on the crutches breakdancing kills me ;-) 


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Sanaz, check some blogs in this site

by Anahid Hojjati on


Sanaz, These are couple links to blogs that seem to fall into your research area. Also check other blogs from the same writer in 2009:




Excellent find

by vildemose on



by asadabad on

That was a good laugh.  The link for stuff educated black people like was hilarious!

