حاجي بودا


حاجي بودا
by Red Wine

تا به چشم خودم نميديدم, باور نميكردم... بله ... خودشه... خوده خودشه ... خوده حاجيه !!!


اين اقا, يكي از بستگان دور هست از طرف خانمش با ما. پانزده سالي ميشه كه دار و ندارش رو فروخت با زن و بچه مهاجرت كرد به امريكا.

تا اونجايي كه من ميدونم,  اين بابا تا چند سال پيش نماز و روزش قطع نميشد. حتا سياه پو شيدنش در محرم و سينه زدنش واسه علي ! زماني كه در ايران بود هنوز ,  چند بار مكه و مشهد هم رفته بوده وكلي حال ميكرد وقتي حاجي يا حاجي مشتي صداش ميكردي.


اينجور كه دستگيرم شد , داستان اينجوري بوده كه چند وقت بعد يازده سپتامبر , ايشون خانمي رو ميشناسه كه وابسته به انجمني بوده كه بودائيسم رو تبليغ ميكرده.

اين خانم,حاجي ما رو به صرف غذاي هندي به يك رستوران دعوت ميكنه و حاجي ما شيك و پيك ميكنه و ميره اونجا.

از قضا در اونجا حسابي مخ حاجي رو توي هونگ ميكوبونند و از حاجي ميخوان كه زن و بچه هاش رو هم دفعه بعد بياره.

زن حاجي كه هنوز رو ميگيره از غريبه ها , راضي نميشه كه بره ولي بچه هاي حاجي باباشون رو همراهي ميكنند و بعد از چند وقت , انگار نه انگار كه مسلمون بودن و شيعه اثنا اشعري !!!


خلاصه كه حاجي كلي عوض شده و ديگه اوني نيست كه قبلن بوده.

خانمش جدا از اون, توي اطاق ديگه ميخوابه و ظرف غذاش با بقيه فرق ميكنه.اونها هم ديگه كلي شدن مثل هنديها !!! لباس پوشيدنشون , غذا خوردنشون ,  رفت و اومدنشون و خلاصه همه چيزاشون !!!

چند وقت پيش به هند هم سفر كردند و حتمن ارزوي ديدن تبت رو هم دارن.


نميدونم بخندم و يا انگشت حيرت در دهان مباركم فرو ببرم !

خبرش رو داشتم كه خيلي از هموطنان ما, بهائي شدن و يا مسيحي ! بعضي ها هم زرتشتي شدن و يا از بيخ مذهب رو گذاشتن كنار و بعضي ديگر بي خدا شدن ولي اينجوريش رو ديگه نديده بودم.


نمي تونم به يك نتيجه درست و كامل برسم چونكه خودم نظر مساعدي نسبت به مذهب ندارم.

مذهب رو جزو بزرگترين خطاي بشر ميدونم . مذهب باني قتل و كشتار هست و هيچ كدامشون , هيچ وقت به انسان كمك نكرده و نخواهد كرد.


از چاله به چاه پريدن ... اينم شد زندگي ؟


more from Red Wine


by comments on

(a) I remember two words from your recent comments: "Badbakhti" and "Avaregi".  Avaregi is for someone who sleeps on the street all night.  Badbakhti can't be for someone who has a chance to take time and communicate on the internet.  Or, watch the Oscar carefully and comment.  Or, choosing Redwine as his user name.  I think the use of the expression of badbakhti makes us feel badbakht.  If you kindly remove these words from your dictionatry, you will never feel that way.

(b) If you really like to go to Iran and you are not allowed to, why don't you go illegally and spend sometimes there?  You will realized what kind of hell Iran has become.  You will realize how Persian culture has become.

(c) There are so many things that you could do.  Instead of spending time on the computer I would have gone to a cooking class or something more exciting.

 Love you:)  

Nazanin karvar

جولیا رابرتز

Nazanin karvar

جولیا رابرتز عزیز هم هندو شدن و آرامش رو در هندویسم دیدن. 

برای من اصلا عجیب نیست. کاملا میتونم درک کنم،  

Maryam Hojjat

Red Win Jan!

by Maryam Hojjat on

I agree with you regarding your feeling about religions. 

Superstitions part of all religions as I went through being a traditional moslem to became a Christian.  After all I learnt to get rid of all garbages named religions.  Now, I believe "you know GOD when you know yourself".



nice one

by IRANdokht on

the blog aside....

I just loved that picture!!!





by Live From Tehran (not verified) on

Mrs: Souri the fanaticism comes from religion..This is the definition of it: Fanaticism is an emotion of being filled with excessive, uncritical zeal, particularly for an extreme religious or political cause, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject".DAAAA.. Anyway, the religion is nothing but to discriminate. A divisive method to build walls and to force us to be further apart.

Religion is a poison to humanity...

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Dear Souri jan,First,is very nice to see you in my blog .

I know Moharram is for Hossein and Ramazan is for Ali, there i just forgot to put a ',' ,nothing else :=) .

Souri jan,i am tired, i wanna go back to Iran... i don't anymore to believe something or not,i am just mad, and sad... maybe is not good to blame just religion but i need to find the reason all of our 'bad bakhti' .

Thank you again for reading me and God bless you :=) .


dear Redwine

by Souri on

Moharram and sineh zani is all about Imam Hossein, not Ali !!

You just proved that you said the truth about not loving the religion:O) Imam Ali's shahadat was in Ramadan, dear !! No one do the sineh zani for him.

About Buddhism, I can say I like it compared to other religions. I don't know what's Haji's motivation, but personally I did some study about this religion and can say it is very pure and spiritual. They talk about Karma and the past and present. At least they are not violent and don't order to kill all others who don't believe in them. When I was young student in France, I had an Indian friend who bring me to their temple a few times. I saw their ritual dancing and also I ate good food !! All vegetarian, mostly with the nuts and milk ...etc etc.

I do agree with you partially. I don't think religion is a bad thing for man, what is destructive is not religion, but the fanatism. Fanatism is a very bad and distractive quality, being about religion, nationality, culture, race,....anything. This is not the religion which has damaged the humanity but the fanatism which flows from it.